Takes place after "Mainstream", Kurt is still relatively "in the closet" on the whole mutant thing. R&R!!

Disclaimer: I own nothing..

It was a bright spring day, typical weather for New York at this time of year. Pietro Maximoff leaned against a tree, cutting yet another of his classes. The bell rang, and students began to pile out of the school, on their ways home. There was a large crowd in front, waiting for busses to pick them up. 'Perfect,' Pietro thought, as he waited for one student in particular to show up.

"Hey, what's up, yo?" Todd approached his fried from behind. "You weren't in chemistry again."

"And you were? I guess I just had more important things to do." Pietro kept his eyes on the crowd, hunting his prey.

"I gotta go man, and you should too. Teach says she's gonna fail ya if ya don't show tomorrow. And then its summer school." The Toad shuddered at this.

"Whatever, then I'll go tomorrow." An evil grin spread over Pietro's face as he saw his victim. He was walking with that girlfriend of his, pretending, like he always did. It pissed Pietro off to no end that all the rest of them had been outted as mutants, but that German freak still got to hide. But he would change that.

"Hey, earth to Quicksilver!" Lance's hand passed in front of his face. Pietro swatted at it, angrily. "We're leaving, come on!"

"Hold on, one second, I got something I have to do." And with that, he was gone.

Kurt waved goodbye to Amanda as her bus drove off. He began to make his way over to the parking lot where Scott's car was parked. Suddenly, a gust of wind flew by him, and he felt a tug on his left hand. He looked down at his arm, and noticed, in horror, that his image inducer was gone. Then he heard a scream. Someone else had noticed too.

"Oh my god!!!! What the hell IS that THING?!?!?!" Someone yelled.

Kurt was in pure shock. Visions of Winzeldorf flew through his head. He tried to run, he tried to port, but he couldn't. He just stood there, like a deer in headlights.

"Ew, look at it! What is it?!?"

"Someone get the police or something!"

"Oh, GOD! I think it's a demon!"

A sharp pull on Kurt's tail brought him back to earth. He suddenly realized what was happening. He tried to pull his tail out of the large guys grasp, but the guy wouldn't give up so easily. He only let go when Kurt tried to grasp the guys arm, in an attempt to loosen his clutch.

"AH! It touched me!" The guy backed up and fell to the ground. He immediately picked up a rock, and threw it at Kurt.

This obviously gave the others the same idea. They started pelting him with everything they could get their hands on. Kurt couldn't escape, they were everywhere. He could feel tears stinging at his eyes. He began to panic. He huddled himself away from them, wrapping his tail defensively around his waist.

"What the hell are you doing!" Salvation came in the sound of Scott's voice. Kurt looked up to see his friends pushing through the mob of students.

"Get away from him!" Rogue pushed forward and walked up to Kurt. "Are you ok?"

Kurt just looked at her. He couldn't think, he couldn't speak. He body ached all over from the rocks and such thrown at him. Rogue and Jean began to help him to his feet.

"Ugh, we should have known he was one of you mutant freaks," someone shouted.

"You got a problem with mutants?" Evan yelled at the crowd. Spikes suddenly shot up through his shirt. The crowd hushed in fear.

"Evan, don't," Kitty put her hand on his shoulder. "Come on."

The six friends walked away to Scott's car. They helped Kurt into the back seat. He was shaking.

"Kurt, what happened?" Jean said to him.

"Ich weiß nicht. Ich möchte nach Hause gehen. Bitte gerades Haus." Kurt was too shook up to think, let alone speak English. He just sat there, shaking as his friends piled in around him to take him home.

Pietro watched as it all unfolded. At first, he was thrilled. Finally, the blue freak was getting what he deserved. Pietro walked over to his friends clutching the inducer in his hand. He expected pats on the back, but the expression on his friends faces was less than favorable. Pietro looked back at the crowd to see that they were now throwing things at Kurt.

'Oh jeez,' he thought. As much as he despised blue boy, he didn't want to see him really hurt.

He stood there with his friends, as they all watched Kurt being pelted by the crowd. 'Come on, port!' Pietro thought. 'Jesus, come on, Kurt, port!'

But he didn't. He just cowered there, taking it all. Finally Summer's and the other X freaks made their way over and pulled Kurt away from the crowd. 'Ok, good,' Pietro thought. He turned back to his own friends, looks of utter disapproval on their faces.

"That was low, Pietro. Really low," Lance told him as he and the others walked away. "Find your own way home."

Pietro watched as his friends left him behind. He felt disgusting. He had never seen anything so awful in his life, and he felt terrible. He began he walk home. He decided against running. He needed a long walk.

It was dark by the time he had gotten home. He opened the door and walked in. Lance and Freddy were in the living room, watching tv. They didn't look up as he made his way in. He saw Wanda and began to walk over to her. She gave him a death look and turned away. Ok, she had obviously heard about this afternoon. He hung his head and walked up to his room. He lay down on his bed and thought about what he had done. Sure, blue boy was annoying, and he deserved to be treated just like all mutants were treated. But this, this was beyond bad. Pietro had never expected everyone to go so, crazy. He just thought that everyone would maybe call him a few names and move on. He didn't know they would get so violent.

"Why'd you do it, yo?" Todd walked into his room, and sat down next to his bed.

"Oh, come on, you wouldn't have? You hate him more than I do!" Pietro turned his back on him, not letting him see the shame in his face.

"Yeah, I don't like him. But I don't want the guy dead."

"The other guys are pissed at me, aren't they?" Pietro asked.

"Yeah, a little. I mean, none of us really care either way about any of those freaks. But it's the principle of it, Pietro. I mean, us and the X men, we're enemies. We fight against each other, ya know? But when it comes to humans, we gotta look out for one another, mutant to mutant. And you just kinda delivered Kurt to the enemy, man."

"I didn't think they were going to hurt him." Pietro didn't try to hide the remorse in his voice. God, he felt so bad.

"Well, what'd you expect? They were gonna give him roses?"

Pietro sighed. He had made a huge mistake.

"Anyway, I'm gonna go downstairs. I'll talk to you later, yo." Todd left he room.

Pietro turned over in his bed. He was hungry, but he didn't dare go downstairs. He didn't want to face his friends again. He replayed the entire afternoon over and over in his head. He wished he hadn't done it, he really regretted it. He had never felt so bad for anything in his life. He had to somehow make up for this. But he had no clue what to do.

His eyes began to feel heavy as he began to fall asleep. He turned over and, before falling into slumber, he decided what the first thing he had to do was. As hard as it would be for him, he as going to apologize to Kurt.

Like? Hate? Lemme know! Next chapter will be all Kurt!! Remember to review!!

German translation (I used Babelfish, I know its not always so reliable, but bear with me): "I don't know. I want to go home. Please, just home."