Death, an interesting choice of subject on Christmas (or day after when this appears on FF). You'll see what I mean.
Chapter One:
Tobias knocked the chair Reid was in to the ground. He began to convulse, he began to die. The suddenly he saw a golden light.
A woman with black hair, wearing a black tank top and jeans appeared. There was ankh around her neck and an Egyptian tattoo under her right eye. She was also wearing sunglasses.
"Your perception of death is bright," she said with a smile.
"Who are you?" Reid asked as he stopped convulsing.
"You know who I am," she said.
"You're exactly how author Neil Gaiman described Death in his series of Sandman comics. You're also based on a real person."
She laughed and flicked down her shades. "I made this bet with my brother, Dream 'the Famous Sandman' that no one could capture the purity of his moody self-loathing and he chose to inspire to Neil Gaiman write down his depiction. I'd say he did a decent job. But not enough to win the bet."
"I don't believe in god or in any higher power," Reid said suddenly.
"Then why do you see a bright light?" she said.
"I don't know," he admitted.
"Well you don't get to find out right now either," she said wagging her finger at him.
"You're not taking me to the next stage?" he asked.
"Nope," she said. "Your time isn't up yet. Tobias is working to revive you as we speak."
"I'm afraid of going back," Reid said. "Why am I afraid?"
"I am the past, present, and future at the same time Spencer," she said. "You're afraid of living to see what pain comes next."
He sighed. "You can't tell me what the future holds because of rules though right?"
"I could but I don't think it would do you any good."
"Can you tell me anything?"
"Focus on the gold light and forget about me. It will change your perspective of things."
"It was nice meeting you, I guess," Reid said.
"We'll meet again," she said. "Good luck with rest of your life Spencer Reid."
She flicked sunglasses back up and waved.
Fourteen years later:
Reid was clearing the corners of a dock house when suddenly the UNSUB came from behind and knocked him out of the window with a heavy fishing rod. He lost consciousness when he hit the water.
He saw the golden light.
"No!" he shouted mentally. "Not now!"
"Hi again," she said appearing in front of the light. She wasn't wearing sunglasses this time. Her hair stuck out in every direction like she was in the water with him.
"Please don't take me," he said desperately. "My wife is pregnant with our second child."
"I know," she said simply.
"Then please don't take me!" he said.
"I don't get to visit the same people more than once often," she said sweetly. "People are afraid of me and I understand why. No one wants to see their life end. I'm just here to take you to the next place."
"This was supposed to be my last case in the field," Reid said. "I promise I won't put myself in harm's way like this again. I promise."
"You do realize you're literally trying to bargain with Death," she said with a touch of humor.
"Is it working?" he asked. "I promise no more field work."
"You can't bargain with what is meant to happen Spencer," she said. "But you know what does work? CPR."
Reid looked and realized he was on the beach. Luke Alvez was pressing on his chest.
He burst into tears. "Thank God!"
"The last time I visited, you said you didn't believe in God."
"I don't have scientific evidence, but I've learned to sometimes to believe in what can't be explained," he said.
"I'll see you later," she said with a wave and was gone.
Twenty-Six Year later:
Reid was close to finishing the last page of the Russian translation of The Hound of Baskervilles in his study. He turned the last page and the book fell from his hands. A golden light appeared and so did she.
"It is finally my time isn't it?" he said simply.
"Third time is the charm for you," she said.
"I've lived a full life," he said. "I'm only sorry to leave Eileen a widow."
"But this what you wanted," she said. "You were afraid of going on without her."
"Yes," he said. "I don't like losing people."
"I know," she said.
Reid stepped out of his body. "I'm afraid yet, I'm not. I don't know what is coming but I do know it is my time."
"Everything you're feeling is natural Spencer," she said.
"Death is a very natural thing," Reid said.
"Take my hand Spencer," she said.
He did as instructed. They walked to the golden light.