Anna closed the door and pressed her back against it to steady herself. With a deep exhale, she tried to calm her quickened heart rate brought on by the fact she just gave John Bates her number and a kiss on the cheek. It was probably forward, very forward, especially since it wasn't supposed to be a real date. The date hadn't felt pretend though, but instead it had felt natural.

After calming herself enough to move from the door, Anna set about her regular night time routine. When completed, she got into bed and pulled the covers over her. She had placed the small box containing the silk scarf on the bed side table, so she reached for it and plucked the scarf from the box. It felt so smooth and soft and the shades of blue and cream were stunning. She couldn't help but chuckle in spite of herself as she envisioned yet again John looking through the vast lady sections of stores. Out of everything he had picked this just for her and that was why it was so beautiful to her.

She placed it securely back in the box before snuggling down into the mattress to get comfortable. As she focused on sleep overtaking her, her mind drifted to that Christmas John and her had shared more than five years ago.

The mulled wine scent was heavy in the air as Anna helped Mary plate up the last batch of minced pies. Robert and Cora had decided to do a cozy, traditional Christmas instead of the posh event they normally gave. It suited Anna just fine. She loved getting to wear her wintry blue Christmas jumper alongside everyone else being in theirs. It made her feel as though everyone in attendance was one big happy family. The plates of food were placed with the others in the large dining room, and then they made their way back to the sitting room to join the others.

"So, tell me about this Adam fellow," Mary had said with excitement present in her eyes.

"Well, come to find out we attended the same university, and he is ever so charming," Anna replied with a shy smile.

"You should have brought him along tonight. His parents normally come, but they are on holiday this year."

"It's early days. We aren't officially together, yet."

Mary nodded in understanding before Robert stood in front of the Christmas tree asking everyone to join in as they sang a carol or two. Matthew had come over to join them as everyone began singing. It felt calming for everyone to be joined in song, and Anna participated willingly. Her eyes roamed around the room, taking in everyone's merry faces as the meaningful lyrics filled the room. Her eyes stopped when she recognized the man to the right of the tree. It was John Bates standing tall in a crimson red jumper with his hands around a glass cup of mulled wine. To his left, she noticed Mrs. Bates. She had only met her a couple of times in passing, but she was one of those people one simply did not forget. She was singing along with everyone else, but had an air about her that seemed as though she were bored or annoyed. She was caught off guard when she looked back to Mr. Bates and saw he was looking at her with a small smile. This made her smile in return before she looked back over in Robert's direction.

After some time, Robert began handing out Christmas crackers stating he knew they were usually done at the dinner table, but since they weren't having a formal dinner they would do them now. He took the liberty of pairing people together to make people converse as well as make it more fun. John and Anna had both been near the Christmas tree, so he put the two of them together.

"John, Anna, you two get these," Robert stated as he handed them two festively wrapped crackers.

They each took one from Robert before looking at each other.

"Well, I guess we have to greet each other now that we're pulling crackers together. How have you been Mr. Bates?" Anna asked as she played with the paper at one end of the tube.

"Been hanging in there, and you Miss Smith?" John replied.

"I'm well."

Before they could continue their conversation Robert was giving instructions to get ready to pull. John and Anna crossed their arms and took hold of the other end of the others cracker.

"On the count of 3. 1...2...3!"

John and Anna pulled on theirs, and John had won both pulls.

"No fair," Anna teased as she held the two short paper ends in her hands.

"Ahhhh, but it's Christmas. You get one as well."

John handed her one of the tubes, and Anna accepted it with a smile.

"Thank you, Mr. Bates."

"You're welcome. Let's see what we got."

Anna pulled out a small bag a marbles and started to reach back inside when they were interrupted.

"John. I need another drink," Vera Bates stated as she came right in between him and Anna.

"Can it wait just a moment?" John responded.

"No it can't. These things are childish anyways. There is nothing but junk inside of them."

"I'll just go find Mary," Anna said quietly.

Vera turned to finally acknowledge there was another person standing there.

"Vera is this Anna Smith. I believe you've met," John said tentatively.

"Oh, yes. Mary Crawley's little friend," Vera said in the most patronizing tone.

"Hello, Mrs. Bates. I'll leave you be now," Anna replied with no expression before walking away.

Anna looked back over her shoulder to see sadness cloud John's eyes. It made her more emotional then she thought it would, so she collected her coat and stepped outside.

The night was crisp and clear. The stars seemed to shine brighter like they somehow knew it was Christmas. She had only been outside five minutes or so when she heard someone coming out to join her. She couldn't help the smile that formed when she saw it was Mr. Bates walking towards her.

"It's a bit cold to be outside," John stated as he stood beside her.

"I just needed a bit to clear my head."

"Same. I apologize for my wife's behavior. I can never tell what she might say next."

Anna watched as John shifted his weight almost looking uncomfortable at having to apologize for his wife.

"No need to apologize," Anna replied kindly.

A beat of silence passed between them before John spoke again.

"So, what are you doing these days?"

Anna turned her head to look at him.

"I'm working as a photographer for a local magazine. It's not the most glamorous magazine, but hopefully one day I'll work for a more well-known one."

"I have no doubt that you will," John said simply as his eyes smiled at her.

Anna had felt a flutter at the way John had looked at her making her feel some confusion because she had liked it. No one had ever looked at her the way Mr. Bates just had.

Trying to keep her composure, Anna changed the subject.

"What did you end up getting in your cracker?"

John reached in his trouser pocket and pulled out a bright green whistle.

"A whistle. How fun!" Anna laughed as John brought it to his lips and blew once into it.

"There you are! What are you doing out here?" Vera said as she stepped outside.

They both turned at the sound of Vera's voice.

"Came out for some air when I noticed Miss Smith was out here as well. She's working for a local magazine."

"Is that so?" Vera said as she glared at Anna. "I'm ready to go home."

"Of course," John said in a tone that was both sarcastic and sad at the same time. "Let me just tell Robert an Cora goodbye."

"Don't take forever like you always do," Vera demanded before walking back inside.

"You better go," Anna suggested politely.

"Yep," John replied as he began walking towards the door. He stopped and turned back around.

"Good luck with everything if I don't see you again."

Anna felt a grip of sadness run through her though she wasn't sure why all these emotions were coming to light.

"Good luck to you Mr. Bates and happy Christmas."

"Happy Christmas," John said sincerely before opening the door and walking back inside.

"What do you mean you have plans?" Anna heard Mary say through the speaker on her phone as she got dressed.

"I mean I have plans," Anna replied determined to not let Mary change her plans.

"Your plans should be coming out with me, Henry, Joe, and Phyllis. What could possibly be more important?"

It had only been a couple of days after Christmas when a number Anna didn't recognize had came across her phone screen. It had been John, and just like he promised he called to ask when she might be available to meet again.

"I'm meeting someone Mary. If things go well, I'll tell you about it later."

"A mystery man? He better be taking you to a huge party since he's taking you away from one."

"Well, it's not and I'm not a bit disappointed."

"What? No party on New Years Eve? Sounds like a bore."

Anna finished slipping on her jeans as she wrapped up her conversation with Mary.

"Have a great time. I'll talk to you next year."

"Anna... isn't that cliche old hat by now?"

They both laughed before Mary relented.

"Okay, okay. Bye Anna."

"Bye Mary."

It was 9pm when Anna left her home and made her way along the pavement. She had walked this same path several times since her return home, but the anticipation of seeing him again made the walk seem like forever. The pavement was slowly becoming wet with a rain, sleet like mixture but that didn't slow her down a bit. Her mind was only full of him and being in his company again.

When the coffee shop came into view with its bright red door, she involuntarily almost broke out into a jog to reach the door. Opening it, she stepped inside to the wonderful aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the hint of chalk dust. Looking to the chalkboard menu, she could tell they had changed some of the menu from the seasonal offerings back to their regulars. She stepped further in and stopped when John came into view. There he was sitting in his spot on the brown leather couch. Instead of the newspaper, this time his face was hidden by a book. He was dressed casual but smart, and as she looked to the side she noticed his walking stick no longer had the red and white striped tape covering it.

Deciding to not keep him waiting any longer, Anna made her way over.

"Hello," Anna said as she stopped just in front of him.

John immediately lowered his book, closed it, and placed it on the table, making it teeter, before standing to his feet.

"Hello. How are you?"

"I'm great and you?"

"Wonderful. Can I buy you a drink?"

"Yes please, coffee, milk and sugar."

"As you wish," John replied before making his way over to the counter to order.

Anna placed her coat over the back of the couch before sitting down. The leather was nice and warm from the fire crackling in the fireplace. It truly was her favorite place to be.

"Here we go," John said as he handed Anna her steaming mug of coffee.

"Thank you," Anna replied sweetly as John sat himself down.

"You're welcome. I hope you didn't mind meeting here with it being New Years Eve and all."

"I don't mind at all. I love it here. I'm just glad they are open."

"They'll be kicking us out not long after midnight," John chuckled.

They talked for a long time getting to know each other better, sharing stories and life experiences. They discussed each others careers and what their passions and goals were, which to their surprise seemed to mesh better than either thought they would.

"I didn't mention it before but your scarf looks great on you," John complimented.

"Only because the gentleman who bought it has great taste," Anna quipped back.

Anna enjoyed watching John's neck and cheeks flush.

"Is yours still satisfactory?"

Anna looked to where his red scarf was laying with his coat.

"It's my new favorite article of clothing," he stated as he looked at her.

Anna gave him a skeptical look.

"What? It is," John defended as he raised his eyebrows for emphasis.

"Okay, I believe you. It's starting to get chilly in here."

The fire had died down to embers twenty minutes prior making the room and the leather couch much cooler.

"May I?" Anna asked as she gestured to the cushion next to him.

"Yes, of course," John replied almost too quickly. He had been wanting her to sit close to him since her arrival.

She slipped over next to him until the sides of their bodies were just barely touching sending little electric pluses coursing through both of them. There was a nervousness present in them both, but it was the good kind of nervous. The kind of nervousness that made you feel alive when it was shared with the right person.

"What have you been reading?" Anna asked out of curiosity as she looked to the book on the coffee table.


"Poetry? It suits you," Anna stated confidently.

"Does it now?" John almost growled as he gazed at her with playful eyes.

"It most certainly does. Would you mind reading some to me?"

"Sure," John replied before leaning forward and collecting the book. Once he leaned back, he opened the book to where he had left off. Naturally, he lifted his left arm and placed it along the back of the couch. With practiced ease he held the book open with only his right hand and began to read what was on the pages before him.

Anna listened intently as John's velvet voice touched each word as though he were made to be reading poetry. His voice was calming, reassuring, strong yet gentle, and she felt as though she were melting from the inside out. She moved in closer to him, making them both warmer. It should be uncomfortable to be sharing such a close proximity with a man who she had only known a short time, but with John it was completely different. There was no awkwardness, no doubts, no reason to fear being close to him.

As John continued to read more time passed by and when 11:30 came Anna had an idea.

"Are you okay?" John asked as he noticed a change in Anna's facial expression and body language.

"Let's leave," Anna said excitedly to John as she placed a hand to his forearm.

"And go where?" John asked with an amused look on his face.

"To the park!"

"Really?" John replied as he closed his book.


Anna was already to her feet and collecting her coat before John even had a chance to reply. John followed suit, and before they knew it they are returning their coffee mugs and making their way outside.

"John! It's snowing!" Anna exclaimed as she looked up to the sky.

"Oh, wow. It is," John added as he too looked up.

"The park isn't far. Let's go!"

Instinctively, Anna took John's hand in hers as they made their short journey.

"You sure you want to be outside? It is freezing," John asked out of concern of her being too cold. He could care less if he was cold or not.

"It makes you feel alive though doesn't it?"

John most certainly did feel alive.

"It does," he replied as their steps were in sync along the way.

"I see the park sign coming into view!" Anna exclaimed.

John could only smile and chuckle at Anna's apparent excitement and continued walking alongside her until they reached their destination.

"What is the plan now Miss Smith?" John teased as they stood inside the empty park near a park bench covered with snow.

"To be free and feel alive and ring in the New Year with a fresh new future," Anna proclaimed before twirling in the falling snow.

John's breath was taken away by Anna's optimism and her beauty as she spun in the snowy moonlight. He was outside in a park, snow tumbling down, with the most beautiful, intelligent woman he had ever known. If this was any foreshadowing of the new year, it would be a very happy one indeed.

Anna's heart melted as John's head and shoulders became heavily dusted with snow. He looked so handsome and the snow added an adorableness factor she could not get over. She stepped closer to him until she was directly in front of him. She dusted off his shoulders and scarf and looked him deep in the eyes before dropping her gaze.

"What is it Anna?" John said just above a whisper even though no one else was around.

"I..." Anna started then stopped. She looked back up at him and with a steadying breath said, "I like you Mr. Bates. I know it's not ladylike to say it, but I'm not a lady and I don't pretend to be. I know we were pretending, but for me it was never pretend. None of it was."

Her already flushed face reddened more as she spilled her heart out to the man in front of her. Now, she was waiting with baited breath for his reply.

"It was never pretend for me either Anna. You are a lady to me and I never knew a finer one."

John reached into his coat pocket and pulled out the bright green whistle that he had only ever blown once.

It took Anna only a few seconds to recall where the whistle had come from.

"Is that the whistle from when we pulled crackers?" Anna gasped as she looked at the whistle in John's hand.

"It is."

Anna spoke so quietly it was as though she meant to think it instead of say it. "You kept it."

John took a half step closer as he explained, "I was so sure I would never see you again after that night. I had no doubt in my mind you would be successful and be whisked away because of your talent. I kept it as a reminder of how you made me feel that Christmas even though we were together only briefly."

Anna's eyes filled with tears. How was it possible for big, strong man like John to be so gentle and caring.

"I felt the same way all those years ago, John. It just wasn't our time then."

"No, it wasn't," John responded as he placed the whistle back into his pocket and slipped his arm around Anna's waist.

The wide grin that came over Anna's face was reflected onto John's as well.

"Maybe it is now," Anna whispered as she ran a hand along the hair at his temple.

Church bells rang out in the distance signaling the new year had arrived. John lifted his free hand up to wipe away snow that had fallen onto Anna's cheek.

"May I give you a New Years kiss?" John asked breathily as his thumb continued to caress her soft skin.

Her reply was her lifting herself up on her toes, pressing her hands into his snow covered coat, and meeting his lips in a sweet, emotion filled kiss.

They both gasped when the kiss was broken and as the thick, powdery snow continued to fall around them she looked into John's eyes and said, "Happy New Year, John."

"Happy New Year, Anna," John replied with a sincerity that made Anna's face crumple with a teary smile.

John dropped his cane and in one fluid motion bent down, scooped Anna up around the waist, and lifted her into the air.

As he turned in a circle, Anna giggled while saying, "John!"

"You didn't think you were the only one going to twirl in this heavy snow storm did you?" John asked as he placed her back down on the ground.

They both chuckled before finding themselves in each others embrace.

"John," Anna said quietly.


"I've never been so glad to be home for the holidays."

After that night, they were both filled with hope the new year would be full of life, love, and happiness only the two of them could share.

The End.

A/N: Thank you all for reading and taking the time to review. Happy New Year.