

There are sometimes instances in our lives that are unforgettable.

They are far and few between, and perhaps one may go through their entire life without capturing an indelible memory, but they exists in the wisps of time, playing a gentle susurrus along our continuums.

Yuri walked by himself. He walked to the train station. He walked to the airport. He walked to the gate. He walked in and out the airplane. He walked his dedulya's car. He walked into their home and up the stairs and into his room.

He was supposed to be feeling something. Maybe frustration? Maybe motivation? He didn't know. At the time he didn't feel anything. It was later that the maelstrom capitalized itself. In that moment, all he could think of was staring at the sunset outside of the Ice Castle, and wondering what the hell he was doing.


The sun soaked into his skin, it lit his being and lightened his soul. He would never say this out loud and he would never be able to articulate this into his thoughts, but in that moment, Yuri Plisetsky was a phoenix.

He burned into ashes.

Sleep overtook him and he avoided phone calls for two days, but eventually returned to his home rink. Yakov introduced him to Lilia Baranovskaya, who held more pride than the reflection in the mirror. Back to square one, she said. Yuri already knew that, though. He knew he was back to the beginning. He knew he had to change.

He needed to be reborn.


Yuuri created music with his body. He was dancing as the music, not with the music. It was the thing that had attracted Victor to him. He was able to take something that was not his own and create something that was. Victor couldn't help but wonder what would happen if the music was his from the beginning.

He only finds out the whole truth once he grabs Yuuri's phone away as he's talking to his ex-coach. Victor can't help but be a little disappointed that Yuuri wasn't honest with him, but that's okay. He'll be patient this time. For his soulmate.

The word brings Victor back to reality. He had almost forgotten about the script on his wrist, instead completely overwhelmed by everything else Yuuri meant to him. Perhaps this was what "soulmate" meant?

Victor and Yuuri dedicated themselves to training while an old friend from Detroit prepared a composition for Yuuri. They spent more and more time together, and sometimes Victor would find the words at the tip of his tongue. "Do you know? Do you know that I'm yours and you're mine?"

It was overwhelming sometimes. After a restless night of contemplating his situation he left the inn early. Whether it was in an effort to clear his mind or avoid Yuuri, he didn't know. It might have been both.

He looked down at Makkachin by his feet and around at the empty streets.

Victor was alone. He was always alone.

A dog couldn't fill the emptiness.

There was something torturous about existence. He was constantly surrounded and bombarded by human presence, but when he looked around none of them were for him. It was for a skater.

What was he without ice?

It wasn't always like that. At the birth of his passion and at the birth of his career, he was full of hope and enthusiasm. But as time went on, he became obsessed with his ideals and goals. Eventually he looked up to realize that there was nothing left of Victor Nikiforov but what was under his skates.

To tie your worth to an intangible idea, to an inanimate object, to an impossible achievement is a fool's choice, Victor decided.

Life turned humdrum. He swivelled through his prosaic life, faking involvement but enveloping inertia. He felt lost in equilibrium. His achievements became corollaries. Victor, in the end, felt utterly worthless.

Then he found Yuuri.

His life built on expectations run down by spontaneity and idiotic decisions. Foolish choices became his motto and everything was saturated in hope once more. Suddenly there were stones in the monotonous water, and the ripples created a mosaic called his new idea. It was intangible. The ice was still inanimate but the movements were full of life and song. Impossible achievements were his goal, and through blood, sweat, and tears, they would reach them.

He looked at the seagulls soaring over the Hasetsu beach and for a moment felt the chord of St. Petersburg ring through him again. He was brought back to his genesis. He would be reborn.


Hello! It's really been a while right? 11 months now, and it's almost the new year. We're even past the two year anniversary for this fic.

Firstly, though, I'm sorry about the disappearance. I don't know if I properly mentioned it before, but my girlfriend and I broke up. This was in December of 2017. This fic was posted in December of 2016 as a one-month anniversary gift for her. Honestly I don't think it was completely because of those circumstances, because I just haven't been writing in general.

I didn't think that people would still be interested in this story. But I looked at my email and noticed someone had even followed and favorited recently. Honestly, at the beginning I thought this fic was really cool because of all the attention. As updates become sparser so did the attention. Maybe it's not the most pure reason to write something, but when you lose encouragement I think you can lose motivation.

However, I'd like to go ahead and finish this fic for those who have stuck around. It might take awhile and I might lose motivation, so please bear with me. I'll try my best, even if there aren't many responses!

I'm sorry for the wait and that this chapter is short, but I hope we can have fun with this fic together again!

Also, I identify as non-binary now. My pronouns are they/them.
