Author's notes:

I don't own Citrus, or any of its characters, no copyright is intended.

Italics - Means the person is thinking, just so you know

Rating for chapter: T

Warning: This contains yuri pairings (girl x girl), as well as pseudo-incest. Don't like? Don't read, simple, otherwise enjoy. :)


A day off from school for Aihara Mei, means doing the paperwork that still needs finishing, studying for any upcoming tests, and somehow trying to squeeze eating, sleeping, and getting her needy elder step-sister to leave you alone all into that single day.

A day off school for Aihara Yuzu however, means hanging out and going shopping with her best friend, avoiding studying at all costs, eating, sleeping and lounging around as much as possible, and bothering her dear younger sister, even though she can clearly see how busy she is.

But on a day like this Yuzu believes that her younger sister, and much loved girlfriend works herself too much. She should be spending the day relaxing and enjoying the time off, rather than spending it by being copped up in the bedroom with her head buried way too deep into her work all the time.

Which is what brought up the idea of a relaxing movie night…

"A movie night?" Mei questioned, looking to Yuzu with a displeased, and clearly annoyed expression, as she had been pulled away from her work by the blonde for the fifteenth thousand time today, causing her focus to have left her long ago.

"Uh-huh, Mom said she's staying a little late tonight, so we can watch any film you want Mei, and we can have popcorn, and blankets to snuggle up close together with," Yuzu explained trying to appeal the idea to Mei, knowing that she probably wouldn't agree to it, but hoping to all the Gods that she would at least settle on taking a little much-needed break if anything.

"Yuzu, as interesting as that sounds, I have work I need to get back to,"

Mei turned Yuzu's offer down, turning her back to the smiling blonde, while trying to get her focus back onto her work again.

Yuzu shoulders dropped a little, as a frown formed on her lips, before she sighed slightly, and called to her younger sister again, catching her attention with a tug on her shirt.

"Come on Mei, Mom and I both think that you're working yourself too hard, and we don't want you endangering your health by throwing yourself into your work like this all the time."

Yuzu tried to reason with her workaholic girlfriend, knowing that she was probably fighting a losing battle here, but she had to at least try right?

"Yuzu this needs to get done, I don't have time to watch some movie with you,"

Mei avoided Yuzu's efforts to try and pull her away from her work again, refusing to look to the blonde tugging on her shirt and calling out her name, while anger was slowly building up inside her, trying to keep her normal cool and calm look, as her girlfriend was becoming more and more of a nuisance to her.

"But can't you do it some other time maybe? Yuzu asked, her voice having a slightly nervous tone to it, as she knew she was pushing Mei further than she really should right now.

"No I need to finish this now," Mei stated her tone clearly becoming more stern, and raising a little in volume each time Yuzu tried to reason with her.

Yuzu sighed a little, moving from sitting on the bed, as she walked over to the desk Mei was working on and leaned against it, watching with a concerned look, as Mei tried to carry on working, while Yuzu's preying eyes were on her.

"Mei, aren't you tired of working like this all the time?"

Yuzu lowered her voice a little, taking things in a calm and careful manner, and hoping that Mei wouldn't lose her patience with her.

"Yuzu…I-I can't…"

Mei sighed, as she put her pen down on the desk, and pushed herself away from her work, continuing to look away from the blonde, while she rubbed her forehead slightly.

Yuzu leaned into Mei more, resting a caring hand over her's as she smiled to her, and felt a little hopeful as Mei looked back to her for a moment.

"Come on Mei, even you need a little break sometimes," Yuzu spoke in a soft voice, caressing her fingers over Mei's hand lightly, causing her to slightly shiver and pull away from the blonde's gentle touch.

"Fine, I'll do it,"

Mei finally gave in with a deep sigh, feeling tired and defeated, and not feeling the will to keep trying to brush Yuzu off, at least doing this just might get her off her back for a bit hopefully.

"Really, you mean it?" Yuzu asked excitedly with a bright smile, thinking that Mei would end up snapping and yelling at her, before she would actually cave and agree to the idea.

"Yeah sure…whatever," Mei reluctantly replied, rolling her eyes at Yuzu, and hiding a slight blush after seeing that adorable bright smile on her girlfriend's face.

And so Yuzu happily set to work on making the popcorn, and other snacks, as well as gathering cushions and warm blankets for her and Mei, while said girlfriend was left alone to try and finish what she could of her work, before Yuzu would drag her out of the room in order to watch the movie together.


A couple of hours later Mei now sat in her pajamas, flipping through the different movies on the T.V with the remote control in her hand, while she was sitting on the sofa, with cushions laid all around her, and a thin white blanket draped around her shoulders. She glanced to the kitchen every now and again, looking to Yuzu who was busy making drinks for them both.

"Would you like tea Mei? Or would you rather have something cold to drink?" Yuzu asked with a smile, as she leaned over the counter, and looked to her girlfriend, she could clearly see her mind was somewhere else at the moment.

Mei didn't answer for a little while, not looking to Yuzu as she stared at the never-ending list of movies, seeing them all range from different genres, and none of them really sparking her interest at all.

"Mei did you hear me?" Yuzu asked, frowning a little at Mei not listening to her, or at least not showing that she was.

"…could you make some hot chocolate?" Mei asked after a slight pause, glancing to Yuzu out of the corner of her eye, while her attention was still clearly on other things.

"Sure thing,"

Yuzu nodded with a smile, before turning to make the drinks, while Mei went back to scrolling through the movies, not really looking at them, as she felt like she would much rather be finishing off the rest of her work right now, then sitting here and getting ready to watch a movie with Yuzu.

"So you see any good movies that you wanna watch?" Yuzu asked as she went about making the hot chocolate, while she looked back to Mei, and saw her just sitting on the sofa waiting, instead of flipping through the movies like she had been doing since she came out of their bedroom.

"I don't mind really, what do you want to watch Yuzu?"

Mei turned to Yuzu as she placed the remote back onto the coffee table, and sighed a little, waiting for an answer.

"No, no, I want you to choose Mei," Yuzu stated as she smiled to Mei, and stopped what she was doing for a moment, becoming a little nervous when she saw Mei's blank expression.

"I haven't watched any movies since I was a child, so I don't know what's playing around the cinemas right now,"

"That's fine it doesn't have to be a film that's showing now, it can be whatever you like, what kind of genres are you into? There's Romance, Comedy, Horror, Animation, Sci-Fi, Drama, just think of something," Yuzu explained, wondering what kind of movies Mei liked, while she finished making the drinks, waiting for them to cool a little, as she leaned over the counter again, and looked to her younger sister.

"Let me guess you're favourite is probably something erotic right?" Mei asked with a raised eyebrow.

"W-WHAT…O-of course not! What would make you think that Mei?" Yuzu was a little surprised as she blushed deeply and really wasn't expecting Mei to ask her something like that.

"Well since you're always reading those erotic mangas, I just assumed you liked watching the same thing," Mei explained with a shrug of her shoulders, turning away from Yuzu slightly, as she picked up a bag of chips, opened them, and started munching on them quietly, while she waited for Yuzu to be done in the kitchen.

"Come on Mei isn't there any movie you want to watch? Maybe something you wanted to watch when you were younger?"

Yuzu changed the subject as she ran a hand through her blonde hair, and shook off her blush, trying to push what Mei had just said to the back of her mind, hoping it wouldn't be brought up again tonight.

"Hmm…I don't think so,"

Mei thought out loud, looking like she was actually taking things seriously now, and was actually trying to think of something she just might be interested in watching. After a few minutes of thinking, something seemed to have sparked in Mei's memory, as she picked up the T.V remote again, and started searching for the name of a certain film that she had just thought of.

Yuzu smiled as she watched Mei looking for the movie she wanted, while she happily placed the two mugs of hot chocolate onto a tray, and carefully carried them into the living area, setting the tray down on the coffee table, before she leaned over the back of the sofa, and looked to the T.V screen, wondering what kind of film Mei just might be interested in watching.

Not being able to find the movie she was looking for, Mei searched for the name of it in the search bar instead, thinking that it might just show up then. And with some luck her lavender eyes widened as she saw the movie that had been on her mind.

"I found one," Mei simply stated looking to Yuzu, while the blonde nodded back to her happily, and came to sit down beside her on the sofa.

Yuzu leaned forward a little in her seat, looking to the screen as she read the title of the film Mei had been searching for, and had now found.

"'The Infected' sounds interesting, what's it about?" Yuzu asked thinking that the title sounded a little weird, but she never could have expected what Mei told her next.

"It's an old zombie movie that I remember wanting to watch as a child, but my Dad wouldn't let me since he said it might give me nightmares," Mei explained, seeming unfazed by what she was talking about, while Yuzu sat looking to her with wide eyes, and seeming to be in quite the paralyzed state for a moment.

"D-did you just say…zombie movie? Are you really into that kind of thing Mei?" Yuzu asked, finding her speech, while her expression was still one of pure shock, and surprise.

"Well I was as a child, but I'm not sure if I'll still like it now or not," Mei answered as she selected the horror film and started reading through the info on it, seeing if the story would still appeal to her now, like it did when she was young.

'Just what kind of child was Mei?' Yuzu thought to herself, as she had never thought of Mei being one for zombie flicks.

"O-okay we can watch that one if you want Mei…I guess,"

Yuzu nervously smiled as she tried to not look so surprised now, and slowly picked up a mug of warm hot chocolate, passing it to Mei, as the dark haired girl took it in her hands and blew on it a little.

"Is there a problem Yuzu, do you not like these type of movies?" Mei asked, before taking a light sip of her warm drink, while Yuzu reached for her own mug.

"Oh no there's no problem, it's nothing like that Mei. I guess I just never expected you to like zombie films like this, that's all,"

"The gore, and violence I never really liked, it was more of the fact that the characters were flushed out so much, and there was always a lot of depth to the story. Plus the atmosphere of a post-apocalyptic world has always intrigued me I guess," Mei explained as she remembered watching a few old zombie films like the one on the screen as a young child from time to time.

"Ahh okay, I think I get it. You have an interest in the devastation and struggle that the characters go through, while also liking where the story could go with it being set in a world that is ending, or may have already ended,"

Mei nodded slightly, as it seemed like all of Yuzu's surprise and shock was gone, as she looked more excited about watching this movie with Mei now, instead of just being confused as to how her younger sister actually liked the topic of the undead.

"I must admit it is quite interesting to think about actually when you put it like that. But don't you worry Mei, if you get scared I will surly hold you tightly, and protect you from all those vile, flesh-eating monsters," Yuzu stated proudly hitting her chest with her fist, while giving Mei a smile and a wink, knowing that she should be the one to comfort Mei if she got frightened at any point, she was the elder sister after all.

Mei just simply rolled her eyes at Yuzu and pressed play on the remote, while Yuzu was left chuckling nervously as the dark haired girl seemed to be less involved now, and looked like she was just reluctantly going along with all this, like she did before.

"So how did you get into watching horror films like this anyway?" Yuzu asked as she set her drink down on the coffee table again, and grabbed the bowl of popcorn, sitting back on the sofa, while she had already wrapped a blanket around herself, and was excitedly looking to the T.V screen as the movie started.

"My Dad used to let me watch a few with him that were rated age twelve, or fifteen, but he never let me watch any eighteen rated ones. Since I never took much notice into any of the animated kids films that were targeted at my age, he let me watch some horror movies that I liked the look of, just as long as they weren't too scary that is," Mei explained, taking more small sips of her hot chocolate while she kept her eyes focused on the T.V screen, letting her blanket hang loosely off her shoulders, not minding the slight chill she could feel once it fell down to rest around her waist instead.

'Seriously, just what kind of childhood did Mei have?' Yuzu thought as she couldn't quite believe that Mei used to watch horror films like this all the time as a young child.

Yuzu looked back to Mei for a few moments, and sighed a little, her expression changed to one of slight concern for a second as she caught her girlfriend's attention again, and pulled her away from the scary film for a bit.

"Mei do you ever miss doing stuff like that with your Dad?"

Yuzu guessed that this may have been somewhat of a sensitive subject, but asked anyway, hoping that Mei wouldn't just brush her off and avoid answering the question.

"Well don't you miss doing things with your Father?"

Mei looked to Yuzu out of the corner of her eye again, giving the blonde a blank stare, while she waited for her question to be answered.

"Well yes of course, but it's different for me than it is for you, Mei," Yuzu stated as she could tell that instead of really answering her question, Mei was definitely avoiding it just like Yuzu thought she would.

"What type of movies do you like then Yuzu?"


"Well before I guessed you liked the erotic kind best, but by how you reacted I'm guessing your favourite is actually something different. And I can already tell that you're not into horror movies like this one," Mei went more into detail with her question, as she placed her mug back onto the coffee table, and turned to the elder girl, while Yuzu was still confused as to why Mei had suddenly changed the subject like that.

"Umm…well I guess I don't mind these types of films, but really I'm more into romance, and some comedy is fun to watch sometimes as well," Yuzu answered, deciding to let the topic be changed, since she got the message Mei really didn't want to keep talking about their earlier subject.

The two then fell into a bit of a silence as they both watched the zombie film unfold in front of them. Yuzu tried to think of a way to spark up some sort of conversation again, but she couldn't think of anything that would actually catch Mei's interest and make her talk to her.

'Dammit, I knew I shouldn't have asked that question, I just made things awkward,' Yuzu cursed herself feeling stupid for asking a question about Mei's Dad when she knew they didn't really have the best relationship now.

Yuzu looked to Mei with a worried expression, before she noticed something about her. She was shivering for some reason, not only that, but she kept rubbing her exposed arms, like she was trying to keep herself warm.

"Hey are you cold, Mei?" Yuzu asked as she moved over slightly, so that Mei had more room to cuddle up on the sofa if she wanted to.

"No, I'm fine," Mei simply answered, not turning to look at Yuzu, while she kept her gaze on the movie they were watching.

"Mei, come here," Yuzu tried again with a more firm tone, seeing that Mei was obviously feeling cold, but hiding the fact from her.

It took a minute, bit soon Mei looked back to Yuzu, and sighed deeply, giving in and moving closer to her girlfriend, while Yuzu wrapped a warm blanket around them both, and let Mei cuddle up to her, smiling slightly, as she could see a slight blush covering the younger girl's ears.

Yuzu could feel heat rising upto her own cheeks, as she noticed just how cold Mei actually was, and was glad to hear her sigh in content after she had warmed up at little thanks to the blonde.

"Just let me know if you get scared okay?" Yuzu smiled to Mei, while the younger girl just nodded slowly to her, before she yawned a little.

"You tired?"

"A little I guess," Mei answered as she rubbed her eyes, and felt her eyelids becoming a little heavy.

"I told you, you were working yourself too hard, you really should take more breaks Mei," Yuzu said, while Mei just mumbled something in reply, before she yawned again and the two went back to watching the film.

A few minutes passed as Yuzu started to get more interested in the film, and was actually starting to wonder where the story was going to go from where it was now, finding herself actually really enjoying the movie, when normally she wouldn't want to watch these type of films since the look of the zombies always creeped her out a little.

She leaned forward in her seat a little, as the suspense started to get to her, only to then jump back slightly when a bloody, groaning zombie came out of nowhere and took the main character in the film by surprise. The main character quickly recovered and put three bullets into the zombie's head, killing it, before it had the chance to take a bite out of them.

Yuzu sighed with slight relief, resting a hand over her chest, as she could feel her heart beating a little faster, and chuckled as she calmed herself.

"That actually made me jump a little, I guess this film is scarier than I first thought it was going to be," Yuzu stated nervously, as she hid the fact that the jump scare had gotten to her a little.

All Yuzu got in response from Mei was a small mumble, and a soft sigh, as the younger girl was now resting her head on the blonde's shoulder. Yuzu looked to Mei wondering why she didn't reply, only to smile slightly when she saw that the dark haired girl had fallen asleep against her.

'I guess she really was tired,' Yuzu thought, before she whispered to Mei, but only got another small mumble in return, as it was obvious that the younger girl was in a deep sleep, which she probably wouldn't be woken up from easily.

Yuzu blushed a little as she felt Mei snuggle up closer to her, and nuzzle into her neck like a small child would do to a teddy bear. Yuzu smiled at her normally cool and reserved girlfriend acting awfully adorable right now.

Yuzu could feel her heart racing slightly, as she swallowed loudly, and pecked Mei's forehead ever so softly, before turning back to the film for a moment, afraid that she might have woken the sleeping girl up. But fortunately she hadn't disturbed Mei, as the dark haired girl was still peacefully sleeping against her shoulder, which Yuzu let out another slight sigh of relief to.

Sitting smiling to her sleeping girlfriend Yuzu let Mei stay like that for a little longer, before she looked to the T.V screen again, and decided to turn the movie off, thinking that they could always watch the rest of it together some other time, as she tried to wake Mei up again.

But seeing as how she now wasn't getting any type of response from the younger girl, she thought she might as well try something else, rather than ruining her sleep, and possibly making her cranky.

Yuzu slowly wrapped an arm around Mei's slender back, holding her tightly, as she looped her other arm under Mei's slim legs, and held her close, being careful not to drop her, as she slowly stood up from the sofa, and held Mei in a bridal-style way. Letting the blanket that had been wrapped around them fall to the floor, while she held the sleeping girl close, and hoped that her pounding heart wouldn't wake her up.

Mei was a little heavy, but not too much, as Yuzu carefully carried the sleeping beauty in her arms, and couldn't help but blush deeply, while she made her way to their bedroom. Kicking the door open slightly, then freezing when she heard Mei stir in her sleep a little, hoping that she hadn't woken her up, as she looked down to her and felt scared for how Mei might just react to waking up in this sort of situation.

Luckily Mei just sighed in her sleep again, which caused Yuzu to let out a deep breath she had been holding back, relieved that Mei hadn't woken up just yet. Slowly and carefully Yuzu carried Mei into their bedroom, and then gently laid her down on their bed, before she rested Mei's head on the pillow, and pulled the warm covers over her, tucking her in, so that she would stay nice and warm while she was asleep.

Standing up straight again Yuzu smiled down to the sleeping girl, building up her courage as she leaned down, and laid another light peck on the younger girl's forehead, combing a hand through her long, black hair, while her heart raced wildly in her chest, and her blush deepened to a dark shade of red.

"Sweet dreams Mei," Yuzu whispered before she quickly pulled away, deciding to leave Mei sleeping, while she should clean away all the things they had laid out for the movie night. However stopping to take one last look to her sleeping sister.

Then quickly turning and heading for the bedroom door, leaving Mei to sleep, while she went off to clean up the lounge, before she would then be heading to bed herself for the night.


Mei stirred in her sleep a little, before feeling her eyes opening and then blinking a few times as they got used to the darkness of the bedroom. She yawned slightly, sitting up in the bed, while rubbing her tired eyes a little and looking around the bedroom.

'Wait…why am I in our bedroom, I'm sure I was watching that film with Yuzu on the sofa a minute ago, so how did I get here?' Mei questioned in her mind, before she ran a hand through her long black hair, and turned to look over to Yuzu's side of their bed.

Sort of glad to see that the blonde was sleeping soundly beside her, Mei sighed slightly, before she whispered to Yuzu, and tried to wake her up by shaking her shoulder a little. However all Mei got in response was an odd moan, as Yuzu rolled over in her sleep, and looked like she was having somewhat of an unpleasant dream at the moment.

"Yuzu, Yuzu wake up," Mei tried again, but still got little to no reply from the elder girl.

Seeing as she wasn't able to wake the sleeping blonde by simply calling her name and shaking her shoulders, she thought to maybe try something a little different that may just prove to be more effective.

Mei slowly tucked a lock of her hair behind her ear, feeling her heart beat a little faster, as she leaned down to Yuzu's exposed neck, and lightly kissed her soft skin, hoping to wake the elder girl up, and not surprise her too much.

However as soon as Yuzu felt lips against her neck, and then something start to dig into her skin a little, she instantly woke up with a start. Her eyes snapping open, as she quickly covered her neck, and jumped away from her attacker, letting out a loud, high-pitched scream all the while.

Mei jumped a little herself, not expecting Yuzu to act so scared that she would actually scream and end up leaping off the bed, landing onto the floor, and panting heavily, while the frightened blonde sat shaking, as she looked back to Mei.

Yuzu slowly started to get her heavy breathing back to normal, as she realized it was only Mei, while she could still feel her heart racing in her chest.

Mei looked to Yuzu's frightened form, her eyes softening, before a small smile formed on her lips, and she started to chuckle slightly, causing Yuzu to frown to her.

"Hey don't laugh Mei," Yuzu scolded her chuckling sister, giving her a stern glare, as she had calmed herself down now, while Mei's slight chuckle continued, as it started to sound more like an actual laugh, rather than just a small giggle now.

"Y-you sounded so cute, screaming like a scared child like that," Mei said in-between her laughter that was slowly beginning to grow in volume.

"It was your fault, Mei," Yuzu glared to Mei again, feeling her temper raise a little, before she could feel it disappearing when she looked to her chuckling girlfriend more and heard her adorable laughter start to quiet down a little.

She had never heard Mei laugh before, it sounded so soft and gentle, almost like how a young baby would giggle, and Yuzu couldn't help but smile at the cute sound,

'Mei's adorable,' she thought, before she composed herself, and sat up straight, crawling closer to the bed, and looking up to her girlfriend with a slight smirk.

"Hey, you know it's not nice to laugh at someone else being scared, you shouldn't play such dirty tricks on people Mei," Yuzu stated as she rested her folded arms on the bed, and watched Mei's cute laughter now go back to just a small chuckle again.

"Sorry, your face just look so surprised, and I never knew you could scream in such a high-pitched voice before," Mei apologized with another slight chuckle, calming herself, as she smiled back down to Yuzu.

"Are you okay now?" Mei asked once she stopped chuckling, and checked to make sure Yuzu hadn't hurt herself or anything when she suddenly leaped from the bed and onto the bedroom floor.

"Yeah I'm fine," Yuzu nodded in reply, before she climbed back onto the bed, and sat beside Mei, smiling to her happily.

"Then would you mind telling me how I ended up waking up in our bedroom, when the last thing I remember is us watching that zombie movie on the sofa together in the lounge?" Mei asked, hoping that she would get some answers now that Yuzu was awake.

"Well you fell asleep half-way through the movie, and I had to carry you to bed. You must have been really tired after all," Yuzu answered, blushing a little as she thought back on how cute Mei was sleeping soundly in her arms.

"Oh…sorry we didn't get to watch the rest of the movie, and sorry you had to clear away everything by yourself,"

Mei felt a little embarrassed for letting herself fall asleep, and having Yuzu carry her back to their room, when she was supposed to be watching that movie with her.

"It's okay we can watch it another time, and I didn't mind clearing everything away without you. Besides you seemed so tired that I didn't want to wake you, you need your sleep what with all the hard work you've been doing lately after all," Yuzu explained, smiling to Mei as she sighed and rested a hand over the younger girl's.

Mei looked a little surprised as she looked down to Yuzu's hand, and slowly let her lock their hands together tightly, while their fingers intertwined. Hiding a slight blush as Yuzu leaned in and kissed her cheek softly, Mei turned away a little, while Yuzu just smiled, and had her own blush staining her cheeks that she wasn't really hiding as well as Mei was.

"I've got to go to the bathroom for a moment, okay?" Yuzu whispered as she let go of Mei's hand slowly, while Mei nodded to her simply and showed her an unreadable expression, which hid away the fact that her heart was beating faster than she would ever like to admit right now.

Yuzu slowly stepping off the bed, leaving Mei alone for a moment, as she headed off to the bathroom, while Mei sighed slightly as she shook off her feelings, waiting for Yuzu to return.

Returning a lot sooner than expected, Yuzu came walking back through the bedroom door a couple of minutes later, looking a little concerned for herself.

Mei looked to Yuzu with a wondering expression, confused as to why she had come back so soon, and with such a worried look on her face.

"Mei when you woke me up just now, did you…bite me?" Yuzu asked, while a slight blush was covering her cheeks.

"I may have," Mei answered after a short pause, thinking back to when she had tried waking Yuzu up a few minutes ago.

"Well I guess I can't go to school tomorrow with this on the side of my neck now, can I?" Yuzu said as more of a statement, as her worried expression turned into a smirk, while she brushed her hair out of the way a little to show Mei the small red mark that was now on her neck.

"What do you mean? A small bruise on your neck shouldn't keep you from going to school," Mei stated as she looked to Yuzu with a blank expression, as she acted like she had nothing to do with said mark.

"It's not just some small bruise Mei, it's a hickey, which you gave to me," Yuzu frowned a little, staring sternly at Mei again.

"I'm sure I don't know what you're talking about,"

Mei turned away from Yuzu, laying down on the bed, as she pulled the covers over herself, and cuddled up to go back to sleep.

"Mei, at least say you'll take responsibility," Yuzu whined as she walked over to Mei and shook her shoulders, stopping her from falling asleep again.

Mei just rolled over and ignored Yuzu calling out her name and shaking her, while she hid a small smile, and thought that maybe taking a break from her work wasn't such a bad idea after all. Meanwhile Yuzu couldn't have thought of a better way for tonight to have gone, as she continued to try to get Mei's attention, while still stopping her from going back to sleep at the same time.


This story actually turned out a lot longer than I first thought it would, but oh well.

KillerChainsaw ;)