Harry sat on the big, red armchair in Gryffindor common room.

He was nervous. He was going to come out. Draco and he were going to come out.

Harry had this in his mind for quite a long time now and he knew he was ready.

Draco was in Harry´s room right now. Maybe it had been a weird idea but Harry wanted Draco to be there when he told Ron and Hermione they were together but he felt like he needed to talk to them alone first.

They should actually be arriving at any moment from their trip to Hogsmead which was making Harry want to puke his heart out of his mouth due to stress.

He heard the portrait move as Hermione and Ron got in hand in hand with happy grins on their faces.

Harry got up so quickly he felt dizzy which probably showed on his face since Ron looked at him with a worried look.

"Are you alright, mate? You´re so white you look like a ghost…"

Harry pointed to the sofa.

"Everything is alright. I need to talk to you, thought… There is something I need to tell you so…could you sit down?"

Ron and Hermione nodded and sat down in front of Harry.

Hermione looked seriously preoccupied.

"Harry, you´re really scaring me… What´s wrong?"

Harry took a deep breath.

"There is nothing you should be worried about. It´s just… I want to tell you something about me. It´s…something I know for quite a while but never felt sure enough to talk about. Now I think it´s time."

Harry looked down at his lap were his hands were shaking.

"Mate, you know you can tell us anything."

Hermione nodded in agreement.

"Yes, Harry. We are here for you."

Harry smiled lightly.

"I know. Well then… It´s a…"

Harry took a deep breath and looked at his friends in the eye.

" I am not straight. I… I am bisexual."

Ron opened his eyes in surprise.

"Really? That´s what you were afraid to tell us? Well, I was not expecting it but that doesn´t change anything, mate. That´s fine, Harry. Really. You should know that."

Hermione smiled.

"Weren´t you expecting that, really?"

Harry cocked an eyebrow but she continued.

"That´s off point. That´s totally alright, Harry."

Harry nodded.

"Yes… uhm… I am also seeing someone…"

Hermione turned to Ron.

"I told you! I knew it!"

Harry was surprised by that reaction.

"What do you mean you knew it?"

"You´ve been mysterious, Harry. You disappear for long periods of time, you come back looking too happy and glowing. Also the marks… At first I thought you were fighting Malfoy again or something but then I reconsidered…"

Neither Hermione nor Ron noticed the sudden flush in Harry´s cheeks at the mention of Malfoy.

Harry coughed embarrassed.

"Alright then… Well I´m dating a guy."

Ron rolled his eyes.

"We got it mate. It´s f-i-n-e. Now tell us who´s the lucky guy."

Hermione smirked.

"Yess. Who is him?"

Harry sighted.

"Right… erm… It´s someone you´re really not expecting, I think…"

"Merlin… Are you going to make us guess, mate?... Bloody hell! Is it Amadeo Verit from Ravenclaw?!"

Harry looked confused.

"What? Who? No… i´ts not."

Hermione signaled Ron to shut up.

"Let him talk."

Harry continued.

"Well… he is kind of in our dormitory right now…"

Ron opened his mouth.

"Were you… you know…doing something. In our dormitory?"

It was Harry´s turn to widen his eyes.

"What?! NO. He is waiting. I thought we should all talk together… but I wanted to tell you guys first. I would look weird if you came in and he was sitting next to me."

Hermione shrugged.

"I don´t think it would look that weird."

Harry wanted to laugh.

" Believe me. It would."

They did not look convinced.

"Alright, mate. Call him then."

Harry closed his eyes momentarily remembering himself to keep breathing.

"You can come out!"

The dormitory door opened and they heard the smirk in the voice who spoke.

"Come out quite literally."

Draco appeared and Ron and Hermione´s jaw dropped.

"Malfoy? You are dating Draco Malfoy?!"

Harry couldn´t help but smile fondly at Draco as he sat right next to him and slid his hand into his. Merlin, he was hopelessly in love.

Draco was trying really hard to hide his feelings but Harry could see how nervous he was. The blonde boy took a deep breath and looked at Harry´s friends.

"Look… Before anything else… I know how you feel about me. I want to apologize. I was controlled by my family, it was the way I was raised and I know it´s no excuse to what I´ve done during the war… It´s no excuse to treat you and other people the way I did. To have called you the awful things I did but… I am utterly sorry. I was an arse, truly, and I don´t deserve to have your friendship, the one I always envied but… I love Harry. I am completely in love with him and he made me see and understand things I never would otherwise so… I´m not here asking for you to love me as a friend if you can´t do that I am just asking for you to accept my love for Harry. To understand that my love for him is true, pure and something I can´t live without anymore. So…I am sorry… I…"

Harry wanted to cry. He really never expected Draco to open himself this way for anyone rather than him. He wasn´t expecting Draco to do this for him.

Ron and Hermione looked speechless.

"Malfoy… Bloody hell, I never expected those words to come out of your mouth."

Hermione nodded.

"I forgive you, Malfoy."

Draco looked shocked.

"Hermione I… I don´t know what to say. I own you an extra apology for the horrible things I called you. You didn´t deserve any of that and you truly are the brightest witch I ever knew."

Hermione smiled.

"That´s all in the past, Draco. If Harry loves you than you´re our friend too. Right Ron?"

Ron nodded.

"Sure. We all make mistakes and what matters is finding and changing them. You and Harry look happy and I respect that, mate. Friends?"

Ron gave Draco his hand to shake which Draco did.

Harry was smiling so hard his cheeks hurt. He leaned over and planted a little, sweet kiss in Draco´s lips.

"I love you."

Draco smiled and whispered back.

"I love you too."

Ron and Hermione smiled to each other.

Hermione coughed lightly to break the moment.

"You and Harry always had chemistry… at least now you can put it into good use. You look great together."

Ron smiled and agreed.

"Just promise me something guys… Do whatever you want but don´t shag in my because I don´t think I would be able to sleep there knowing someone had shagged there!"

Harry and Draco bursted into laughter.

"Apart from you and Hermione, right?"

Hermione and Ron both flushed deep red but Draco cut out their embarrassment.

"Don´t worry, Ron. There´s a lot of other places to do that we won´t touch your bed. Promise."

Hermione smiled and got up.

"Alright. I´m tired and we missed dinner so… I think I´m going to bed."

Ron got up as well quickly followed by Harry and Draco.

Draco kissed Harry.

"Do you want to come with me? To my dormitory?"

Harry´s eyes lit up.

"Hell, yes."

He turned to Ron and Hermione.

"I´m going to go…sleep in Slytherin´s dormitory, ok?"

They smiled.

" Sure. Have fun, mate."

Harry blushed but Draco turned to Ron and Hermione.

"You too. You have the dormitory free tonight, Ron. Enjoy your bed."

They all laughed.

"Nice played, mate."

As Harry and Draco exited the Gryffindor common room through the portrait they couldn´t help but smile uncontrollably.

Draco hugged Harry tightly kissing him until they were out of breath.

"I love you so much! Morgana! I can´t believe we don´t have to hide anymore! I am going to make you scream tonight."

Harry smirked as he felt Draco´s hands travel down his spine and to his arse.

Their lips joined as Harry whispered.

"Please. It will be a pleasure."