Hi! Attention to all the readers!

So this is a RusAme based work and this is my first time writing around this pairing. I should make a note that I don't know what America is like, hell, I've watched so many TV shows and movies with enough American backgrounds in hope that I was able to sort of send a well, but slightly vague descriptions of the country as the setting in this fic. Vague because I want to focus more on the plot and this plot centers around Alfred, a teenager rebelling against his pops, Arthur. Alfred is a troublemaker, nuff said and Arthur doesn't like it.

-Alfred calls Arthur 'pops' because I really think it's cute, it's like something little Alfred will pick up from some show and still keep because it's adorable that way.

-In this fic, Alfred and Matthew are siblings and adopted by the Kirkland-Bonnefoy pair. But Matthew instead calls Arthur dad. Francis? The siblings call him papa. It's cute. And it'll be mentioned in later chapters that Alfred still keeps his full name of Alfred F. Jones.

-Alfred is friends with Gilbert and Matthias, and that's the Awesome Trio right there because I rarely see the three in any of the fics I've been engrossed in on this site.

-Matthew is paired with Carlos, that's one of the suggested names for APH Cuba, in this fic.

-This fic will deal with complicated feelings, mentions of attempted rape (only in this first chapter), assault between Alfred and Ivan in the initial stage of their relationship forming. That's a PSA right there.

-I think that's it? Oh, yeah, my style of update will be a strange one. I'm uploading FIVE WHOLE CHAPTERS of this story first before the rest will be uploaded. I much prefer bundling everything up first to be send right after. Last but not least, enjoy. All these characters belong to Himaruya Hidekazu and only Himaruya!

It was loud, pricking and sending a tinge of annoyance growing every second. With a growl, Alfred shoved his hands deeper into his pockets and it pulled down the hood over his tousled blond hair.

"Wait—where do you think you're going?!"

Alfred peered ever so slightly over his shoulders. "I haven't finished talking!" He heard Arthur saying, and he scoffed. "I'm finished listening."

Within a heartbeat, the young man had kicked the door open and stepped out into the blazing, hot day. The sunlight shone over his hunched back and Arthur was left staring; just as he was about to call after him, he heard Francis sighing. He turned to him.

"Just let him be, Arthur." He said.

"Francis," Arthur pressed the bridge of his nose and took a deep, shaking breath. "Francis, Francis, in God's name, how much longer must you pamper the boy like that?! I've had enough of this ridiculous trouble he's putting me through! The trouble he calls 'heroic' only serving to grow my headache!"

Francis stared back at his husband and a frown marred his features. He glanced to Matthew, silenced and staring down at his untouched plate of the late, sombre breakfast. Before either two could reply each other, Matthew stood up and muttered a quiet, "Excuse me," and Francis could only watch the boy stumbling and walking away from the table. The echoes of footsteps filled the silence looming between Arthur and Francis, then the door was heard slammed shut.


Hello hurricane,

You're not enough.

Arthur was the hurricane and Alfred hated his guts (at the moment, at least.)

Hello hurricane,

You can't silence my love.

Alfred was sick and tired of Arthur; everything about that man's complaints and accusations, the young man was exasperated from all of it. His eyes snapped shut for a second and he inhaled deeply to remind himself that he was out of that blasted house and he did not need to think about anything anymore.

Out here on these streets, there was no Arthur. There was simply the pavement he occasionally glanced down at as his feet carried him along. There wasn't a trace of Arthur's voice, but the steel fences to his side that Alfred let his fingers graze along and producing a light crinkling melody tracing his footsteps. It ended soon when he crossed the street.

Almost there, where there's no Arthur and Alfred let his mind wander to escape all the anger that was boiling inside of him.

He was nearing his destination. There was no Arthur, but simply an old skating park blasting with laughter, chatters. The tiny screeching of the wheels across the curved ramps, the hop of a flip landed with much vigor and a smile stretched on Alfred's lips. He was free and it lifted his spirits, he tugged off his headset and began to jog towards the familiar faces already looking his way.

"Gil, Matthias!" The two were waving at him and Alfred quickened his pace. "Glad to see you two again!"

Gilbert merely chuckled. "The hell, Alfred? We just met few days ago, you act as if we haven't seen each other in years!"

"Ah, well," Alfred shrugged. The span of time between their last meeting and today seemed to stretch further than he could recall. The stress of school and Arthur plagued his mind enough for him to lose his grasp on time. "Been caught up with a shit ton of work, it sucks."

He saw Gilbert and Matthias giving each other a knowing look and Alfred was jealous. The two were several years older than him, and they were free from the clutches school and responsibilities unlike him. Matthias gave a slight wink and reached out to ruffle the messy blond locks on Alfred's hair and it hung over his left eye safe for the permanent cow lick that never failed to remain standing. "Sounds rough, but you know that it'll all be over soon, don't ya?" He heard Matthias saying.

"High school is shit for generally everyone but we can always have fun in our own ways!"

Yeah? Alfred tore his eyes away and his gaze landed on the ground. He could only wish—the only fun he was able to have at school was fighting back the random fights initiated to prove his heroic quality that all seemed to frown upon. They just don't get it.

A loud thump halts his train of thoughts and his glance wandered up to see Gilbert resting his foot on the deck of the skateboard. In one swift movement, his heel kicked the edge and the board jumped up enough for the German to snatch in his hand with a firm grip. He was grinning from ear to ear. "Enough talk about school, you of all people wouldn't want to think jack shit of it anymore, don't ya? Here," he said and stretched his arm out to hand it over to Alfred who received it with a thankful smile pressed to his lips.

He always let Gilbert keep their skateboards, the albino worked at a skateboard shop just a couple of blocks away from this park and the owner never minded about the best and awesome (or so he claims so himself) worker in the place to do this as a favour for his friend. Better than nothing, Arthur seemed to always hate hearing, even the mention of how Alfred spent his day 'loitering' at the 'dumb' park.

Alfred decided to not let these thoughts form, he didn't come here to stay angry, he wanted to skate and he wanted to have fun. Gilbert seemed to be waiting for him while Matthias had long skated up ahead of them, glancing back to the two beginning to catch up to him with a large smile.

That's it, have fun and enjoy the day. It's hot, Alfred was sweating but it didn't matter. The momentum of the ride grew as he was dipping further to reach the curved ramps.

Forget about everything, he's going to have a blast today together with Gilbert and Matthias!

The sun continued to blaze, the wind was breezing albeit only occasionally. Alfred had been beaming with pride, over the several amount of times he'd successfully attempted the flips and landed hard, with triumph on his board. The adrenaline sent a wave shock all over his body, joy was surging through and he didn't want it to end. So the young man let it drove him, he began steering to the edge of the park and jumped onto the sidewalk. He propelled himself further and narrowly avoided an innocent passer-by who stumbled back, a surprised look on their face that Alfred managed to catch a glimpse of.

"Hey, Alfred!" He heard Gilbert calling, he heard the familiar dragging sounds and knew the two were following behind. Matthias spoke next, curiosity laced in his voice. "Where do you think you're going! We just left the park!"

Alfred wasn't sure, he didn't want to stop and quickly glanced over to them with a broad grin. "Let's just skate all over the entire town, whatever, dudes!"

The trio was about to leave this side of the town, instead. There weren't many cars but enough that the three of them skated past in a flurry, prompting the number of drivers to honk at them in a flash of anger. Alfred lost count how many they had pissed off, they just continued their merry way down every sidewalk they stumbled upon from crossing the streets and manoeuvring after the innocent, unsuspecting civilians going about their daily routine until of course, these three brats with huge grin plastered on their faces were skating right down their path and they could be heard laughing.

They found themselves exhausted but still smiling. They were leaned up against a store at the very corner of a turn, an abandoned store. It's darkening red brick walls old of age, the large window stained with dust allowed only so less of a clear view of the inside lined with old shelves and tables, they weren't sure what kind of shop this was but it had been closed for years. Alfred, Gilbert, and Matthias were simply taking shelter outside of it under the setting sun beautifully dousing the sky with a splash of orange, a tint of pink scattered, and it was warm.

Gilbert was talking about his brother, Ludwig. Alfred was pretty fond of this Ludwig, from how Gilbert described his younger brother, he sounded like a very admirable man with amazing qualities. Hardworking, strong, focused, serious, very much the opposite of Gilbert and both Matthias, Alfred, snickered at the contrast apparent between the two.

In Matthias's case, there is this one fella often intruding his mind. "Norwegian, around my age I think? He seemed to be, but he seemed to be more pretty instead," he admitted with a faint blush tracing his cheeks and Gilbert raised an eyebrow in a teasing manner with the smirk curled on his lips.

"What now, king of the north falling for some pretty boy?" Matthias blushed even harder at that, though he laughed it off.

"I won't deny that. He really is pretty, he's so pretty! But I think he hates my guts. He always looks at me with this look whenever I try to crack a joke just to find an excuse to talk to him… Det er sgu rigtigt." He sighed, and looking closely, a glimmer of longing reflected in his eyes.

"Who says romance is dead," Gilbert chuckled and gave a pat to the Dane's shoulder that stumbled him forward and he looked back with a small pout.

Alfred was only smiling through all this, and a small hint of envy sparked. How nice, Gilbert had his incredible brother who's just a perfect model of society and Matthias trying to woo whoever this Norwegian is at his workplace, (which Alfred noticed was odd; that self-proclaimed king of north works at a DVD store and from his story, this Norwegian seemed to always be there—there's definitely something going on, alright!)

They talked about anything they could think of, ranging from topics of their days at work, Alfred and his small complaints of the jerks at his high school trying to pick more fights with him, the piling homework threatening to swallow him as it almost towers over the young man! At eighteen years old, he feels like he's a very under-appreciated hero battling homework, bullies, and a protesting father.

The day was darkening and Matthias told them it was about time he needed to leave. "Alfred," he smiled at the young man. "Today was fun, thanks for deciding to lead through one hell of a detour!" The tall blond grinned at Gilbert next who gave him another pat to his shoulder. They bade farewell for the night to him and he had begun walking away.

Alfred watched his retreating form until he heard Gilbert muttering under his breath and he turned to see the other looking down at the screen of his phone, the brightness flashing at his pale face and Alfred approached him. "Guess I'll be seeing ya again sometime soon, dude?"

Gilbert looked up, instantly putting back his phone into his pocket and returned the smile. "Of course you will, how could you go your entire week without my awesomeness?"

Alfred rolled his eyes, "Yeah, yeah, I had fun today with ya and Matthias. Thanks a bunch, and have a good night!"

And, now he's watching Gilbert leaving with the skateboards to be kept as routine promised. Alfred noticed how dark it had gotten and he yanked his arm forward to reveal the wristwatch, glancing at the time it showed that it was well nearing seven o' clock. The young man better be making his way back now and put back on his headset. The music blared from his phone and he eased into the music as he took one final look at this old, abandoned shop they just hung outside and flashed a small smile at it. As if saying thank you for letting the three of them stay here while the hours lasted.

Alfred hummed to the melody of the song and passed by several places appeared close earlier but now lights were flashing, blinking and it hit the young American, ah, night bars. It would be a lie to say he never tried alcohol, he has and that's the last thing he wanted Arthur to find out or else the yelling, the punishment would probably drop to a severe stage and not even Alfred wanted to find out the state of it. He much rather be scolded at with his current behaviour or as that oh so-gentleman Arthur would call it a rebellion phase. What a joke!

He was simply tired of how frustrating his pops had begun to act, the disappointment and disapprovals were too much. Alfred had always been as best as he could and as heroic as he can be in school, hell, since stepping foot into kindergarten he had always dreamed of coming on top as the bold hero. The hero that taught bullies their lessons and that's the thing right there; bullies seemed to always appear in every corner and growing dauntingly towards the young boy with bright blue eyes who grew to fight continuously against them to the point of making a name for himself all the way until high school. The incidents were never too big but it got to his pops' ears and Alfred guessed that's where it begun. The man thought of his actions as immature, improper, "There's no such thing as being a hero by hitting people," he could remember him saying, a lace of fury in the voice that sparked the nerve inside of Alfred to fight back. Was Arthur even aware that the same people he had fought against done things worse than he ever did?

"Hey, kid."

The music that played wasn't loud enough, he could still hear the cars and low chatters—he sure as hell heard that deep, hoarse voice and Alfred turned his head to the right, eyes landing at an empty alley. Dark, and he could spot the outline of a man approaching. He raised an eyebrow and pulled one of his earphone out. "…is there something wrong, dude?" He asked, and took a step back.

The man was getting closer and some light shone on his face. Alfred captured every detail. Short black hair, brown eyes. He wore a flashy, purple suit… which would have weirded Alfred out but the echoes of music beats made him know that this man must have come out of some nightclub or something, and he didn't like the way this man smiled.

"I saw you walking and I thought I'd ask, why don't you come and have fun with us?"

Us? Who's us—oh.

Behind the man, were three more approaching and Alfred gulped. This wasn't anything like he'd encountered before, these men were looking at him with eyes that studied every angle of his body and Alfred didn't like it. His chest was thumping and he shook his head, "No thanks. I've had plenty of fun today and I gotta go now."

That's right, I'll just turn back around and walk away.

Except, his arm was gripped and Alfred gasped. The grip was too tight and he was being pulled by smiling-man-number-one against him. Their faces were so close and Alfred stared with wide eyes, this guy was now holding his waist and he was stunned. This isn't like anything I've encountered before. And I don't know what to do, damn it!

"Come on now, we'll just have a little fun…" As the man said that, he leaned his face close and trailed his lips down Alfred's neck, who shivered in disgust.

"K- Knock it off and let me go, now." He cursed himself for stuttering and trembling like a leaf, and he squirmed in the man's hold. His heart was racing faster and he writhed, "I said let me go!"

But the man responded with a chuckle together with the three others.

"This isn't fucking funny, let me go!"

It all happened too quick. He was being pulled by the man into the alley and pain shot in his head, face, as he was pressed—rather, shoved against roughly to the wall. His cheek must be being scraped, struggling in this man's hold proved no change until what stopped Alfred from moving an inch was feeling a hand slipping down into his trousers, and his heart was sinking. It's as if an anchor tied itself around his gut and was pulling him into a drain of fear beginning to cloud his mind that might be the cause of his vision going blurry. Hot tears were spilling, his body shaking strenuously; he didn't like, he hated how afraid he felt, the cold, icy hand of this sick man gripping his thigh dangerously close to his groin and poor Alfred couldn't hear whatever the other was whispering. All he heard was a very, very loud ringing sound in his ears.

This was it, the ring of death to tune out the reality sinking in; he'll be gang-raped in an alley and probably left to die here. Alfred was beginning to feel more than one hand grabbing his arm, feeling his abdomen, how could he escape from this situation?

His body mustered every strength and with a jolt, he hit the back of his head against the man behind him who then loosened the hold and Alfred flailed his arms in the air, feeling it coming into contact hardly against the faces of the men who were grabbing him and he felt like he could win this. However, the victory was short-lived when the same man he pushed off was quick to slam Alfred back at the same spot and his actions halted when his lips were captured forcefully.

It tasted like liquor, it tasted like nicotine. It was disgusting, and Alfred whimpered and tried to pull away, only to be forced even further into the kiss.

Time seemed to stopped and reality put to a halt for a fraction of a second.

When suddenly, it felt like a heavy weight was pried of off Alfred. The feeling of the horrible kiss disappeared, and brightness sunk into the previously dark alley. Alfred, shaking tremendously, remained standing with wide eyes as the scene unfolded before him and he wasn't able to register anything at the moment.

Those men who attempted to rape him was being beaten down swiftly by this group of people who dressed neatly in suits.