Let's just not comment on the fact of how long it took me to update. Sorwy!

I tried to make this chapter extra sweet with Delic and Hibiya just your forgiveness!

I actually don't know how to go back and edit previous chapters and I don't have a beta so yyyeeaaahhh just know that I'm sorry for the grammar mistakes I accidentally upload. I do notice them, but too late.

I was really depressed because I lost a good friend and learned some things about my boyfriend that worried me (he was suicidal). Enough about mah life though.

I realized after re-reading that there are certain things I wouldn't be surprised about if some people were confused so pulleeaaasse tell me if you don't understand something so I can say if it was on purpose or a mistake.

Anyways, stick with me. Rather than in the beginning having fluff then angst would for me be too cliche. So even if it seems rushed, it's on purpose to get straight to the action. After the storm in this story is over, that doesn't mean it all is. If you want your Shizaya, you gotta earn it!

For the few that actually stopped to here me out, on with this bitch!

Stranger Calls

Chapter 3

(This is rated M for different reasons. Advance at your own consent.)

-Uses plot and info only from season one-



Hibiya walks inside of his bedroom, looking both ways down his long hallways before stepping fully inside and shutting the door tightly. He runs over to his closet and snatches it open.

"Okay, okay, okay. We only have a few minutes to get you dressed. I said I had to use the lavatory so father should be expecting me very soon."

Tonight was the night of the ball. To most of the guests that attended, it would be a normal ball, one just to reconnect with one other again. But to all the people with a signature scar tattoo somewhere on their body out of view, they knew the true meaning and reason of this party.

And because of that secret, nothing could afford to screw it up.

Because that was a symbolic of a Vampire.

For Hibiya, it had already been more than halfway done with, nothing left but the toast and dance. But for his friend, it was going to be the first thirty minutes out of this closet to be himself in a while, it had been far too long in fact.

But that was exactly why Hibiya ran back to his room in the first place, to give Delic that justice deserved.

He starts pushing apart his clothing, lifting the hangers off the rack looking for something acceptable for an introduction.

"I have... shoot!"

There were many outfits for formal attire but the theme was not for the ordinary dance.

Hibiya stopped, starring at a costume he wore for a traditional Halloween party his aunt had once.

But would it fit?

He flips around.

"Here perhaps you can we-"

Mid-sentence he was stopped. Delic was smirking at him, casually wearing a well-fitted splendor apparel suit. And, like the custom of the night, was a series of red and white mixed together.

His mouth gaping, Hibiya was struck silent. While Delic did not know this, that was Hibiya's outfit to his parents wedding. Of course, he did not attend this wedding due to his being born afterward but unwritten law stated that all royals yet to be born should be treated as if they were. Which explains why Hibiya had never and probably will never have worn that getup.

He had to admit, Delic looked absolutely stunning in it. It only made sense as to why it was practically a perfect fit for him, the rulers had nothing to measure on when making it.

It had seemed like while Hibiya was away he cleaned up himself, hair shining in every so light, face washed and eyes sparkling their bright fluorescent pink more than ever.

"Words much?"

Delic leans forward and uses his index finger to close Hibiya's mouth gripping onto his chin.

"Close your mouth, a fly might come in."

That hand quickly gets swatted away.

"Shush." Hibiya looks away.

"Where did you find this outfit?"

Delic nonchalantly tilts his head to a top shelf, one of his that were too high to reach with a ladder next to it.

"Nicely wrapped up and tucked away. I was considering not touching it at all. 'Was' being a key word here."

Hibiya sighs.

"Well, let's save that conversation for later. Come along."

As Hibiya tries to rush out of the room, Delic stops him. Unexpectedly, he takes his hand intertwining their fingers in a pattern. This is not the first time of them holding hands, but certainly the most surprising.

While Hibiya knows that it's a bad idea to have Delic standing even ten feet away from him while being an unknown visitor, he can't bring himself to tell out his thoughts or to convince himself that he particularly disliked the attention.

They run, already breaking one of the many rules they broke that night.


"Delic, make your way to the seating. I'll come back. Just make sure to do whatever you can to not come face to face with my father."

Hibiya was walking away before Delic could even mention the fact that he had no idea what his father even looked like, much less he could avoid him.

Even after so long, he had yet to even glimpse a peek at the man in charge. He was like a god, who people praise and worship but is never seen by ordinary eye, even in his own residence, never to show.

So to add to that, he also had no clue as to where seating was.

Still standing at the doorway, he makes his way to nowhere, randomly trying to find his destination. He pushes through the crowd, feeling claustrophobic. Everyone was taller than him, the men generally large fitted and the women all three inches or more taller than their usual height with their common choice of footwear. Every second he was getting pushed by a large dress or a abnormally long gentleman's curtail. It felt like a group of walls crushing him in from all sides.

Finding that the only place his eyes could meet without being blocked was the celling, he looked for walls. Surely, chairs would not be in the middle of the hall?

When he finally makes it out the vicious crowd, he falls on his and knees. It was like he was getting sucked in but then was forced out and shoved into a corner. He coughed a bit but sat himself up looking back and realizing that he cause bedlam because he was running and shoving through people. He scratches the back of his head and looks around.

He has now found himself in front of the kitchen, an open screen less window displaying chefs moving about to finish up the dishes that served the great amount of food they had to make that day. He smiles, knowing that if he found food, he found seats.

His eyes dart finally seeing his goal. To his surprise, Hibiya is waiting, tapping his fingers individually on the tablecloth in a nervous motion. His legs walk him to his friend, calming himself to be as in-place as possible.

Hibiya catches his gaze and the tension on his face is let go.

"Finally he shows up. What took you so long?"

"Your guest are all so prude. Who invites them?"

Hibiya slides out another chair parallel to the one he himself is sitting in. Delic can't help but wonder if just this could find Hibiya problems, this definitely wasn't a spot meant for him.

He takes it anyway, listening to Hibiya.

"Well mainly my mother. My father sometimes invites business partners to have secret meetings behind her back though."

With no clue that tonight was one of those nights.

"You have no say at all?"

"No. Only when it's my birthday. And even then my mother give her suggestions, which is her choosing for me but not actually admitting that."

Delics shakes his head in obvious disapproval.

"How long has the party been on for?"

"4 hours."


"Yep, I apologize. You had to miss dinner, name tags were given to everyone's seats. There was no way I could have snuck an extra person without father or someone else knowing."

"I see..."

This was not unusual. Every other night, sometimes in a row, Delic missed getting food at all. Hibiya still had not told his parents he was taking care of a run away he picked up off the streets. And it had been seven months.

And it would not have been happening any time soon. If Hibiya's parents ever found out he'd get the spanking of a lifetime and would be banned from his privilege of being able to go to town for who knows how long. Not to mention what would happen to Delic.

Hibiya catches the sad look on Delic's face. He felt like a terrible friend whenever he came back to his bedroom with no food in his pockets because dinner was soup or something messy. And right now he had a similar disappointed frown. His no food streak was currently a day and a half. He could tell that he was starving.

His eyes widened.

Yeah, he was absolutely tired of following the rules twenty-four seven!

"We should do something crazy!"

In Hibiya's opinion, it really was about time he stood up to his father. He had been sick of the false prejudice everyone had on him, thinking that he was a lap dog to anything his parents said or wanted him to do. He was a person with a big mouth but was held back from everything he wanted to do because it wasn't right or fitting for him, at least, according to his parents. But even he, the person following the rules all of his life, can get sick of being disposed. Never has he felt like he had sovereignty.

"Like what?"

He grabs the wrist of his friend and pulls him along. His feet guide him to the only place he was not allowed to go to in his manor. The perfect place to disregard his parents wants and followed his mind.

Out of the diner and into the hallway. He shouldn't be leaving so much, plenty of people were looking for the King's son and he knew that. But who cares?

He turns a corner, praying that this was the right way. He was only shown this part once, just his manservant telling him not to go there when he was five.

It was indeed the right way and he smiles. The approach a deserted paternoster lift. The thing looked absolutely ancient and was dusty to the maximum. Unfortunately, it was the only way Hibiya could think of that guided him to his destination. The entrance, or entrances, however many there were, were blocked off for obvious reasons.

Hibiya knew that his actions were belligerent, he understood that if they got caught then punishment for the both of them would be more than extreme.

But what did he have to lose? His perfect life with people who loved and cared for him?

As if.

"What is this thing?"

Hibiya admires the open spaces next to it. He stands right at the edge and looks down, seeing a deep chasm.

Delic steps to see also.

And jumps back.

"W-what the hell?!"

He yanks Hibiya back by his collar.

"Don't stand so close!"

Hibiya laughs.

"Here, help me pull down."

Hibiya further freaks Delic out and stands on his tip toes reaching for the metal chain that is halfway in the closed space. He looks he is almost falling.

Delic flails his arms, but goes by his side and pulls. With both strengths, the small door slowly starts to creek down and it starts up again after however long.

Settling, Delic puts one foot down and tries to hide how hard he fliches when the room starts swinging side to side.

"This CANNOT be safe!"

Eyes rolling, Hibiya steps onto it.

"Get up here you big teddy bear."

Cautiously, he secures his spot and stays stiff as it takes off.

It moves upward at a slow pace, still unsturdy.

"Okay, get off now!"

They rush to stable flooring as the machine runs up more.

"This is the top floor right..."



While it is a good question, he just wants to show Delic around and shakes it off.

The top floor hallway is far more narrow than the latters, about half the size. In the right space their shoulders often casually brush against each other.

Hibiya starts feeling warm, feeling an unexpected emotion as they walk. Right at this moment, he felt free, excited, more than he had ever felt. With what he was going to do in front of his eyes,.He was content. And he felt even more so towards Delic.

If he was older, he'd know exactly what this was. He'd know the right words to say. He'd know how to explain to Delic how thankful he was for all he's done and put up with over the past few months. But he didn't know.

He stopped his movement and looked at Delic. They state at each other. Not in any sort of awkward way. In a...special way. Delic could understood that what Hibiya wanted to show him was a few feet away. It was the only door and was dyed blood red with a golden handle.

The both felt the same way, both finally controlling their life their way, even if just for the night

Hibiya spoke no words..He had no way to. Instead he settled on stepping forward and pressing his lips on Delic's. His arm swing over his shoulders, one hand dragging his fingers in his soft locks. Delic responds by gripping around his torso, tracing around gently.

The kiss is electrifying, them only kissing once before. Their lips intertwined, the texture making them content like this.

When they'e pulling apart, they linger just for a bit, gazing into each other's eyes like beforehand. This is an unspoken promise that no matter what happens today, tomorrow, or whenever, there will be more of this.

Hibiya coughs realising what just happened. That was his turn to return the favor, their first kiss being Delic's, and he can't help but turn a bit red.


They cup each other's hands now, palms against palm.

Out of his put-up hair Hibiya finds a pin and inserts it in the crack of the door.


He shoves the pin in his pocket.

"Let's go in."





My coming to was definitely not pleasent at all.

In fact it sucked.

How would you feel if you woke up to ice cold water on your face on an uncomfortable ground?

I sit straight up, choking and gasping from the intake of water up my nostrils.

My first response is to punch the dumbass with the nerve to wake me up in such way but I withdraw when my vision clears.

"E... Erika?"



I am beyond confused.

I'm finding myself glancing to my left though when I hear coughing. Arms quickly wrap around me.

"Shizu-Shizu, no hitting Iza-Iza! He did nothing wrong."

I'm mad but glad that she's putting an effort to restrain me because I was surely about to launch myself at the flea when I saw him.

"I mean, I don't see why you two can't just admit your feelings. It's so obvious that you have a thing for each other and are using that tension in the wrong way. I recommend doing it in a more beneficial and pleasurable way. I also want to say that when you have sex to let me record it all so I ca-"


My head snaps again, this time to Walker. I finally realise my surroundings, seeing that I'm in the Dealers' Van.

"Why must you rant about your fantasies so much?" Saburo adds in.

"Because they are not fantasies! Their relationship is very much real, I'm just the only one the gods let see it so that means I need to Manifest Destiny yaoi!"

No clue about anything she's talking about but it's consistently pissing me off that she keeps grouping me with him.

"We can spread our yaoi across Japan and Dota-chin can drive us!"

Kadota peaks in his rear view mirror.

"Why was I envolved..."

"Because you are my favorite person ever now will you please drive me across country to get Shizaya trending?!"

"How about you tell them why we sorta kidnapped them. Sorry about that by the way. Urgent matters."

Izaya decides now is his perfect gateway to get involved in the conversation.

"Yeah, Shizu-chan looks like he could snap someone's neck, no surprise if he's already done it before."

Erika is a tough girl for being able to to this much to stop me for this long.

"Yeah yeah, I'll hurry and tell!."

She lets go of me and I tune out Izaya. I'm expecting a good reason from them or I'm getting out the van right now. I don't like people wasting my time.

"Well firstly, Izaya. It is quite obvious that you are looking for someone. The way you ask unusual questions about people and ask if that person had a specific feature or stuff like that, it's definitely noticeable. So, come on a road trip with us."

He groans at her figuring out his not-so-secret secret.

"Why would I want to?"

"Great minds think alike Iza-Iza, I don't mean to sound so cliche right now but if we work together then maybe you'll find your second lover, second to Shizu-Shizu of course."

"Erika I will personally snap your neck."

"Aye sir. Now Shizuo, I'm going to tell you something and I want you to keep a level head about it all okay? No freaking out atleast until I finish."


I don't know.

I really can't promise at any time that I won't get angry.

"I'll try, but if you hurt someone,-"

"No! Nothing."




"I'm surprised you have yet to hear about all of this. Ikebukuro has been under chaos for the past like week or so. A lot more gangs have blown up at each other and turfs have been infiltrated, leaving a lot of them out for blood for having their stuff stolen from them."

If Izaya had anything to do with this, I will kill him.

"And...within all of that..."

Erika rubs the back of her neck and it could have made me feel more uneasy.

"I swear Izaya has nothing to do with this."

Probably does.

Shitty flea always is somehow involved.

"But...your brother... was kidnapped."


Everyone in the van was startled by my voice.

I was pissed.


"Shizuo-san, listen!"


"We don't know who it was."

In a blind vengeance, I turned to the man who was smirking his ass off at my rage and slammed him onto the van ground.

I had a vague sense of deja vu but it easily slipped my mind.


I hate the innocent face he made while I climbed on top of him. It disgusted me. My left hand went for one of his arms with the intension of twisting it until it popped. That was, of course when I was shot with another arrow.

Now that I think about it, this 'arrow' is probably a tranquilizer. But as you know, I didn't have much time to think about that when I blacked out.




Walker shot him.

With a freaking tranquilizer.

I'm sorry but...




I need to step up my game!

Since when did I let him catch me?

But still, he didn't even listen to the poor woman!

My stomach! I'm going to have a six pack by the end of all this laughing!

This is too hilarious!

"Iza-Iza, are you okay?"

I look at her through my tearing eyes.

"But..Of course! Ha! This was just too much!"

"Okay. I need to explain the rest to you. This also has something to do with you."

Eh? Now you've peaked my interest.

"Go on."

Saburo speaks instead.

"Well, there is one person we believe is the one stirring the pot on Ikebukuro. Another reason we need you is because he is a Vampire."

Now I'm really in for it.

"Do tell me who this man is?"

"For the past year, he has been going under a name. We don't know if it is made up or not but his records only go back to a year ago."

"His name?"

The four of them meet gazes

"You sure?" Erika whines. "We're pretty sure you know him... maybe."

I give them a pushing look when Walker finally spills the beans.



Phhhewwwwwww this was actually lit to write. I was listening to so much Tøp. It's summer which means no more wooooorrkkkkkkkkk

Delic:You still have a job.

Dez: Wait what?

Hibiya: Yeah, it's called growing up.

Dez: Which you still haven't done CHIBIYA (reference to fanfic)

Hibiya: ...

Dez: Wait, do I actually get to leave the chapter with the last word?

Izaya: Nope

Shizuo: Rejected


Roppi: Bye


Roppi: I can show up when I want to ;)


Roppi: Hey Delic, what's that thing you do where you view something again?

Delic: Oh a revie-

Delic: NOPE


Roppi: Good. Don't break that fourth wall.

Delic: Okay.

Delic:But do that thing I was about to say anyways.


