Thicker Than Water

By Ammie Hawk

Disclaimer: I in no way, shape, or form own Gundam Wing or Harry Potter.

Summary: The war is over, and the Gundam boys find out some startling news when they are forced to participate in the new Family Reconstruction Act. GW/HP crossover, AU Potterverse, Yaoi

Challenge: Make all the pilots related somehow.

WARNINGS: AU Potterverse sixth year, Sirius lives, Bad Dumbledore, Bad Weasleys (exceptions?), no Endless Waltz, YAOI! Incest, Mpreg, threesomes If any of this bothers you please stop reading now.

Chapter 1: Family

Peace. The war was over and there was finally peace between the colonies and the Earth Sphere. The Alliance, OZ, Romefeller, and White Fang had all been taken down. The Gundams, the weapons created for mass destruction, were no longer needed. The pilots of said mechas, once feared as terrorists, were now hailed as heroes. However, as five teenage boys, the current government decided to take them into their custody and try and find homes, and possibly family, for them.

The five pilots had begrudgingly given up their blood for analysis, for the first trials in the new Family Reconstruction Act. Lady Une, former OZ general and now head of the peacekeeping organization Preventers, acted as their temporary guardian while the results were being processed and run against the already formed Alliance database.

On June 15th After Colony 196, almost six months since the end of the war, the results finally came in. Lady Une summoned the five former pilots to her office at Preventer Headquarters and had them sit down at the long table to give them the news.

"Boys," she smiled faintly, looking from one to the next, not sure how they were going to take the news she was about to lay on them, "as you know, we have been doing extensive research into finding a place for all of you since the war. I am happy to inform you that all of you have at least one living family member."

"What?!" Duo Maxwell shot up in his seat, his eyes wide in disbelief. "Are you saying you found them?"

"Found who, Duo?" she turned a curious gaze on the braided pilot.

"My brothers," he shook his head slightly. "Sister Helen, back at the church, told me before she died that I had to find my brothers, that they were still alive."

"Do I have a brother as well?" Trowa Barton asked in his quiet voice, shocking almost everyone at the table. "I don't know why, but I have been searching for them as far back as I can remember."

"This might be easier than I expected," Une shook her head, startled by these two supposed nonentities knowing about their families. "However, before I get to you two, I'm going to start with Heero, as it will be easier to explain if I go in order. Now, Heero," she addressed the shaggy haired brunet, "we have found three relatives for you; your father, sister, and cousin. Your father will be picking you and your sister up in London in about a week's time. That leaves us with your cousin and also brings us to the next pilot: Wufei Chang."

"What do you mean?" Wufei gave her a cold glare. "I cannot possibly have family out there. My entire clan was killed in the L5 explosion."

"Adopted clan," she clarified. "There is no record of your mother, but you and Heero are maternal cousins, your mothers were siblings. Your father, however, had three other children, your half brothers."

"You mean he cheated on my mother?" the former Shenlong pilot scoffed.

"Actually, he was married to their mother, making you the product of an affair or a sperm donor, though he was not registered as such," she bit her lip to keep from laughing at the affronted look on the proud teen's face. "Now, your half brothers brings us to the next set: Duo Maxwell and Trowa Barton."

"No shit!" the former Deathscythe pilot stared at the unibanged teen in disbelief, who was staring right back. "You mean he's been right under my nose the whole time?"

"Apparently," she chuckled. "As I was saying, aside from Wufei, the two of you have another brother. He currently lives with your mother's sister, your aunt. And she brings me to Quatre."

"I already know I have sisters," the blond shook his head. "Did one of them agree to take me in?"

"Actually, you don't have sisters," Une sighed. "Wufei is not the only one who was adopted. Your mother, Duo and Trowa's aunt, will also be picking the three of you up in London in about a week."

"But that's not possible," Quatre ran his hands through his hair. "I'm the heir to the Winner family."

"DNA does not lie, Quatre, however, that does not change the fact that you are still the Winner heir. In many Eastern countries, it is practice that a male be the one to inherit the family holdings, so many have adopted in the past when a male was not born into the family. So you are still in control of the Winner company and holdings," she rubbed her eyes behind her spectacles. "Now, as I said, you have one week to gather your gear and prepare to meet your respective families. Oh, and Wufei, I am leaving whether you go with Heero or the others up to you."


Trowa Barton made his way down the hall of the barracks the Preventers had converted for their use shortly after the war ended. There were only three rooms, so they had had to double up. Heero and Quatre had taken one, since they had been a couple since the events of the Lunar Base; he and Duo had taken another; leaving Wufei the final room to himself.

It had been almost a week since they had found out about their families, and they would be leaving for London in the morning. Though, the former Heavyarms pilot found himself in a bit of a conundrum. Duo was avoiding him. He had hardly seen the braided teen since that meeting. He always came to bed after Trowa was already asleep and left before he woke in the morning. The sad thing was that they really needed to talk before they left for London.

With a soft sigh, he opened the door to his shared room. He stood in the doorway for a moment, surprised by the sight that greeted him. The current object of his thoughts was seated on one of the twin beds, despondently putting things into a duffle bag. As quietly as he could, he closed the door and locked it, Duo wasn't going to be escaping this time.

"Duo," he said, leaning against the closed portal, "it's been awhile."

"T-T-Trowa," the braided teen stuttered, jumping to his feet, "I-I thought you were out for awhile. I-I should go."

"Why?" the one visible eye regarded the other curiously.

"Look, Trowa," he plopped back down on the bed, "things are different now. We-we're brothers."

"So," the unibanged teen pushed off the wall and made his way slowly over to the bed. "Why does that change anything? It doesn't change how I feel about you."

"There are rules…"

"Since when have we ever followed the rules," Trowa slid two fingers under Duo's chin and lifted his face till their eyes met. "I love you, Duo, and nothing is going to change that. I don't care what others think, and you shouldn't either. If you don't want to be with me fine. But don't give me some lame excuse about society's rules."

"It's not that simple," the former Deathscythe pilot sighed.

"Why not? Why does it have to be complicated? Do you want to be with me or not?"

"Yes, but…" Duo protested.

"No buts," Trowa shook his head. "All that matters is what you think and what I think. Everyone else can go to hell."

A wry chuckle escaped the braided teen, "I love your confidence, you know that, right?"

"Is that all?"

"No," Duo smiled, shaking his head.

"Good," the unibanged man closed the distance between them and placed a kiss on the other's lips.


Harry Potter was not having a good week, month, year, whatever. Not only had he discovered that he had a direct link to Voldemort, his enemy since before he could walk, but he also recently discovered that certain people he thought were his friends weren't. As he sat in the empty train compartment, on his way to King's Cross Station from Hogwarts, he thought back to the conversation he'd overheard in the hospital wing, just after the Department of Mysteries fiasco.

He had gone up to check on his supposed best friend, Ron Weasley, and see if he was better from his run in with the brains. His other best friend, Hermione Granger, had been with him, hoping the third member of their trio was alright. But as they got to the wing, they heard Ron's raised voice through the slightly ajar door.

"Listen here," the redhead had shouted, at whom, they couldn't tell. "I've played my part! I've gotten him jealous of me and my family for our caring ways, and this is what I get! It's not like this is going away! After all the shit I've had to go through to get that git to trust me and the shit I've gone through since we met! I've almost been eaten by more things than I care to think about, my sister almost died, I put up with that damn rat for thirteen years because you said I had to, I've been looked down on by the rest of the school because I'm just Harry Bloody Potter's sidekick, my dad got attacked, and now this scarring! I've had enough! He was supposed to die already and we were supposed to get his money!"

Harry hadn't stayed to hear more. That had stung, really bad. He had trusted Ron, thought of him like a brother, and here he was just using him to get his money. As he turned to walk away, he caught the look of complete rage on Hermione's face and knew, in that instant, that she wasn't like Ron.

That very night, the two of them had made a pact: siblings in all but blood. They would get to the bottom of this, one way or the other. They would put up with Ron until he slipped up and revealed to one of them who he was talking to, but they wouldn't give him any pertinent information, that they'd keep between the two of them.

His thoughts were interrupted as the compartment door slid open and his bushy haired friend slipped in. She took the seat opposite him and studied him carefully.

"You should get some rest, Harry," she said quietly. "Ron won't be joining us for awhile, he stopped to talk with Dean and Seamus."

"I probably shouldn't," the raven haired teen sighed. "He'd just bother me till I paid attention to him when he got here anyway."

"You're right, I'm sorry," she shook her head sadly. "So what are your plans for the summer, then? I know you usually plan on going to the Weasleys."

"I don't know, Mione," he ran his hand through his hair tiredly. "If he invites me, I might go, just to get away from the Dursleys. Or, who knows, I may get dragged back to Headquarters, Sirius is still there after all."

"True," she nodded. "Well, I think I have family coming to stay with me this summer, my mum wrote to me about a week ago and mentioned something, she was pretty vague about it, though."

"Wow, that sounds like fun," Harry chuckled. "Wish I could meet them, I'd really like to get to know your family."

"You know what," she looked up as if just realizing something, "I bet you could. My mum and dad would have no problem with you coming over, we have the room. And that way you wouldn't have to worry about spending the summer with him."

"That would be awesome, Hermione," he stood up and enveloped her in a hug, which she gladly returned.

They spent the remainder of the voyage to London discussing what they'd do at Hermione's house that summer. They were uninterrupted by the third member of their former trio till the train started slowing down as they approached the station. Only then did Ron appear, and then only to grab his trunk and wish them both a good summer. He didn't mention Harry visiting at all, something he hadn't done since their very first year of school, but it didn't upset the raven haired teen in the least.

It didn't take long for the pair of them to exit the train and make it through the barrier separating Platform Nine and Three Quarters from the rest of King's Cross Station. Then with a final hug, and promises to keep in touch, they went their separate ways toward their waiting families. As Harry approached the Dursleys, he noticed his aunt kept glancing down at her watch as if in a hurry to get somewhere.

"There you are, boy," Vernon snapped as he spotted his nephew. "Get to the car, no dallying, we're already late as it is."

"Move," Petunia hissed, giving him a push toward the direction of the parking lot. "We have a very important meeting to get to, and because of you, we're already behind schedule."

"I'm sorry, Aunt Petunia," he muttered, wheeling his cart faster, not knowing what would happen if he actually made them late.

"No talking, just get in the car, boy," his uncle said, popping the trunk of the car and heaving Harry's trunk in, while his aunt pushed him into the back seat next to his cousin and slammed the door behind him.

Ammie: So please don't kill me for what the muse *cough*Duo*cough* made me write. Anyway, please let me know what you think.