Okay, so I got a request asking me if I could write a story where I pair our favorite web slinger with another girl from the DCU. I thought long and hard *Beavis laugh* about it, until about a couple weeks ago when an idea pop into my head. Hence this story. Now it's not going to be a full blown story or anything. It's just a series of events and moments that may have occurred if Spidey was a supporting character during the events of the first two and a half seasons of the Flash TV show. That way I won't have to worry about breaking canon too much, and any changes the show makes in the future I'll be able to easily work around it. I'm well aware that I may have changed the backstories of certain characters too. One thing's for sure, this is probably gonna piss off a lot of SnowBarry fans but I'm willing to take that risk. My flame shield is at the ready.

Spider Man, The Flash and all related characters are owned by Marvel and DC comics.

*This chapter takes place after the events of season one and before the events of season two.*

Chapter 1: How does he do it?

The Subway, Central City

A man in a yellow and brown quilt suit that covers his entire body, is seen running through the subway train tracks. Meanwhile a man in a red and blue spandex suit, with web patterns all over it and a huge spider emblem displayed on both the front and back is seen swinging after him in what looks to be a web line. The man in the quilt suit stops, turns around and begins to power up his metal gauntlets. He fires a huge blast at the man in red and blue to which he leaps out of the way to another subway track. The quilt man continues to run down the track until he enters a large room where he prepares to make his final stand. The man in red in blue also enters the room and confronts the man in quilt.

"I don't get it. New York is supposed to be your turf. The hell are you doing here in Central City?" asks the man in quilt.

"I guess I just wanted a change in scenery," answers the man known to the world as Spider Man. "Besides, I was just about ask you the same question Shocker. I get wanting to move to a different city, but you do realize Central City has a protector in the form of a certain scarlet speedster? I mean, if you want your daily butt kicking to go by faster I totally understand."

There was a small giggle coming from his built in comm link. The wall crawler smiled under his mask because he knew exactly who it was that giggled over the comm. It was always good to hear her laugh. It's rare when she does.

"I think it's about time I teach you a lesson, and Shocker's school of hard knocks is now open," says Shocker.

"Oh give me a break Shock, I can't believe you have ANY class let alone a whole school worth," Spider Man says back earning another small giggle over the comm.

"Can you hurry up and fight this guy before Caitlin dies of laughter back here?" asks an annoyed male voice over the comm.

"I don't think Cisco appreciates the fact that you tell better jokes," says another female voice.

"I'm with Iris, I can taste the salt from here," says another male voice. "Hang in there Spidey, Snart has the other half of the jewels he and Shocker stole. I'm taking him on right now. I'll be there to help you in a minute."

"Take as many times as you need Flash, I've beaten Shocker many times before, I can do it again," says Spider Man.

The wall crawler and the gauntlet wearing criminal engage each other. Shocker fires a blast and Spider Man leaps out of the way.

"Seriously shock, you should just quit. You and I both know how this is gonna end. Wouldn't want to ruin that fine polyester suit," the spider hero quips as he dodges his foe's blasts.

"I'll take my chances," Shocker says back as he continues to fire at the wall crawler.

"Wow, you sure take this a lot more seriously than Captain Cold does. In fact, he's the one who told me where you were," says Spider Man.

Shocker's eyes widened in surprise, "WHAT? WHY WOULD HE DO THAT?"

"This is all just one big game to him," the web head shrugs. "At least I can understand why HE likes causing trouble here in this city. The man loves a challenge. Though, judging by the way he speaks, I'm surprised Flash doesn't punch him out before he could even finish a sentence."

"Okay that was actually pretty funny," Cisco admits over the comm.

"That smug son of a bitch. He wanted to screw me over from the beginning. Well if I'm gonna go out, I'm taking you with me. I'm bringing the whole place down." Shocker raises his hands only to see his gauntlets aren't there anymore.

"Oh yeah, and if you're wondering why I haven't landed a punch throughout our entire bout, it's because I was only just a distraction," says Spider Man.

Suddenly Shocker hears someone whistle. He looks over and sees a man in a dark red jumpsuit with a lightning bolt on his chest leaning against a wall. In his hands are his gauntlets. "You looking for these?" asks the man in red with a wide grin on his face.

"Fastest man alive my tucas. What took you so long?" Spider Man begins to ask.

"Snart wouldn't stop monologuing," the Flash answers. "You know how the man likes to talk." The Scarlet Speedster then proceeds to run toward Shocker and, in the blink of an eye, clotheslines him, knocking him unconscious.

Spider Man begins to web up the villain, keeping him secured on the floor, "Well, that about…"

"Finish that joke and I will punch you," Flash interrupts.

Star Labs

The two heroes are now walking back to the main lab to reunite with the rest of the group. Both of their masks were removed.

"I appreciate you showing up when you did," Peter says to Barry as they're walking. "Who knows what would have happened if he actually brought down the entire subway?"

"The sudden cave in would be pretty bad," Barry replies. "Of course if you and Shocker were to survive, then he would probably have to listen to your lame jokes until a rescue team comes in and dig you guys out. *chuckles*"

"Hey," Peter looks over at his friend in mock offense. "My jokes aren't that lame."

The speedster starts to grin, "I think a certain bioengineer would probably agree with you on that."

The spider hero begins to blush, "Barry, for the last time we're just friends. We've been friends since college. Besides, I think she's still in mourning over Ronnie like the rest of us. I don't think now would be a good time for her to start a new relationship. It would be like you trying to pursue Iris while she's still dealing with Eddie's death."

With that Barry nods in understanding, "Yeah, that would be pretty awkward…I'd be lying if I said I hadn't thought about it though."

"Sometimes you move too fast my friend," Peter says with a smirk eliciting a small laugh from the speedster.

"You may think you and Cait could never work but I think everyone else would say otherwise. You two get along great. You're the only one in our entire group that can get her to open up. Also, I've seen the way she looks at you whenever you're not looking. She likes you a lot more than you think."

Peter stays silent taking in his friend's words.

"Look just think about it okay? You two deserve to be happy. Just don't wait too long, you wouldn't want someone to…I don't know…swoop in and scoop her off her feet."

The two heroes make it to the main lab where they are greeted by their friends. Iris walks to Barry and gives him a hug.

"Nicely done you two," Dr. Martin Stein complements. "I'm not so sure about Snart, but I'm sure this Shocker character will think twice before causing trouble in this city again."

"Speaking of Captain Cold, I should probably thank ol' snow miser for ratting out Shocker for me. Maybe I should send him a fruit basket," says Peter.

"After the whole Trickster fiasco, I don't think the penitentiary will allow it," says police detective, Joe West.

"Ah, crumbs," Peter pouts. "And it was gonna have his favorite movie attached to it too."

"Wait, let me guess, it's Frozen isn't it?" Iris asks with a smirk.

"I was gonna say Happy Feet. He would probably hang himself if he heard, "Let it Go," for the gazillionth time," the wall crawler replies eliciting smiles, eye rolls and a snort of laughter from a certain brunette woman.

"Hey web head," Cisco speaks up. "If you're done throwing shade at Cold, I need you at the tech lab. Kinda need your help on something."

"Sure thing, I'll be right there," says Peter as he sees Cisco leave the room.

As everyone begin to pack up and leave for a job well done, that gave Peter, now in his civilian clothes, a great opportunity to have a chat with his longtime friend, Caitlin Snow. He sees her on the computer looking at some files and he approaches her. Barry and Iris are chatting on the other side of the room near the display case where Barry's Flash suit is located.

"So, when I was confronting Shocker, I noticed someone giggling in the background at one of my lame jokes," Peter says with a wide grin.

Caitlin stops what she's doing and just stares at the computer screen with wide eyes and a flush of pink on her pale cheeks, "Um…I don't know what you're talking about. You must have been hearing things."

Peter chuckles and rolls his eyes, "That's not what Cisco told me, and I recognize that giggle anywhere…even if it is extremely rare."

With that, the brunette woman sighs admitting defeat and she looks over at Peter with a small smile, "Okay maybe I did get a chuckle out of that comment about Shocker having no class…and the one about the way Captain Cold speaks. Do you always have to antagonize the villains you fight?"

Peter shrugs, "As long as they keep standing there and take their insults like champs."

Caitlin chuckles, "It kinda makes me glad I'M not a supervillain. I would hate to find out what kind of shade you'd throw at me."

"You? A supervillain?" Peter laughs. "I find that incredibly hard to believe. Besides, I could never mock you."

"You wouldn't?" Caitlin asks as she looks at him in wonder.

"I wouldn't even know where to start. You're far too perfect for me to poke any personal jabs," Peter answers with a warm smile.

The brunette looks away and begins to blush, "I'm really all that perfect if everyone I care about keeps dying on me."

The spider hero's face begins to fall at what she said and he puts his hand on her shoulder. Caitlin begins to blush more at the touch and she looks over her shoulder at her friend.

"I know, I miss him too," he says in a soft tone then he smiles. "He was a good man, and one hell of a friend. That time when he, Barry, Oliver and I gave the Reverse Flash the beating of a lifetime was still one of the best nights of my life. I mean, a guy who used to be my roommate in college as a superhero and helping me take down a bad guy. How cool is that?"

Caitlin grins and chuckles at Peter's remark.

"Of course there's also the fact that said bad guy just happens to be someone who I was working with ever since I got that job transfer from Horizon to Star Labs about a year ago…If that's the case, then I'm convinced that J Jonah Jameson is a supervillain from the future too. He just has to be."

"In the world we live in, I can believe it," Caitlin chuckles. "Gwen was right, you sure know how to cheer people up." Then her face softens. "You know I miss her too right."

Peter smiles warmly, "Well of course, she was your college roommate. In fact, if it wasn't for you and Ronnie setting us up on a blind date we never would have met."

The brunette woman lightly laughs, "Well we didn't want you two to feel left out. That and you two seem to get along so well."

"Maybe a little too well at times," says Peter. "Well, I better go help Cisco with…whatever it is he needs help with. You think you'll be okay by yourself?"

"I'll be fine Pete, go," Caitlin replies with a reassuring smile.

Peter smiles back and leaves the room.

"Can't believe it's been almost a year since he's been with us. It almost feels like he's been here a lot longer."

The brunette woman turns around and sees Iris standing next to her watching Peter leave the room. "Yeah," she sighs.

"I also can't believe that he's been doing this way longer than even Barry has. He may not act like it but he's definitely the most experienced out of all of us when fighting meta-humans," Iris continues.

"I still can't believe it took him this long to tell me," Caitlin mumbles. "Now all of his constant absences and him arriving late makes more sense."

The dark haired woman laughs, "Well, to be fair, you two only knew each other because of who both of you were dating at the time. There was never a time when the two of you actually interacted directly. Maybe it wasn't until now, when he got to know you more, that he knew he could trust you."

"I guess so," Caitlin mumbles.

"Still, it was pretty hilarious when you fainted once he unmasked himself," says Barry on the other side of the room eliciting a glare from both Caitlin and Iris. Barry raises his hands in defeat and proceeds to stop talking.

There was silence for a couple seconds before Caitlin spoke up again, "…How does he do it?"

Iris looks at her friend in confusion, "Do what?"

Caitlin looks at Iris, "He's been through so much heartbreak, so much tragedy, more than any of us here, and yet he's able to pick himself back up and still have a smile on his face. He always looks at the bright side of a difficult situation and he, literally, laughs in the face of danger. Every time I look at him, I can't help but ask myself, "Why can't I be more like him?" I know he has doubts, insecurities and personal fears, but, and I know he'll never admit it, he masks all of that with his humor and optimism. No matter what, there's not a damn thing on this Earth that can keep him down…I can't help but feel inspired by that."

Iris looks over at Barry who in turn looks right back at Iris. They both knew Caitlin had a point.

The dark haired woman looks back at the brunette, "Well, I'd be lying if I said I didn't think his "never say die" attitude is contagious. That's just how Peter is. He's annoying, but he's good friend. I still remember the time when my dad was kidnapped, and he gave me a heart to heart encouraging me to have faith in you guys."

"Not to mention the time when he helped me through dealing with the fact that Wells was the Reverse Flash, even going so far as to say he'd help me bring him down," Barry spoke up. "And he gave Cisco the whole "great power, great responsibility" speech when we found out he had powers too and encouraged him to embrace them."

"Trust us Caitlin, you're not alone when it comes to having such thoughts. We've all thought about how Peter handles tough situations," says Iris. "He kinda inspires all of us."

"For what it's worth, I'm glad he's on our side, and I'm happy to have met him," says the speedster. "You've got one hell of a friend Cait."

The brunette woman gives a wide smile, "Yeah, I guess I do."

There was some silence for a few seconds before Barry decides to ruin the moment with his last comment, "You know, if Peter is looking for some ammunition to use against you, I can always tell him about our little karaoke night."

"Please don't," Caitlin groans.

So there you have it. I know it's short but like I said, it's not going to be some big epic like my other two stories. This is a much smaller thing. Anyway, the version of Spider Man I'm using right now is sort of a marriage between two things. His character/backstory is being pulled from some of the recent comics that I've read so far, and I also established that he's been active way before even the Arrow made his first appearance, therefore making Spidey the first big superhero in this universe I set up. I'm also going for Andrew Garfield's likeness complete with the TASM2 suit.

As for those of you who are waiting for the next chapter of Hope and Responsibility, it will be coming very soon. I just got done writing the latest chapter and I'm just working on some edits. I just wanted to get this one out because it's been in my head for quite some time.

There will be more of this particular story to come so stay tuned, and once again, I apologize to all the SnowBarry fans.

Until next time...