So, this happened because Lady Lily Anne and I can't not keep ideas to ourselves. We bantered this idea about for a couple weeks and this is the end result.

If you like it, and the chaos that will soon ensue, please follow and review. If you don't like it, please just walk away.

Regardless, I hope you enjoyed our newest distraction, take care all!

The first thing Harry Potter noticed as consciousness rather rudely dragged him back to reality was that there was a slight buzzing in his ears. Then he noticed the background stink of long rotted away refuse, followed quickly by the musty scent of mold and dust. Cracking his eyes open he quickly did the Dursley Check taking inventory of injuries acquired prior to his falling unconscious.

Toes, fingers, arms legs, ribs, nothing broken, excellent start. Any aches? A bit in his back from whatever he was laying on, but aside from that not even a bruise, an accomplishment there if he had any say in it. Sitting up fully he adjusted his glasses pleased to note they had miraculously taken no damage on his journey to...wherever the hell he was.

While there was light it wasn't strong, just a sort of gray glow with the occasional overhead lamp fizzling on at random giving the dilapidated room a poor mans strobe light effect. Outside of it being the source of the background buzzing noise he'd initially heard there was nothing else noteworthy about it. The rooms furnishings consisted of long destroyed furniture spread about the area, broken chunks of concrete that had fallen from the ceiling and walls, and a redheaded girl in Hogwarts robes sprawled on the floor.

Before he could take to his feet to check on said girl she sat up alert as a rather familiar holly wand fell from her sleeve into her open hand, she cast a lumos silently and suddenly they were bathed in white light.

She was...radiant, truly. Red hair the color of rich wine falling in cascading curls, emerald eyes glittering with mischievous cunning, and cream white skin speckled with freckles across her nose. She was beautiful, and she shouldn't exist because Lily Potter was long dead and buried, then his gaze locked onto her forehead. Or, more importantly on the lightning bolt shaped scar marring its surface.

The girl stared at him for a time and Harry belatedly realized she'd been performing the same assessment on him, her gaze locking on his scar a moment later. Of all the responses he was expecting what followed wasn't one of them.

"Bloody hell, not this dimension jumping shite again! Ugh...Hello, if I were to ask you your place of birth and date how would you respond?"

Harry stared at her a moment then spoke as she echoed him a moment later, " Godrics Hollow, July 31, 1980."

Harry blinked as the girl sighed and took to her feet, she extended her hand towards him and he took it allowing her to help him stand and get his wobbly legs under control. Rubbing the bridge of her nose she muttered to herself about wrackspurts before turning back to him smiling blandly in the process.

"Hello, my name is Irisabelle Dorea Potter, also known as The-Girl-Who-Lived to pure blood gits without an ounce of creativity between their ears. Please, call me Iris, the full name is meant for signing bank transfers and the like."

Harry grinned in response as he bowed slightly, "Hadrian James Potter, known as, much to my great annoyance, The-Boy-Who-Lived by inconsiderate fools who like to celebrate my parents murder. Please, call me Harry I didn't even find out my name was Hadrian until it came out of the Goblet of Fire last year."

She eyed him a minute before glancing out the rotted doorway leading to...who knew where, "So what are you thinking, one of us is from a parallel dimension?"

Harry shrugged, "Weirder things have happened, I'm going to be honest this isn't even hitting my top five, top ten for sure, but still not surreal enough to dwell on." She nodded then sighed motioning for the door.

" to find out which one of us is a stranger in a strange land, shall we?" Harry nodded and followed his female double down the rubble strewn halls wand held at ready. Eventually the grey light began lightening a bit down the hall and soon they found themselves at a rend in the wall leading to debris strewn balcony.

Taking a tentative step onto the platform the pair walked out into the open and looked up, and up, and up. The buildings surrounding them reached towards the heavens farther then the eye could see, layers of shifting smoke and clouds twirling above them as flying cars buzzed about between the mammoth skyscrapers.

Eventually Iris nodded and turned to Harry, her emerald gaze, identical to his own looked intrigued more than anything, "This...isn't my world, you?"

Harry scoffed at that rolling his eyes as his lips twisted into an easy grin, "Nope not mine."

Iris nodded slowly at that as she got that smirk, the one their father had always been known for, that made professors pause in resignation and Death Eaters tremble in fear, "You know what this means right?"

Harry mirrored her grin, "If this isn't either of our worlds, we have carte blanche to do whatever we want."

Iris glanced about a bit, grabbed Harry's hand and rushed back into the derelict building giggling to herself, and Harry couldn't help echoing her enthusiasm. After all, if the fates had thrown them together with no direction leaving them to their own devices, well...

It wasn't exactly their fault said fates hadn't taken the Potter propensity for causing chaos simply by existing into account.

While it took a bit of time they found an exit to the building and after navigating a bustling vestibule filled with various aliens of questionable origin the pair of Potters paused as they took in the filth laden street before them.

"Either we're in a post apocalyptic society or the slums of a megalopolis," Iris mused quietly, Harry glanced upwards and thought on it a moment before replying.

"I...think that since they obviously built up as well as out that the middle and upper class would be on higher floors and the dregs end up down here."

Iris nodded slowly at that, "Yeah, makes sense to me, well I guess we find a lift then, I have no idea what the currency is here so can't exactly grab a taxi or something along those lines." They both sighed in resignation at that as they trudged through the crowds, after the third attempt by some lowlife to lift something off his person Harry let out an irritated growl and cast a few Notice-Me-Not's on himself and his double.

Iris shot him a knowing look and mouthed 'thanks' which he nodded to, eventually they found themselves in front of a massive gate that obviously housed a lift, a man in plastic armor with a skull like helmet stood in front of it weapon in hand. Apparently he practiced constant vigilance, really who would blame him in this dive, and easily spotted them through the charm.

"Halt, only those with Imperial clearance are allowed beyond this point."

Harry blinked at that and whispered to Iris quickly, "If we're on an alien world how the rudding hell do we understand him?"

Thankfully for his sanity Iris looked equally confused, "Magic? I guess? Whatever let me handle this Big D and I have done this dozens of times, just gotta make sure Hermione doesn't find out."

Harry tried to process Dudley doing anything cooperatively while at the same time registering that his dimensional double was about to do something Hermione would disapprove of. The sad thing was that could be next to anything, his best friend liked to make a show of observing the rules so when she broke them no one was the wiser, and the genius witch kept her rhymes and reasons to herself.

"Hello sir, my brother and I were kidnapped by some...bandits and we just escaped their neferious clutches. Sadly we have no idea where we even are and I was hoping you could lend us a hand?"

Harry did his best not to react to the line of bullshit she had just fed the soldier in front of them, eventually though he spoke slowly as if trying to process everything he had been told.

"You were...kidnapped? Where are you from, how did you escape?"

"Britain, and our captors decided to get drunk and eventually they got into a fight. While they were shooting at each other we made our escape and now we're here, wherever that is."

The trooper tilted his helmeted head to the side slightly before repyling, "Don't think I've ever heard of a Britain district, are you from Coruscant? Your accents fit but your umm...attire doesn't look like it would fit even as esoteric as things get around here. What planet are you from?"

Planet? Planet!? Well, huh.

"Vulcan," Harry threw out quickly earning a twitch of a smile from Iris, more than likely the Hermione from her reality had made her watch Star Trek as well.

"Huh, well I'm only supposed to make sure the dregs stay down here, but you two are too well spoken, and well, clean, to be from this area. Do you have any form of ID?"

They shook their heads sorrowfully, "No," Iris began, "They took all our money and credentials, I'm shocked they hadn't just killed us really."

"I...see..." the soldier stated sounding unsure, "I really am sorry you seem like decent kids but I have my orders you see. I can't let anyone onto the mid-levels without proper credentials"

Iris nodded slowly, "I understand, I am really sorry for this you seem like a decent bloke just doing his job but we can't be held up like this."

"Wait what?" The confused and now concerned soldier said as Iris pointed her wand at his left eye lens.


The soldier went rigid and just stood there, Harry's eyes bugged out a bit as he stared at his female double incredulously. He had a thousand questions to ask and the only reason he didn't jump to any conclusions was the sad look marring her features as she shook her head in regret.

"Hate to have to use that on someone just doing what they were ordered to, hopefully no records of this will come back to bite him. Poor fellow already has a shit assignment after all. Come on Harry, I'll break the spell after we get moving."

Harry nodded with a bit of trepidation as he followed Iris into the lift, she hit the highest floor button they had available and as the doors closed she muttered something with a quick wand movement. A moment later she fell to a knee shuddering violently.

"Are you all right?" He asked earnestly, she waved him off while running a hand through her tangled hair.

"Fine, just have a hard time casting unforgivables, they leave a chalky taste on my tongue, give me a bit of a headache and some backlash. Really wish aunt Andromeda hadn't insisted I learn them but times likes this I'm grateful that she was such a stickler for certain traditions."

Harry was vaguely familiar with the name Andromeda, Sirius had mentioned her once, his favorite cousin and the mother of the rather vivacious Nymphadora "Don't You Ever Call Me That!" Tonks, but outside of that he knew nothing about her. Still, if this really was just a slightly different shade of himself from another reality he needed...he needed to know.

"Can you cast them all as casually as that?"

She laughed.

"Goddess no, I can't get the Killing Curse to even light up, and the Cruciatus requires genuine hate for the target to work. No, Imperio is something I've managed to do even wandlessly since I was a kid, the others? Eh, there are way more efficient ways to kill people then a slow moving green ball of light."

"Like a gun for instance," Harry stated with a nod, it was something he and Hermione had tried to explain to Ron dozens of times. Unfortunately most Pure-Bloods referred to guns as 'Firelegs' (something that made Dean Thomas break out into laughter every time he heard it) and didn't quite realize that in the past three hundred years muggles managed to make them able to fire more than once a minute.

The killing curse was flashy, scary, and unblockable, yes. On the other hand a hail of 9mm rounds hammering down a half formed protego soon perforating the caster in seconds was far scarier and significantly easier to pull off.

They still hadn't convinced Ron this was reality, but that was a thought for another day.

"Like a gun," Iris agreed still looking a bit ill, "Not the point though, hit us with that Notice-Me-Not again, extra strength, and when we get to our stop lets find out exactly what the fates threw us into this time."

Harry did so and as the lifts doors swung open the pair walked past the startled guards and quickly melded into the crowds of sentients going about their business. As the duo made their way through the throngs of bodies Harry spoke up nearly yelling to be heard over the crowds.

"Where are we going?"

Iris shook her head while simply stating, "No idea, away from the bobbies that's for sure." Good plan for now he supposed, they were after all illegal aliens on...was it Crescent? Croissant? Whatever, they didn't have papers and they shouldn't be here so it was best to just stay low and not draw attention to themselves.

Stepping into an empty alley Harry pulled Iris in after himself shaking his head slowly, "Is it just me or are we handling this entire thing a bit too casually? I mean really we're on an alien world, likely an alternate dimension, and we're just going with the flow."

Iris shrugged as she glanced over her shoulder at the masses passing them along the street, "Honestly Harry this is like..a Tuesday for me, I've been dealing with crazy shite since I was six and really can't find it in myself to feel all that weirded out."

Harry sighed at that running his fingers through his sweat matted hair, "I was afraid of that...your life is just as messed up as mine and nothing surprises you anymore... Ok, alright. What do we do next? Forge papers, get ourselves on the grid so we can actually figure out where the hell we are and what we're supposed to do?"

She nodded, "Seems legit, I have no better suggestions. Should we try to find a black market or the kind to forge up documents?" Harry mulled that over and that tiny bit of him, that dark little fragment in the back of his mind that was always brutally pragmatic flared up and spoke.

"No...can you do your imperius curse on some government lackeys? Convince them to file us legally?"

Iris blinked in confusion but nodded all the same, "Yeah but, why? I mean we could probably do all this under the radar why bother going through official channels?"

Harry sighed at that while pushing his glasses up his nose absently, "Because we have no idea where we are, what we're doing, or why we're here. It's best to have a solid smoke screen so legitimate credentials would be for the best, trust me I tried to run away from home enough to know the value of a good alibi."

Iris stared at him a few moments then nodded, "Ok, Harry, what do we do?"

He smiled at that taking her hands in his giving them a gentle squeeze, "We need names. We need a background, after that I don't know... They have flying cars, and apparently other planets, so why not learn how to fly them? Learn to fly spaceships?"

Iris mulled that over a moment before replying, "Military academy you think? We can magic up a necklace or something to give us a glamour to look like we're in our late teens or early twenties. It could work..."

Harry smirked, "Sounds like a plan, what names should we pick for ourselves? If they have any sort of genetic profiling they'll obviously know we're related so we need a surname as well."

Iris hummed to herself a minute before chirping out, "how about Chaos? Or Calamity?"

Harry rolled his eyes at that, "A bit obvious don't you think?" She pouted, and damn, wasn't that a powerful attack there? "How about...Tempest?"

Iris perked up at that nodding quickly, "I like it! We're the children of Marauders so how about... Loki and Eris Tempest, twin siblings from...wherever..."

Harry grinned, "I like it, I always wanted a little sister so...I'm ok with that."

Iris blushed and broke his gaze shuffling her feet slightly, "I'm used to being the little sister so I'm fine with that. So...lets find a registration office and make ourselves legal. After that we'll figure out exactly what the hell is going on and get some training."

Harry held her hand as they walked back out into the masses, "Sounds like a plan, sis." Sis, sister, he couldn't help the way his grin broadened at that thought. He finally had family, even if it was only himself from the next reality over, somehow though that seemed fitting. He would never be alone as long as he had himself to talk to right? Sweet Merlin that sounded like something Luna would say didn't it?

Bad brain, do not think like Luna, we have things to get done after all.

After some rather awkward questions to random passersby they figured out a few things about their current environment. Namely they were on the planet Coruscant, which had been renamed Imperial Center and was referred to as such by bureaucrats and politicians only. The galaxy was ruled by a man named Palpatine heading a Galactic Empire, and said Empire was a collection of power hungry twats.

After getting directions to the closest registration office Harry glanced at his new sister a moment then asked, "Ok, now what?"

"Ok, now what?" Harry asked her.

Well now wasn't that a loaded question?

Now what.

Well there was a few dozen things that came to mind, many of said scenarios involving arson, robbery, grand theft auto and defenestration. Ah, defenestration, she loved the fact that word existed, a singular word created to describe throwing politicians out of a multistory building to their ignoble deaths. She was fairly certain the Bohemians coined it, so good on them for having proper priorities.

Still though...

"Well we're wearing school uniforms, robes, and have identical scars on our foreheads. So we really need to get this registration thing out of the way so we can knock over a bank and establish ourselves."

Harry blanched at that, "Rob a bank? Are you serious?"

"No that's my Godfather, and if you're going to get all pissy about it I'll rob the bank while you stay at home knitting tea cozies. Look, Harry, I get it, we're Gryffindors, honor, virtue, and all that, but here's the thing. We are on an alien world, dominated by a fascist empire, and we only have each other to rely on. So you know what? I'm willing to rob a bank in order to survive because surprise surprise. I like me, and me with food is happy, and in order for me to have food I need money, and I'm not working a nine to five. Savvy?"

Harry stopped and stared at her a moment, his eyes flickered between several emotions at once before nodding slowly, "Savvy."

"Wunderbar, now do you know how to do any enchanting so we can make up our glamours?" Harry tilted his head to the side and nodded after a few moments.

"Fluer showed me how to anchor them to jewelry last year after I saved Gabrielle, said it would help when my fans got unbearable."

Iris grunted her acknowledgement as she dragged Harry into an info kiosk, "Sounds like Magnifique, she always did enjoy looking after me. As well as dressing me up like a doll... I seriously have no idea if that was a French or Veela thing..." Digging into her charmed bottomless bag that Luna had gotten her for her birthday Iris pulled out a pair of simple silver chain necklaces, "Ok you know what dad looked like in his early twenties so do your thing. I'll work on my own. We'll resemble ourselves enough to not confuse each other but when we drop the glamour we'll look different enough to confuse people."

Glamours were rather funny things, sure they worked when you cast them on other people but they didn't really last and they always felt a bit stilted, like they lacked a shade of life to really sell them. Cast it on yourself and you bypassed that and it was easier for most to fall for them, Iris had no idea why that was the truth of the matter but it was what it was so she didn't complain about it.

Really, demanding logic from magic was a bit like milking a rock, incredibly frustrating, and ultimately pointless.

Remembering what Lily Potter née Evans looked like at her death, which was mildly disconcerting really, Iris cast the glamour charm and anchored it to the necklace. Looping the links of metal around her neck she felt it take hold and shivered a bit as her perception shifted to be about a half foot taller than she really was.

Iris hated glamours, no matter how well they were cast she almost always ended up face planted on the floor, stupid altered senses... A short time later she glanced up and stared at who she thought was James Potter for a moment and felt her throat tighten, when she locked onto the emerald green eyes she relaxed a bit.

"Sweet merciless Morrigan Harry you look just like dad!"

Harry swallowed hard as he glanced to the side nodding slowly, "You look identical to mum, this is going to take some getting use to." Remembering the Ginny Weasley method of handling an uncomfortable situation Iris decided to hug it out with her erstwhile big brother, and he was the big brother after all. No way she was going to be the responsible one, the universe would end if she were ever really in charge and Dudley would be super annoyed that she subverted his role of little sister protector regardless.

So she hugged him, and pulled him close, and he returned it after a stunned moment silence, they remained that way for a time before letting each other go, both willing to pretend they hadn't nearly just had an emotional breakdown.

Now that was rather brilliant, this whole having a double who understood how you thought thing was pretty great when they both suffered the same neurosis as their new sibling did.

"Ok," Harry said as he pointed at the map on the kiosk wall, "We're here, and we're ten kilometers from the nearest registration office. I say we get ourselves made legit, lift enough money from the local denizens to rent a room, and sleep today off like a bad hangover."

Ok, yeah, that was funny.

"All right Harry," Iris said with a laughing snort, "Lets set ourselves up for the future." It ended up being way easier than either had expected, Iris had to cast one Imperius curse and Harry a single confundus but they managed to get registered as Loki and Eris Tempest within the hour. After helping herself to said office's registers they had enough money to rent a room for the night while also stealing this worlds equivalent of a laptop.

She'd spent too many of her formative years hiding her powers and abilities while exploiting the hell out of them to actually care about the morality of her actions. Something Dudley often times found hilarious, so she ignored any pangs of conscious that creeped up while typing away at her ill begotten computer.

The best bet they had was probably Corulag, the entire planet was like an Imperial soldier training ground and there were regular flights in and out so she and Harry could easily fall through the cracks and learn how the galaxy operated from the inside.

She snorted at that while rolling her eyes, seriously this shit was getting easier and easier to pull off. The only reason they had to play it safe was the simple fact that they didn't know what the hell they were dealing with and kept themselves restrained out of self preservation, odd how that worked out. Normally it was all rush in without thinking it through, maybe she was maturing?

She shivered at the thought and quickly dismissed it.

So, closing down her laptop she jumped on the bed and fell asleep near immediately and ended up cuddling Harry during the night, and woke up far too early to make their flight much to her 'brother's' chagrin.

Hours after the pair entered the transport to Corulag and vanished from the known world a man prowled along the path they had taken seemingly focused on nothing at all.

Reaching the building that his senses drew him to the man growled in anger realizing his targets were long gone. How he wished to release his ire on the fools surrounding him, but that would only potentially alert his prey that they were being followed so he refrained from the blissful release.

Honestly, life as an Imperial Inquisitor was far too stressful for someone as young as he was.

Half a galaxy away Harry Potter snapped awake, glancing to the crash seat next to him the young wizard snorted as he observed the redheaded girl wrapped around his left arm. Iris was...unique, that was for sure, and she definitely pushed for decisive decisions, but...she was also him wasn't she?

Harry, well, he had a hard time seeing it, while he'd accepted they were each from different yet similar realities she...she was beautiful, kind and blunt, and...she was there for him... It was at that moment the Galactic Empire became doomed and a bearded old fool a reality over looked up from his desk in confusion.

Harry Potter had decided where he stood in the coming wars, and it was wherever his newly found sister wanted him to be.

Morrigan help anyone who got in his way.

When the shuttle reverted back to real-space and Corulag appeared on the viewscreens mounted on the walls Harry could only smile. They'd get educated, they would get training, and then they would be free. Letting his head fall atop Iris's Harry silently mulled over a rather amusing thought.

What would the galaxy make of a pair of Potters without any sort of safety switch?