The long awaited continuation of the love story that started all the way back in-wait, 2016? Jesus, I feel really bad for how long this took. Part of it was trying to get Kali and Ghira's personality comfortably but it never felt right. And of course, as the PSA let be known, the computer I had all my writing on got wrecked. So everything is now lost to the Void.
Anyway, this is in an alternate timeline from the canon, as you might have guessed, and primarily the main difference is Cinder/Salem's plan didn't follow through. As for why, it doesn't really matter in regards to this story, so try not to sweat it too much. I have decided to not do the chapter with Jaune's family, at least not yet, simply because that's a lot of characters that we know almost nothing about, short of Jaune's dad giving him really horrible advice when it comes to women.
Blake sighed softly as her knight was on his hands and knees, recovering from the trauma his body underwent from the flight to Menagerie. As Jaune tried to steady himself, Blake slowly looked around, taking in the sights of her home. Or former home, as it were. A small part of her was terrified of meeting her parents again, especially with her boyfriend in tow. Her father was very protective of his only child, and she still recalled how intimidated Adam was at first when they were younger. Flinching slightly at the thought of Adam, she shook her head swiftly, eager to be rid of any dark memories that would ruin her time with her loved ones.
"Why wouldn't we have gone on a ship?" Jaune grumbled, even though Blake knew he knew the answer and was simply complaining to vent his frustration at his constant motion sickness. Blake smiled slightly before helping her knight up.
"You're still alive, and you didn't throw up. That's an all around positive, even if Yang isn't here to see it." Blake responded, causing Jaune to groan in annoyance at the reminder of his hated nickname. Instead, he picked up the majority of their luggage that had been laying next to them. Before they had left Beacon, Jaune had insisted on carrying the most bags, despite Blake's protests that she wasn't a delicate flower like Weiss (the heiress had been less than pleased to hear that little comment). Regardless, Jaune proceeded to carry the heavy bags, mostly holding their clothes, while Blake adamantly held onto her small messenger bag holding several of her precious books (including one or two Ninja's of Love, maybe she would get a few ideas for the future).
Blake adjusted her bags and gestured for Jaune to follow her, since she still remembered where her parents home was from the last time she was here. As they walked through the Faunus village, she could see several pairs of eyes turn towards them, especially in suspicion towards Jaune who proceeded completely unaware. Blake winced internally; even though she knew they had their reasons, she hated how Jaune of all people was subject to such glares. But she conceded that only she really knew his personality, and that was what she had fallen in love with.
They had just turned down a street before she heard someone, "Blake? Is that you?" Eyes widening with surprise, she looked forward to see her mother staring back with equal surprise. Her mother gasped happily before rushing forward to embrace her daughter tightly, not something Blake expected and went stiff before relaxing and slowly returning her mother's hug.
"Hi mom." Blake muttered as she felt Khali's arms tighten around her before the older Faunus pulled away and cupped Blake's face. She moved Blake's head several directions, as if inspecting for any damage on her precious child, the older woman's eyes narrowed slightly before she smiled brightly and let go of her daughter.
"Oh thank Oum you are safe sweetie. Your father and I have been very worried when we didn't get any word from you for months, but I should have known you would be safe and sound." Anything else Khali was about to say was interrupted when she realized there was someone behind Blake. Leaning to the side slightly, Khali spotted Jaune, who was standing uncomfortably, holding their bags behind the ninja. "Oh I'm sorry, I didn't realize Blake was bringing a friend." Blake coughed awkwardly, she and Jaune both knew they would introduce him as her boyfriend but she dreaded her father's reactions.
Jaune, his social skills finally kicking in, smiled slightly at the older woman. "Uh, hi! I'm Jaune Arc, Blake's boyfriend!" Khali froze as Blake closed her eyes. She loved him dearly, but dammit he had all the subtly of a bull in a china shop when it came to conversations. Stepping away from her mother, Blake stood next to Jaune.
"I'm sorry I didn't send a message mom, but I felt like I needed to tell you in person." Blake tried to recover the situation as best she could, even though her mother still seemed like she had been frozen. A brief period of silence passed, ten seconds at most, though it felt like ten minutes for Blake and Jaune, giving Blake even more anxiety than the thought of Pyrrha charging at her with intent to kill. "Mom...?" Blake tentaveily asked, slowly waving a hand in front of her face. Without warning Khali broke into a big grin before crushing Jaune into a bear hug of her own.
"You're her boyfriend? Oh Blake I'm so happy you found someone! I was so worried you wouldn't ever find someone you can be happy with!" Khali stopped mid-rant and looked over at her daughter. "He does make you happy right?" Blake sighed in exasperation as Jaune squirmed around in the older Belladona woman's grip.
"Yes mom. Jaune...isn't like him." Blake tried to be as vague as possible, hoping she wouldn't pique Jaune's curiosity while also letting her mother know Jaune was a good person. Half of her hope was dashed when Jaune raised an eyebrow at her, while her mother smiled brightly and let go of Jaune.
"Then you are more than welcome, Jaune!" Khali smiled happily, which Jaune returned nervously. "Now let me help you with some of those bags, sweetie, they look fairly heavy." She said as she reached for one of the bags Jaune was having trouble with.
"Oh uh, thank you Mrs. Belladona, but you really don't need to." Jaune tried to dissuade her, only to be completely ignored by the Faunus, leaving Blake to shrug as her mother led them back the way she came, easily carrying the bag she absconded with. She turned around and went back the way she presumably came from, gesturing for the pair of teens to follow her. Shrugging to Blake, who simply shook her head, well aware that standing around would only delay the inevitable, Jaune fell into step behind the Faunus woman with Blake close to him. Leaning towards his girlfriend, he whispered softly, "Who...was she talking about, Blake?" Blake inhaled sharply, but gently grabbed his hand and squeezed it softly.
"Not right now Jaune. I'll explain it later, I promise. This isn't the right place." She replied, earning a nod and a smile from Jaune, which she returned nervously. She looked forward, letting her mother lead them to their destination while she thought up of a way to explain Jaune's presence without her father tearing him apart. Meanwhile, Khali chattered to the two of them, mostly towards Jaune as she told several stories of Blake when she was a baby (including the one where a Blake that just started crawling somehow found her "special" books, which Jaune took up a look of understanding upon learning), as they approached a house that was larger than most of the others they had past.
Khali walked up the steps to the front door before turning to smile brightly at the duo. "Welcome home, you two! I think Ghira is in a meeting right now but he should be free afterwards. I'll take you two up your room in the meantime-oh wait, maybe two different rooms would be better..." Khali trailed off in thought for a few seconds before Blake spoke up, seeing an opportunity to take their several month long relationship at least a tiny bit farther.
"We can share my old room, mom." This broke Khali's train of thought and earned an incredulous look from Jaune. Blake, to her credit, remained looking at her mother unmoved by their reactions. Khali smiled, as though she tried to hide her real reaction, and opened the front door.
"It's decided then! I'll-" Blake cut off her mother, suddenly wanting to get Jaune alone so she could help her boyfriend prepare for her father.
"I'll take Jaune to my room, mom but thanks. We need to relax a little, the trip took it out of us." Blake hurriedly stated, gently taking the bag from her shocked mother (Blake made a mental note to apologize to her later for being so rude but she was nearly having a panic attack). Grabbing Jaune's hand with her free hand, she almost forcibly dragged him into the house and almost tore through it to her room, poor Jaune almost stumbling behind her as he tried desperately to not knock things over with his bags.
Opening the door to her old bedroom, Blake pulled Jaune into it and swiftly shut the door behind her before she leaned against it and dropped the bag she had taken from her mother while Jaune steadied himself, finally free from his girlfriend's vice grip. "Geez Blake, what happened? You completely changed back there, is everything okay?" Oum bless her, she adored it when he gave her the concerned puppy eyes. It was times like this when it was easy to imagine Jaune as a dog Faunus, his ears perking up as he tilted his head in concern-Blake internally shook her head to clear those thoughts away; they had been happening too often lately. Sighing heavily, Blake stood up from the door and traversed the room before sitting onto her bed, the poor thing groaning from sudden use after so long. She patted next to her wordlessly, refusing to look at Jaune's eyes as she tried to figure out how to explain her behavior.
For his part, Jaune set his bags down and slowly seated beside the ninja, gently placing a hand over hers. "Blake, what's up? You worry me when you get like this." He was right, this wasn't the first time she had almost completely shut down on him in recent months. Taking in a deep breath, Blake looked at Jaune, maintaining eye contact.
"It's about what my mom said. About you making me happy." Jaune's eyes widened in panic before Blake removed her hand from his and cupped his cheek. "Shh, it's not like that Jaune. You do make me happy, I promise, it was just..." Blake lowered her eyes before dropping her hand, which Jaune caught and held onto like a lifeline. "Mom was asking because of my last...partner, I guess you would call him." Blake didn't honestly know what to call Adam. An ex-boyfriend? A source of release? A lover? Ultimately it didn't matter, but Jaune did deserve to know things that she had kept to herself, even keeping it away from her team. "You remember that I was a member of the White Fang before coming to Beacon?" A nod. "I...their current leader and I used to be involved with each other years ago. When I was fifteen, we turned to each other for comfort."
"Was this before the White Fang became violent?" Jaune asked softly, yet without judgement. Blake was eternally grateful Jaune was the way he was, it did help her with getting this off of her chest. She nodded before answering.
"It was. They were still pacifists, and we were both idealists, joining up to try and change how the world viewed the Faunus. We were attacked a few times, and he was there to help me pull myself back together. To this day, I don't know why the White Fang changed, I don't know why, or even when, he changed either." Blake closed her eyes as memories came flooding back, though she fought to keep her voice steady. "All I do know is that he became the leader, and at a young age, and...somehow, the White Fang became more violent, more militant. We were all trained to fight, and in my own naivety I followed blindly. It was only last year, before I came to Beacon, that I realized that the White Fang had changed beyond repair." She stopped, remembering vividly the night she abandoned the White Fang, and Adam on that train. "So I left when I realized I had to dedicate myself to a goal that would only serve the whole of the world, not just my race." Blake trailed off again, honestly not sure where to continue. Jaune stayed silent for a moment before speaking up.
"How did you join the White Fang?" He asked hesitantly, which caused Blake to stare at him in shock. Of all the questions, that was the one she least expected.
"Well...I was sort of a member since I was born. My dad..." 'Don't tell him Blake, don't say it! Don't-' "My dad used to lead the White Fang before he stepped down." 'You damn idiot.' Jaune straightened up in fear.
"Wh-what?!" Yeah that horror in his voice was appropriate. Blake put her arms around him securely, trying to settle him down.
"It's alright, he hated how the White Fang became after he left. He always taught me that we needed to show we were people, and not seeing us as animals." Blake smiled up at him. "I think he'll approve of you." 'Provided he doesn't kill Jaune for touching you.' That damn voice in her head really needed to shut up!
Jaune smiled and hugged her in return. "You think so?" Blake nodded and leaned in to kiss him. Just as their lips met, Blake's door opened suddenly.
"Blake, Khali told me you were-" Blake's eyes shot open in panic, seeing Jaune's do the same as they separated immediately and look towards the door. Standing there was a large Faunus man, easily as tall and muscled as Yatsuhashi, if not more so, his face blank as he no doubt saw them kissing. Blake's face grew hot as he started speaking again. "Might I know what I just walked in on?" Her dad's voice sent shivers down her spine as only one thought wormed through her mind.
'Jaune's dead.'
Well, this took long enough to come out didn't it! Didn't it! Sorry, I'm a little angry at myself for the amount of time it took, but I couldn't do anything about it before now. Anyway, yes this was left on a cliff-hanger, but I wanted to put it all in one chapter initially. But when I tried that, it ended up triple the length, and that just felt like a slog for anyone who would read this so I cut it down to this length and am going to surgically alter (read massacre and rearrange) what I cut out. Let me know how you guys felt about this, it felt really rushed and Blake especially felt OOC, but since it's spring, I'm operating off the assumption that Blake would have changed a bit due to Jaune's influence and been a bit more open with him especially.
Also, to address possible concerns, since Rooster Teeth is based in North America, I'm going with the assumption that Beacon would operate similar to how the North American school system works in regards to seasonal breaks since, to my knowledge, we have no information on how a normal year of Beacon works.
Before I go, let me know who you wanna see Jaune partnered with in a different fic. I'll be taking only PM's into consideration, since I haven't been able to figure out the polling system and don't have the time to figuring it out yet.
Next RWBY Automata chapter is going to come out next week, so if your interested in that stay tuned, and as always, I hope you all have a fantastic day!