Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha and I have no money anyway so please don't sue me.

A Glimpse Ahead

Ch 1


Kagome watched helplessly as he bow was snapped in half by the youkai in front of her. It was only she and Inuyasha fighting this new minion of Naraku's and now she had lost her only weapon. She found herself wishing, for the hundredth time, that Sango and Miroku were there but they were checking out shard rumors in another village. The youkai they were fighting wasn't like anything they had ever seen before. It had a long tail, two arms and legs (with claws), and fangs like a spider.

She heard Inuyasha call her name and looked up in time to see the giant tail coming towards her. She prepared for the coming blow. However, instead of hitting her the tail wrapped around her, squeezing her to the point that she felt some of her ribs crack. It then positioned itself so that she would be able to see the rest of the battle between the youkai and Inuyasha. As she watched it became more apparent that the new youkai had the upperhand. Inuyasha took blow after blow, receiving serious injury. Kagome watched Inuyasha take a particularly bad blow and fall unconscious. Kagome screamed as she saw the youkai preparing for the final blow. Just when she was sure she was about to witness Inuyasha's death, Kagome noticed something hit the youkai's head and the youkai was vaporized, dropping her in the process.

Kagome quickly stood up; ignoring the pain in her sides and ran to the fallen Inuyasha. She called out to him and received no reaction in return. "Inuyasha! Please wake up. You have to wake up. Open your eyes. Look at me." Kagome jerked her head up as she felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned to find a girl about her own age looking back at her. The girl was dressed in what appeared to be navy blue tank top and shorts with a red haori over it. The haori was tied with a yellow sash and she had on lighter boots and wrist guards on. She had steel gray eyes and silvery hair. She was still clutching her bow and had a sword at her side.

The girl looked over at Inuyasha, "We really shouldn't move him in this condition. And you're hurt too, aren't you, Kagome? But I have an idea. You have some miko powers, right? Well so do I. If we combine our powers we can probably create a barrier around the three of us until he can travel."

"It sounds reasonable but who are you? And how do you know my name?"

The girl gave a small laugh, "My name is Ritsuko. I grew up not too far from here. I know a lot about you and Inuyasha here, as well as your other companions. And to prove that you can trust me." The girl walked over and picked up a jewel shard from the demon. Kagome watched as Ritsuko purified the shard and handed it over. "I wouldn't be able to do that if I was untrustworthy now would I unless I was Kikyou in her walking corpse form, which I'm obviously not. I know that you don't fully trust her.

"That still doesn't explain why you know so much about us," Kagome pointed out.

This time Ritsuko laughed out loud, "Well you all are kind of legendary. And my father loves to tell stories of your adventures. I probably know more about all of you than you know about each other. Maybe even more than you know about yourselves at this point."

Being mildly satisfied with the newcomer's explanation, Kagome turned her attention back to Inuyasha. He hadn't even stirred yet. Kagome was really starting to get worried. These were the worst injuries she'd ever seen him with. She turned back to Ritsuko, "Do you think he's going to be okay?"

Ritsuko glanced at Inuyasha then looked at Kagome and said, "His wounds are very serious, even for a hanyou. But I believe that if you stay by his side he might have a chance."

"Might?!" shrieked Kagome, "Isn't there any way to guarantee that he'll be all right?"

"Well, there is," Ritsuko said, "but it is not something most humans are capable of and those that are don't usually want to. With your miko powers I believe that you could do it. But it will hurt you like hell."

"What is it?" Kagome asked.

"My father told me of a spell in which one can split a person's injuries and take on half the severity of another's wounds. With injuries half this severe he would be able to heal in no time. However, to take that upon yourself would be crazy. You would most likely survive such wounds but your recovery would be long, slow, and painful."

That was enough for Kagome to decide. It didn't matter what kind of pain she endured, she would not leave Inuyasha's life to chance. As soon as she made her decision, Kagome heard a voice inside her telling her what she would have to do to complete the spell.