When Jaune and his partner found the cute little blonde baby, both of them are clueless on what to do.
Should they ask around for information?
Should they keep it a secret? Who should they tell?
Would anyone even believe them?
At the end of the night, both of them agreed to ask around tomorrow as it was very late into the night and both of them could guess the rumor mill's going to spin so wildly if they are seen.
So, with great care, Jaune retrieved his discarded hoodie and wrapped the little baby to avoid the harsh cold nights' air. They slowly went down to their room, careful to not run into anyone who was probably asleep but not wanting to take the chance of being found out so late into the night less other theories surface on the dreaded mill.
With moves like a ninja Blake would approve of and soft foot steps upon contact on the floor, they safely arrive into their rooms' door but came to a sudden question:
"What about Ren and Nora?" Jaune whispered to his partner.
"They're probably asleep by now. Lets go in before anything happens okay?" Pyrrha assured the knight next to her, both of them crouched in front of the door. Jaune with shaking hands took his scroll from his pocket and slowly – he motioned for Pyrrha to open the door while he holds the now sleeping baby close.
Both of them entered the room without much trouble, seeing that their teammates were asleep and soundly at that. Pyrrha closed the door carefully and locked it. Both of them standing to their full height and released a breath they did not notice they were holding.
"So, how are the sleeping arrangements Jaune?" Pyrrha asked in a whisper, being curious and wanting to hold the baby for a chance with how her hands stretched out.
Jaune gave her the baby "If you want, I guess you can sleep with her tonight." He said, smiling at the scene where his partner was looking at the baby, her eyes half lidded but he could see the warmth emitting from it, her fingers slowly tracing lines on the soft stomach "You know, you look like a mother Pyr. It suits you a lot."
She blushed at the innocent comment, her eyes never leaving the sleeping face of the baby in her arms "Really? That's nice to hear."
He stepped closer, holding the baby together. "I just remembered. What's her name?" Jaune asked, curious as to keep referring to the 'baby' inside his head countless times.
"I don't know. Should we give it to her?" Pyrrha answered, her face looking up and gazing at her partner who was close and has an expression like hers earlier.
"We should. I was thinking of June, seeing it's June and all."
The champion pondered on the name, it has a nice ring to it, plus- it reminds her of Jaune a lot."I agree. That's a nice name." Pyrrha said after a bit if more swirling the name on her tongue. "What about her last name?"she wondered.
"Yes Jaune, what about her last name?" A new voice spoke out. Freezing the two standing. Slowly, both of them looked at the amused expression of Lie Ren, the resident rouge on his bed, arms crossed and a small smile on his face. "Don't worry, Nora's fast asleep. I noticed both of you sneaking in and carrying something. I didn't think you would reach homerun that early Jaune." His smile turned higher.
The man in question could only blush and scratch the back of his head. "Err – you're not wrong, we found this baby upstairs after our training." Jaune responded. seeing that his partner blushing and looking down from Rens' amused gaze.
"Really? I find that hard to believe."
"It's true. June appeared from nowhere. We don't know where it came from. I swear." Jaune said.
Ren still looked pensive but chose to believe them for now. "What are you going to do now?" he asked, making sure Nora was fast asleep by waving a finger in front of her nose.
"To tell the truth, we don't know." Pyrrha said, cradling the baby in her arms. " We agreed to tell the teachers tomorrow."
Ren nodded his head in affirmative. "That is a wise plan of action. Tomorrow is a weekend, we should be able to see Professor Ozpin after breakfast."
"I'll go see the Professor tomorrow then. You guys should stay here and take care of the baby until I get back. Sounds good?" Jaune proposed.
"That's a fine plan Jaune." Pyrrha agreed.
"Yes. Now, you both should go to sleep. It's getting late by the second." Ren said, laying back on his bead and turning to the side. "Night."
The statement by Ren seemed to remind the partners about their recent training session and how bad they smelled.
"Uhh – Pyrrha , you should take a bath first." Jaune said quickly, looking away because he noticed how her shirt's sticking to certain body parts he rather not indulge himself in even if it's a man's dream. For now.
She blushed a bit before nodding and wordlessly gave the baby back to Jaune and quickly walking to the bathroom.
Jaune could only look at his male teammate and resist the urge to strangle the smirk out of his face.
This is going to be a long night with the rouge.
As the morning rises and daily routine's completed. Jaune already going to see the headmaster - his partner and male friend not in the room going somewhere.
Nora Valkyrie muttered in her sleep, not noticing a small body right in front of her face.
She opened her eyes when a small hand stuck her cheek, seeing huge cerulean eyes and hands around her hair and playing with it.
"Aih!" June said.
"….." She took a few seconds to compute.
And then…
"Sooooooooo CUTE!" Nora squealed, her sleepiness forgotten and excitement building up. She hugged the baby close but not to close and jumped out of the bed , looking for her partner who was going on a trip to Vale accompanied by the resident champion.
She was alone with an unknown baby in the room.
To anyone who knows Nora well enough – that can only mean one thing.
"It's ADVENTURE TIME!" She jumped out of the window.
Jaune hoped his teammates have no problem taking care of the baby.
The knight sat in front of his target, still as a rod on his seat and eyes not meeting the knowing gaze of the headmaster of Beacon.
Professor Ozpin sipped his drink, "Mr. Arc, would you like to have some coffee?" He offered after a bit of silence, the sounds of the clock above them ticking mechanically.
Still trying to avoid his gaze, Jaune took a few quick glances at the headmaster and nodded.
"Y- YEAH!" He accidentally said too quickly in a high pitched voice June would be proud of. He scratched his head before looking down with red on his cheeks visible
The headmaster having enough of tormenting his student for the morning, he stood up and motioned for the knight to follow suit. They walked to the balcony in silence, with Jaune gathering his thoughts and the professor enjoying the view of Vale under the morning sunlight. Ahh, what a nice view.
Finally, the good headmaster broke the silence after leaning on the rail, "Did you know that babies are not carried by storks Mr Arc." he stated
Jaune only looked confused at that statement. Why would babies even come from flying storks? Though that could be one of the explanations for why June fell from the sky,the idea seemed too weird to be true. "Ahh - Yes?" He offered meekly.
The headmaster nodded and continued to set his gaze towards the beautiful scenery in front of him, seemingly lost in thought. "Did you know that every lie and legend must have a bit of truth to surface, Mr Arc." he said.
Jaune thought on it a bit before giving his thoughts,"I guess that's true. Are you implying that babies do come from storks?"
Ozpin chuckled at the idea. "No." His gaze set at the knight with a question in mind, "So,where do they come from?" he asked.
Jaune blushed a bit at a scene in his head involving a certain female friend of his. "A womans'...va- womb?" He offered weakly.
Ozpin accepted the answer with a nod, "So now comes the question of who the parents are." He smiled "Who's the father Mr. Arc?"
"…." the question made him stop,he had wondered about it earlier, the question now occupying his head and only one answer comes to mind.
"I don't know." he answered, having a bad feeling in his gut.
That seemed to make the professor close his eyes and hummed in acceptance.
"I will allow the baby to be on Beacon grounds Mr. Arc, what you do is entirely up to you but, I'm sure you will make the right choices." Ozpin said, his gaze returning to the scenery in front of him.
Jaune could only nod, still having the question on his mind. "Thank you sir."
Ozpin nodded,taking a sip from his mug, "Now, run along. You should look for your Miss Valkyrie before she digs more holes in the garden."
Ren and Pyrrha stood in front of something they haven't seen in years, something that made them remember their early years of life and they could only stand there and get lost in their memories plus avoiding more reactions from the passerbys around them.
Because they stood in front of the diapers isle.
"...Should we buy these?" Ren inquired, his face a bit red from the stares he received from the adults passing by. "I'd rather make this transaction as quick as possible."
"Agreed." Even Pyrrha who was wearing heavy clothing was red in the face, hearing the murmurs like :
"Awww – so cute, newlyweds making their first diaper run!"
" They look adorable together! I feel like I'm ready for another round! Honey! Don't you dare run from me!"
"Let's pick a random product and run, sounds good?" Ren said, getting very disturbed at the rate the whispers are getting.
"Nora! Get back here!" Jaune chased after his teammate, running at the gardens at top speed.
Nora who was carrying a shovel in and hand and little June in the other jumped from tree to bench to another tree, " HAHAHA! You'll never catch me alive! Never!"