AN: Yikes! I have no business in creating another story when I'm already busy with three already... but this has been bothering me and I feel like I can't write any more chapters for my other fics until I get this out of the way. So here we go. Please enjoy! :)

P.S. Sorry for any mistakes I may have missed.

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Code Geass or any of its characters!

Chapter 1: Sound Asleep

He never really liked hospitals to begin with. The faint scents of plastics and disinfectants had always made him feel uneasy. Even as a little child when he came here to visit his mother at work, he was never pleased and took a strong dislike of the atmosphere that shrouded the place. The light chattering and laughter that came from staff members and strangers alike were nothing more than props in a suspenseful scene of a thriller movie. Because to him, at any given moment something could go horribly wrong and turn the place upside down.

That's why he never liked hospitals from the start.

The young man with raven-hair and honest violet eyes walked up to the front desk like he usually did every other day. On most days when he would come to visit, it would usually follow immediately after school. He'd show up in his black Ashford Academy uniform with something always in his hands for her.

A book, flowers, gifts, snacks, whatever it was... it was exclusively for her.

The one he cares so much for.

"Hello Mr. Lamperouge, it's nice to see you as always." The nice receptionist at the front desk greeted him with a wide smile. "Are you here to see Miss Corabelle again?" She asked as she pushed her glasses higher on her face so it would stop lowering itself. The woman is a very nice woman indeed. She's about a few years older than him, had long brown hair with brown eyes to compliment her looks, and she always looked so sophisticated compared to her other coworkers at the front desk.

"As usual Ms. Niwa." He gave her a wink which made the slightly older woman blush. He then placed today's gift and flowers onto the counter. "It's been raining all day today. At first it was a drizzle, but now it's pouring down." Lelouch said while running a hand through his wet ebony hair.

"Yeah, crazy isn't it? It's a good thing I brought an umbrella today." The woman cheerfully said. Lelouch made a small sound of approval before the young receptionist continued. "Okay, well let me check to see if she is able to have visitors today." She faced her computer, typing and pulling up the patient's status information for him.

Giving her a slight nod, he waited a couple of minutes to receive the go ahead.

"She just came out of surgery a few of hours ago so she might still be asleep, but you can go ahead and see her if you like." She looked up to the raven-haired man.

"It won't be the first time." He commented, chuckling to himself before picking up his things. "Thanks again, I'll see you on the way out."

"Sure thing."

After giving her a farewell wave he began making his way down the chilly hall, the usual hospital scent becoming slightly stronger in this part of the building. The emptiness of the hallways filled with other noises that came from heart machines in other patient's rooms along with light chattering from visiting members like himself. But as usual, he didn't pay much attention. His mind was focused on his desired destination.

To room 208.

After a couple of minutes of slow strides, he finally reached the room and took notice that her door was slightly cracked open, so he gave it a couple of knocks to make himself known.

"C.C. I'm coming in."

He opened the door slowly, just enough to see what her current state was.

"Fast asleep I see." He thought to himself with a sad smile on his face.

Lelouch opened it further so he could enter silently before cracking it closed like it had been before. Reaching her bed, he placed the large gift bag on the floor next to the chair by her bed and placed the flowers he brought in the flower vase by the window seal. Replacing the old with the new, filling it with water, and after that, he took a look outside through the raindrop stained window.

"C.C., it's been raining all day. I was actually hoping that you'd be awake to see it."

Looking over to the sleeping girl, his eyes focused at how the coy look she usually had dissolved into a more gentle look as she slept. Her long green hair had been tied up in a messy bun which unintentionally made her even more beautiful... to him at least. Her nasal breathing tube was the only thing that 'accessorized' her, minus the IV that's in her arm and the multiple wires that kept track in monitoring her breathing, heartbeats, etc. on the nearby machine.

Averting his gaze from her, he idly removed the black coat of his uniform and set it aside on a different chair to dry off.

Sitting on the chair next to her hospital bed, he gently removed her hand from underneath the covers so that he could hold her cold frail hand in his much warmer one.

"C.C." He whispered, giving the back of her hand a light kiss. "I'll be here when you wake up okay?" He intertwined their fingers together as he laid his head down on her bed to rest. Hoping that by the time he wakes up, she will be awake too.

AN: And that's the end of the chapter. I hope you liked it enough to grab your attention and thank you for taking the time to read! Feel free to let me know what you think, comment, asks questions, review, etc. Until next time! :)
