EPILOGUE: Do Balrogs Really Know How to Fly?

"Do you remember when Quibbet threw me and we had to walk home. How we found that couple and their sick child?" He knew the Eldar remembered. Had perfect recall of likely every word spoken those days, for they had happened not even a hundred years prior.

Glorfindel smiled, and let his gaze roam over the peaceful city below and the pasture land beyond that. "You were the promise then." He turned to look at the man standing next to him. A king in his prime, full of honor and nobility. "Now you are the fulfillment of all that we hoped for, Estel."

The burden had been a heavy one, weighing on his heart for many years, but now... It almost seemed unreal still. That he was married to Arwen. The two kingdoms reunited. Sauron gone. The One Ring destroyed.

Peace was the norm of every day now.

Oh, it wouldn't last, Aragorn knew that, but he intended to savor every single moment of it until he was called to go forth and defend it once again.

"There was one question I never asked. I never dared."

Leaning against the stone rampart, Glorfindel arched an eyebrow. "You? Who asked about everything and wished to hear every tale over and over until you had them memorized?"

A low chuckle and Aragorn lifted his head to the breeze. "Even I dared not ask one thing."

"Don't tell me." Glorfindel sighed. "The Balrog."

"I know." Turning to the Eldar, Aragorn held up his hands. "I can imagine you have been asked and told the tale time and time again, and I do not ask for that telling, my friend. I would not ask you to remember such a thing."

As if he could ever forget? Straightening, Glorfindel met Aragorn's gaze. "Ask what you will."

No promise of an answer, that was typical of the Eldar. Aragorn drew in a deep breath. He had thought to ask Gandalf, but the Wizard was far touchier and cranky than Glorfindel, who was, at least, would listen. "You are right, it is about the Balrog."

"Stars preserve me. Why is everyone so fascinated by evil?"

"No, no..." Aragorn shook his head. "Far from it. I just want to know..."


"Do Balrogs really know how to fly?"

Glorfindel stared at him for a very long moment that stretched out uncomfortably long and Aragorn, King of the Reunited Realms, Champion of Middle-earth and the King with healing in his hands grimaced and sighed.


"Truly? That is your question?" Glorfindel laughed and the merry sound brought a rueful smile to Aragorn's mouth. "Estel, that beast fell from the cliff and I don't mean he gently wafted to the ground like a dainty snowflake." Eyes narrowing, Glorfindel looked away, and the light that lived in his eyes glowed brighter for a moment. "He plummeted like a stone, and if he ever used those wings of shadow..." He shook his head. "I sincerely don't believe they can fly, even if they do have wings. Otherwise, wouldn't it have simply spread them and flown away from both myself and Mithrandir?"

Feeling a bit foolish, Aragorn offered a wry grin. "You make it sound quite simple."

"Is there aught else that has been brewing in that head of yours all these years?"

"Do you doubt it?"

Glorfindel put a hand on his shoulder. "You saw the beast of Moria yourself, Estel. You have your own tales to tell. Let mine grow dust and be forgotten."

"Somehow, I don't see that happening for a long while."

"Then at least don't let those awful songs be sung in your court."

"You don't like Glorfindel the Plucky Sprightly Set Out?"

With a wince, the Eldar let his hand drop. "You know Lindir is still in Imladris. I could ask him to write a few of those lovely songs of his for your court about your deeds..."

Aragorn laughed and gripped Glorfindel's arm. "Peace! I have my answer. We can call it done. Now I know that Balrogs do not fly even if they do have wings." As they turned to walk, he shook his head. "Why have wings if you cannot fly?"


Really, truly the end. ;) For now.