Disclaimer: I don't own Fairy Tail or any characters.

Chapter 8

28th December

"Gray? … Right, so this is my sister!" Natsu declared.

"N-Nice to meet you Mister, um, Gray, was it?" The girl spoke timidly. I half-heartedly waved in response. There was no way I could be entirely at ease when little time had passed since Natsu and I had arrived at his house.

"Gray, let's go! I'm so excited for you to meet my folks!"

I attempted a smile, though I could only fake so much. He recognised that it was wrought with anxiety, my feelings of trepidation making themselves known.

Natsu's own grin faltered. He traversed the space between us, he held my shoulders tightly and ensured that I was staring right at him; our respective gazes in direct alignment, before he spoke with resolve. "Everything is going to fine. They'll love you! Honest."

As if to affirm this, he leaned in and pressed his lips firmly to mine, for a far too short amount of time. With him pulling back, I whined, feeling utterly lost without the contact. He merely grinned at me mercilessly, but not in a negative way, rather in a teasing manner, before he said mischievously, causing me to flush brightly, "There'll be more of this later."

The corners of my mouth lifted at the memory, humming in gratitude. Natsu threw me an odd look; evidently confused at my verbal choice.

The occurrence from just prior to our arriving here was much appreciated. Especially considering this morning's events weren't great.

Panting, I shot up from where I had been lying next to Natsu in my bed. With a start, I fully realised my currently-awake state; I'd been too addled to notice before-hand. Leaning over to my alarm clock, to check the time, I felt my back protest at the action, causing me to realise that perhaps it was a bit early to treat my body so strenuously.

I groaned. I'd somehow forgotten that my alarm clock was on Natsu's side of the bed… Natsu's side of the bed. It took an adequate amount of time for that rumination to process fully, causing my cheeks to redden with vigour.

Shaking my head, bringing my mind out of the gutter, I brought myself closer to my time-telling device, painfully slowly, with me cringing every time the bed creaked. Which was often.

I made a note to purchase a new mattress.

Finally getting myself into a position in which I could see the time, and gasped, as loudly as I could, without being rambunctious. "Four in the morning!"

I knew I was worried about the meeting with Natsu's family, but to this extent?!


Natsu's quiet voice caused me to start. I hadn't woken him up, had I? My mind was frantic.

Natsu looked up at me groggily, his eyes half-lidded, barely able to resist the desire of sleep, it being close to overwhelming them.

"Waahat you doing? It's early, even for you," Natsu mumbled around a half-yawn. With a panic, I realised that Natsu was quickly coming to terms with the wake-world. I couldn't let that happen.

"Nothing… Sorry for waking you! Erm, go back to sleep, Natsu?"

He responded after a minute's pause. "… 'Kay."

My surprise at his quick acceptance of my instruction, rather than the expected protest, must have been clear in my expression, for Natsu giggled, bopping me on the nose, before flopping back on the bed.

I let myself sigh quietly, relieved I hadn't woken Natsu. With a sudden brief feeling of doubt, I leaned closer to check that Natsu truly was asleep. When he became in range of my hearing, I was assured. His breath had once more evened out, and if that wasn't proof enough, he was snoring quietly; something that wouldn't be heard normally. Between each snore, he appeared to be muttering something. I had to wonder if he was dreaming.

He abruptly grabbed my waist, and clung to be tightly, forcibly pulling me back under the duvet cover. He subsequently snuggled into my side, while I was still lying on my back. He pulled me closer, not that I knew how that was possible, with how close we already were, and murmured softly, undoubtedly in a dream-state, "Love... Gray"

We'd lain like that for about an hour or so, I guessed, with me somehow still struggling to sleep. That soon changed, however. Natsu spontaneously gripped me tighter, murmuring once more in his sleep-state, this time about his own worries about me meeting his family – whether I'd like them – and this caused me to think seriously: worrying about it would do no good; how about just live in the present; hope for the best!

I was slowly lulled into the dream-world, nestling in Natsu's arms… For we were one.

Later, it was the actual time to get up. Natsu sprung up from the bed – I could feel the loss of weight on the mattress. He tugged me upwards towards him, exclaiming, "Good morning!"

He ordered me to get ready, with the promise of getting breakfast at his place, and beckoned for me to follow him, which I did, albeit unsteadily, blearily, as I still wasn't fully awake.

After an unexpectedly terse walk – I was surprised Natsu lived so close to me – we entered and were instantly greeted by Natsu's cat.

Purring in happy welcome, a cat approached us, Natsu's orbs consequently lighting up in glee.

"Happy! I missed you buddy!" Natsu announced, lunging for the cat, and squeezing him happily, peppering him in wet kisses. I could feel myself feeling jealous at the attention he was giving the feline, before I caught myself, berating myself with, there's no need to get jealous – it's a cat!

Natsu eventually tilted his body slightly, so he could see me, though his position still being level with the animal on the floor, and simpered. I waved it away, and he reversed his upturned mouth into his signature grin.

After that encounter, Wendy, Natsu's sister, walked into the room, with a severe degree of caution.

"H-Hello? ...N-Natsu?" Wendy questioned, shocked.

He replied, "Aye!"

"So, here, Gray – I know! It was hilarious!"

Hearing my name, I blinked. "Natsu?"

"Took you long enough!"

"Was I that out of it… Again?"

"Yeah." Natsu practically sweat-dropped.

"Sorry about that." I apologised, before facing Wendy. "Wendy, is it?" I received a meek "yes". Leaning down to her height, I whispered, "Sorry. I've been informed I have a habit of that. It's–"

She hurriedly shook her head with denial, her long dark-blue locks swaying as she did so. "D-Don't worry about it, um, Mister! I-It happens!"

I patted her on the arm appreciatively, before speaking. "You can call me Gray, you know?" After pondering for a bit, I spoke once more. "I was wondering something. What were you talking about, that involved me?"

Wendy vocalised a slight laugh. "Well, Mister… Gray." She flushed mildly, embarrassed, before re-starting, testing the new form of address. "Well, G-Gray, we weren't really talking about anything of importance. It was more like Natsu was saying anything and including your name, in attempt to get you back on the plane of reality."

I responded with silence, abashed.

"Gray, are you done talking with my sister?" Natsu called over from where he was respectfully standing, on the far side of the room. I chose to gesture for him to join us instead of answering verbally. It's not like he couldn't join in the conversation, after all.

Natsu jogged over from where he was standing, yes, the living room in which we were situated was that big, and leapt at me with a vigour. I narrowly dodged the attempted hug – I still didn't feel that comfortable with public affection – but grabbed him before he could hit the very solid floor with what I predicted to be a painful sounding thump.

Wendy let out a light tinkle of laughter, while Natsu jested, "Want a go, Wendy?"

"Natsu," she huffed, folding her arms mock-angrily, but with amusement glinting in her warm brown orbs.

Natsu's mouth upturned at the edges. "I missed you, li' sis!"

She responded with the same gesture, reciprocation indisputable.

Happy strolled over, meowing in protest. It looked as if he were shooting daggers at Natsu. Noticing this, Natsu let out a short burst of laughter. "Yeah, yeah, buddy. My attention will soon be all yours."

Rubbing against Natsu's leg, in the way cats do, Happy purred contently. This made Natsu's already overjoyed expression become more so, and I found myself thinking, He's cute.

The moment had to get interrupted, however, with the appearance of someone new in the room.

"Grandeeny! How've you been?" Natsu's attention quickly switched to that of the new presence, as he bounded over with glee, and embraced her with a quick embrace, before pulling away.

"And where have you been?" Grandeeny shot him an intimidating glare.

"Well…" Natsu spoke with a docile tone, having been successfully daunted.

As I had been watching this exchange with amusement, I hadn't noticed Grandeeny's gaze had landed on me. "Ah!" She called suddenly. "You must be the Mister. Fullbuster that Natsu's been talking about for years – that is – months!"

I mirrored Natsu's body language. "Please. Just call me Gray… What's this about years?" My eyes narrowed with suspicion. If this is anything like what happened at the other house, I swear. I sighed, exasperated, dreading the assumed dream that would come from this, but also finding my sleep-self amusing, for the dreams to be had in the first place.

Natsu, overhearing the short dialogue exchange, moved to be adjacent with us, and with his cheeks blazing, brusquely struck his hand between us, in the way of a karate chop. "Ahaha…" He laughed nervously. "So, how about we meet the rest of the family?"

Grandeeny chuckled at Natsu's antics, while another presence joined those already in the room.

Meow. This time it was a white cat, with pristine fur, and a haughty air about her, that entered, her stance poised.

"Carla!" Natsu bounced up and down briefly, before running over to her. Just before he could hug her, however, the feline hissed and bared a claw threateningly. Natsu, having got the message, backed away slowly, but not without a pout. One which I found immensely attractive.

Happy observed my dreamy expression and snickered… Snickered? Cats can snicker?! I thought with bewilderment, before letting my gaze drift around the room inquisitively. … Not the case. It was in fact, Wendy who snickered. She must have just made herself sound like Happy… Somehow. This was the explanation I gave myself, as I reasoned that it was the sole plausible one. Wendy grinned at me teasingly, baring her teeth, and I saw that, just like Natsu, her teeth were longer than average, essentially fanged. Must be a genetic thing, I deliberated, with refusal to let my over-active imagination whisk me away, like them having Dragon genetics in their blood or something like that…

I was pulled into reality, rather than along with my imagination, with Grandeeny speaking. I tuned in, ostensibly, to the latter part of her utterance. I think she was talking to me.

"Carla may not appear to be friendly, but she pretty much came with the package!" Grandeeny barked a short laugh.

I found myself speaking before I could control the vocalisations of my ever-rapid thought process. "Excuse me? What do you mean by that?"

I observed Natsu blanching out of the corner of my eye, while Grandeeny emitted an apologetic aura, directed at Natsu. "Has Natsu not told you?"

"Told me what?" I was quick to react, my curious nature getting the best of me.

She prepared to speak once more, but not without much hesitation. She doesn't think it's her place to tell me. Before I could stop her from speaking, however, she had already started. I lowered my hand slowly, from where it had been raised mid-way in a partially-formed stop sign. An air of guilt and regret surrounded me, with Natsu being the only to notice it. He shook his head, as if to say there was nothing wrong, before directing a comforting smile my way, although there was concern in his onyx-shaded eyes. As if he were frightened of something.

Grandeeny, watching this exchange with a calculating gaze, decided it was okay to continue, though she did so hurriedly, seemingly afraid that there would be a bad reaction if she left it too long. "They are adopted."

I felt my jaw drop with the sudden revelation. What felt like an eternity later, I offered a response, albeit callow. "Oh."

Natsu was quick to run over and grasp me tightly, causing me to redden. Public affection? I told him I'm not comfortable with this! With a start, I realised Natsu's intention. I repeated, "Oh."

Natsu appeared to have a silent conversation with Grandeeny, with her sparing him a guilty glance, before he tugged me to the furthest corner away from the group formed in the centre of the room.

Natsu immediately exhaled, this imbued with a sense of relief, but it being quickly overcome with apprehension. He spoke cautiously, needing to calming his breathing from its erratic state before-hand. "Gray…" Natsu stared at me imploringly. I quickly returned this with an attempted reassuring smile, yet, and I think he could tell, it was strained. He appreciated my endeavour regardless. He continued, more confidently than previously. "So, you're okay with this? You… Don't hate me?"

My feedback was instantaneous, my tone laced with incredulity. "Why, no, how, could I hate you?"

"… So, you don't?"

"Of course I don't! You're my loveable match-stick!" I proclaimed.

Natsu breathed deeply, his comfort in my reply palpable.

I smirked. "To prove it~" I grabbed him, rendering him immobile, before leaping forward, to close the already minimum distance between us, with such ferocity, that it rivalled a lion vaulting onto its prey.

Enveloping his lips with my own, I murmured, causing him to shiver with pleasure, "I love you, don't ever forget it."

Pulling back slowly, leaving a trail of saliva in my wake, causing him to whimper, I said confidently, almost arrogantly, "Remember when I professed that?"

He nodded vigorously, his face turning increasingly scarlet, both at my display of public affection, and the realisation, as he had forgotten in the moment of unification, that his family was watching us, the sniggering at our confidence, now-embarrassment, all too obvious.

Natsu, finally gleaning this, gaped at me openly, at my boldness. My cheeks heated up rapidly. Where did my fearlessness come from?!

Natsu purred mischievously, his being flustered already forgotten. "How our roles have reversed."

A fresh presence chose, at that point, to identify itself. "Sounds like I've walked in on something big!"

I gaped. That voice. It had triggered something within the confines of my memory, previously buried.

Natsu, also hearing the utterance, promptly lit up with joy, his wide grin truly reflecting this. He seemed to realise something important, for his eyes flitted between me and the unfamiliar being, anxiously. Clearly, he wanted to see to the man; I could perceive the gender by his deep voice. I presented Natsu with a wan smile, and titled my head over in the direction of the person he was thrilled to see. Natsu squeezed me affectionately, before bounding over, his exclamation explaining to me the identity of the male. "Dad!"

"Careful there, son."

I turned to face this man, who Grandeeny had just identified as Igneel, by, similarly to Natsu, calling out to him.

It's him. I recognised this man; Igneel, Ur's co-worker.

Catching my eye, Igneel strolled over, while holding up his hand in salutations. "Gray Fullbuster, is it? It's been a while! Years even!"

"… Yes." My reply was short; his assertion having confirmed my suspicions.

Natsu squinted at me, his brow furrowed, confusion unmistakable in his orbs, before querying. "Years?"

I made a vague noise to certify Natsu's enquiry, my sight never leaving that of Igneel's.

Igneel, taking note of Natsu's confusion, proceeded to explain. "You see, remember that 'Bring Your Kid to Work' day?"

Natsu's reaction was immediate. His face fell, him being conspicuously downcast.

Igneel spoke softly, not expecting an answer. "You remember it?" Igneel's tone took on a more up-beat tone. "Well, that's not the only time I saw Gray, don't fret! I'm sure Gray can explain it, if his memory's come back?"

I hesitantly acknowledged Igneel, before raising my head, so to look at Natsu directly, allowing my mind to traipse back in time while doing so. "This is what happened."

"Lyon, are you sure you don't want to come? It will be fun, I promise."

"Denial. Stop asking me," Lyon retorted.

Ultear shrugged helplessly. "I guess he's not coming?"

"His loss," I quipped.

Ur spoke conscientiously, "Are you sure about this, Gray?"

"… It's fine. I already mentioned that. Can we go?"

Minutes later, in the car, we drew up to… "A hall?"

Ur revolved to view me from where I was seated in the back, Ultear having taken the seat beside her. "Yep!" She vociferated cheerfully. "This is a celebration party, for another successful year at work."

"Right… Well. Let's go in," I said, not without reluctance. A faint memory of a pink-haired youth had crossed my mind.

Ultear and Ur voiced their agreement, not having noticed my disinclination in their sheer joy at a party. Though, for quite different reasons, this much I was aware of.

My presumptions were proven correct, as, the second we entered, Ultear waltzed over to the drinks, Ur consequently sighing in disappointment. "Here I hoped she'd actually want to spend time with me."

I didn't want to further her disappointment, so I said nothing, instead patting her shoulder in attempt to soothe her, causing her to smile weakly.

Glimpsing flaming hair in the distance, my pulse spiked. A moment later, the feeling faded.

"Hey, Igneel!" Ur greeted.

"Hi," he replied in kind, before noticing me. "Hello to you too, young man."

I spoke stiffly. "Hi."

I soon zoned out from the conversation they were holding. It didn't interest me, after all. I assumed this would be the case for the entirety of the evening, but something Igneel said piqued my curiosity.

"No, he's not here, unfortunately; I wish he had come with me, to make amends with the two of you."

"Oh. Well, no matter. I was more hoping he would work things out with Gray, but if he's not here, he's not here."

Hearing my name within the already intriguing dialogue, I spoke up abruptly. "Huh?"

Ur directed her line of sight onto me; eyes downcast. "… Igneel's son."

My eyes widened, indubitably holding fear within them. After far too long a wait, due to my thoughts being muddled, I spluttered, attempting to speak, but this being unsuccessful, as all it resulted in was a coughing fit.

While in my state of choking, a bright flash of pink caught my eye. "… That wouldn't happen to be him, would it?"

Despite me speaking almost inaudibly, Igneel appeared to understand. He nodded solemnly, before speaking hesitantly. "He's changed since last time; I promise you that much."

"Dad! I made it!" The pink-haired male shouted, nearing us.

"Yes, you sure did... Though, weren't you ill? You said you couldn't make it?" Igneel questioned helplessly.

"Nah, Wen. persuaded Grandeeny to drop me off, after I begged her." Natsu replied, before noticing me. "Ah, if it isn't…" He pondered, patently in attempt to recall my name.

"Gray," I stated, interrupting his train of thought.

"That's it! Wait… Are you okay?"

I could barely hear his utterance, for, with a mixture of anxiety, but also a strange sense of warmth enveloping my chest, something I couldn't understand, I teetered towards the realm of unconsciousness.

My ears notified me of a crash, and Ur screaming, before her speech became fragmented, "Ultear, how dare you break those glasses! We are leaving here, now! … Gray? Are you okay? … I'm sorry, we'll have to go, I can't apologise enough for this! … Goodbye."

"The next morning, I remembered nothing." I murmured softly under my breath, though I'm sure Natsu heard me, despite my best attempts, "My mind probably shut out any memories that could hurt me." I spoke aloud, "As to you, Natsu, the next time I saw you was at Fairy Tail's club, in April."


I flicked my eyes over to Natsu, them presumably being viewed as peaked, if his audible gasp was anything to go by. Talking about the past is never ideal.

Wendy broke the silence, her solicited cheer cherished by all. "Gray, are you hungry? … I don't think anyone has eaten… Shall we?"

Wendy's venture was successful, for she received cheers in gratefulness of her utterance. Before we could head into the kitchen, I noticed all the present facial expressions becoming moderately anxious. I couldn't fathom as to why this was the case, until yet another being announced itself.

"Hello, all," a voice said slyly. "Come on, aren't you happy to see me?"

"Are you supposed to be here?" Igneel asked. "What about your rehabilitation sessions?"

"They said it was fine for me to come here today, there's no need to worry about them."

I was quickly becoming spooked. This voice… It can't be…?

A voice from my nightmares, one I longed to never hear again. A voice from the distant past.

I turned slowly, to face our company, my breathing becoming progressively ragged as I did so. "…You," I let out a sharp breath, finally facing the monster encompassed within my nightmares.

Zancrow chuckled wickedly. "Well, well. I recognise you."

Natsu glared at Zancrow warningly. "Zancrow, stop harassing Gray!"

"Is that his name?" Zancrow hissed. "I suppose I should know the name of the reason why I was taken under warrant, because of a cardiac arrest."

"What do you mean by that?"

Zancrow swiftly pulled me close to him, holding me by the throat, before pointing at my scar. "You see this scar? …That was me."

Natsu's reply was instantaneous; he let out a strangled cry, leaping from where he stood onto Zancrow, his face contorted with rage. "ZANCROW!"

I didn't hear what happened next, for I was out the door as soon as Zancrow let go of me to deal with Natsu, Zancrow's laughter having become manic.

I rushed into my house, the door slamming behind me, and ran straight to my room, Ur, having been at the house this day, calling after me worriedly. I smashed open my door, locked it behind me, and collapsed on my bed in a heap. I flinched. The bed that I've shared with… Natsu.

I let out an anguished cry. How could you not tell me, Natsu? That you know the man from my nightmares?!

Author's notes: ... Welp. That happened. Poor Gray. ;-;

Thank you so much for reading; I hope you enjoyed that chapter!

I'd like to thank lilygirl12805 for following and adding this to your favourites. Thank you so much for your support! I appreciate it.

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Thank you so much for staying with me; I'll see you!