Naruto was waiting, patiently. Hands under his chin, watching the strangest thing his son ever did. Hinata was by his side, taking in the familiar scene like how she was before.

Boruto was trying to say something, but failing miserably at it. You see he was trying to tell something to his dad, but seeing as how he was blushing, and stuttering so hard at the thought of what he was going to say, Naruto just waited, and trying his hardest to suppress his laughter of how similar his son was acting to Hinata.

His daughter, Himawari, was looking between him, and Boruto with a look of confusion. He reminded her of how he was like that as a child.

"T-Th-The-… We-Well… U-Uh…" Still beet red, and stuttering, Naruto sighed at what could possibly make Boruto act like that, and how he managed to keep himself from fainting.

Boruto learned how much his dad actually cared for him, and his job as the hokage. After defeating Momoshiki and Kinshiki, Naruto managed to buy some time for them, and Boruto was really happy for that.

Today was his dad's birthday, and was planning to surprise him. He was currently hiding behind the boxes that were scattered at the side of his dad's office, and was waiting for him to come, so that he can surprise him with a big "Happy Birthday!"

"Onii-chan, hide quickly daddy's coming!" His sister, Himawari said, and he quickly hide himself better. He heard the door suddenly burst open, and there were some… sounds he didn't know what to think of.

The door closed with a bang, and more of those… sounds were getting louder, and louder. Realization dawned on, remembering back to those conversations with Inojin, and Shikadai, he was horrified to see he was right.

He could see the blond, and black hair he knew anywhere, and grew even more horrified as time pressed on. He heard things crashing on the floor, and glanced to his left where he could see his father's desk with… his parents doing it.

"N-Naruto-kun, we shouldn't be doing t-this here." He heard his mother's voice, his heart was racing faster than his whole life, the prospect of them being caught dawned on him, and like mother like son, fainted.

"Yeah, you're probably right." Naruto said.

"Y-your present s-should be unwrapped back home a-anyway." Hinata said, and Naruto quickly carried her bridal style to unwrap said present, leaving Himawari to work out why her brother suddenly fainted.

Boruto somehow managed to blush, and stutter even more Hinata has ever managed to do, and to Naruto's unsurprised, he fainted. Hinata chuckled at the very familiar scene.

"Onii-chan… wake up, onii-chan." Still confused by everything, Himawari tried to wake her brother up to no avail.

Naruto, and Hinata eventually asked her why his brother fainted. Himawari's innocence was evident, when she told her father of the things they did, and what probably caused him to faint.

Needless to say, Hinata joined after her son, and promptly fainted.

While Naruto vowed to clean the the very dirty desk the next time Boruto, and his team goes in his office for a mission briefing.

Well, what do you think? Reviews of any kind are welcome.