AN- Whoa! Another Story?! Well, My muse just caught the ferry back, so here you go! XD

Tony cursed silently in anger. He was seated at the end off the long table on the helicarrier. His team and Fury were glaring at him from the other end of the table. They were glares of hate, and loathing. What had Tony done to deserve this? Well, that's a great story!

They had been on a mission. A mission were they had to safely evacuate people from, because there was a bomb inside. Tony was supposed to fire a missile into the building to deactivate once everyone was evacuated. But Tony had been hit by a falling brick earlier, and his earpiece had kept shorting out, and he couldn't have known what they were saying.


"Yes Capn'?!"

"Tony You- Buzz bzzt- Fire t- bzzzt- Missile!" Captains voice cut out and back in.

"Okay cap!" Tony replied, calling up JARVIS.

"JARVIS, fire missiles!"

"Tony! Wai-"

It was too late. Tony had already fired the missile, collapsing the building, and everything-everyone- inside. When The team had started yelling at him. he hadn't understood. What had he done wrong? But he realized that captain had been telling him that he Couldn't fire the missile, seeing as Clint was still left in the building. Luckily he had escaped, but with a hurt arm and a few scrapes. When Tony tried to explain that his suits earpiece had shorted out, the didn't believe him, accusing him of lying to get out of trouble, and wanting to hurt his teammate. And it did look bad, seeing as Tony and Clint weren't really best buddies. When Tony landed and tried to explain to them, he made the mistake of sending his armor back to the lab. Captain and Natasha immediately seized Tony, and dragged him aboard the Quinjet. When he tried to talk, they just glared at him, especially Clint who was in the corner, nursing a hurt arm. Tony gave up on explaining his mistake, and gave in to sitting silently between Natasha and Captain. As they landed on the Helicarrier, Tony was pulled to his feet, Natasha restraining his hands behind his back. Tony glared at her, but remained silent. As they shoved him down in his normal chair, they all gathered at the opposite end of the table, along with Fury, and i flooks could kill, Tony would be a little pile of ashes on the floor right then. Tony cursed silently in anger. No matter how he protested or explained his actions, they wouldn't believe him. Tony zoned back to hear Fury finishing up a sentence.

"And as punishment for your actions, we have come to a decision."

Tony waited in silence, apprehensive about what was happening.

"We decided, as you fired a missile into a building, with contained a bomb, and harmed your teammate, Hawkeye, as he was in the building, You will be confined to a cell for attempted murder. Your trial will be arranged shortly."

Tony stared. This wasn't happening. No way. His entire team was for locking him up! Even Bruce! Tony felt betrayed.


"Excuse me, Stark?"

"No! I didn't do anything wrong!"

"Tony! You tried to kill me!" Clint glared at him, waving his non-injured arm around. "How is that 'Nothing?!'"

" I wasn't trying too! It was my-" Tony froze as Agents filed in, surrounding him, guns out.

"Stark, come with us peacefully to your cell, or else."

Tony looked frantically around, than made a decision. Tony reached up and quickly tapped his earpiece, connecting to JARVIS.

"JARVIS! Lock down the lab! My servers! Rooms, files, Air vents, windows, Everything! Get the bots in the workshop and lock everything! Protocol Betrayal Activated! I Won't be there anytime soon. Keep everyone out."

"Yes Sir. I Wish you the best of luck." JARVIS' British accent sounded throughout the room, even as Tony was dragged out of the room, leaving his team standing, shocked that he would do such a thing.

"Suspicious if you ask me. He's probably hiding something." Clint snarled.

"Protocol Betrayal'? He had a protocol for when somebody betrayed him? Wow. Trust issues." Bruce wondered out loud.

"You may visit him in his cell tomorrow. We will be questioning him three days from now. Be known that he won't be let out, and we're checking him over to take all his items such as his earpiece. You work on getting in his lab OK? We'll work on scheduling his court appointment." Fury briskly dismissed them, Walking out of the room, arms folded behind his back. The other Avengers headed back to the tower, ready to start trying to break in to a Genius's lab.

Tony's POV-

Tony was sitting cross legged on the bench in his holding cell. No Windows. Just a grey wall, low ceiling, and a thick door with a window that could be closed or open. Tony thought it kind of reminded him of his Cell in Afghanistan. He leaned his head back and whispered a few words.

"I Won't let you down, Yinsen. You always belived in me. I Didn't mean to hurt Clint."

Tony sighed. They had taken his earpiece, and the lockpick and knife that he had hidden in his shoes. Tony thought for a second, then smiled grimly. They had forgotten something. He was a technical Genius. He wouldn't just have earpieces. Tony smiled at his luck. Just a few weeks earlier, Tony had implanted a patch into his wrist, so he could always contact JARVIS. Tony tapped his wrist, feeling it vibrate slightly.

"JARVIS?" He whispered.

"Yes Sir?"
"Yes Sir. What do you need?"
"Can you send the Mark XIII to my location? I need a pickup."
"Yes sir. As all your suits have been damaged, i need to finish repairs on it. Luckily it'll be ready to pick you up tomorrow."

"Thank you JARVIS. What time exactly?"
"The suit will pick you up at exactly 3:45 PM, Sir."

"Thanks JARVIS. That will be all."
"Good luck sir."

Tony sat back as JARVIS silenced the connection, and closed his eyes. Tomorrow he would be out of here. He would find a way to get the others to believe him.

AN- That's all! I'll update Later! Hope you enjoyed! Renember, Reviews keep me running! i know this was very fast paced, but the idea just came to me and i had to get it out XD More excitement next time!


Words: 1088

Characters: 6,057

Pages: 4