He was in a big, cold cave. He knew he was stuck inside and could not see anything, only hear roars and growling of a beast. His body felt sticky and disgusting, he just woke up and felt heavy.

The only thing he could remember was sleeping soundly in his home and having a weird nightmare.

Something about weird blue symbols moving around him and whispering things he didn't understand, trying to control him. He tried to shove them away but they didn't let him go and stuck to his skin. It hurt and burned, but he could not do anything to get rid of them. And here he was, sitting in a dark closed cave, trying to breath slowly, look around and stay calm.

How and why he was there?! he didn't have the answers. But one thing was for sure, He wasn't alone! Something was there with him, he could hear it's heavy breathing and growling. Sanji decided to get closer to it, no matter what that thing was. It was suffering and he was the only one who was there.

So, he got closer to the source of the sound and found it was a huge, beautiful chained down Dragon. No, huge is still a small word for him, he was enormous. His skin tended to the dark green more than the light one in his tail

And it made him feel small compared to the dragon. To Sanji's surprise he wasn't scared of the dragon, and he knew that even if that beast wasn't chained down by his legs, neck and face, Sanji wouldn't have been afraid.

There was something very special and magical about him, almost royal like. He heard about him before, the last one that survived out of his whole species was one green dragon, they call him Zoro. He wasn't sure why, but that's the name that stuck to him. Mostly there were red dragons and very few green ones. He thought that most of them were extinct already. They said the green dragons were strong, proud and dangerous, and their main food was human flesh, but even if it was true, Sanji didn't care.

He pitied him for being held in this dark place all alone. Whoever did this to him also blocked his face by a big metal mask they put on him. So Sanji decided to start from the mask, if he managed to get rid of it then he could feed him more easily. If Zoro won't eat anything soon, Sanji was sure he will die!


A/N: well that took a long time, too long to fix this story. I"m sorry =_= I have no excuses to offer. thank you soo much to my friend that agree to Beta my broken english even for only a short time.