*Cough* Ahem...
HO-LEE Fucking SHIT,
Is that a "For Reasons Unknown" chapter update?
You bet your sweet titty this is. Buckle Up, kiddo.
The morning sunlight had just started to bleed through the fallen, pale curtains. Specks of light dotted the room, but most importantly, her face. Ruby stared at the soft white skin just inches from her own. Her eyes darted between her cheeks, and the eyes of her captor.
No matter how hard Ruby tried, she couldn't avoid the piercing gaze that emitted from Weiss' eyes. The crystal blue tone of her iris' were as clear as ice, but yet not as cold. To Ruby, they almost felt warm.
"Are you good now?" Weiss asked. The question brought her back down, reminding her that she was being held in place by Weiss. It had been a few moments since she'd finished her hysteric attack, and Weiss held her up against the wall the whole time.
Despite Weiss' stern attitude, it didn't feel threatening. The grip on her arms wasn't tight, and the hold was more secure than restrictive. To test the theory, Ruby moved an arm. Not by much, just an inch, but enough that Weiss would notice.
Weiss let go slowly and backed up a step and a half. They were still close, but now Ruby felt like she had more room to breath. "Yeah, I'm good now." She shied her eyes away to avoid the embarrassment of what she just did.
Her curiosity, however, was stronger, so Ruby peaked up out of the corner of her eye to watch Weiss.
Weiss rubbed her arm and pursed her lip. "I'm really sorry about that, Ruby. I didn't know you felt that way."
Ruby giggled a soft, half-hearted chuckle. "I mean…" She gave Weiss a weak smile. "I don't think I do. I've just never really woken up next to someone who didn't want me to be there."
Weiss seemed a bit taken aback. Her arms crossed, and she shifted her feet awkwardly. "Does… does this happen a lot for you?"
Ruby let out a quick and awkward laugh, but upon realizing the seriousness of the question, she stopped. She gently shook her head and looked back to the floor. "...No."
Weiss reached out and gently nudged Ruby's elbow playfully. "Well I guess I'm glad I'm your first." It was accompanied by an almost uncomfortable smile, but Ruby knew Weiss was trying. "You know, I never really had sleepovers as a kid, so we'll just call it that, okay?"
Ruby nodded and nudged back. They shared a pleasant smile and Ruby almost felt good.
There was a short cough from the doorway of the room, and they both turned to find the redhead standing in the door. Realization struck Ruby as she threw her hands to cover up her panty-clad body.
Weiss, on the other hand, acted like her presence was perfectly normal. "Morning, Ms. Schnee," the redhead beamed happily. "Morning, Ms. Rose."
Ruby timidly removed one hand to awkwardly wave good morning to their guest. The woman chuckled and turned back towards the door. "If you'd come out, I've taken the liberty of preparing coffee and acquired Ms. Rose a fresh set of clothes."
Weiss sighed and marched towards the door. "So my day already begins."
Ruby stood still, still covering herself. "How did she know I'd need clothes?" Weiss missed the comment as she left the room.
Her kitchen was immaculate. Ruby scanned the counter tops for any sort of wear, but they were as crisp and clean as they day they were installed. The only item Ruby could spot any wear on was the coffee maker, which now sat full. Does she NEVER cook in here, Ruby pondered as she carefully tiptoed across the cold tile floors.
The hair began to stand up on the back of her neck, as though someone were watching her, and Ruby turned to find the redhead standing there with a stack of clothes. "I had to make guesses on the size, but these should fit you just fine."
As the stack was dropped into her arms, she took stock of what she would be wearing. Jeans and a button up shirt. Ruby glanced up at the redhead, who smiled pleasantly and turned back to the kitchen. This is exactly what I would've worn today!
As Ruby tossed the button up over her t-shirt, she wondered if she should be joyed for the new outfit, or worried that this redhead assistant of Weiss' knew her so well.
Weiss moved around the kitchen, throwing a shawl on over her soft, light skin. Ruby let out a little noise that resembled a whimper as she hid it away. "What's on my agenda today, Ms. Nykos?"
The redhead handed Weiss a tablet, and then a delicate looking mug; much fancier than any of Ruby's five dollar mugs from Target. Weiss began to read whatever lay on the screen while the redhead, Ms. Nykos, began pouring another cup.
Ruby took a seat at the island, and was met with a nice warm cup of coffee slid in front of her. "How do you take it, Ms. Rose?"
Ruby glanced up, expecting Ms. Nykos to already know exactly what Ruby wanted in her morning Joe. She pursed her lips and dipped the tip of her finger into the cup. As the first millimeter of her finger became submerged, Ruby's arm threatened to real back in shock. Not to her surprise, the coffee was hotter than expected, but the pain of embarrassment was worse than any minor burn she might suffer.
She took the tip of her finger and stuck it into her mouth, tasting the bitterness of her drink. Her eyes scrunched and her brow furrowed. "Cream, and lots of sugar," Ruby announced with her finger dangling carefully from her mouth.
Ms. Nykos presented Ruby with a jar of milk, followed by a look of sympathy. "Ms. Schnee doesn't keep much food in the house, including sugar."
Ruby pondered the great tragedy for a moment, before concocting a solution that even the great engineers of the world would be proud of. "Do you have any chocolate?" Ruby asked timidly. She was met with a sly smirk from Weiss, who refrained from looking up from the tablet, and a simple nod from Ms. Nykos. "I'll find some right away, Ms. Rose."
The floor clicked as Ms. Nykos left the kitchen, heading further into the house. "She's going to take from my personal stash," Weiss commented in a dry tone. Ruby immediately bowed her head, worrying about the backlash of the statement, but as the moment dragged on, Ruby found herself unable to keep her eyes down.
She found Weiss softly smiling at her, and when their eyes met, Ruby found herself smiling too. "I guess you can have some, though," Weiss added. Her hands went back to making small movements across the screen, and her eyes shifted away from Ruby.
There was a small ping deep down in Ruby's stomach. It made her feel almost sick, but alive at the same time. It was an entirely new sensation, and she wondered what ailment had caused it.
Ruby ignored the slight churning of her stomach and looked around the kitchen, picking up the delicate cup with both hands. It was fairly bare, with very little accessories or details that made Ruby think Weiss had any personal belongings. It felt cold and barren, but serene, like fresh snow in the mountains back home.
Except for one picture frame standing neatly by the far side of the counter near to the wall. Ruby scanned over the item, but quickly found herself stepping up from her chair to take a closer look.
Inside the frame were two girls, both with crisp white hair. The smaller one, which Ruby assumed was Weiss, wore her hair down and wore a light, cotton sundress. As Ruby picked up the frame to get a closer look, she noticed the soft red scar missing from Weiss' eye. She seemed happy and carefree, but most importantly, proud.
The second woman looked to be a little older than Weiss did now, standing next to her with very firm posture and a white naval uniform. Her hand rested gently on Weiss' shoulder, and a small, soft smile rested on her face.
"Oh." Ruby jumped her head up to the origin of the sound, and found Weiss staring at her with a stunned expression on her face. Ruby, afraid she disturbed something, set the picture frame back down in its place. "Who is she?" Ruby asked.
Weiss shook the tone from her face and feigned a smile. "It's my sister, Winter."
"Are you two close? You look pretty proud in that photo." Ruby sipped from her mug and got closer to Weiss. As she inched her way closer to Weiss, she felt the uneasiness in her stomach rise. Great, I also have a hangover.
Weiss gave a unsure nod. "We haven't spoken in a while," Weiss started, her voice not as confident as it usually was. Weiss must have also notices, because she straightened her back and put the confidence back into her voice, "but that's because she's a very busy woman with lots of responsibilities."
Weiss starred off at the picture. "She doesn't have a lot of time for updates."
Ruby scooted a little closer to Weiss, finding the queasiness both disappearing and heightening. "What's she do?" Ruby asked.
Ruby held her breath as Weiss shift closer to her companion. "She's a Navy Seal commander," Weiss beamed proudly.
Though they hadn't been friends for very long, Ruby found it strange to see Weiss as prideful, or even as generally emotional, as this. She was normally reserved and stern. In only a night, the Weiss Schnee Ruby was terrified of turned into Weiss Schnee, the uptight friend. And a cute one. Ruby caught herself stealing glances again. Stop it!
Weiss pressed on Ruby's arm, which startled the small girl out of her thoughts. Unfortunately, it also startled her out of her grip on the cup. With a chirp and a shake, the porcelain cup fell to the floor. As it shattered against the tile, Ruby tightly closed her eyes, and pleaded with whatever gods she could to end her life.
She felt bits jump onto her toes, and without breaking the tight seal she formed with her eyelids, she apologized in her usual manner. "I'msosorrypleaseI'llcleanitupjusttellmewherethebroomis," she said in a single, deep breath.
"Well, I guess you don't need the chocolate now," the voice of Ms. Nykos added, along with the sound of clicking heels. "Don't worry about it, Ms. Rose. I'll get it cleaned up," she said cheerfully.
Ruby squinted open a single eye and saw Ms. Nykos standing ready with a broom, waiting on Ruby to move. She heard a sigh come from Weiss, and felt a hand wrap around her wrist. It gently pulled her away from the disaster and led her to the otherside of the island.
A bundle of fabric was dropped into her still cup-holding shaped arms, and Ruby popped her eye fully open. She found the pants Ms. Nykos had brought her, and Weiss smiling in front of her. "Tell you what, Ms. Nykos will clean up the mess, and you go get dressed so I can get some work done today, okay?"
Ruby squeezed her eye closed again. "Am I preventing you from going to work?" Ruby panicked.
Weiss let out a puff of amused air, and gently pushed Ruby towards her room. "No, Ruby. It's a Saturday." Ruby opened both her eyes and looked at Weiss with confusion. "But," Weiss exaggerated, "I'm a busy lady, and Saturdays are my days to catch up on stuff I want to do without stuffy board members."
When Weiss stopped pushing, she grabbed a towel and turned towards the bathroom. "I'm gonna take a shower." Ruby's face grew red as she imagined the proceeding activity. "Put on your pants and Ms. Nykos will take you home."
As Weiss turned back towards the bath, Ruby let out a noise. "Whu-"
Weiss turned around. "Weiss, thanks for the sleepover,"Ruby offered shyly. She found she couldn't meet Weiss' gaze, and gradually dropped her line of sight to her feet. "I didn't have many, either"
Ruby found a caring smile when she finally dared to look back at Weiss' face. "Of course, Ruby. We'll just have to do it again."
Now for the formal Author's Note;
I would like to apologize for the absurd amount of time it too me to write this chapter. In fact, it took me being bored of the 8 billion other projects I had going to on to actually write again.
It's not really fair to you guys, my fine readers, that I don't (and will not) update this regularly. This is a pretty abusive relationship, and I'm sorry. The first step is admitting you have a problem.
But, sadly, this won't change anytime soon. I'm extremely busy with other things in life, and this is like, past the top 10 chart of my priorities. I'll continue to work on it where I can, but no promises. I hope you guys do keep reading, though, as I enjoy feedback and satisfying that itch I know you all have for cute, mildly edgy, rom-com.
Have a good day, night, or whatever time it is, and don't do drugs!