
Yato lay unconscious on a the futon in Kofuku's attic while Daikoku replaced the towel on his head. His breath was less raspy now that Yukine had poured some water into the god's mouth. Yato's father had set a trap for Yato and Yukine. Surrounded by fifty ayakashi in the blink of an eye. They'd eventually slain all of them but they were strong, of course, created by the sorercer himself. After the last one had been cleansed, Yato—suffering from serious blight and several smaller wounds—had dropped the ground. The battle had taken an incredible amount of energy and he had been asleep for almost two days now. Because of Daikoku and Yukine's vigilant care and holy water, only scratched and bruised skin remained from the blight.

Yukine sighed. Honestly his Sekki form had been at its limit too, causing him a few cuts and scrapes too.

A loud knock came at the door, startling the regalias.

A few moments later, "Bishie!" came from a cheery Kofuku's voice. Yato's eyes slowly opened although he did not move.

"What's Bishamon doing here?" Yato's voice was a little hoarse.

Yukine startled and looked at Yato in exasperation. "You're awake? Just like that?"

Yukine put an arm around Yato's back and helped him sit up just as Kofuku, Bishamon and Hiyori walked in the room. Hiyori smiled brightly and clasped her hands together. "I'm so glad you're awake."

Kazuma smiled slightly. "Yato, I'm glad you're feeling better. "

"Yato, everyone, we want to show you something. " Bishamon announced without any precedence.

"Huh? I guess." Yato was a little startled but agreed quickly, pulling himself up with Yukine's shoulder.

"Wait a second," Daikoku said, putting a hand out to stop the unsteady god of calamity.

"Yato, you haven't eaten anything in two days. It's not like I support moochers but there's a lot of leftovers in the fridge right now."

"Yeah, there's plenty for everyone!" Kofuku exclaimed excitedly.

"Kofuku..!" Daikoku protested with a groan, already thinking about how much fish he'd have to serve.

After lunch, everyone was in good spirits and health. The group of gods, regalia and a human walked half an hour before Yato complained where they were going.

"Actually Yato, we're here now." Kazuma stopped suddenly and gestured to the side of the walking path they had taken. Yato looked at him and Bishamon in confusion.

Bishamon stopped in front a vermillion tori gate just a little wider than a doorframe. A few paces further, a small shrine with a purple roof and a small donation box stood. The shrine was open on one side and deep enough you could pray at the alter and be protected from rain and wind. It could fit two adults if they ducked.

Yukine looked at the shrine and turned back to look at Yato, looking thrilled. Yato, however, was wearing a small frown.

"The shrine's a little too flashy for you, Bishamon. And I was under the impression you liked your shrines a little bigger too."

She gave a little groan and touched her face with her hand. How dense could he be? Did she have to spell it out for him? Kazuma chuckled slightly next to her. Yukine approached his master, biting his lip to keep from grinning ear to ear.

"Yato, this shrine is for you." She told him. Kofuku let out a yell of excitement and grabbed Daikoku around his neck.

Yato's look of displeasure very slowly turned into a look of complete shock. Kazuma pushed him gently so he could look inside the shrine. Even with the light push, Yato stumbled forward numbly. There was a small cushion on the ground in front of a deep red banner that had "夜ト神" printed in gold letters. From his side, Yato saw Yukine touch the side of the shrine in admiration.

"You probably couldn't feel it was your shrine because it hasn't been prayed at yet. That's when a god's connection to a shrine begins. Hiyori Iki, I know you made him a shrine before. I hope you don't feel we've offended you." Bishamon said gently.

Hiyori had been hands clasped and her eyes were full of tears. "No, thank you so much for doing this for Yato."

Kazuma came up behind Yato, whose eyes still wide with shock, and cleared his throat. "Excuse me, Yato, if I may…"Yukine touched Yato's arm but the god's gaze remained fixed on the shrine. Finally, with a little nudging, Yato shuffled away numbly let his friend pass.

To everyone but Bishamon, Daikoku and Kofuku's surprise, Kazuma tossed a 5 yen coin in the box, bowed twice, knelt on the cushion and clapped twice before speaking. "I hope that Bishamon-sama and Yatogami continue to get along well."

Yato gasped in shock and touched his chest. He'd felt the wish almost psychically, through Kazuma's sincerity. It was as if the shrine was sending his feelings along to him.

Bishamon turned curiously to Yato. "It seems you're a god who is very attuned with people's wishes. Not every god reacts so strongly. It makes sense, having been diligently listening for hundreds of years."

After Kazuma backed away, Daikoku approached with his own 5 yen coin. He also knelt down, he had to, he was almost as tall as the shrine itself. He closed his eyes and held his hands in prayer.

"I wish that this moocher god would find him and his hafuri their own house already." He hesitated before adding more. "So I wish that Yato will be that successful. "

Yukine accepted a five yen coin from Kazuma and looked up at his master. Tears spilled out of one of his eyes his face looked so open, young. Yukine had seen him like this before. Even looking like he was bearing himself to the world, Yato still didn't want to let himself cry.

"What a foolish master I have." Yukine chuckled slightly, going to sit at the shrine. He put his hands together and spoke. "I wish to Yatogami that he may become a revered god of fortune." He stood up and rejoined Yato.

Hiyori fished a five yen coin from her purse and followed everyone's lead. She clasped her hands and knelt at the shrine.

"Thank you, Yatogami for looking out for me." Hiyori thought back to the words Kofuku had said after she had given him his first shrine. "My wish is for Yatogami to live a long life."

Hiyori's eyes widened as she was suddenly grabbed tightly. Yato. Yukine had been grabbed along for the ride and the sat there at the base of his shrine holding his hafuri and his greatest believer tightly in his shaking arms. Slowly, they relaxed in his arms and Hiyori didn't mind when her shoulder, which his face was buried in, started to get damp. Yukine sighed in relief and contentedness and returned Yato's hug.

"…become a revered god of fortune"

"…to have a long life"

"Everyone, your wishes have been heard loud and clear," he sniffed.

Daikoku stayed behind to talk to Bishamon.

"It's interesting," he said, stepping out of the shrine ground to light a cigarette, "that you should build Yato a shrine when its clear the final battle with the sorcerer is coming soon."

Bishamon's eyes roved toward the shinki. "It seemed time. When I mentioned the idea to Kazuma, he took it up as one of his projects immediately. He and some others constructed it by hand." Daikoku could have sworn she bit her lip. "I think of it as insurance."

"But it's not insurance. Yato's only true believer is Hiyori and one isn't enough for a reincarnation. If you kill the sorcerer, you're killing Yato too."

A nice moment before everything falls apart :-)

Also, the kanji says 'Yatogami'. I couldn't pass up the opportunity to throw some Japanese in there.

Please review!