Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! Warning: this is not to be taken very seriously. Noctis will be out of character, so be warned. I just think it would be nice to dive into an AU like this. No psycho Empire here, just a sweet story with a few similarities from the game.
Dancing was not something Noctis could do. The intricate movements and close interactions were not something he was accustomed to doing. It was his worst nightmare to be expected to dance.
And his nightmare was about to come true. Lucis was holding some fancy ball to honor his engagement to Lunafreya and some other things he couldn't remember. He was too shell-shocked when the phrase "you will dance with Luna" was uttered by his father. Oh Luna. His beloved Luna who could do no wrong. She didn't deserve him. She deserved better, but by God was he lucky to have her. They were going to be married for the sake of peace in their kingdoms, but he didn't complain once when the announcement was made. The notebook they shared together was used frequently, even though they had options with cellphones. But there was something intimate and special about using the notebook. It was a secret between the two like a scrapbook of memories and proof of how much they trusted each other. Sure they talked on the phone occasionally and they saw each other at least once a month for a date, but the notebook housed all their growth together. And he could ruin all of that by making her unhappy with a dance. This was a recipe for disaster.
Of course, his friends wouldn't sit idly by as he suffered. They were a part of it. Ignis immediately launched a full course of ballroom dancing for him, but stubborn Noctis refused to dance with another woman his age who wasn't Luna. He was loyal to a fault. Well, that's why they had to ask Monica. The woman was almost in tears from laughter, but she eventually sobered up to help him.
Noctis was so tired of hearing the same song over and over again. Monica was more than patient with him, but he stepped on her foot enough times that Gladio gave her a supported shoe to withstand pressure. Ugh. Then he wasn't switching his arms behind his back fast enough or he was too slow. This and tripping because of the dress shoes caused him to end up on the floor more than his feet.
After a couple hours filled with mistakes, he laid splayed out when Monica excused herself for a break.
"Still have hopes that I won't screw this up?" asked Noctis bitterly. "I step everywhere except where I need to."
Ignis grimaced seeing him on the floor, but he sat cross-legged near him with Prompto and Gladio. They were all practicing for it and only Ignis was showing promise.
"You're certainly strong enough to lift her, there's no issue there." Gladio laughed whole-heartedly from his place on the floor.
"No issue?! Do you not see the scrawny bod that I see?" Noctis growled, not amused by Gladio's jab.
"Oh sure, I can warp-strike a tank, take a couple bullets and swing around a giant fucking axe. But to lift a maybe 130lb girl? I need to call the entire Kingsglaive." Sarcasm dripped from each word, but then Prompto had to gasp.
"Can you imagine what would happen if you did drop her? You could probably hear her heart break!" The fear that erupted in Noct added to his sour mood.
"Hey-" Ignis hummed loudly, interrupting him.
"And the insecurities it would give her. She would weigh every morsel she plans to consume at every meal from now on. How tragic." Luna being insecure from his mistake? Unlikely, but a percentage was still a chance. It was degrading of them to talk about her like that.
"What is wrong with you?!" They continued to ignore him. Gladio was next.
"Not to mention embarrassing her in front of the entire kingdom? No one will ever doubt your smooth skills again, Prince. They'd fear them." Noctis growled, practically curling into a ball.
"You guys have the worst imaginations and unwanted opinions." They laughed at him and started poking at his sides, but Noct didn't budge out of seething rage. Prompto drummed his hands on his back.
"Hey, Noct!" He twitched. He was already sick and tired of the practice song. His friend's voice was becoming a close second.
"What?" The blonde propped himself up on an elbow.
"How come you wanna dance? You usually deny any dancing at the other parties even when your dad tries to get you into it." Ignis scoffed.
"He has to dance this time. It's with his bride-to-be." Noctis slowly sat up, sighing deeply.
"It's more than that..." Noctis stared off into the distance of the ballroom, vividly seeing his past self and Luna together.
It started twelve years ago during grandiose ball to honor the end of the sylleblossom season. Every flower left was showcased in displays around the city and in the ballroom for everyone to awe over. Luna wore a necklace of them and even made him a corsage to match hers. It felt kinda nice to match with her...
Ravus was pulled aside to dance with many girls that came to the party, much to his chagrin. His face was like stone whenever he was pulled from one girl to another. Regis didn't bother Noct to dance like Ravus was by his mother. He wasn't expected to dance with his injury. While he liked it, he couldn't help but feel uneasy about not dancing, but he didn't know why. He and Luna were sitting near the snack table eating cakes while watching Ravus dance.
"I don't think Ravus likes dancing very much," she giggled. He really liked hearing her giggle. She just sounded cute and it made him blush. Oh yeah, he should probably answer her back.
"Sure he does! Look at his face!" he joked. Ravus's scowl was sour. It made Luna laugh even more when he could hear their laughing from across the room and glared at them.
"Princess Lunafreya." The two stopped laughing and looked up, a 14 year old boy in a snazzy suit bowing his head. Jealousy and sadness mixed in Noct's stomach. He could only be here for one thing.
"May I have this dance?" He held his hand out to her, urging her to take it. Noctis inwardly sighed, clenching his fists. He wanted to ask Luna to dance, but how could he? She should have fun. He was only weighing her down. To his surprise, and guiltily his relief, she shook her head.
"No thank you. I plan to spend the rest of the ball with Prince Noctis." It took EVERY fiber of his being and etiquette lesson to not smirk at the forlorn expression on the boy's face.
"Oh, my apologies." Forgetting a proper farewell due to the rejection, he practically stomped back to a woman in a red gown. Noctis heard his angry 'she said no!' and set his eyes on Luna, who smiled warmly at him and forgot about the earlier exchange.
"Do you enjoy the music, Noctis?" He smiled, listening to the beautiful symphony echoing in the room.
"Yeah, it's nice." Guilt for being happy at her rejection ate at him when he saw her gently sway, watching the dancing couples. Why was he happy that she said no, even though it meant she wouldn't dance tonight?
"You can still dance if you want to, Luna. I can watch from here." She could easily have any boy she wanted, considering how many were looking over at her. He certainly didn't like it, but this was a party she should enjoy. She frowned, which was a rare sight for him.
"I would like my first dance to be with someone I care for, not a stranger." O-oh, d-did that mean…she wanted to dance with him?! Why else would she be smiling at him like that? W-what could he say now?!
"O-oh, that sounds cool." He was so lame.
As time went by, she wheeled him to the balcony, hundreds of stars decorated the sky and twinkled brightly.
"Isn't this beautiful? It's so much nicer when you can still hear the music inside." Noctis closed his eyes, the music still playing in his ears. He gazed up at the sky, finding a better appreciation for them with the music. He looked over at Luna, blushing brightly when he saw her staring at him. She had shown him so many things in Tenebrae. He was able to talk to her about anything, even if he blushed every time he said something mildly hinting at his crush on her. She should have her first dance…he should too.
"L-Luna!" he cried, surprising her and causing his heart to thump erratically. "W-will you d-d-d-dance with m-me?"
For a second, he feared rejection. But the instant she smiled, the fear disappeared. He was proud of the happy smile that reached her lips. "I'd love to! But please, take your time. I don't want you hurt."
Her smile lessened a tad when she thought of him falling. It made him more determined to stay on his feet. Clutching the arm rests of his chair, he shakily began to scoot closer to the edge. His legs didn't obey him, but he'd force them to. They shook to and fro as he put more and more weight on them, but he was on them. He hadn't been on them in days, but he begged them for a few moments so he could have his first dance with Luna.
She smiled and held his hands. "We don't have to spin around like the adults do. I would just like to sway a little."
Okay. Swaying. He could totally do that. Oh God, was his hand supposed to go on her waist?! But Dad said he shouldn't touch a girl on her waist unless he wanted to be romantic! He was too young to be romantic!
Luna gently placed his hand onto her shoulder, giggling when she heard his loud sigh of relief. He didn't know if it was his legs or his nerves that made him quake. But he was 'dancing' with Luna. He never imagined how warm she was until now. Or maybe he was blushing too much. They swayed to the music, coming close to one another so they were practically embracing. He was about to melt. He had always had a crush on Luna, but this just made his crush more intense. She was so kind to him. She didn't care about him being bound to the wheelchair. She didn't judge him as a prince. She liked him for being him. Oh, he really liked her now.
He accidentally took a step back, a move his legs couldn't take, causing them to fall together in cries of surprise. Luckily the chair broke their fall, but Noctis was horrendously embarrassed. Luna's and his first dance was ruined by his disability. He felt awful for it.
He was pulled from his pity party when she gently kissed him on the cheek. His jaw dropped, looking up at her in shock. She had the biggest smile he had ever seen her make.
"Thank you for my first dance, Prince Noctis."
She said kind things that night, but she deserved more. It was then that he decided he would one day give her a real dance.
He didn't have an excuse this time. He was older now. He could use his legs now. Really, the only thing keeping him back was the fear he would step on her toes. Or drop her. Fucking friends of his adding that new problem to his list.
Prompto's loud sniffling brought him back to the present. "That's. So. Cute! I can't believe you'd do that for her!"
Gladio was wiping away a tear. "You really can be selfless!"
"We must help you prepare at any cost," Ignis replied with finality. Noctis blinked. Shit, did he say all of that out loud? Before he could try to deny anything, Gladio picked him up and set him on his feet.
"Let's keep your fiancée from falling!" He was going to kill him one day. But it was for Luna. He would only do this for her.
Decided to cut the story in half! The next chapter is the dance! Once again, Merry Christmas to everyone. I love you all. You, you are someone's light in life. Let them know that they are yours. Love one another and safe travels out there! Best wishes for a safe and warm holiday!