Chapter Two: Unleashed

The slayer batted away the oncoming saber thrust to his chest, only to jump back from a high kick to the face. No sooner had he landed a safe distance from the Winters's blade had Ironwood started shooting at him with his pistol. His very powerful pistol.

He took a quick glance at the armor on his forearm where a few small but noticeable dents could be seen. A result of the earlier mentioned firearm. With fire inbound the slayer had to dive to the side and role. Once he'd sprang up to his feet he spun around and blocked Winters's saber with his forearm.

He had blocked all manner of attacks with his glove covered hands. Punches, bullets, slashes, kicks, and stabs. He didn't catch all of them though, as his opponents were pretty fast. At this point he was doing more running and dodging than actually stopping their attacks. Not that there was anything wrong with that, it was just he wanted to get this fight over with already.

The slayer hadn't expected to finish this fight relatively fast, but these two were better than he'd first thought. Whenever he pushed back Winter, Ironwood would fire that damn pistol at him, forcing him to run, which ultimately always ended up leading him where Winter was going or already waiting for him. They were an effective pair, their teamwork well planned and executed. There was no doubt in the slayer's mind that these two were top tier soldiers.

Then again he was a great soldier in his own right, and he wasn't fighting them completely seriously for that matter. At this rate though he just might have to get serious unless he let them waste time till reinforcements for them came along. He wasn't interested in fighting these two, or anyone from this place. He just needed to get past them to exit this place so he could go on and get to his job. And he wasn't about to let anything stand in his way.

After all, he hadn't survived forcing his way through the bowels of Hell time and again just to be stopped now.

His purpose wasn't finished yet. Not even close.

With a roll of the shoulders, the slayer reached behind him and drew his pistol from his backpack. He ran as he started peppering the two of them with multiple energy blasts. Ironwood and Winter scattered from the shots, deflecting the few that got too close. The blasts were too weak to serve any real damage alone, but the sheer number of them coming with almost no end in sight was troubling to them both.

'How can such a small weapon have so much ammunition?' Ironwood wondered.

The slayer ran at Winter, switching his pistol out for his shotgun. He leaped at her, unloading a few rounds simultaneously. Winter backed away as she deflected some shots with her sword. She hadn't expected this sudden and violent aggressive change in tactics. It was like this man was out of his mind!

He continued to push her back as he shot at her, switching from explosive shots to charged bursts and back. Winter was feeling the heat, and so started using her glyphs. She dashed from side to side, avoiding his shots much easier. Then she shot herself at the slayer with her glyphs, using tremendous speed to try to take him out.

The slayer was surprised how fast she had gotten all of a sudden, but he had dealt with opponents who could basically teleport from one side of a large chamber to the other in the blink of an eye. He switched out his shotgun for his chainsaw, and met her charge head on blocking her blade.

The collision force from her speed sent him back a few feet, but he dug in his heels and came to a stop rather quickly, leaving a small trail where his feet had dug into the ground. Their weapons locked, sparks flying as the chain on his chainsaw ran. He wasted no time, not wanting Ironwood to make use of any advantages.

The slayer raised his leg and kicked Winter in the gut sending her back. Before she got far he grabbed her arm and drew her in for a headbutt before releasing her and took a step back. Winter staggered back a bit, dazed from the connection to his helmeted heads, but he wasn't done with her yet. The slayer quickly put away his chainsaw, grabbed her by the elbow and pulled her in, slamming his forearm into her face. Then he took her by the arm, turned around with her to his back, and threw her over his shoulder.

Winter flew over to the farthest wall about a good thirty feet away from the Slayer. With a loud resounding bang she collided with the metal wall, sliding to the floor limp. over

"Winter!" Ironwood shouted as he ran to his subordinate's side.

He knelt down next to her. She was conscious and save for a minor cut on her head that was bleeding she wasn't too hurt thanks to her Aura. After checked her condition, he determined that she wasn't in any immediate danger. She looked at him and gave him a weak, embarrassed smile. "Sorry, General. I let my guard down."

"Don't worry about it." He glanced at the Slayer, who was watching them silently. "Stay here. I'll handle this vagabond." Ironwood stood up, turning to the silent slayer. "You'll regret doing that to my subordinate."

He had been looking for an exist with his eyes hidden behind the helmet, paying them no mind when Ironwood spoke. The slayer didn't respond, just drew his shotgun and shifted his feet. The two stood still as stone. The air was full of tension, and if it weren't for the alarms still blaring it'd be deathly quiet.

Then the slayer made the first move.

He sent a volley of explosive shotgun shots at Ironwood, taking a large leap back as he did so. Ironwood charged after him, dodging the shots and shooting them out of the air as he advanced. The Slayer changed to the charged burst function and started charging at Ironwood.

The two exchanged shots and dodged the others as they neared. Once they were at arm distance they locked in a mix of close quarters and point blank shooting. Each exchanged kicks and punches, as well as closely avoided shots from the other's respective weapons. Then the slayer ended it with a solid kick to Ironwood's chest, sending him back several feet.

The duo looked at each other from a distance, gauging the other. They were both close to being halfway at their limits, and neither of them had used their trump cards yet. This fight was close to ending, and they both new it.

The only question was who was going to end it and come up on top?

Ironwood took initiative this time and went into a jog. The slayer mirrored him. Soon they both sped up till they were full on sprinting towards each other, two masses of strength and adrenaline hurdling towards each other towards collision. The slayer leaped up, drawing his chainsaw and swung it at Ironwood. Ironwood in turn ducked under the chainsaw and the slayer, shooting up at him with his pistol. The slayer was hit but shook off the blow as he landed from his jump into a roll and spun around.

Ironwood spun and dug his right hand into the ground, stopping himself. The slayer charged again, preparing his chainsaw for a slash. Ironwood stood his ground, shooting at the slayer. The slayer dodged them and managed to get right in front of Ironwood. He swung the chainsaw one handed, which Ironwood closely avoiding ducking under it.

The the slayer brought his free hand to punch Ironwood, who calmly stopped it with his right hand. Ironwood then shot a blast at the marine's feet, causing a small explosion which unbalanced the slayer. Ironwood then swung the slayer around by the arm, slamming him into the ground on his back, the held him up so his back was to him.

Ironwood then placed his pistol right on the slayer's shoulder, and pulled the trigger. The sound of the gun shot rang through the halls, followed by silence.

A person hidden in deep shadows observed the fight carefully with a calculating eye.

Above a desk was a holographic screen, showing the skirmish between the intruder and the two Atlesians. When the General caught the intruder in a hold, and shot him in the shoulder, the person clenched their hands. The intruder fell to their knees, holding their wound. Another screen showed a squad of Elite Guards approaching towards the intruder and the General. The person leaned back in their chair, letting out a low irritated hum.

"Seems my mutual ally is in peril and in need of my assistance." they said, sounding mildly irritated. "Must I always take matters into my own hands? But then again, if you want something done right, you have to do it yourself."

They leaned forward and reached out a hand, taking their time as they pressed a few buttons. Once the command had been imputed, a warning message appeared, asking for confirmation and a code. Once that was done the warning disappeared, replaced by an sign labeled 'affirmative.'

Leaning back again in their chair, they interlocked their fingers. Resting their chin on said hands, they resumed watching the holo-screen.

"I can only do so much at the moment, my angry friend. Do not squander what assistance I can give you. It'd be such a waste of both of our time and efforts. And I am not a man to waste such valuable and limited things."

The slayer fell to his knees, holding his arm where it was shot. He hadn't been expecting that maneuver from this man, nor for him to be that strong. Holding back now seemed to have been the wrong choice.

Winter had recovered mostly at this point, and walked over to stand by her superior. "Fine work General Ironwood. I'd expect no less."

"Save the flattery, Winter. Focus on the task at hand, this isn't finished yet." Ironwood said, pointing his pistol at the Slayer."You're intrusion and senseless destruction ends here."

"Surrender." Winter said. "It's over, just give up."

Hearing those last words caused images and sounds to flash in the slayer's head. Screams and roars, red burning eyes and sharp gnashing teeth. His head wall filled with a cold echoing laugh. His mind was plagued by images of a large spider-like monstrosity. Atop four mechanical legs sat a large exposed brain with tiny arms and a demonic face. It's red eyes glowed menacingly and its fang filled mouth was curled up in a snarl.

It's demonic voice rang in his head, mocking and gloating at him.

"So, you are the one who's been causing so much trouble for my brethren. I must say, after hearing all the stories of your rampage across our realm, you're quiet underwhelming in the flesh. It's quiet disappointing really. I was quite looking forward to facing off against the mighty 'Doom Slayer.' "

It laughed, the sound echoing and reverberating in his skull.

"Though I must admit, you being the last of Night Sentinels, and the very last of your kind, I will grant you one boon. You'll have a quick death, unlike the rest of your people. Think of it as a reward for surviving this long and being such a painful thorn in our side."

It laughed again.

"Your meddling ends here, Slayer. No more shall you be a hindrance to our plans. You're all alone with no one to save you. It's the end of the line for you."

Red glowing, beady eyes staring at him, burning with hate and triumph. A bright laser blasting at him. It's cold, resounding cackle echoing so loudly.

"It's over for you. Just give up."

The memory angered him, reminding him why he fought and why he had to press on. He turned his head to look up at Ironwood. Just before he could think to get up and attack him, a roar split the air. All three of them looked up to see something fall from a upper level. Covered in all black fur with white bone-like protrusions coming out of it, was a bipedal wolf with a white mask and glowing red eyes.

It threw its elongated muzzle back and howled. He turned to the trip and bared its fangs and claws, preparing to attack.

'How the hell did a Alpha Beowulf get in here?' Winter wondered, alarmed.

Looking at the monster, the slayer found it was familiar to him somehow, but he couldn't quiet put his trigger happy finger on it. Remembering where he'd seen it before or not aside, seeing the creature now caused him to become more angry. He didn't know why, for he was sure it wasn't a demon exactly, but it was certainly demonic enough that it didn't matter to him.

With a roar that was almost inhuman, he got up and charged the monster. It lunged back at him in turn, claws extended towards him. Rolling under it's attack, the slayer popped back up, grabbing it's leg and pulling it towards him and up. Once it was in place he slammed his fist right into its muzzle.

Bone, tissue, and all succumbed to the mighty force that was his fist. What remained of it's head was an imploded mess. As it disintegrated into black mist, he felt his wounds hurt less. Looking at himself, he saw that a mist like red energy that turned blue as it neared him, was being absorbed into his suit. He was healing, and not after killing a demon as the suit was supposed to be designed to do.

Winter and Ironwood could only stare in shock at what they had just witnessed. They had seen this man fight viciously, but what he demonstrated while facing that Beowulf was straight horrific. One punch to the face and it was basically like watching a wall meet the business side of a sledge hammer! And the glowing suit and healing was another matter altogether.

'How is he healing from his injuries so fast? And what is that glow?' Winter thought.

'Is that his aura? Or his semblance?' Ironwood followed a similar train of thought as his subordinate.

The slayer was deep in thought himself, looking down at his hands. How was he healing? That was only supposed to happen after he kill demons, and that creature was no demon he'd ever seen before.

The sound of many heavy booted footsteps forced the slayer to push the strange healing anomaly aside. He needed to escape from this place. A loud hiss and metallic clank drew his attention. A large blast door was slowly opening, revealing a snowing ice covered landscape.

The exit!

Without a second thought he bolted straight into a sprint and ran for the exit. He heard hot pursuit behind him, so quickly drew his rocket launcher and turned around, unloading a few rounds up in the air. Debris fell to the ground and yells were soon followed by the explosions from the rockets.

Satisfied that no one would dare to follow him so soon, he continued his run for the exit, which had begun to close. Pulling off an Indiana Jones style escape from the facility, he continued to run through the frozen snowy tundra that awaited before him.

"He has just now exited the facility." Olivia gulped. "He has escaped."

She looked at the red mist-like apparition before her. It was little more than a rough silhouette of the upper body of a man, but his posture imposed an air of authority. The silhouette shook his head in disapproval.

"You should not have allowed his location to be discovered." He said with a demonic voice. "You have failed us."

"It was not me! Samuel was the one who led them to his tomb. I have done everything in my power to keep him contained, but someone has set him free. I would not be surprised if it was Samuel himself, or someone working alongside h-"

"Enough." The demon interrupted, waving a arm. "Empty apologies and excuses are meaningless. What you must do is hunt him down, and end him before he ruins our plans."

"Y-Yes, of course." Olivia said.

"Go. You have your assignment, carry it out. I will inform our allies of this unfortunate development." With that the apparition faded.

Olivia sat in her chair, pale as a piece of paper. She wiped away sweat beading down her eyes from her brow. Resting her chin in her hands, she went into thought.

'I'll most likely have to send a good portion of the demons we have here to take him out. I may even have to unleash subject CD587.' She thought bitterly. 'That will put a significant dent in the number of our forces for when we open the gate. But if we get rid of him, it won't matter.'

She was pulled from her thoughts with a knock on her door. "Come in."

A faculty member came in with a holo-clipboard. "Ms. Pierce. I've come with the report of today's events."

"Ugh." She said, rubbing her forehead. "What is the casualty rate?" she asked, dreading the answer.

"About that." The guy sounded and looked confused. "Surprisingly enough, casualties were low. Though collateral damage to the facility is high and several of our men are wounded, everyone is accounted for. Many will be out of commission for months, but none have anything fatal." He put down the holo-clipboard, his expression one of disbelief. "We have a total of zero fatalities."

Olivia looked up at that. 'That is odd.'

"He was causing serious damage on the whole facility, yet no one was killed?' She voiced her thoughts.

"Correct." The guy said. "Our injury rate includes a few scientists, several engineers, dozens of personnel, and almost the entire security division. We are down at least a fifth- almost a fourth- of our entire staff. Luckily, none of our Elite Guards nor any desk and faculty staff were injured, so there's that."

Olivia sighed. Things weren't perfect, but there were far better than she had first feared.

"Thank you. If that is all, you are dismissed." She waved a hand tired at him.

As the faculty member left, Ironwood and Winter entered. Winter had some bandages wrapped around her head, but other than that, neither of them looked worse for wear.

"I'm terribly sorry that you had to get wrapped up in this little nuisance." Olivia said. "How are you feeling, Ms. Schnee?"

"I'll be fine, just a bit of rest and some time to allow my aura to heal me. Thank you." Winter replied.

"Good." Olivia said.

"Now, could you perhaps tell us what that was all about?" Ironwood asked.

"I'm afraid I don't know. Or at least know exactly everything." Olivia began her lie, standing up. "As you know, we are a private organization, and are relatively new. We haven't made our prescience too well known to the world as we have waited till we had something to offer it first. How such an individual such as that savage brute found out about us and managed to enter undetected is beyond me." The look in her eyes hardened. "But I intend to find out, and make him pay for what he has done."

A clap ran through the room, causing all three to turn. The newcomer was an elderly woman with white hair to about her chin, in a white lab coat. Behind her was a six foot tall man with dark green armor with an glowing orange visor. On his back was a battle rifle and strapped to his side was a pistol.

"Well said Olivia. If I was in your position, I couldn't have said better." The woman said

"Who are you?" Winter asked.

"I am Doctor Catherine Halsey, leading scientist of the UNSC and head of their Spartan II program. A super soldier project, if you will."

"The what now?" Ironwood asked.

"I guess you could say we're a sister company to the UAC here. But we're more focused on being a military power, aiming for the protection of the world."

'Another secret organization? Just how many of these are there?' Ironwood wondered. He straightened, putting his hands behind his back. "Well, I'm General Ironwood of the Atlesian army and Headmaster of Atlas Academy." He looked at the armored man next to her. "And who is this?"

"I am aware who you are, General. As for him," she indicated her hand to the armored man. "This is John." Halsey said simply. She then turned to Olivia. "Now, where is Samuel?" she more demanded than asked.

Olivia responded this time. "I told you before, he's been busy, and with the recent attack just minutes ago I don't know where he is Catherine!"

"It seems my arrival was a bit untimely." A deep, thrumming voice said. "The state of the facility is in is quite... vexing, to say the least."

All turned to see a large robotic form walking over towards them. It towered over them all at ten feet tall, its sleek white and grey metal body pristine and shining. "Perhaps if I had come just a tad sooner I could have aided in the capture of the intruder."

"Directer Hayden!" Olivia said, surprised. "I'm glad to see you're alright sir, but where have you been?"

"I had been making my way over to the meeting with the General and his Special Operative after I finished establishing the overall moral of the Elite Guards." Hayden shook his robotic head, somehow conveying annoyance. "You can imagine how irked I was when I heard the alarms go off."

"I'm sorry, Directer. The situation was out of my hands, and I could do nothing." Olivia said.

"Do not fret, Olivia. You did what you could. Now," He turned to Halsey. "I believe you wanted to see me?"

"Indeed, we need to talk." Halsey said. "You have repeatedly been avoiding me and ignoring my requests for assistance. And I have had it up to here with-"

"Fine then." Hayden interrupted, sounding nonchalant. "I'll provide you with what you require."

"W-what?" Halsey said shocked.

"But, I will in turn ask for your assistance." He added. "I want you to help me apprehend this intruder. You as well." he said to Ironwood and Winter. "As he has clearly demonstrated, he is more than capable of a considerable amount of damage on his own. I'm positive I don't have to explain to any of you what kind of a threat this man poses to the rest of Remnant if left alone and unchecked."

Hayden walked over to the window behind Olivia's desk, his footsteps silent save for the hiss and whirring of the mechanics in his legs.

"Why do you need so much help to take this man down?" Winter asked. "Sure, the scale of which he decimated your facility is great, but he can't nearly be as destructive as you're making him out to be. He's just one man!"

"I thought after seeing his power first hand you'd more than understand. This one individual is no mere man." Hayden said. "Believe me when I say that I do not exaggerate. If I say this man a threat to all of Remnant, then you'd best believe it." He said harshly.

"Then what would you have us do?" Ironwood asked.

"I'd advise that you inform your fellow Kingdom leaders and academy Headmaster's of this danger. It'd be a mistake to keep others in the dark of this."

"Alright, fair enough." Ironwood said.

"I also would ask for any possible way to gain information on his whereabouts as much as possible. If we can predict his movements, catching him will ease. And I'd ask for any additional foot and air support you could provide in aiding in his apprehension."

"I'll be the first to say you're starting to go overboard, Samuel." Halsey said.

"I'm not taking any chances, Catherine." He turned again to the window. "Remember, this man is not to be underestimated. Who knows what damage he could cause if he isn't stopped."

"Well, I'll say that you're right to be concerned, but that your precautions won't be necessary. I'll have this brute brought into custody in no time."

Hayden turned to her. "Oh really? And just how exactly do you plan on doing that?"

"Simple. I'll have John go after him." Halsey said simply.

"John?" Hayden turned his head to look at the tall, armored youth.

"Did you honestly fail to notice your own nephew?"

All turned to look at the armored man next to Dr. Halsey.

He saluted. "Hello. Designated name, John Masters. Rank, Master Chief Petty Officer." He introduced himself. "Most people call me Master Chief, but I just prefer to be called John."