The next chapter is the beginning of the sequel continuing from where the last chapter left off.
The title is "To Love What We Broke"
I thought it was a clever name...
Actually I thought I lack the ability to name things
But probably no one cares
Shutting up
Not really
My special talent is annoying myself.
Anyway...back on topic...
I hope you will continue reading. Kuroko still has a looooooonnngggg way to go and well there is still lots to happen with Akashi and Kuroko.
I'm kind of excited!
I have so many things I want to write in this story that it's hard to focus and write all the stuff that leads up to things and transitions between things.
I hope you all are enjoying this story half as much as I am.
Okay...I really really really really need to just shut up now.
Except my hands keep moving.
I'm excitable apparently!