Raven: Hey, Hey here's an 1827 I hope you enjoy

Kyoya: just get on with!

Raven: Touchy, it's a werewolf story, Chapters are debatable, but I think mostly two

Tsuna: Hope you enjoy. Raven does not own Katekyo hitman Reborn

Tsuna knew this was going to be a very bad idea, but he had to do it no matter what.

Objective: tell Hibari Kyoya that he loved him. Easy? Not so much. He's always on the move and it's also mating season, the worse time of the year for wolves. Tsuna wanted Kyoya but so did half of the girl population and another problem Tsuna is a guy and so is Kyoya. They were both wolves, Kyoya is an Alpha and Tsuna an Omega. Kyoya might want kids something he didn't think he could give. There is only a few Omegas', who are guys, that have strong enough genes to give birth, and he didn't know if he was one of them, but if he didn't say anything now he would regret it for the rest of his life. So here he was trying to track down the most violent wolf he knew to tell him he loved him. He was sure after the confession he would wake up in a hospital unable to remember what happened to him. He whimpered in fear, he didn't want to die, but he couldn't back down now.

He walked through the bushes in his wolf form trying to pick up Hibari's scent, but he was No-Good-Tsuna and unfortunately things never went his way. He never noticed the high slope that led directly to a raging river as he was looking around the area to see if he could see Kyoya. His foot slipped causing him to fall directly into the river. The churning waters made it hard to reach the surface especially in his wolf form. The black water turned him upside down again and he lost his wolf form to his human one. When he came back up he was sputtering and gasping to fill his lungs as much as possible with life giving oxygen. He couldn't swim and even if he could the current was too strong for him. He cried out when his leg caught on something hard and sharp triggering a sudden spike of pain to travel up his leg

He was going to die here with a hell lot of regrets. The main regret having to do with a certain violent wolf he was unable to find. He went under but immediately pushed himself back up as best he could; keeping his head above water is a lot harder than everybody made it out to be. He heard a voice yell something from the shore but he was trying to keep himself up so he kept his focus on trying not to drown. He noticed a sizable rock sticking out of the water and grabbed hold of it hanging on tightly. He closed his eyes and tried to wipe at the drops of water sticking his eyelashes to his upper cheeks. When he was finally able to open his eyes a little, he followed the voice when it yelled at him again. It was Hibari.

He was standing on the shore looking at him and then around. He noticed the alpha was tense and seemed pissed. His arms were getting tired and he let out a soft whimper when his hands started to slip from the rock making Kyoya's eyes turn to him immediately. How Kyoya heard him over the raging water he would never know.

"Little animal, don't let go!" he heard Hibari's yell and immediately tried to keep his grip, but it was futile, he was too tired because of his earlier struggles to stay up. Tsuna yelped when something harshly slammed against the rocks making him let go accidently and he went down again. He came back up seconds later with a loud gasp for air. He heard Hibari let out a loud, angered, howl as he followed him on the side lines. Tsuna was scared and he could only concentrate on Kyoya to keep himself from panicking too much.

"Little one!" Hibari yelled again making Tsuna turn to him for a second before he went under again. This time he stayed down longer as he was being pushed down by the strong current. He fought as hard as he could and finally managed to come back up coughing harshly from the strain of keeping his breath underwater.

"Little one, grab the tree!" He heard from the shore and turned his head looking for the tree, but went under again. He managed to open his eyes and saw a branch in the water which he grabbed quickly. Tsuna pulled himself up letting out loud coughing sounds as he broke the water surface. He looked at the branch it looked stable, but for how long? He reached his hand out grabbing another branch and pulled himself up. He slowly managed to reach for another piece when he let out a squeak when he felt it start to give. Then he lunged for a more stable piece as he breathed deeply in frightened relieve. His leg hurt and he was extremely tired. He needed to get out of the water, but he didn't have much strength left to pull him up. He decided to use the little strength he actually had left to pull himself up a bit so the current wouldn't be able to drag him away again, but slipped and held on tightly to the stable branch in fear

"Tsunayoshi, hold still" a voice said making him look up dazed to see Hibari in his human form staring down at him with a frown. He bent down and gently grabbed Tsuna pulling him up and out of the freezing waters. He stood still when he felt the tree he was standing on move a bit, but sighed when it went still again. They were lucky this thing was holding against the water current for so long

"It hurts" Tsuna whimpered as Hibari picked him up bridal-style and slowly, yet tensely, walked off of the tree. Just as he jumped off the end and onto the shore the log broke loose. He turned back and watched as it raced off with the current and his hold tightened on Tsuna when he felt him shiver in fear. If that thing had pulled off any sooner he might not have made it in time to get the little wolf off and he would be racing off along with the tree.

Tsuna felt himself being placed on the ground, before the warmth moved away. He looked up at Hibari who had a stern, angered, look on his face. His gaze then moved from Tsuna's eyes inspecting his body for any wounds, that's when he reached Tsuna's leg

"Does it hurt, little one?" Hibari asked as he tore a piece of Tsuna pants so he could see the damage properly. There was a deep cut that travelled from his ankle up to his knee; it was bleeding but not as heavily as it should be. The water just made it seem worse that what it was. Hibari looked up at Tsuna's eyes that was filled with exhaustion and pain and then sighed in exasperation. He had a feeling that this little wolf was going to get sick if he didn't get him into dry clothes and a warm place. He gently picked Tsuna up, stopping when he heard him let out a pained hiss from his leg being jostled from the movement. Hibari shushed him as they left the river and headed to the forest towards his home. Tsuna looked like he was forcing himself to stay awake but to Hibari that wasn't good

"Get some sleep little one" he ordered in a gentle way as they neared his home. Tsuna shook his head but was losing the battle for consciousness until Hibari ordered him to sleep. Tsuna was out like a light when they entered the cave

Raven: Hope you liked it and if ya want another please do tell. Mot sure if I should end it here

Tsuna: Don't!

Raven: we will see, please R&R