Chapter 25: History


Ok guys last chapter of Courtney Oliver Back to action and then Courtney goes to Briarwood. Please tell me what you think and then I will have the first chapter of the next one up tonight or tomorrow.

*Back to action: One year later*

Courtney's POV:

Me and Leanne had just met up for the first time in a while to go to a reunion. I could not believe that it had been a year already. I am now at my third ranger team and a lot has happened. The most important one being that I now know that the powers I used to call strange is magic. Udonna says I am a powerful young witch a lot like her son Bowen. The rest of the rangers also do magic. I have my morpher just in case but I shouldn't need it. I mean it's a reunion what can happen.

Conner of course is with Leanne as they are now a couple and that is why Leanne is going. I hug him and then we carry on into the school. Until we see another familiar face.

"Ethan," Conner says spotting the ex-blue ranger who turns around and smiles at the sight of the three of us. "Hey man wait up!"

"Conner McKnight and Leanne and Courtney Oliver," Ethan says hugging us girls. "My ex-partners in crime fighting!"

"I didn't think we'd see you at the reunion!" Conner said to him as they high fived.

"Well my class schedule at reefside tech is brutal," Ethan tells the three of us. "But there's no way that I'd miss this!"

"What have you both been up to?" I ask Conner and Leanne.

"I'm trying to start a soccer program for kids you know," Conner tells us and I smile. "Give them somewhere fun and safe to go after school."

"Good idea!" I tell him.

"It's been tough raising the money though," Conner says sounding a little disappointed.

"That sounds cool!" Ethan tells him. "Leanne Courtney, what are you two doing?"

"I'm actually at school getting my teachers degree!" Leanne said and I smile. "I want to teach kindergarten!"

"And you'll do great!" I say and she smiles.

"And you?" she asks and my smile drops.

"Nothing much!" I say and to try and get the conversation away from me I ask my own question. "Do you know if Kira's coming?"

"I doubt it," Conner says and I am glad that it worked. "I heard she moved to New York to try and get a recording contract!"

"Trying being the key word!" A voice said behind us and we all turned.

"KIRA!" We all yelled and smiled as the ex-yellow ranger came and hugged all of us.

"So when can we expect to hear your first big single?" Ethan asked her.

"Oh im already all over the radio," she tells him and smiles at all of us. "Singing a cat-litter jingle!"

I nod and smile. I have really missed these guys.

"Shall we?" Ethan says taking offering Kira his arm. I take one arm and Kira the other. Kira then takes one of Conner's arms and he takes Leanne's so we are all walking arm-in-arm together.

All of a sudden there is a flash and our surroundings completely change.

We are in some sort of lab. It looks really advanced. That's when I realise my magic is detecting evil. We then notice a bat with a jar on it's head and a freaky looking alien-doctor.

"Huh?" we all say.

"Welcome to the future!" The bat says. 'Did he just say future. Oh boy' We take a look around and we are shocked to see our old dino gems here. "Now you will help me destroy the planet!"

I throw a heavy looking object their way and they jump away from us to avoid it. We all grab our dino gems and take off before anything else can happen.

"Let's get out of here!" I tell the others.

We run outside but there are these weird things following us and we cannot loose them.

"Come on!" I say as we try to get away from them.

"This way!" Conner says but he leads us to a dead end.

We turn back to see the weird robots right behind us and we don't know what to do except fight.

"Any thought on what these things are?" Conner asks us all. My first thought is that they are not styxoids but I cant tell them that.

"They're not Tyrannodrones!" Kira says.

"But they're definitely up there in the creepy department!" Leanne says.

"Any ideas on how to get out of this?" Conner asks.

"I have one but I wouldn't know where to take us!" I say referring to my transportation method.

"And I'm still trying to figure out how we got in!" Ethan says.

We drop into fighting stances and begin to fight as the weird creatures come at us. I throw one away from me and kick another. I jump and kick one so it goes flying into the wall. I have to duck under another's punch and then I see a bunch of them running at me.

they disappear in a wave of my hand. "Well at least my magic still works!"

I look around and I am relieved to find that no one seen my use of magic. We all regroup as they are finished.

I walk up to the others and Ethan picks up a piece of one.

"It's a robot!" He says. "Check out the crazy circuitry. Way advanced!"

We are suddenly blasted as the bat like monster approached us.

All five of us groan and the monster laughs.

"Fools!" It said. "Do you think you could get away from me that easily?!"

"We've run away from a lot worse than you buddy!" We all stare at him and he realises what he just said. "That didn't come out right at all!"

"Who are you?" Leanne asked worriedly.

"What do you want from us?" Kira asks.

"Your power is legendary throughout the galaxy! Especially the mystic one!" I frown and the others look confused. "Fight beside me and we'll bring down this wretched planet!"

"Maybe you're suffering from a lack of oxygen from being in that punch ball too long!" I insulted.

"But in case you haven't noticed, were the good guys!" Conner continued.

"Too good for you!" Leanne stated.

"And we're not exactly about destroying our own planet!" Kira confirmed.

We all watched and prepared for another fight as the bat began to walk towards us.

"Oh I think you'll come around to my way of thinking!" It stated and I was about to reach for my wand. "With a little persuasion!"

All of a sudden we all look around at the sound of a police siren. A police vehicle approaches and out pops seven people all in grey uniform with different coloured accents. They fight the minion robots and then they face the bat.

We all share a look and I am surprised.

"Back off broodwing!" the one with the red on says.

"Yeah go back to where you came from!" The yellow girl says.

"And don't come back any time soon!" The orange one growls.

"If you know whats good for you!" The white one says.

"SPD!" The bat who I am gonna guess is Broodwing says. "Always getting in my way."

The bat flies away and the SPD people approach us.

"You guys ok?" The brown haired yellow asked.

I noticed that the one with the orange and the one with the white cannot take their eyes off of me.

"A little confused!" I tell them. "But we're okay!"

"Broodwings bad news!" The blue one said. "But attacking civilians. That's just low."

"You've fought this freak before?" Conner asked them.

"Oh yeah! All in a days work," The red one said. "We're power rangers! Space Patrol Delta!"

He showed us a badge that came from what looks like some sort of phone. Now I was confused.

"Wait a minute!" Kira says also confused. "You guys can't be the power rangers!"

"Why not?" The yellow one said sounding a little insulted.

"Because we are!" I tell them.

We all raise our wrists were the dino gems now sat once again.

*Back to action: One year later*

The SPD rangers have explained that we are in the future and I guessed that the two who are orange and white are my kids for which I was correct. I couldn't believe that my two kids are rangers.

"Wait so let me see if I got this straight!" Ethan said as the SPD rangers led us through their base which is gigantic. "Somehow we've been transported years into the future!"

"And this is a state of the art command centre," Leanne continues.

"Where you train fighters to become power rangers!" Kira said looking impressed.

"And Earth is under attack by aliens and giant robots?" Conner asked.

"And you two are my kids who are now power rangers yourselves?" I said to my kids.

"Yep that's about it!" Syd the pink ranger says as we entre a room full of computers.

"Although you probably shouldn't know you are our mother!" Donna my daughter said uncertainly.

"She guessed what were we supposed to do!" Her twin Thomas says.

Me and Leanne share a glance and smile. Definitely siblings.

"Well seeing as Donna is my double!" I say to them and Donna laughs.

"Good to know there will still be beautiful girls in the future," Conner flirts with the girls.

"EXCUSE ME Conner McKnight!" I yell and Conner flinches. "You are way too old for them!"

"Would you give it a rest anyway?" Ethan demanded. "We've gotta keep focused here!"

"Okay I'm not complaining but our command centre was a cave!" Leanne said jealous.

We glanced around and fell into fighting stances when we seen what looked like a big blue dog and a woman that very much resembled a cat.

"Hey, hey, hey guys," Jack says raising a hand to try and soothe us. "It's ok! That's our commander Anubis Kruger. And our technical expert Dr Kat Manx."

"Welcome to our base rangers!" Their commander says motioning to all that is around him.

"But he's a dog," Kira whispers shocked.

"Well sort of," Leanne agrees.

"Pet's as authority figures," Bridge says winking at her. "You get used to it!"

My mouth drops as a bunch of aliens walk by and Donna laughs at my reaction.

"Aliens and humans live in harmony here," Kat explains to us.

"Well for the most part," Sky agrees.

"Broodwing is after them!" Thomas tells the two.

"I can see why," Kat says bringing up a video of us as rangers through the archives. "The archives show that the dino thunder team have faced off against the most treacherous villains in history!"

Me and my team smiled.

"Aww memories," Conner says.

"But that was years ago," Jack says and I frown. "What I don't get is how did you guys get here?"

I thought about it but Kira answered before I did.

"Well things are a little fuzzy," Kira explained to them. "But we were on our way to the reunion at Reefside high!"

"I'm sure Broodwing went to a lot of expense to bring you here," The commander said. "He wont give up on you so easily!"

"We'll take him on and anyone else who gives us trouble!" Conner says stepping forward a little.

Z laughs.

"You haven't met Broodwings boss," she says shaking her head. "Grumm is as bad as they get!"

I wanted to hit her right now.

"Well I say bring it on!" Leanne says also looking a little annoyed.

"Yeah we're rangers," Kira agreed with her. "We can deal with it!"

I nodded my head in agreement.

"Correction.." Sky said sounding and looking all official. "You were rangers! We've been specially trained to take on Grumm's army."

"And no offence but fighting dinosaurs is so over!" Syd says.

"OK!" I yell getting really angry and I see my children wince. The dino rangers all look shocked as I pull out my wand. "ONE: I am a ranger! TWO: I have abilities that would scare you and THREE: Have you guys ever heard of respecting your elders!"

They all look appropriately abashed. My dino team all look at me.

"Again!" Leanne asks and I nod.

"I am a Mystic warrior!" I tell them. "My strange powers their magic!"

"We don't want you guys to get into any more trouble," Jack says being careful with the look I gave him. "We have enough problems to deal with!"

All of a sudden a loud blaring catches our attention. The room turns red as the alarm goes off. The SPD rangers all walk forwards.

"The quarry's under attack!" Kat says.

"My hunch is that Broodwing is trying to draw you out!" Commander Kruger says.

"Just because we're not rangers doesn't mean we can't fight!" Conner states and the others all nod.

"And I am a ranger and I am capable of fighting in knight mode!" I tell him and the others look confused. "Triassic warrior!"

They all nod but no one pays us attention.

"Mum!" Donna says to me and I stare at her in shock. "If anything shall happen to you then me and Thomas won't be here and it can change the future!"

I realised she was right but I didn't like the idea.

"Okay you guys chill until we get back!" Jack tells us and they morph and take off.

We all watch as they arrive and more and more of the troobian's arrive.

"I may be wrong," Kira says as we watch on a viewing screen. "But they look like they're in trouble!"

"A lot of it!" Leanne says shaking her head.

"I've never encountered this many troops at once," Commander Kruger says getting to his feet.

"You've gotta let us help them!" I say trying to reason with him.

"No I won't put your lives in danger," he tells us. "If anything was to happen to you in this time the results would be catastrophic!"

"Yeah but if your cadets loose than none of that matters anyway!" Conner says.

We all glance around again as the computer shows a giant robot crawling it's way up from underground.

"I see some things never change!" Ethan says.

"I wish we still had our megazord!" Kira said.

"My titan mode won't be big enough!" I say and the others raise an eyebrow at me but I shake my head.

"Kat dispatch Omega ranger to the scene!" Kruger says to the technician. "This is not your battle. I'm going to help the others. "You are to stay here that's an order!"

He morphs and leaves.

I am really starting to get annoyed as I watch the head honcho of the bad guys arrives to fight Kruger.

All the bad guys band together and so do the good guys.

"Let me guess," Ethan says as we stare. "That's Grumm!"

"This is serious!" Kat says sounding worried.

"That's it!" I say having had enough of all of this. "It's time to get prehistoric on Grumm and his goons!"

Kira and Leanne both grabbed an arm each and stopped me from leaving.

"Courtney!" Kira says. "Kruger ordered us to stay here!"

"Kira that is my children out there!" I say looking back at the screen to where my two kids were. "I don't care about the past or the future the others need us now!"

"He's right!" Kira says.

Both Ethan and Leanne agree.

We are about to leave but Kat stops us.

"If you're gonna go out there," she pauses and takes a deep breath before stepping forward again. "Give me your dino gems!"

We all do, I decide to leave my mystic morpher out of this. I still have the Triassic warrior if needed.

She powers them up and pulls our morphers out of the archives. I am really impressed.

*Back to action: One year later*

We arrive to help the SPD rangers.

"Think again bonehead!" I say as we run to where the rangers were facing their enemies.

The SPD rangers run over to us shocked.

"This is not a good idea!" Jack says.

"Get out of here!" Z tells us.

"You have no idea how much power Grumm has!" Sky says.

We look around at all of them.

"We brought a little power of our own!" Conner says and we raise our wrists which have our wrists to show our dino morphers.

"Kats a genius!" Ethan says. "She pulled our morphers out of the archives and regenerated them!"

"We wasn't going to sit by and watch!" I tell them all looking particularly at my own children.

"Don't get mad at us commander!" Kira says. "You would have done the same thing!"

"You have a point!" Kruger agrees. "Now let's show Grumm what we can do together. POWER RANGERS SUIT UP!"

We all nodded at him and lined up.

"Power rangers!" Thomas says being the leader of SPD. "Are you guys ready?!"

"READY!" We all agree.



It feels weird after being a mystic ranger for so long to go back to being a dino ranger. Even if it was a one off thing.



Me, Donna and Thomas group together and fight our own brand of Krybots, blue heads and orange heads. I pull out my Ankylo bow and begin to fire at the robots. My daughter blasts them and my son uses fireballs to do it. I am not doing as good so I decide to call for something else. My Triassic shield.


My knight armour replaces my ranger suit and my children smile.

"FORCEFUL AS FIRE!" I yell my mystic ranger call. "TRIASSIC WARRIOR!"

Being more trained with my sword and shield since Daggeron joined us a few weeks ago I have no problem cutting through the rest of the Krybots. My children also have no problem and we quickly finish them and re-join everyone.

"Good job rangers!" Kruger yells as we all gather as a group and face whats remaining of the bad guys. "We'll take it from here! Omega ranger needs your help!"

"You got it!" Thomas says. "Let's go B- squad!"

I use the shield and sword and as the SPD rangers all leave except for Kruger we all begin to destroy the rest of the Krybots. I strike them one after another and then I blast a few. After the Krybots are gone my team and I gather behind Kruger who had been fighting Grumm.

"Kruger using rangers from the past may have won you this battle," Grumm tells the commander. "But I have a surprise of my own in store!"


"Let's put it together!" Conner says to the others.

I power up my knight mode and prepare to blast them.



"Do it!" Kruger tells us.



We fire at Grumm.

It hits around him and then he disappears groaning.

Kruger runs forwards.

"He's gone!" He says. "Yes! We sent him running!"

Me and my team all smile and the SPD rangers appear.

"Gather around rangers!" Kruger says he then begins to call out our names. "Conner, Jack, Kira, Z, Ethan, Sky, Bridge, Syd, Courtney, Leanne, Thomas, Donna and Sam. That was great teamwork!"

"Yeah!" I said high fiving my son.

"YES!" Kruger agrees.

*Back to action: One year later*

We returned to the base and the other dino thunder rangers and I are upset to find out that they have found a way to send us back to our own time.

"I still think you guys need us here to deal with Grumm," Ethan says to them shaking his head.

"Cause he is gonna be madder than ever!" Leanne agrees.

"Yeah and what about Broodwing?" Kira asks. "He's still around flapping about somewhere!"

"It's obvious we should stay," Conner says and I nod my head. "We work great together!"

"Nice try!" Syd says to Conner.

"But we don't date older guys!" Donna says.

"OOH!" Me and Thomas says and then we try not to laugh.

"We appreciate your offer to stay rangers," Kruger says. "But that's not possible!"

"Besides Kira," Syd says. "If you don't get back you'll never start recording career!"

"My recording career?" Kira asks confused.

"Of course!" Syd tells her. "You become a huge singing sensation. I grew up listening to your songs."

"Yeah," Sky says turning to Conner. "And everyone knows about the Conner McKnight soccer camps! They're all over the country!"

Conner looks really happy at that. "For real? Wow!"

"And Ethan," Bridge says to the blue ranger. "You have to go back! You develop some software we still use in SPD!"

"You mean I'm a genius sweet!" Ethan said going wide eyed.

"Leanne!" Z says and my little sister turns. "You are about to get that kindergarten job and not long after you will be decorating a nursery of your own!"

Leanne goes wide eyed as well.

"You mean me and Conner!" Conner's mouth drops.

"Mum!" My daughter says. "Your ranger journey has a few more years yet but..."

"Your search for your mum and dad is about to end!" Thomas finishes and I feel my heart skip a beat.

"I find them?" I ask.

Both my children nod. "And your older brother!"

I go over that shocked.

I hug my kids.

"It's nice to know I have such great kids one day!" I say to them.

"Your lives as rangers have made a difference!" Commander says and Kat smiles. "But you all go on to lead exciting and significant lives. After you hang up your helmets."

"I think we're ready to go back commander!" Conner says and we all nod our heads in agreement.

"Your courage and dedication will live on in ranger history!" Kruger continues. "Thank you all!"

A tube appears in the middle of their software to reveal the five dino gems that will be kept safe from now on.

"Goodbye Dino rangers!" Kat says. "Your memory of us will be erased. But we wont forget you!"

The dino gems glow and their is a flash of light.

We all have a second of dizziness and we pause and glance at each other. We then look back at the doors to the reunion and Kira speaks.

"Do you think Dr Oliver's in there?" Kira asks.

"He better be. I haven't seen him in ages and I have to go back to briarwood tonight!" I say looking forward to seeing my dad.

We go into the room and enjoy the rest of the reunion and enjoy our day. My dad was there.

*Back to action: One year later*


I cannot believe it. The last chapter of Courtney Oliver: Back to action and I will begin to write Courtney Oliver: Keeper of the powers ASAP! I do have too update my other story after the first two chapters though. Also please remember that Bowen is not Nick. He was raised by his mother and Courtney/ Athena his little sister will be the one who turns up in the first episode. Also Bowen will not be red ranger. He may later on become another colour or just a knight you can give me your ideas. Please review!