A story I have in my mind for a while now and finally could muster the courage to write it. Please know that english is not my native language.
It was a surprisingly cold day in september for Vale as if it was an omen. The Arc-Family Patriarch stood in front of a wooden door and was for the first time in his life afraid to go trough it. People who know him may have laughed at him for this.
The reason for him to be afraid to go through this door was nothing unusual, except for him. His beloved wife was on the other side, giving birth to his presumaly would be heir. After eight months of a fairly normal pregnancy came this fateful day that would be remembered by any Arc that was alife or would be.
Nobody could have guessed that a child born a month early would be the one to reignite the fires of the war dragons of house Arc.
After what seemed an eternity the door slowly opened and a nurse came out of the room with a sad look on her face. In her arms was a tiny bundle of cloth and after a short time he saw his son. But the child didn't cry, it was just laying there without motion. In the desperation of a man who would loose his sorayyYn he activated the family semblance of the Arcs.
He would not let his son die and so he concentrated all his will on the little human beeing and filled it with the will to live on. And suddenly the child found the power to fight through his sure death.
It was not widely known but the Arc Family possesed the Ability to manipulate the emotions and the minds of those who were around them. In the days of old, in the days of great wars and much greater warriors the Arcs had been the warriors and generals on the winning sides in every war.
But those were the old days. The ancient times when everybody knew the arcs and came to their stronghold in the middle of the world to beg for their aid in the wars they planned. The arcs were proud warriors and fought always on the side they saw as righteous.
Once there was a Kingdom in the place which nowadays was known as Mountain Glenn. Long before the rise of Vale to an international superpower. The King of this small country wanted to force the Arcs to work for him by abducting the eldest Arc daughter. It didnt end well for him.
Nobody knew how it happened but half the persons in the kings castle died as they commited suicide. The Kingdom was done, not only because the king and his family commited suicide but also because an army of Arcs and their loyal followers.
The abducted Arc was the most powerful user of the family semblance. She could let everyone succumb to her will, even if she rarely used it becaus she was a humble woman.
But sadly this were the days of old.
Nobody knew that the new age of glory for the Arc Family begun with the birth of this newborn heir.