Thank you for viewing! This is SK/OC, so if that is not your cup of tea, feel free to move along, no feelings hurt. :) Please forgive any rough formatting, it's been a while since I've posted, so I'm still getting the hang of uploading.
Constructive criticism is appreciated, but flaming and bashing is rude, and will be laughed at and thrown away with yesterday's news. (I work retail you don't scare me)

This is a work in progress, but I will continue to post as long as I am able. Thank you for your time.


Disclaimer: I do not own Yugioh or any of it's characters, this is a work for pure enjoyment.

I started out in accounting. It wasn't hard, you didn't even really have to be that good at math. One of the benefits of working for one of the highest rated technology corporations in the world, when it came to software it was ready for you. I handled different accounts paid and received, just one of dozens of drones doing the exact same thing. One thing that was different though was due too my Western raising I was very social, creating connections with returning clients and turning them to regulars and thus increasing production. I was only in accounting maybe six months before I was moved to a cozy secretary position on the top floor, handling different contractors that worked for us. Everything from the men who washed the windows of the large skyscraper to computer designers eager for a sit down with our CEO came across my desk. It was my job to sort, assign appointments and transfer the accounts where they needed to go if they weren't directly my responsibility. Overall it was a fairly simple job, and through it I came to know many of the regulars that would come through. Jeninco was the head of security. Ryo was the supervisor of janitorial. For the most part the only appointments I would have to transfer where the ones for the big boss himself. Those usually went to his personal assistant, Kiko. Personally, I thought Kiko took her position a bit too seriously. Don't misunderstand, being the assistant to the CEO of a fortune 500 company did come with it's fair amount of stress, especially with our leader being one of the youngest and most successful in his field, but this woman was wound tighter than a Swiss clock. Every appointment had to happen on time. Her desk was down the way from mine, and more then once I'd seen her scolding anyone strolling up more then a moment late. Often if I'd gone to her with a client I thought should sit down with the CEO, she'd rejected it. She claimed that his time was too precious for things of that nature. More then once I'd ask her to simply ask what the boss man would like done with these clients, but she would have nothing of it. 'Isn't that your job to figure these things out?' She would ask sobbingly, and I would be left to explain to the contractors that they would not be able to talk to our executive and they would have to be happy with some underling that ultimately, would have to go to the boss anyway. Although I shared a floor with the head honcho, I never saw him. While it wouldn't surprise me if someone told me he had a personal lift, to my understanding he arrived early every morning and left late every day. Which showed incredible devotion, but I had to wonder what sort of life that left him. Just with my normally 9 to 5 hours I had my hands full, usually resulting in my staying late Friday nights just to wrap up what needed to be submitted before the new week to follow. It was during this time that I truly carved out a place for myself. While there were a handful of steady employees that stayed late, (Kiko included) by 8 though, usually the place was a ghost town. Taking advantage of my isolation, I would often video chat with my younger brother across the seas in the United States, staying with my father. Damian was my heart, and kept me grounded when all else seemed too much. Always hopeful, and encouraging, he'd cheered me on every step of the way to my current job, even when I knew he struggled to find the same light in himself.

It was on a Friday one week, I was working avidly on a spreadsheet with Damian on a call. His small video feed was pressed into the top corner so that I may still see him while I worked. "How are you feeling this week D?" I asked, fingers flying over the keyboard, eyes focused hard on the screen. "I'm just fine." "Really." My brow lifted and I flicked a knowing glance to the camera sitting atop my monitor. "Really." "That's cute, want to try again?" I hummed, taking my fingers off the keys for a moment to use the mouse to drag a few things over the screen. An audible sigh came through the speakers. "It's dad." "What about Dad?" I asked curiously, albeit a bit distracted. "He's talking about moving again..." That drew a frown over my features. "Why?" "He says he's met someone..." That brought a pause to my hands. "What?" "This girl in Arizona-" "What about his job?" I said, cutting the boy off. "He says he's just going to transfer to Tuscon...Milo I don't wanna go." I sighed and leaned back in my chair. This wasn't the first time something of this nature had happened. My father was a good man, but had a bad habit of losing himself in love, and as a result had a tendency to allow it to have a voice over my brother's. I'd begged my father to let Damian come here, to stay with me, but the cost and lack of trust between us always ground any plans to a screeching halt. "I'm sorry D..." "What am I supposed to do? Just go along with it? It's bullshi-" "Hey." I said firmly, leaning forward once more. I was going to respond when the sound of the elevator from around the corner had me turning to look. "What?" "Nothing, just the elevator...but look, I need to get this done anyway." I looked to the camera once more. "We'll talk more about this later, okay? Keep me posted." "I will. Love you." "Love you too." The small box in the corner of the screen closed as the boy hung up. Curiosity had me looking as the lift dinged, showing it's destination. A boy, probably around Damian's age came around the corner, phone glowing in his hand. "Hey." I said, genuinely wondering what a pre-teen might be doing in the building this time of night, and how he might have got there. The dark haired boy jumped, head instantly coming up to look my way. "Oh!" My brows lifted, a tiny smile on my lips. "I'm sorry, did I scare you?" He gave a crooked grin. "A bit! I didn't think anyone worked this late!" "What brings you here?" I asked, looking around to see if he might be with anyone, but the floor was empty. "Are you lost?" "Me? Oh no! I just came after my brother. Sometimes he works a bit too hard and forgets to eat." He said, holding up a bag he'd been carrying of what appeared to be takeout. "Oh...You sure you have the right floor hun? I think everyone's left already..." I said, standing to look over to the desks, but sure enough they were all empty. "Oh yea, I know where I'm going, but hey, don't work to hard yourself!" The boy gave a bright smile and started off down the walkway to a set of large wooden double doors on the other side of Kiko's desk. I was about to stop him when he pressed a code into the handle and slipped through. "Oh..." It would appear the head boss had a brother of his own, and I'd just met him.

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