Return of Nightmarity Birth of an Eternal Night Chapter 4 Recover Sister

Celestia was rushed into the ER quickly as doctors went to assess what kind of injury Tia was suffering.

Luna waited in the waiting room fearing that the worst has happened.

She imagined her sister dead or at least had a few more months to live before finally dying.

The fact that she was thinking like that only drove her tears to flow more no matter how many times she wiped them away. Luna imagined Celestia sacrificed herself to keep her sister fighting for her life and lives of many other ponies in Equestria.

This is all my fault I just know that everypony is going to hate me Luna thought of everypony abandoning her, blaming her for Tia's ultimate demise.

Until a doctor came trotting in to greet Luna broke her concentration for the moment.

"Princess Luna we examined your sister's X Rays and we were able to save her thanks to the quickness you had," The doctor explained.

With a sigh of relief, Luna gave the doctor a hug tearing up tears of joy.

Thank goodness Tia is going to be ok

She walked into her sister's hospital room to see her looking out the window watching everypony going about their happy lives now that the morning sun came back up with the Eternal Night spell lifting when Luna killed Nightmarity by twisting her head a full 180 degrees.

"I really wanted to tell you how sorry I am for putting myself into the crossfire when you told me specifically not to," Celestia apologized.

Luna hugged Tia sobbing quietly on her chest because she was so worried the worst tragedy had come true.

She was thankful it didn't happen.

"I was so worry you had died but thank goodness you're alright and here to live another day," Luna was thankful to see her sister could still be here.

"Luna I am not going anywhere except to you because I love you forever and always," Celestia proclaimed wiping Luna's tears.

Luna sniffed and held on the sun princess tightly as if her life dependent on it.

Celestia nodded to have her sister let go and plus one of the nurses walked in.

"Miss Celestia has any pain from a blast of magic came back at any time?" asked the nurse pulling out of her pen and clipboard.

"No not at all," Celestia answered warmly and calmly flashing her signature bright radiant smile.

The nurse recorded her answer on the clipboard.

Luna sat there feeling guilty that this was going to be her fault if she heads outside, ponies will judge her like last but it ended with her being on the moon for 1,000 years or until Nightmare Night.

I really hope that does not happen again because the end result will be being on that moon for another 1,000 years or at least next Nightmare Night Luna got worried.

By sheer power or just motherly instincts, Celestia sensed hints of doubt and worry emitting from her younger sister which did not sit well with Tia.

"I can sense something is troubling you sister of mine; would you mind telling me what's wrong?" Celestia asked concerned.

At first Luna didn't want to say anything but knowing her sister would bug her about it unless she said something.

"Well after you sacrificed yourself to save me I feared that other ponies will put the blame on me for not stopping you from being in this current situation we are in now," Luna explained what's bothering her.

Celestia let out a chuckle that made Luna raise an eyebrow in confusion at the sudden outburst of laughter for she did not find any of this humorous.

"Luna dear sister I don't think anypony will put blame on you because I put my body in harm's way just so I could at least protect you," Celestia started to explain.

"But…" Luna tried to argue but Tia raised one hoof up to stop her excuse she was about to make.

"Nopony will think differently of you now or ever in your entire life. Plus no amount of what I did is gonna be enough for me to send you back to the moon," Celestia continued as if she read Luna's thoughts.

Her ears dropped down and felt ashamed for thinking negatively about her life.

"I understand your life has been changed since Nightmare Moon but this doesn't change anything about your personality; as long as you remain good to your word I could care less about what other ponies think of you," Tia expressed her love for Luna surpassed everything else.

The words hit Luna like she was punched in the gut and sent flying into a brick wall.

"I see now...thank you for opening my eyes," Luna thanked her sister for opening her eyes.

Celestia nodded ad gave her younger sister one final hug before she left.

Luna approached the front door and already she could feel her heartbeat pumping, beating faster than before.

Here goes nothing, remember what sister said about not caring what opinions other ponies may have Luna recalled what Tia told her.

Opening the doors ponies cheered Luna on for saving them from Nightmarity's wrath which boosted the moon princess' confidence 10 fold.

Wow Celestia was right, I did a great job and nopony is hating me because of what happened that resulted in somepony to be in the hospital

Luna took in all the praises she was getting from her subjects while Tia looked out and watched smiling.

"You must have one wonderful sister," The nurse said with a smile.

Celestia nodded in agreement.

Meanwhile, a shadow molded itself into a head then reattached to the neck making a clicking sound. Rarity opened her eyes then sat up breathing heavily as a stallion walked up to her.

"Miss are you-" He was cut off by a hypnotic power Nightmarity never possessed before until now.

She examined the stallion further to see he was standing still and not moving unless told otherwise.

"Ok you I want you to guide me to the mirror in the Crystal Empire," Nightmarity commanded.

The stallion walked down a path she can avoid anypony else noticing she up and left with somepony.

A new plan was about to arise and this time no one was going to be safe.