Hohoemu no Kawaii Akuma

This fiction © Zaywrites

Title inspired by YUI's Hello, one of the official soundtracks used in Paradise Kiss.

Story inspired by Ookami Shojou to Kuro Ouji and Ao Haru Ride. I do NOT own these anime.

I do NOT own the song or the characters. I made OCs though.

Thirty minutes.

Fine heaved a sigh, forcing her eyes to hold the bottled up tears. Another sigh and her small fists clutched the hem of her skirt to stop the emotions stirring inside her.

Thirty-five minutes.

Fine took a long, quivering breath and stared at her sweaty palms. Her chin trembled, bright red eyes becoming overly-bright at every intake of air. She chewed on her lower lip before whispering 'Don't cry' to herself.

"I told you to call the supervisor! This stupid girl has no manners!" the old, gray haired lady screeched.

Fine noticed the lethal stare the old woman had put on. She looked away as her face turned red, her nails dug into her palms. A stray tear slid off her chin and she blinked it off rapidly.

Forty minutes.

The old woman was complaining on Fine's service for forty minutes now and the lady wants the poor girl removed from the department store.

Several eyes were locked on them, and Fine becomes more humiliated as more and more people watch them.

"We will take responsibility, maam." She felt a light pat on her shoulder from their manager. Fine nods her head and avoids the old woman's rigid stare.

"I hope not to see that brat the second time I shop here." the old woman grumbles as she adjusts her eyeglasses and throws some items on their shopping basket.

"You're being too harsh, mom." the brown haired girl beside the woman sarcastically spoke.

Fine gritted her teeth and stiffly walked towards their assistant manager who stood beside Lione.

"It's just a not-so good day. All of us experience it." Lione whispers softly. Fine shook her head and leaned against the nearest wall for support. She wondered how long she stood there with her head lowered. Her neck hurts and so are her knees and feet.

"What happened there?" Elizabetta, their assistant manager asks with her arms crossed, scythe-shaped eyebrows knitted to a scowl. Fine saw how their assistant manager's beautiful face contorted to a frown.

Fine took a deep breath before she began to speak.

"That…I-I was fixing the racks and cleared the mess they made. They were piling up the clothes on the floor and their getting dirty so…" She was careful not to choke on her words but before she could finish, tears spilled from her eyes. Lione patted her back as silent tears streaked on her face.

"Come on, Fine. It's just the start of the day; many great things might happen this afternoon." Lione softly mumbled but Fine cried harder.

"You're so optimistic, Lione. Tell me how to be like you." Fine croakily spoke as muffled sobs escaped her shivering lips. Lione sighed and continued to pat her back.

"Go home today, Fine. You deserve rest anyway." Elizabetta calmly spoke before heading towards Fango who talks with the complaining woman.

"You heard her. Get some rest and come back here with that warm smile, okay? We'll be waiting." Lione advises, smiling. Fine wipes her tears and returns a smile.

Fine grabbed her things from their office and exited the department store through the back door. She wrapped Rein's knitted scarf around her neck and pulled it up to her nose to hide her red, puffy eyes.

'Just another bad day. For sure, tomorrow will be different.' Or so she thought. She looked at the traffic lights flashing and slowly walked. Her eyes took notice of the thick, dark clouds covering the sky.

"Ah, really a not-so good day." After she finished her words, rain came falling heavily followed by the strong rush of wind.

"Eh?!" Fine screamed and scurried towards the waiting shed. She was about to complain on her misfortune but someone beats her to it.

"Ah, I'm so unlucky today." A velvety, baritone voice catches her attention.

Beside her stood a tall, which she thinks a 5'11" tall, young man, sporting a body of a Soccer player, clothed in a hooded sweatshirt and denim jeans. His face was hidden beneath the hoodie but some of his wavy, harvest-gold tresses stuck out haphazardly.

"Getting dumped by her then getting punched by my friend, yeah, it really is my day." He chuckles softly then notices the skeptical eyes of his company.

For seconds, crimson met crimson.

Fine shudders on her position and quickly averts her eyes.

"I-I'm sorry." she shyly mutters.

The blonde, young man simply shrugs and flashes a smirk which made Fine weak to her knees.

He jumps on the bus and throws his jacket at Fine. And by the second Fine removed the jacket covering her face, he's gone. It took her a few seconds to realize that the bus she's waiting already left.

"Wha-what was that?!" she exclaims.

Fine covered her head with the jacket and unintentionally inhaled his scent lingering on the jacket. It was too familiar to her liking.

"Bright?" she muttered to herself as she walked under the pouring rain.

Maybe, maybe Lione was right. Great things are really going to happen this afternoon.

A/N: I actually wanted to make this a Shein fanfic but Bright and Fine suits the character better. Please tell me if I made the right choice. A mixture of Prince Bright and Dark Prince Bright (remember when he was manipulated in the later episodes of FBNFH?) in this story. I diverted him from the usual nice, smiling, carefree young prince to a devious, cold, rough guy. And so, I wrote this to feed my curiosity that what if Bright got tired of being nice because people think of him as always the second best?

I chose Fine because she has lesser knowledge in love. Rein, on one hand, is a hopeless romantic. But she fits the character I want to portray as well.

I'll be taking a short break from How to fall in love. I don't want to ruin the story with rushed, half-hearted chapters.

Anyways, feel free to leave comments.
