Can't forget your love

By Takako

Takki's notes: *cheers * finally got my fic out!! I'm so proud of myself!! After my Christmas and New Year fic, I'm back, with a Jenruki.. AND KOUZUMI~!!!! Kouzumi rocks!! In case you dunno what Kouzumi is, is Kouji and Izumi/Zoe from Frontiers. They are so cute~!! Yeah, this one's a Kouzumi/Jenruki, I will add other characters from 01 to Frontiers, but I dunno which, coz I don't even have the whole plot!! The starting part is based on Ayumi Hamasaki's music video, Tuki Ni Shizumu. Now, only the starting and ending part, the other parts are my ideas, although it might be loosely based on the video as well. I'll try to make it more original then being a copy cat. The setting is at the present for the starting, but it will be set in ancient China and Japan.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything that I don't own. And the introduction paragraph. I didn't write that myself, but I added the last 2 sentences. I really like this intro and I can't help not using it so. but I'm telling you that I did not write that. I wish I could. Thanks for hamasaki-republic for that translated script thing.



Man has meetings and partings. The travel under the sway of accidents is called destiny. If the persons bound together by soul are called soulmates. We shall meet our partner some day, or we may have met already. Your soulmate will surely be by your side. Or maybe, you will never meet again. that, shall let fate decide.

Out of the city in the countryside, far away from mankind pollution, a small white and pleasant building lay isolated in the forest. The sun's rays hit and lighten up the corridors of the building, which were barred by metal bars. Beside the building was a lake, with green mountains surrounding it. It was a mental hospital. Rika Nonaka, one of the patients, sat quietly on the chair and stared out the window, admiring the divine view with no expression on her face whatsoever. The doorknob of her room turned quietly, but she did not stir or look who the incomer was. She knew who it was anyways.

"Slept well last night?" The incomer asked. He had blue hair and wore glasses, and he had a very nerdy look on his face.

"No." Rika whispered simply.

"Why not?"

"Dreams. bad dreams, I can never sleep. I see my and someone." she said incoherently. She could remember everything. It was so vivid, so real.

"Visions from the past?"

"Yes. someone calling me.Ruki.Ruki.Ruki." Rika replied. The images came flooding back into her mind again. Everyone could see that she was tensed, her eyes widen with horror, her breathing became unsteady and she was clutching her fist and biting her lower lip. Suddenly she stood up and ran towards the window screaming like a lunatic, holding her head painfully at the same time.

"Hold her back!!" The blue haired man yelled as doctors and nurses began to run towards the insane girl, shoving her back into the chair and holding her arms, which she was trying to struggle to get free. Seizing the opportunity, one of the doctors gave Rika an injection. Within minutes she was unconscious. Everyone sighed with relief.

"Dr Kido? The new doctor is here." One of the assistants reported.

"I'll be there in just a second." Dr Kido replied, his eyes still studying the unconscious Rika.


"Hello, I'm Dr Joe Kido." Joe said shaking another blue haired man's hand, grinning.

"Henry. Henry Wong." He greeted back.

"Please, have a seat." Joe pulled out a chair for Henry then one for himself. As soon as he saw that Henry was settled, he began to talk. "So, you're the new doctor?"

Henry nodded.

Joe continued. "You believe in reincarnation? Reborn?"

"Reincarnation?" Henry repeated.

"Yes. I think Rika needs to meet her soulmate."

"Rika?" Henry repeated again. He could remember a girl coming out from the room in a corridor that was barred with metal bars accompanied by two doctors. He looked back and looked at her when suddenly she stopped and rushed towards him, screaming for help. He stood there dumbfound.

"The girl, she sees her past, she cannot sleep." Joe paused, "we need to find her soulmate."

"Soulmate?" Henry repeated again.

"She died in despair in her former life. It is necessary for her to meet her soulmate. The soul that she is destined to meet again." Joe explained.

"Who's the soulmate?" Henry asked.

"I don't know, but I've installed a memory system and all her dreams and past will be reflected on the mirror. We might find a clue on who her soulmate is." Henry sat in silence, staring out the window. 'Rika."


Takki's notes: I know, BORING. Well this is the prologue, so not much will happen. Well, please review. The Jenruki is coming, so is the Kouzumi. And if anyone who doesn't understand what the hell is happening, tell me in ur review. I'll try to make it more simple to understand. Thanks for reading and please review!!

Email: [email protected]
