Disclaimer: I do not own DWP and its characters. I only own some, I might create in the near future of this fanfic.


Andy Sachs was at her desk at work when her mobile started to ring. She smiled brightly when she saw who was calling her.

"Hi cutie."

She was having to work non-stop for the next 48 hours, covering for a co-worker that had an accident. So now here she was, working hard at 7am.

"You said you'd be here when I w-o-oke up!"

Andy needed to smile now. Her son Michael was three years old but was a smart little boy. He was not planned, it was a bit of a shock when she came back from Paris. Doug decided to still talk to her. One day, she and her best friend were in a bar when it happened.

The man, someone she probably would never see again, came from London was there for a short business trip. They spent some hours talking. Andy was really upset with her life since Paris, since she left Miranda.

Andy's professional life was great, she couldn't complain, but her emotional life was a complete disaster. Nate left before Paris, she and Miranda don't speak anymore, Lily wouldn't even reply to her e-mails, and Doug decided to continue talking to her, but their relationship was not the same. The guy liked Nate too much.

Doug was in the bar with her and realized what Andy was doing. This man was not just any man. He was handsome, older than her, with shocking white hair, he had blue eyes and held some power in the way he moved and talked.

To Doug this man was a male version of Miranda Priestly and before he could tell his friend that what she was doing was wrong, Andy looked at him with her puppy-dog brown eyes. Doug decided to be quiet.

Since Andy was not on the pill and the condom they used broke, she got pregnant with Michael.

Now, years later, she did not regret it at all. Maybe how things happened, but not this little boy.

Michael Sachs was her precious treasure. The boy had light blonde hair, blue eyes like the father, and her smile. All the times she looked him, it's isn't the man that she sees,it's Miranda.

At some point Andy believed she was becoming crazy or paranoid. How could she look at her son like the man, a man that she only knew the first name of, and see Miranda Priestly?

3 years before

Hotel – Central Park

"You are a beautiful woman and I could tell, you are in love with someone you cannot have."

Andy looked to the man, his name was Joshua. In some point between the bar and the expensive suite at the hotel, he told her his first name. When he was going to say his surname, Andy stopped him telling him that it did not matter. And like that, they agreed no surnames only first names. Or sort of. Andrea did not give her first name to him, her second one instead. She don't want this man, at the moment of pleasure, calling her Andrea. So, for him, she is Elizabeth.

The only person she would like to listen screaming her name during sex was her. And since Andy could not have Miranda Priestly in her bed, she would not allow anyone else call her Andrea. For some strange reason she believed that the man would not call her Andy, since Elizabeth is somewhat formal, she opted for it.