There will be spoilers for Birthright throughout this fic, and if you're reading this I'm going to assume you've already played to up at least chapter 11 of Birthright. Commentary at the end.

"You made the right choice. Your home is Hoshido. We are your family, brother."

It was those kinds of declarations that stuck with Corrin the most. He constantly questioned if he made right the choice, choosing Hoshido over Nohr. But above all he could find solace in knowing that King Garon was evil and had to be stopped. Not only for what he had done to Corrin and his family, but for what he continued to do to the peaceful, innocent Hoshidans.

It had been a week since he had made his decision. Or had it been weeks? Months? He wasn't as sure as he'd like to be but his sense of time was nonexistent. The years he spent locked up in that castle in the barren, abandoned wastelands of Nohr felt like a few moments in hindsight. The days blended together into one undiscernible mess. But being in Hoshido, being free and traveling, each day was it's own glorious adventure.

But he was seriously reconsidering all his decisions as he fought strange, translucent spirits on the deck of the boat they had boarded to take to Nohr. A sudden gust of wind that radiated from the middle of the boat had launched him from the group and onto the railing, nearly sending him into the water in the process.

As poor as his footing was on the wet wooden deck, the rain impaired the wyvern riders that descended upon him just as well, if not more so. He wasn't a swordmaster like his older brother but a simple samurai. The lowest of low when it came to Hoshidan swordsmen. The training he had received during their time together and his lighter Hoshidan armor meant that he could easily dodge every wyvern that descended upon him. Killing them was the real issue he had yet to solve, he couldn't exactly fly up and stab them.

The screech of a bird pierced through the rain as a pair of wyverns began their descent for an attack run on him. A bright white bird flew past them, the blue haired woman riding it sat up and aimed her bow. Both the wyvern's and their riders went crashing onto the deck around him, their backs turned into pincushions by the woman's incredible accuracy.

"Hello, Lord Corrin! I'm glad to see you safe and sound." The woman said casually as she aimed her bow out to the sea and drilled an arrow through the eye of one of the enemy fliers.

"I'm sorry, but…. who are you?!" he exclaimed nervously as he ran his hand through his hair and lifted it out of his eyes. "Do you realize we're in the middle of a battle?!"

The woman pet her flying bird, giggled at him, then launched a rain of arrows out to sea. Corrin watched as she shot at what seemed like nothing, before a group of wyverns flew right into them. "Oh, yes, of course." she hummed proudly as she latched her bow onto the holder on the saddle of her mount. "But this type of battle is a playground to me! I'm Reina, a Kinshi Knight from Hoshido. Yukimura sent me here to provide you with my special brand of assistance."

"And that is…?" Corrin asked as he nervously looked around for more enemies. Once he was content with the fact that they were alone for the moment, his gaze drifted to Reina.

"Specifically, skewering enemies by the dozen. Oh, I wish you could have seen some of the work I did on my way here. The depth of agony was palpable!"

"Uh… what?"

"I'm talking about the enemies I killed on my way here."

He clutched the yato tighter, prepared to defend himself. "Ah, I… see. And you're not going to kill any of us, right? Just our enemies?"

"Of course! I'm sorry if you misunderstood." Reina said in apology as she hopped atop her kinshi and pulled a lance from her saddle. Corrin watched her stare at her lance with an excited look and shuddered in anticipation. "Please, just point me in the direction of anything you would like to die."

"Right. Well, anyone purple would be a good start…" he murmured nervously. She let out an excited squeal and launched an arrow past his head. The scream of a dying pegasus rang out behind him, followed by a loud splash. For the rest of the battle he watched in awe as Reina zipped ahead of him, leaving behind a trail of translucent corpses.

"That was crazy!" Corrin exclaimed as he strode back onto the deck of the ship, Orochi in tow. The diviner had become, as she declared, his crazy fairy godmother. She was relentlessly upbeat and fun. It was a pleasant change from everyone else in the troop, who either resented him for being kidnapped or because he was raised in Nohr. "Are all boat rides like that? Because I don't ever want to do that again."

"Oh, come on, boy! That was fun!" Orochi squealed in delight. Corrin looked around at the mess that became of the deck. Wood planks were ripped up and torn apart from the and were scarred from the countless axe wielders they had fought. At least the weather had cleared, and the Captain had predicted clear skies for the rest of their voyage. Hinoka, Subaki and Silas could all be seen tending to their mounts while Sakura treated anyone wounded from the battle. But there Reina was. Off by the far railing. The mast? Or was it the stern? Corrin would likely never master nautical terminology.

"No! I nearly got launched off into the water!" he spun and faced Orochi, still standing in front of the staircase that led below deck. "I don't know how to swim. I didn't even know water could get deep enough to kill someone until a day ago!"

"Relax, Corrin. You're Mikoto's boy! Besides, you're a dragon! You would have been fine. We should probably arrange swimming lessons for you, though..."

"I'd like that. By the way, do you know her?" Corrin asked as he pointed across the deck to Reina, who was preoccupied grooming her kinshi.

"That's Reina." Orochi responded absentmindedly. She quickly snapped to life at the realization of her own words, grabbing Corrin by the hand and dragged him across the deck to her. "That's Reina! Reina! You old hag! Where have you been?!"

Orochi pulled him across the deck and practically tossed him in front of Reina and her bird, before appearing at Reina's side and giving her a playful smack at her back. "Late. To. The. Party! Where have you been?! You abandoned Mikoto's favorite little boy! Surely she frowns upon you from the afterlife!"

"Ah, Orochi. A pleasure, as always. You still talk to me as if you don't want to live to my age." Reina smiled to her, before looking to him.

'I hope I die before I get as old as you!" Orochi playfully teased.

"And Lord Corrin! My apologies." Reina bowed to him. She stood back up and glared at Orochi. "I've been away on a border defense mission. Had news of your return and what happened to our beloved queen reached me sooner, I would have rushed to your side. But after seeing you in battle today, I have complete confidence in your abilities. That was an excellent display you put on. If those monsters bled, you would have painted a most exquisite masterpiece of blood across the deck!"

"You knew my mother?" he asked her in bewilderment. "You know each other? I'm sorry, we didn't have time to exchange pleasantries in the middle of the battle…"

"Reina was my partner in crime! This woman can down a whole bottle of sake and then go out on her kinshi and skewer a whole battalion of Norhians! We both served your mother." Orochi declared, shoving Reina forward towards him.

It was the first time he had time to actually get a good look at the woman. Of all the wild hair colors he had seen, it was the first time seeing someone with that shade of blue. And it was now his favorite color of hair. She looked to be around the same age as his mother, and the X shaped scar that ran across her face certainly intrigued him. She was obviously a battle tested and hardened warrior, but what could have happened to give her that?

"My mother employed you?"

"She did. As peaceful and loving as she could be, she understood that she needed a retainer that could protect her." Reina hummed proudly as Orochi rolled her eyes. She took a step forward and placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "Your mother missed you every day you were gone, my lord, I just want you to know that there wasn't a day that went by where she didn't talk about you, think about you or pray for your return."

He frowned as a crushing sense of guilt and sadness overcame him. She gave him a quick hug. "We'll all miss her, dearly. Yukimaru told me what happened. She wouldn't blame you for any of it, Lord Corrin. And the fact that her last moments were spent with her child was how she would have wanted them to go."

"I, ah… thanks. I wish that…" he mumbled sadly. Talking about his mother was still difficult for him. Reina's kinshi squawked and lumbered over to him and eyed him suspiciously. "Woah! What is that? Does it bite?"

"That's a kinshi, Lord Corrin! They're native to Hoshido. Those birds are as nuts as this old bird." Orochi howled laughing, smacking Reina's back. The humor was lost on Reina, who simply scowled at Orochi. And the joke was a waste on him as well; he simply didn't get it. "Unlike pegasus, kinshis are fiercely loyal. They select their rider and won't allow anyone they deem unworthy to ride them."

"Wow." Corrin whispered in awe as he stared at the bird, who glared right back at him. "Well-"

"Lord Corrin." A cloud of smoke appeared next to him, and Kagero revealed herself. "Lady Hinoka has requested you below deck."

"Well, my sister needs me. It was a pleasure meeting you Reina. I hope we can talk some more later." he smiled and bowed awkwardly.

"He's a sweetheart, isn't he? And adorable, too!" he heard Orochi tell Reina as strode away.

"He certainly grew a lot in the years he was away from us." Reina said as she watched him walk away. "Hard to believe he's become such a fine young man. Seems like yesterday he was just a babe crying in his mother's arms."


I'm finally playing through birthright (even though I had the plot spoiled for me long ago!) And I love Reina. There's not much in the way of fanart/fics for my favorite bloodthirsty skymilf. So here's my take on her, Corrin and birthright. Enjoy.