Hi again. Wow its been forever... Sorry about that! Here is a new fic that has nothing to do with Christmas besides being posted on the day!

Disclaimer: I do not own DCMK

Warning: slight depression, hiding true selves, ooc, grammar errors, maybe slight divergence from canon (not sure yet)

Title: Another me by the Cab... has nothing to do with the song though. I was listening to it and I realized the title could work and it was better than the one I had before so boom. there. yes.

Enjoy! (plz)

Kaito sighed as the bell rang signaling the end of the school day. He stood up and began to pack his bags, not noticing as a blushing classmate approached him shyly.

" Umm… Kaito-kun, may I borrow yesterday's notes? I was here yesterday and you take really good notes do I was hoping..." she trailed off, eyes wide and doe-like as she silently begged the teenage magician.

Kaito plastered on a bright smile," sure Kaya-chan. Here you go! Ask me if there is anything you don't understand, okay?" The girl, Kaya, nodded and ran to her friends blushing from head to toes as they began chatting excitedly. Kaito turned, really to get out of school in the fastest way possible (even if it meant jumping out of a third story classroom's window) but, unfortunately, he was stopped by more of his classmates who wished to spend time with the "prince" of Ekoda High.

Yes, Kuroba Kaito is known by the entire school as the prince charming much to his own personal chagrin. However, outwardly, he put up his poker face and smiled energetically at his classmates. For years now he has kept his father's teachings in his heart and hid himself behind his poker face but now, he thought, now it was getting tiring. He no longer held onto that inkling of hope that one day someone will see past his mask and strip him of his defenses. No, time has taught him that people saw what they wanted to see, so, he continued.

"Kuroba, wanna go to the movies?"

"Kaito-san can you show me your new magic trick? The one with the burning flower."

"Kaito-sama can you help me with my studies?"

"Yo Kuroba, let's go to the arcade!"

Kaito smiled brightly at those surrounding him, preparing to give excuses and fake apologies to the best of his ability. However, before he could utter a single word, a loud slam drew the attention of everyone in the room.

Kaito turned to see slim hands holding a rather thick and heavy looking book closed. The owner of those hands who harshly shut the book, interrupting the lively chatter around Kaito was none other than the school's ice prince.

Yes, while Kaito was the prince charming of the school, there was another held the opposite title, one who possessed the same face.

Kudo Shinichi.

Kudo Shinichi was the school's unrivaled ice prince. There was no denying the grace and icy coolness he possessed. His calm and serious sapphire eyes pierced through people and froze them on the spot. His beauty and cold demeanor led to the nickname of the Ice Prince. He held the highest grades in every class (with Kaito a close second) but he tolerated almost no human interactions. A boy who once asked to copy his homework was rumored to have cried for weeks afterwards. And now, the ice prince had directed his frosty gaze towards them.

"Will you shut it. You're making a racket. People cannot concentrate," Shinichi stated bluntly, blue eyes deadly as the surveyed the crowd around Kaito. Kaito watched dumbfounded as his classmates stiffened. Whispers similar to those of, "oh crap, kudo's here," erupted through the crowd before they all simultaneously nodded and ran from the classroom like their lives depended on it.

Shinichi turned towards Kaito and he slammed his poker face down in the face of the frosty gaze. Then, the unexpected happened.

Shinichi smiled.

It was a small smile, barely a twitch, the corners of his mouth lifted briefly before it disappeared but, it was still a smile and Kaito would swear on his life that he saw it.

Shinichi turned away from him and headed out the door. He turned his head backwards to look at Kaito and lazily said, "You know, you can just reject them if you want. Be yourself. No one can fault you for that," there was a pause as Shinichi turned and headed out the door, calling out behind him, "Oh, and don't jump out of the window. This is the third floor and there are rose bushes underneath."

Kaito slumped against the wall by his desk, eyes wide and hands trembling. For the first time, for the first damn time in years, someone saw through his poker face. Kaito thought back to that small, delicate smile and the steely, deep blue eyes.

Just who in the world was Kudo Shinichi.

Kaito felt his own face stretch into a Cheshire cat grin, well, he was going to find out.

Hours later, as Kaito was getting ready to sleep, he realized, Kudo Shinichi helped him get away from the crowd of chattering students. For the first time in years, Kaito went straight home without interruptions.

The door to the rooftop of the school opened soundlessly as Kaito peeked outside in an effort to find a quiet place to eat lunch. His violet eyes widened as he noticed the figure of the ice prince laying on the roof, by the fence, face turned towards the clouds, eyes closed as the soft wind blew through his hair. Smiling, a genuine smile this time, Kaito went to sit by his classmate intent on thanking him for the previous day's events. He had another surprise when he neared the blue-eyed boy. Kudo Shinichi was asleep. Kaito sat down by the sleeping teen automatically, unblinkingly. A small smile played on his lips as he noticed the softened features of the so-called ice prince. It was funny, in sleep, Kudo Shinichi looked nothing like the cold-hearted jerk he was toted as. His sleeping face highlighted his soft features, pink lips, and pale, milky skin, and dark lashes. Unconsciously, Kaito leaned forward to get a better look at the boy. However, in his effort to get a better look he accidentally brushed his arm against the other's hand. Ocean blue eyes sprung open as the owner awoke. Kaito jerked back, startled. Wow, he did not realize how big the other's eyes were. And wow, he was being creepy wasn't he. Kaito blushed a deep red and stuttered as blue eyes zoomed in on him.

"Umm- I- uh- I was- uhhh that was- ah—yes. Hi," he finished smoothly.

Kaito flinched and shut his eyes, anticipating being on the receiving end of one of the other's famous verbal lashings.

Nothing happened.

Kaito slowly cracked one eye open to see a sleepy Shinichi staring at him with wide eyes, head tilted like a puppy, one hand coming up to rub at his right eye. Kaito gaped.

This was Kudo-freaking-Shinichi and he looked like a damn puppy.

Kaito found his blush receding into a light pink as he watched Shinichi slowly wake up and regain his senses. A small part of his brain, probably the sane part, noted that he should run before the other fully woke up and, um, murdered him?

He ignored it. (Sanity was for the weak anyways)

Shinichi yawned, stretching a bit as he came back from the world of the dead.

"Damn," he mumbled, "shouldn't have stayed up all night to read again…"


Didn't he hear something? Was that just him. He was sure her felt something...

"Ano...,"Kaito trailed off uncertainly.

Shinichi stiffened, surprised by the unexpected presence. He turned, startled to see the teen who always wore a poker face sitting near him staring like an idiot.

"What the hell are you doing here, Kuroba-san?"

Yup I'm ending it here for the day. I know where I want the plot to go but I'm iffy on the writing of it so this might take awhile.

This was supposed to be a short one-shotttttttttt... how did I end up here. Oh yea, I thought they needed more time to open up to each other... sighs



I hope you enjoyed this so far!

See you soon!