Disclaimer: I don't own the story or characters featured in Gilmore Girls, however I have a fertile mind and a fan orphan heart.

A/N: You are not dreaming! I am really updating this story in a reasonably respectable period of time. How proud are you of me? To my dear readers, who asked me, I won't stop updating this story, even now that I am writing two Rogan stories. Thank you to those who are already following "Until I Heal" too. ❤

This is a short chapter for my standards, I know, but it's another necessary filler. You guys will understand soon, so I hope you don't get too used to the slow pace. As always, feedback is appreciated.


Chapter 12 – Fresh news.

By the time we got to the hospital, it was raining like crazy.

I was laying within the curtained cubical, examining the polystyrene tiled ceiling. There was nothing else to look at, except an assortment of machines around me. I could hear the doctors and nurses whispering to one another down the hall, but still no sign.

My Mom held my hand with a firm grip. We were both scared. The results of my exams were still a mystery, so I was still in the dark. I watched every room detail becoming a torture at the same pace as Mom's feet tapped impatiently.

The doctor walked in with a face like a brick. His movements were sharp and with purpose, he analyzed the chart for a few seconds and looked up with a perfunctory smile flashed for just a moment, like professionals do. I could never relax around such expressions. I needed a genuine face, preferably a smile, but if not - I'd really rather they didn't fake it.

My heart grew so heavy with anguish and despair, that I sank emotionally to the ground.

"So, Ms... Gilmore." He was looking for my name on his file. "I have news for your case."

Lorelai sighed. She was fed up with all the stalling and interjected. "Listen, Doc. I don't mean to be rude, but can we move straight to the point?" She asked, with an award-winning smile.

The doctor rose his brows in apathy. "All right..." And continued. "The tests results showed nothing you should be concerned about." He affirmed in a calm tone and Lorelai and I exchanged a glance that assured me we were feeling the same empty hopelessness.

I gasped as I spoke, but I didn't believe his words. "Are you sure, because I really think…"

The doctor looked tired, perhaps for many hours at a time on duty. His faced ghosted eyes with dark circles and a stiff upper lip. "I can assure you that the bleeding is not related to a miscarriage, placental abruption or ectopic pregnancy. You also have no sign of any STDs or infections, however as this is a pregnancy migrating from the second to the third semester, we should investigate more calmly." He finished, glancing between the both of us.

"All right." I said, watching Mom's eyes reflecting the same insecurity.

The doctor pretended not to notice and continued.

"I will ask you some questions and I need you to answer honestly so that we can get to the best possible diagnosis."

"Okay." I nodded.

"In the past 48 hours, did you smoke?"

"I'm not a smoker." I claimed.

"Did you drink alcohol or consume any raw foods?"


"Have you overdone caffeine?"

"Not as much as I wished." I joked. It fell as flat as my enthusiasm on the floor.

He looked at me with his dazed eyes, clearly reproving my answer.

"I'm kidding. No."

"Have you had sexual intercourse within the past few days?"

"Yes..." I said coyly, cheeks burning with embarrassment.

Lorelai's eyes turned to me briefly, but I caught the hidden joke in them. She scratched her nose and let a wry smile touch her eyes, the corners of her mouth.

"Sexual activity is recommended, mainly because it brings benefits to the childbirth, but it must have moderate intensity, since the birth canal becomes more sensitive from now on." The doctor warned, holding the clipboard against his body.

"Got it!" I nodded, trying to hide my lobster red cheeks.

"Well," he said. " We have no reason to believe there are any current immediate threats to the baby, I recommend that you come back in a couple days for a few more tests just to be sure. You're free to go for now."

He saluted us politely one more time and withdrew from the curtained cubicle to see his next patient. I could finally breathe. It was a mixture of relief and a willingness to get better. I could see that my mother felt the same way by the pressure with which she held my hand as the doctor spoke.

My mother collected my few belongings while I dressed. It was a relief to finally walk through those doors on the way home.

"What a jerk!" Lorelai exclaimed testily.

I rose my eyebrows in assent. "I know. I should call Dr. Frank. He was out the town, but I'll make an appointment just to be sure."

Mom blanched at my suggestion "I also don't like this man."

"Why? He brought you to the world." I argued.

"Exactly! He took me out of the warm spot and handed me naked, covered in blood to Emily Gilmore. Watch your back with this one." She said, dismissively.

I rolled my eyes. "Don't be so dramatic."

"I swear! Every time he looks at me, I swear that he secretly grins evilly. He knows it." She remarked, pulling into the driveway and climbing out of the car.

"Alright, Mom." I muttered back as I made my way inside the house.

"So…" Lorelai kept following me from room to room. I knew deep down that the woman would not leave me alone, until she had all the information she wanted.

I turned around to meet her expectantly eyes. "What?"

"Aren't you going to tell me what happened on your British honeymoon?" She teased, eyebrows raising

I wrinkled my nose. "There was no honeymoon, Mom."

"That's not what doctor grumpy said." She stated, sending a cheesy grin toward me.

"Fine, Mom. We had sex, but things are still weird." I gasped.

"How? It sounds very nice to me." She sneered.

I knew that conversation could take hours, so I sat on the bed and invited my mother to sit next to me, preparing me to sum up.

"Well, just to get start, Mitchum saw that I was pregnant before Logan."

She widened her eyes and allowed her mouth to fall open, pretending my words frightened her. "How?" She asked.

"I overslept, so I went to Logan's office and stepped in the wrong office."

"Oh, Rory."

"Yeah, then obviously he was a jerk to me and I lost it, Mom. We were both totally over the line and we had an awful fight." I shook my head repeatedly with the memory, echoing in my head.

"What did you do?" She asked.

"I ran away. I was so lost that I left. Logan came after me and we met at this bar we used to go together. Then he saw me and just knew it."

I watched her, expectantly, eyes burning in curiosity as she knelt on the bed. "And?"

"He was shocked at first, but then he seemed fine with it."

"And…?" She pressed me to quicken the story, moving her hands.

I gulped, tried not to speak too quickly as I replied. "And I spent the night in his place."

Lorelai folder her arms judgmentally. I knew she was about to lecture me somehow. "What about his fiancé?"

"They broke up." I said, relieved and watching her features shift into disrepute.

"Shut up!" She was shocked and started fumbling for words.

"Yeah" I chortled slightly. I simply couldn't help myself, it sounded very good to my ears. Until she asked the question that I was afraid to hear.

"So where does this leave you two?"

I reflected, lowering my head. I opened my mouth a few times before I started, but I could only say the obvious. "I don't know, we didn't have the time to talk about it."

"Really? But you had the time to other things." She said, sarcastically.

"It's not like that, Mom. We would spend the day together and I'd considering staying there longer, but I couldn't." I explained.

"So it begins…" She murmured.

I frowned at her veiled complaint. "What?"

"You, getting all cozy with Mr. Grey. Then you are all society and as soon as I blink, you'd be leaving me again." Lorelai whined.

"I would not." I protested, indignant to her accusation.

"Right, because you never did that before." She mocked.

"Seriously, Mom?"

"I'm just saying I'm so afraid of you entering to that family, kiddo. They are mean and how would treat your baby? And you!" She argued, holding my hand.

"I know, I am too. I mean, Logan and I didn't talk about the future. Mitchum is very sick."


"Yes, he is in hospital right now. I left because I knew Logan had things to do. Oh crap!" I said way too loud, slapping my forehead.

Lorelai went rigid. "What?"

"I just remembered that I promised I'd call him and I haven't. He must be worried sick."

Lorelai nodded. "You better call him now."

"I know. He said he wanted to be there for the baby, Mom. He seemed so happy, so content and ready." I said, with watery eyes.

"That's great, Hon." She stated, her tone soft.

I smiled heartily. "And then, he said we should keep talking about us."

"Well then. I promise I'll give him a chance."

"Thank you, Mom."

"Now go call him!"


"Rory?" Logan answered his phone, his voice apprehensive and thick with exhaustion and stress.

"Hi, Logan. I'm sorry I haven't call you before."

He sighed in relief, but his voice still seemed a little stiff. "I left you several messages."

"Sorry, I was just…" I paused my words, knowing that depending on what I said, it might make him even tenser.

"What?" He asked me.

"Nothing, something just came up. I'm so sorry."

Logan fell silent for a minute as if attempting to accept my answer. "OK."

"So, how you're holding up?"

"Ah…" His voice trailed the word.

"It doesn't sound good." I remarked.

"Well, in a few minutes I'm going to test compatibility. He may have some chance through a transplant."

"Are you nervous?" I cursed at the moment the words came out of my mouth. What kind of stupid question was that?

"Easy to notice?" He said, playfully disturbed.

"It will be all right, you'll see."

"I hope so. I have to go now, they're calling me." His voice seemed a little absent, and I knew it wasn't the best time to continue that conversation.

"Right. Good luck."

"Thanks. And thank you for calling." He said.

"Sure. Will you let me know of the results?" I asked.

"Yes, I will."

"OK then." I assented.


I hung up the phone lying on my bed. I stared into the darkness of my bedroom and tried to come up with a less alarming scenario. I fell asleep for a few hours out of sheer exhaustion, and was awakened by a ring. It was that dreaded phone call. I sat up in my bed, rubbed my eyes and searched the bed for the phone. There was a message icon on the screen.

It was written; "I tested negative."

A/N: I dare you to find out what's going to happen next. Go!