Third time lucky I hope, uploading is difficult ...

Just as he wanted to bolt out of the door, he saw something black moving in the corner of his eye and felt a strong grip on his upper arm, which he knew could only mean one thing.

"And where do you think we are going Potter" a silky voice asked him.

Oh, how he knew he was in for it now.

"Uhm, to the loo, sir" Harry tried.

"Potter you wouldn't even be able to tell a plausible lie if your life would depend on of it. "

Just as Snape wanted to say something more, probably something along the lines of detention, the unknown woman spoke up.

"Just let Harry go back to Daniel, Severus. He's just a kid." and she gave a meaningful look to Snape.

Harry silently thanked the woman.

"Ok, go now Potter, but don't let me catch you again trying to run away."

And so Harry Potter started his walk back to Daniel again, who assumed was still behind the curtains. It felt a bit like the walk of shame. When Harry glanced back he saw that Snape, the woman, and Dumbledore were in a heated discussion in Madame Pomfrey her office.

He wondered what that was about. He didn't have much time to wonder, though because he was awfully close to his bed again. Silently he opened the curtains and looked up at the Healer.

Healer Daniel was sitting next to his bed, calmly waiting for Harry. Somebody refusing to cooperate wasn't new for the Healer and so he wasn't astonished by Harry trying to run off.

He knew he also didn't have to follow Harry, since Severus was very aware of his surroundings and he would have heard Harry trying to take off as soon as he left the curtains.

"So Harry, do you want to tell me why you tried to take off?" Daniel asked in the same calm voice, which he used while explaining his proceeders.

Harry just shrugged.

He was quite embarrassed thinking back about the accident. He should have thought about a better lie, instead of just running off. Now the healer would think he was crazy.

"Harry" the healer started off again "It's perfectly normal to be scared of something like this. I have had heaps of patient who didn't want to. You should just have said, however. I can only help you if you tell me what's going through your head Harry. Now jump back on the bed and I won't do anything without your approval. "

Harry didn't think that he had any other options, so he just did what the healer told him to do.

Once seated the Healer started talking again. "Do you want to tell me, what you are scared about Harry?"

Harry shook his head so the Healer went on.

"Now Harry, I have been working as a healer for the past 10 years. As I told you, I have my own clinic, there are at every given moment around 5 children staying there. These children have experienced something traumatic and need help recovering from that. So that's what I and my colleagues do, we help them recover at their own pace and if they are ready for it, they can go home again." Harry was so engrossed in what the healer was saying, that he hadn't felt the healer lifting up his shirt. Just as the healer finished he felt his shirt being pulled over his head.

He looked down and saw he was naked and that the scars and bruises were showing on his bare skin.

He started panicking, he couldn't get a glamor upon his chest and his back and now the healer would see everything and contact his Uncle and they might decide to pull him out of Hogwarts, just as he was told he would never have to go back to the Dursleys again. Harry was working himself into a panic attack again. He didn't feel the hand that was being put up on his chest nor the calming energy that was flowing through his body. He must, however, have calmed down a bit, because he started to hear Snape's voice. "Harry breath with me, in and out in and out"

Harry was vaguely aware of Snape using his given name but tried to focus on doing what the Professor asked from him.

Harry started feeling the calming energy and together with Snape's help, he was able to focus on the people around him again. This also meant that he became aware of the panic attack he just had and he started to feel embarrassed.

As if the Healer could read his mind, he started to comfort him.

"There is nothing to be embarrassed by Harry. A lot of people suffer from panic attacks and I am proud of you for regaining control of yourself again."

This only added to his embarrassment, since Snape and the woman were still there.

Luckily he heard them leave again.

They must think I am a total freak for spacing out like this. Snape will probably have a field day when he can tell this to the Slytherins. Oh Harry was so not looking forward to that potions class.

The calming energy was still flowing through Harry, which he was glad for, since he was well aware that his chest was still bare. He couldn't, however, summon the energy to care about it.

In the meantime Healer Daniel had seen enough, Harry's skin was full of bruises and infected cuts. He had a hard time keeping his face straight. Sure he had seen children whose skin was full of burns after a fire and even children who came from abusive homes, but never had he seen a child hurt so bad.

"Okay Harry, I am done. You may put your shirt back on if you like. For you to put your shirt on, I must, however, take my hands off your shoulders and stop the calming energy, is that okay with you?"

Harry felt so relaxed that he actually wanted to refuse, but he wanted to pull his shirt on as well, so he just nodded.

"Okay I am going to leave you alone for a moment, but you just stay on the bed. "

Harry wanted to protest, he wanted to leave the infirmary, go back to his friends and class again. He had no idea what time it was, but guessed that lunch time had finished already. He, however, was too late to protest, since the healer had already left. He decided to just lay back and close his eyes for a moment. Hadn't the healer said he would be back in a minute?

Harry woke with a start when he heard Dumbledore talk.

"I rather wouldn't have woken you up, but you must eat some dinner my boy."

Harry looked to his left and indeed, there was the headmaster standing with a plate of dinner

He hadn't known he was this tired. It must have been the combination of the calming energy and the little amount of food he had eaten all day.

"Thank you, sir" Harry took the plate from the headmaster and started eating some of the smashed potatoes.

"That's no problem my boy, is it okay if I join you while you are eating?"

Harry nodded

"Do you remember, what I told you about the blood wards and the reason you had to stay at the Dursleys, Harry?

Harry's heart sank. He didn't have to go back to the Dursley again did he? He knew he should have refused the examination.

"Yes sir, but" Harry started to say but was interrupted by Dumbledore.

"No Harry, you just answer my questions, we can talk later."

"So you remember me telling you about that you were safe inside the blood wards."

"Yes, sir" Harry talked more to Dumbledore's shoes than to the headmaster himself now.

"Look me in the eyes Harry, how did you get all these bruises and scars my boy" Dumbledore's calm voice asked.

Harry started to come up with an excuse, which wasn't too hard. He had years of experience.

"You know my aunt Marge, she has this dog and he doesn't really like me, that's how I got these scars. And these bruises are just from me falling down the stairs, sir. Nothing to worry about. "

Dumbledore however had done something he had only done twice before. He had performed legilimency on a student. A thing he hated to do, but he knew Harry wouldn't outright tell the truth. Not at this moment at least.

"We boy know this isn't true, now is it Harry."

"Sir it" but Harry was interrupted again.

"No Harry, you know, when I dropped you of at your only family left thirteen years ago, I assumed they would , if not love you, at least care for you. This was however a fault on my part. And for this I am so sorry my boy. I know I don't earn your forgiveness, but I hope you can one day see why I did what I did and that you realise I really thought this was the best of you.

This is how he let a baffled Harry behind him.

Harry didn't know what to think of what the Headmaster had just told him. Sure he hadn't had the most fun time at the Dursleys, but it wasn't their fault either now was it. They were left alone with a one-year old boy , who later on started doing freaky things. much time to think over it he didn't have however, cause soon the unknown woman come through the curtains and seated herself at the chair that Dumbledore had just left.

"I haven't properly introduced myself have I now? I am Emily Snape-Kingscote, though you might want to call me Professor Kingscote when we are not in private, since I am your new Professor defence against the dark arts."

Harry was baffled, did this mean that his Potions Professor was married.

His confusion must have shown on his face however, since the Professor laughed.

"Yes indeed I am married to Severus Snape, how do you students call him, the bat of the dungeons." Harry became red, which only made Emily laugh harder.

"You don't have to be embarrassed Harry, I know my husband, can be a bit demanding when it comes to potions. This however wasn't what I wanted to talk with you about Harry. I, well we, this is Professor Snape and I, if you would want us as your new guardians, since you are obviously too young to be live on your own.

Harry hadn't really thought about what he would do when the summer holidays would start. He had just thought he would be able to stay at Hogwarts or go to the Weasley's, just something like that

"Professor Snape and I have a nice house here at Hogwarts, but for the Holidays we usually go to our Manor. If you choose to accept us as your guardians, you will have your own room at both places."

Harry had a hard time comprehending this all, was this woman , who he had never seen before today, offering him a home and a family?

"but, but. but Professor Snape hates me"

"No Harry, Severus doesn't hate you. I know he is not always the easiest person to be around, but you must trust me when I say he doesn't hate you. As you might know, he had to hold up an act while teaching, to make sure he could keep on spying, but believe me he doesn't hate you. He hated to act the way he had to, but it was all for the light, so they could keep their spy. And no that doesn't mean my husband goes around offering lemon drops to every student, but if only it's the fact that he is relaxed again now he doesn't have to worry whose surrounding him, you will see he is a much nicer person. And Harry you don't have to decide now, we won't withdraw our offer if you need time to think this over. We will hold no grudge either if you refuse our offer, but we just ask you to think about this.

"But professor, if I may ask, why are you doing this? Why are you offering this to, to someone like me "

"And what do you mean by someone like me Harry"

"Well" Harry had to think carefully about his words "Every year I have been at Hogwarts I have caused trouble and I am a freak" The last part came out softer as intended, but he still had said what he wanted to say.

"First of all you are no such thing as a freak, whoever told you that has obviously no idea what the term freak means, second thing. Did you attempt to steal the Philosopher Stone? Did you open the Chamber of Secrets with the intention to murder Muggle Borns? Did you willingly enter your name in the Goblet of Fire, so you could end up eye in eye with Lord Voldemort? Or are you referring to the few times you were in detention, which is normal for a student?"

Harry was stunned, he obviously hadn't done any of that , with exception of the latter, but that didn't make him normal. He still attracted trouble everywhere he went. Cedric and Sirius had died for him last year. If that wasn't enough to make him a freak.

"Do you have anymore questions Harry? For me or for Severus?"

"No Professor"

"Shall I leave you alone than, so you can have some time to think?

Harry didn't know why, but the talking had felt good, and he didn't want to be left alone again. So he made the decision that would change his life.

"No please don't Professor, I would like to accept your offer if it's still standing."

Reviews would be appreciated as always.