A/N- Trying for a little whump this time. Short opening chp., sorry. Let me know how it goes.

Steve pulled himself out of the freshwater pool below Waimano falls and shook his head like a wet dog as he followed Grace up the short path to the trail where they had left their towels and backpacks. "Danno, do we have to go?" the girl pouted, refusing the towel that her father held out to her.

"Yeah, Danno, do we have to?" Steve seconded with a similar pout.

"Don't you start," Danny glared at him. "Yes, Monkey, we have to go because your mother is expecting me to drop you off in time for dinner. And that means we should have left…" he checked his watch, "30 minutes ago!"

"Aww." Grace reluctantly took the towel he held out to her and began to slowly dry off.

Steve looked around for his own towel and spotted his pack a few yards away under a tree. "Danno, did you move my pack?"

"Me? I've been with you the whole time, babe. Besides, I don't touch your stuff- it usually has grenades and other unspeakable items in it." Danny looked around at the clusters of visitors and the towels, handbags, and backpacks strewn around the lush forested area. "Someone probably just thought it was theirs and picked it up for a minute. There's a ton of people out here. Actually," he faced his partner, "please tell me you didn't pack grenades in your backpack?"

Steve flashed him a boyish grin.

"Seriously? Steven! We've had this conversation- you do not take these things out in public! What if someone else had found them? What if that little boy over there had-"

"Danno, the things I pack are important. They could save your life one day."

"A grenade is going to save my life? Are you sure it won't end my life instead? What have I told you before: leave it at-"

"Danny, I heard you the first time, and I didn't pack any grenades. Just my pocket knife."

"You mean that thing the size of a small machete? That's no pocket knife- that's some kind of SEAL ninja sword or …" His bantering ended abruptly as he saw Steve open the flap on his backpack and freeze. "What?"

"Get back. Get Gracie back." Steve's voice was low and urgent. "Get her away now, D."

Danny cast a glance at his daughter. "Sweetie, go wait for us by that big tree over there," he said, pointing to an oversized banyan tree down the trail.


"Now," Danny emphasized. He waited until his daughter was out of earshot before turning back to his partner. "What is it?"

"A bomb. Someone planted a bomb in my backpack."

A/N - the focus for this story is conversation. I'm trying to get the character voices correct, and it's harder (for me anyway) than it sounds like. Feedback appreciated. Thanks for reading.