Dear readers,
This is the last chapter of a fic that brings me a lot of joy. I believe that a lot of the readers liked it too and it is time to finish it, but I have good news, "Little Boy" will have a continuous history but not at this moment. In a near future.
I have some reviews, that I'd like to say thanks.
Clarec97, I am glad you liked the fic and well, as I said before here, this fic will have a continuation but not now. So keep looking...
Guest 1, Andy and Miranda are beautiful together and I try to put this beauty around them.
Guest 2, please do not hate me...
LovelyAgnes, here is the update you asked for. Hope you enjoy.
Disclaimer: I do not own DWP and its characters. I only own some, some of them already had been created, other one's might be in the near future of this fanfic. And I do not own any money with the fic...
"Yes Andrea, Michael is my twin's son, my nephew."
Andrea stand up quickly and the photo album felt to the floor. She has red eyes, red face, definitely angry.
"What the fuck do you mean with that Miranda?! Michael is my son! Mine, do you understand that."
"Yes Andrea, indeed. But he is Joshua's son too. When I met you both at the park I almost faint. Your little boy have my brother's eyes, his face, his hair; he is all my brother with your beautiful smile. You can see the identity with Michael and my brother's photos, even the twins, that take a lot from my family too."
"You are crazy, you are fucking crazy and I am leaving. I am taking my son with me and you never, ever, will be near him again!"
"Andrea, please, be calm. We do not want Michael discovering things like that, do we?"
"Miranda you are lunatic, crazy. A lonely woman that try suicide because you don't know the amount of drugs you supposed to take!"
Miranda lost all her control at this accusation and her hand suddenly is at Andrea's face. The journalist, in shock, looks to the woman she loves in disbelief.
"You, Andrea Sachs, can accuse me of anything, but not that!"
"I am leaving!"
Miranda takes Andrea's wrist and the woman can't move.
"You are not going anywhere, neither your son. We are going to talk as two women, with children to take care and taking ours responsibilities."
Miranda pushed Andrea to sit near the bed and stand up. She moves to the bed-table and take the frame there.
"This is my last photo with Joshua. I went to London Fashion week and we met. Months later he discovered that he had a very aggressive cancer and died in less than two months after the diagnosis. Now Andrea, look this man with me, and tell me he is not the man you "fucked at one night-stand"?"
Andrea takes the frame with trembling hands and looks at the photo. Suddenly she starts to feel nauseous and rush to the bathroom, throwing up.
Miranda, with very slowly steps, moves to the bathroom and gently made circles on Andrea's back.
"He told me about you in one of our phone calls. Joshua told me that you are the woman of his life, that he would do anything to find Elizabeth and see her once more. But he said too, that when you both sleep, he could see that you loved someone else."
Andrea started to cry and threw up once more. Miranda takes the girl's long hair in her hands, avoiding any contact with the liquid.
"During a long time I denied something that Joshua saw before me. My brother was always good reading people Andrea and if he saw it, and even so, made love to you, is because he felt in love to you. Some people can fall in love at first sight, I believe it is this that happened to him."
Andrea stops throwing up and Miranda stands up, taking a small cup of mouthwash and giving it to her. After washing her mouth, Andrea, with trembling legs, stands up with Miranda's help.
"I wonder how he could be feeling now, discovering that his Elizabeth and the woman I fell in love with, are the same person!"
At this Andrea thanked to God that she was sitting at Miranda's bed. She is sure that if she was still standing up, she was for sure, fainting.
"Miranda, don't do it."
"Do what Andrea? Joshua knew I fell in love with my former assistant, he listened to me crying for her leaving me during Paris Fashion Week for months. Until one day he said the obvious, that I loved you."
Miranda takes her hands to Andrea's face.
"I am sorry that I hit you darling. It will never happen again. And I do not want to take Michael from you. No one needs to know that he is my nephew. It is some semblance between us but that's all and since I am a woman, I cannot make you pregnant and since I am the Ice Queen, no one, apart from Page Six, will ever say a word about how this little boy of yours looks like me."
Miranda takes Andrea's face in her hands and slowly starts to give small kisses at the woman's face. After their lips touch, she kisses Andrea's forehead.
"So, after so long, Andrea Sachs, I would like to know if you will do me the honor of marrying me and make Michael Sachs my son?"
Andrea is crying now, she cannot believe what is happening. Everything is faster than her brain can think. First Michael is Joshua's, Miranda's twin son and now, Miranda Priestly, the woman she loves, is asking her to marry her.
"Miranda, I-I..."
"If it is too fast for you, we can date and then marry."
"And why do you think I want to marry you Miranda?!"
"Because I was blind before but I am not been blind since you became back to my life, at the park. I can see in your eyes that you love me too. And I don't think I even deserve it, but I will jump to this feeling. So Andrea Sachs, do you accept it?"
Andrea nodded and slowly approach Miranda and kissed her. A kiss with a lot of love and tenderness.
"I will accept it Miranda. But how about the girls and Michael?"
"My girls always liked you Andrea, since the Harry Potter book. And Michael, well, he wanted another parent. I believe he found what he wanted. I will be his other parent, and indoors, I even can allow him to call me daddy, if he wishes."
At this the two women start to laugh and both went downstairs to meet the children. Andrea will have with her the love of her life and her daughters around. Miranda, will have the woman that made impossible any other Mr. Priestly becomes a reality and her son, her nephew, near her, that she will make her son. And the little boy, Michael Sachs, will have his second parent and, a family that he always wanted to have.
Michael Sachs will become Michael Sachs-Priestly and with the care of his two parents and his old sisters, they will help him to deal with the sleepwalking problem and they will be a very happy family. A Priestly's way of happiness...