Let's Annoy Them!

Title: Let's Annoy Them!
Rating: T
Fandom: One Piece
Summary: [Sequel to RougeSpirit's Why Don't You Ask Them?] The Straw Hat Pirates managed to return to the One Piece World, but the Heart Pirates and Donquixote Pirates weren't so lucky. They ended up in the house of the Kaishi Siblings Skai, Kai, and Daichi. Are they worse than RogueSpirit? Well that's what they want to be!

"Aww man, we only got two reviews for this chapter!" Daichi pouted. "I blame the birdbrain,"

"Fufufu, not everyone can handle my fabulousness," Doflamingo grinned.

"Where's the duct tape?" Daichi asked her brothers.

Skai walked over to a small table and opened the drawer, pulling out a roll of grey adhesive. "Here," He tossed it to his sister.

Daichi tore a piece and silenced Doflamingo. "We should've done this from the start!"

"The first review is from MadelVer. Thank you for the review MadelVer-san," Skai said from the couch, scrolling through his laptop. "Does Doflamingo have a special person? I can answer that. He's his own special person,"

"Too bad he's not special," Rouge pointed out. "He has no special person because loving him is like counting the stars. It's not endless, it's pointless,"

"Oh, you got burned!" Kai cheered. "Skai, we got any aloe cream for that burn?"

"Next question is also from MadelVer," Skai continued as he ignored his brother. "If Doflamingo's actions were able to be altered by someone, what would you do? Would you go to the person and ask for help or would you leave them be?"

"If we were in the past, I'd force them stop Doflamingo from killing Cora-san," Law answered.

"We'd force that person to tell us everything they know," Trebol claimed. "That way we'd know future events and be able to be the most powerful crew,"

"I wrote a Doflamingo X Reader fanfiction," Daichi said. "This plot flamingo snuck up on me and I had to write it. I posted it on deviantart and fanfiction dot net. I tried to resist but it was so terrible…"

"Guys, need I remind you that this series is Let's Annoy Them?" Skai told his siblings and Rouge. "It's not Let Them Annoy Us! Kai, get a hold of yourself! Anyways, we're going onto the next question," He scrolled up. "This one is from DonquixoteSugar920. Why is everyone so afraid of Dellinger? He's only like, what, sixteen? Yeah. I'm pretty sure he's the youngest one there,"

Skai took a deep breath. "Uh…have you seen what Dellinger did to Bellamy and all the other coliseum competitors!?" Skai pointed out. "He freaking skewered them with his horns and defeated them with kicks! And those people are strong fighters from the One Piece World! We're normal humans that he can easily kill! Also, it's not like seastone will do much against him. He has no Devil Fruit!"

"DonquixoteSugar920 also said that we should bring Dellinger here," Daichi added.

"We should keep him on a leash," Rouge said.

"Why?" Kai asked.

"I knocked the living daylights out of his family without him knowing," Rouge pointed out. "He'd be livid and try to kill me. Of course I'd scratch him up and pour the vinegar on his wounds, but that's beside the point,"

"If we put him on a dog leash he'd just tear it apart," Skai mumbled.

"Yes, bring Dellinger here," Doflamingo ordered.

"Okay how did he get the duct tape off?" Skai grabbed the roll of duct tape and wrapped it around Doflamingo's mouth multiple times. "There we go,"

"Where is the vinegar anyway?" Rouge asked, looking around. Her wagon of vinegar was nowhere to be found.

Daichi had brought the vinegar near Doflamingo and had uncapped one bottle before dumping it onto the ten foot tall blonde. "I'm bored. We need more questions!"

Doflamingo hissed at the vinegar made contact with his wounds. "I'm going to enjoy murdering you as slowly and painfully as possible!"

Skai returned his attention to his computer. "Hey, we got another review! It's from DonquixoteSugar920. Hmm…if Rouge said that she has a device to bring Cora-san back, then can't you bring other dead characters (cough-cough-Monet) as ghosts too? Also, out of curiosity, who is Sugar tied up next to? Again, you should totally bring Dellinger in,"

"No, no, no! We are not bringing back Monet!" Skai panicked.

"But she's so pretty," Kai drooled at a picture of her on his phone. "Come on, let's bring her back as a ghost!"

"We don't know how the Devil Fruits will work if they're ghosts," Skai pointed out. "And I don't even know if ghosts have Devil Fruits since the fruit is reborn whenever the user dies. Do I also have to remind you that, oh I don't know, Monet is loyal to the pink bird?"

"But she's so pretty," Kai repeated. "And cute too,"

Sugar glared at him. "My sister is too good for you. Go die. And as for who I'm tied up next to," She made a face showing her disgust and turned to the person beside her. "Unfortunately it's Trebol,"

"Behehehe, what's wrong with being next to me?" Trebol laughed.

Sugar scooted away. "You're gross. Go die,"

"Behehehe! Dumb brat, I'm not gonna die!"

"Go die,"


"Go die,"




"Duct tape Trebol too," Daichi ordered her oldest brother.

"Gotta agree with you on that one, little sister," Skai got a pair of gloves and started to wrap the grey tape around the Donquixote Pirate executive, much to the chagrin of Trebol and the Donquixote Pirates. "Let's see what the pros and cons of bringing Dellinger here,"

-Another person to annoy

-He can kill us.
-Seastone doesn't affect him. We already have Lao G who isn't a Devil Fruit user that's tied up and that's barely working.
-He probably wants to kill us for kidnapping and annoying his family.
-He will probably destroy everything we own in the process of chasing us down.
-He'll also free the Donquixote Pirates, putting the Heart Pirates at a disadvantage.

"I'm pretty sure we shouldn't bring the Fishman-Human hybrid here," Skai declared. "Sorry, but we want to live. People Beyond the Fourth Wall, please continue sending questions or else they're just gonna react to some episodes of One Piece. It'll probably not be as exciting if this turned into react episodes. Until next time, Skai out!"

Sorry for the long wait but I tried to keep it at minimum a thousand words.