A quick thank you to everyone who read and reviewed this story! I'm so grateful to have found this talented and friendly fandom.

It's been three glorious days since her and Chandler have become her and Chandler and she doesn't think she's ever been happier. All the things she knew she liked about him are still there but now there are a host of new wonderful things she's learning about 'Chandler the boyfriend' too. How he can be so romantic and playful. How his jokes have gone from self-deprecating to teasing. How happiness makes his whole face light up and his eyes sparkle. She feels drunk and disoriented with her own happiness and wonders for the hundredth time why they've waited so long to do this.

They're sitting around the coffee table at Central Perk, she on the couch and he in the arm chair, not trusting themselves to share a seat (an early attempt at leaving the bedroom was derailed for just that reason) when Joey and Rachel enter looking entirely too proud of themselves.

"Well if it isn't our little lovebirds," Rachel says affectionately gazing down at them and linking her arm with Joey's, again giving Monica the bizarre impression of her parents.

"Looks like they finally made it out of the bedroom," Joey smirks raising his eyebrows suggestively.

"Hey guys," Monica greets ignoring their teasing. "Have you seen Ross at all today?"

It's the one gray cloud in her otherwise sunny life. Though a brief conversation over the phone with Chandler had made her brother aware of the new developments between herself and his best friend, she hasn't talked to Ross herself yet and is both terrified and impatient to get any awkward conversation with him out of the way.

"Nope," Rachel says with a shrug. "Oh, but here comes Phoebe now," she says glancing at the door to the coffee house where their friend is just coming in, "maybe she knows."

"Hey Pheebs," Monica greets as a flustered Phoebe unceremoniously scoots Chandler from his chair to plop herself down in his place, "Have you seen Ross."

Strangely this simple question manages to fluster Phoebe even more. "No!" She answers indignantly. "Why would I have? Why would you even ask me that?" She counters defensively.

Chandler who has sidled next to Monica after his ejection from the armchair now tosses Monica one of his signature faces reserved for when Phoebe is acting particularly Phoebe-esque.

"No reason," Monica says distractedly to a retreating Phoebe who is making her way to the counter, much more interested suddenly in the circles Chandlers finger is drawing on her wrist now that they are seated together once more, than in locating her brother.

"Here he comes," Joey announces snapping Monica rather unpleasantly back to the present time and place. She gives Chandler a little encouraging smile before turning around the back of the couch to greet her sibling, "Hey Ross."

"So this is happening, is it?" Ross begins without preamble waving his finger accusingly at the two of them.

"Ross, I know your upset," Chandler placates, "but it's not like we planned this."

"Sure, sure," Ross answers his voice dripping with sarcasm, "You're telling me that you never thought about my little sister that way and that one day you just," here he mockingly pretends to fall over an invisible barrier, "oops…fell for her?"

"No. I've liked her for forever," he answers eyes locked on Monica's. He gives her a little embarrassed smile before turning back to Ross. "But I would have never done anything about it if she hadn't felt the same way."

"So this is your fault," Ross accuses pointing now at Monica.

"Will you stop it already?" Monica asks in annoyance. It's nice her brother's looking out for her and all but this is ridiculous. "You know Chandler would never hurt me. Besides, if you want someone to blame, blame those guys," she gestures to Rachel and Joey feeling only a little guilty as Ross turns his temper on their friends.

"Whoa. Hold on a minute there," Joey says defensively arms raised against Ross's ire. "If we're blaming anyone here it should be Phoebe." It seems a safe deflection as Phoebe's still away ordering her coffee and is therefore mostly removed from Ross's wrath.

"That's right," Rachel begins patting Joey on the back before continuing. "Phoebe's the one who came up with the Janice plan in the first place. This was all her little scheme, the little…" here Rachel scrambles a bit looking for a good insult, "…schemer!" She ends a little anti-climatically.

"Alright, alright, settle down everyone." Chandler interrupts waiting till everyone has taken their seats. "Ross," he begins addressing his oldest friend, "I promise you my intentions towards your sister are pure. I intend to woo her until she's as crazy about me as I am about her and then we're going to get married and buy a giant house and fill it up with as many Geller-Bing babies as we can handle. Happy?"

Ross doesn't look happy per se, but he does look appeased.

"Rachel and Joey," Chandler continues shifting slightly to address his friends seated around the small café table, "I don't know exactly what it is you said to Monica to get her to agree to give a mess of a man like me a chance but I am eternally grateful."

"Aw. You're welcome man!" Joey looks like he may be getting up for a hug but Rachel gently keeps him seated with a pat on the arm while throwing Chandler and Monica her own warm smile.

"And Pheebs," Chandler begins turning to Phoebe who's just returned to her seat coffee in hand, "I don't know how you ever came up with it, but your plan was genius. If you hadn't pretended to try to get us all to sleep together in the first place, well, Monica and I may never have found out how we felt about each other," he turns to Monica now, "and I wouldn't be able to do this whenever I like." He finishes by giving Monica a kiss.

It's rather chaste compared to what they've been up to the last few days but it earns a catcall from Joey, and "aw" from Rachel, and an "ew" from Ross so they must be doing something right.

"Whoa!" Phoebe exclaims in surprise. "You guys are kissing!" She looks totally shocked.

"Phoebe," Monica laughs at her friend. "Don't act so surprised. This was your plan after all. You know, the Janice thing?"

"Right," Phoebe agrees unconvincingly, "the Janice thing was all a set-up to get you two together. Right?" She sits a moment contemplating before continuing, "Did you hear that Ross? The set-up worked and nobody," she emphasizes this point by shaking her head emphatically, "nobody slept together."

Monica sneaks a peek at her brother now, whose earlier angry appearance has been replaced by a kind of sickly pale. "That's right," he answers just as woodenly, "No one slept together." He pauses a minute before announcing suddenly, "I just remembered I have to go. See you guys." He bounds off the couch and is out the door before they can return his goodbye.

"That was weird," Phoebe laughs awkwardly for a moment before abruptly gathering up her belongings as well. "I also just realized I have to go. Bye." She's halfway to the door before she scampers back and leans over the couch between them adding, "And congratulations on the getting together you guys!" before running out once more.

"Huh," Rachel begins.

"You don't think they…?" Joey trails off looking wonderingly at the others.

"I think they may have," Chandler answers with a grimace.

Monica will have to pry the truth out of Phoebe and Ross at some later date but finds as she looks over at Chandler that she's much more interested in her own sex life right now than in her brother's. "Wanna get out of her too?" She asks seductively.

"You read my mind," he smiles back at her.