I had this idea whilst listening to Frozen by Within Temptation and couldn't get it out of my head until it was down on paper (so to speak). It was originally intended to be a one shot but as I was writing it it just felt like it deserved a bit more than that. I hope you find the concept as intriguing as I did and as always Reviews and comments are both welcome and incredibly appreciated :)


'Are you okay?' Ruby asked her voice thick with concern as she helped Regina up off the ground.

'I think so'

The relief that Ruby felt could not be put into words. With Isaac defeated his nightmare world had ceased to be and Regina was safe. Kneeling there with her beloved's blood on her hands watching the light begin to fade from her eyes had been unimaginable torture, it would never happen again. Ruby would do anything to protect Regina and right now the wolf inside of her demanded Isaac's blood. It didn't help that she had other grievances with the deranged ex author which although lesser than Regina's almost death were still severe.

Her own part in the other world had left her witness to events that would haunt her for a long time to come. She had been known as the Red Knight and had been Snow's blood hound, hunting down and violently eliminating any who had crossed the Evil Queen. Although it had all been undone Ruby swore she could still taste the blood. Seeing Snow like that had also been something else entirely. She had been far more brutal than Regina had ever been in the role of tyrant. Ruby doubted she would ever be able to look at Snow the same way again. But before she dealt with any of this she had to make sure Henry and Regina were safe.

'Come on i'll drive you home' The werewolf offered half expecting the older woman to refuse. Surprisingly she agreed.

'Is it alright if I go check on mom and hook?' Henry asked looking more than a little worried.

'Sure thing kiddo' There was no way Ruby could say no whilst she still remembered watching David slay the pirate under Snow's orders.

With a smile and a hug to both of them Henry dashed off leaving Ruby to get Regina into the car. The ride back to Mifflin Street was a quiet one. Regina seemed lost in her own little world and Ruby knew better than to try and force a conversation out of her wife when she was like this. Regina would open up when she was ready.

'Well here we are then' the younger woman tried to sound her usual cheery self but even she could tell it sounded forced. She tried again, 'Lets get inside, i'll even fetch you a glass of cider?'. Regina allowed herself a small smile and her wife took it as a victory.

The former queen was trying so hard to keep it all together but as soon as they were inside their home with the door closed behind them she let her guard down. Ruby's arms were around her instantly as tears began to fall down her sculpted cheeks.

'I- I got it so wrong...'

'Hey it's okay Isaac's little story is over now and we survived', Ruby tried hard to reassure the beautiful woman in her arms. 'Everything is back to normal now it's okay'.

Regina only cried harder. 'No you don't understand, my whole life it's...' she paused trying to find the right words to explain. 'I've made such a mistake.'

Ruby was confused she really had no idea where Regina could be taking this. She racked her brains trying to think over their time in the Story world but nothing really stuck out to her that Regina could be referring to. Yet clearly there had to be something; the usually composed former queen was distraught.

'Hey, you can tell me anything', the younger woman began rubbing her spouse's back in a soothing manner. 'I love you Regina and hey we all make mistakes it's what makes us human'.

Regina genuinely smiled then. She didn't know what she had ever done to deserve someone as truly wonderful as Ruby, but she was thankful everyday for the werewolf's presence in her life. Perhaps if anyone were to understand it would be her. Regina took a deep breath and with it made up her mind to let Ruby in on the biggest secret of her life.

'I suppose it's best to begin with somewhat of an admission', she paused still struggling to find the words to form a truth that no one had been allowed to know. 'I-', another deep breath and Regina finally found the words she needed. 'I have never hated Snow, in fact I love her in very much the same way I love Henry'.

Ruby dead panned. Regina however was undeterred in her narrative the words almost fighting to be released now that she had started.

'I know that from your perspective, or indeed the perspective of any denizen of the enchanted forest, that this information goes against almost everything you believe you have seen or experienced'. A small smile appeared across the older woman's countenance. 'It is unsurprising as it is what I wished for you all to see'.

Ruby finally found her voice, 'I don't understand'

'It really all comes down to one sentiment that I have found to be the truest thing in life; a mother will do anything to protect her child'. The confusion must have been evident on Ruby's face as Regina instantly explained. 'When I married Leopold I took on Snow as my daughter and I loved her, and still do in fact, as though she were my own child'.

'Erm Sweetie not to be an ass or anything but I mean you hunted Snow down and even cast the Dark Curse for revenge on her.'

Regina laughed at this but the sound was dry and hollow, not her usual warm sounding laugh at all. 'Would you believe I did it all to protect her from something so much worse?'

The younger woman was confused. None of what Regina was saying made sense. Ruby or rather Red had been witness to many of Regina's darker acts and more than once had been forced to step in to protect Snow. None of the Evil Queen's actions could be described as protective towards her step daughter. Murderous and cruel perhaps but certainly not protective. Yet when the werewolf searched her lover's face she saw no hint of deception or indeed any attempt to lie to her. There was only truth and certainty. Regina deeply believed what she was saying which really only left two options: She was either under some sort of spell or however improbable it may seem she was telling the truth. Ruby took a deep breath to steady herself.

'Perhaps you should tell me the whole story'

And so Regina did.