Shizuo with a heavy mood, picked up his buzzing phone. The name Hibiya was printed in black letters over the bright screen and Shizuo felt his heart melt.

He clicked for the voicemail.

A smoove, familiar voice came over.

"Hey, Shizuo, Hibiya here."

Just with those first words, Shizuo felt disappointed in himself. He knew exactly what he did to make him run away and he felt so guilty about it.

"Sorry I left without telling you. I can't even speak to you in a real phone call right now. Well, this is the last time you will probably hear from me."


It didn't have to be the last time.

"Listen close to me Shizuo. It isn't your fault."

It is all my fault.

"You didn't cause me to leave."

Then who did?

Or maybe what did?

"Just know that someone understands you. You're not alone."

And what the hell was that supposed to mean?








"Come on Shizu-chan, you can run faster than that!"

I dodge another poor tree. Come on Shizu-chan. Don't you know you're ruining the Earth?


"Ah, so vulgar."


"I'd prefer not. Whether or not I'm actually speaking, you always think I'm plotting something. Of course, I could care less about whatever you think in that tiny brain of yours, but why would I ever do something to my beautiful humans? Gods do not hurt their followers."

Yes, this is my Shizu-chan.

The person I- no. Let me rephrase that. The , the monster I hate with all my heart~!

I swear. This dead celled protozoan messes up all of my exciting plans! Every time I think something up, I have to get chased out of my own forest by him.

Now, I'm not saying I'm a good guy. Please don't think that. It's really quite the opposite. But, why is it that the idiot has to screw everything up so much?

"Ne, this chase is getting a bit boring, isn't it Shizu-chan? All you ever do is yell at me!"

I hate him, so I love humiliating him with the thing he hates most.


No matter how much he screams his head off to believe that he hates me, he much more hates his own brute strength than me.

It's funny. He tries to disconnect himself from others so they don't learn about it. And yet, he still gets sucked in when they show a bit of niceness to him.

This just makes it all the more worse on him when he snaps in front of them and they leave him.

Yet he still can't prevent this from happening even though he's been through it multiple times.

When he gets angry, he gets angry at the fact that he's angry, and it keeps going in a cycle until someone gets hurts and he gets out of his rage.

With this, he has never found a so called, love.

Silly Shizu-chan.

If he would just be human, of course I'd accept him!

"If it's getting boring, then GET THE HELL OUT OF IKEBUKURO!"

"Oh, waa waa, I'm so scared of Shizu-chan and his annoying voice! You know, this forest is hardly considered part of Ikebukuro, right~?"

I live in the Forest of the Vampires, right on the outter edge of Ikebukuro. The name is an odd one, considering the fact that from where I've searched, I am the only vampire that lives in this forest. Some time back, when I was in my second Aria of life, there was a war, the Somnus S., battle of the Supernatural. Different species had bloodshed over this great forest for ownership.

I for one never found the reason why there was a war in the first place, but my own species won.

The only other species that stayed were two werewolfs. Hewajima Shizuo and a dear friend I have lost.

I never found out his name, but I do remember that he left me an important message somewhere in this forest. That's the only reason I haven't ventured outside this forest. I have a gut feeling that that message held something that could lead back to the war, via why he never told me his name.

But that's all a bit of digress.


"Now now, no need to fight. Shizuo, I can hear you from my house!"

I look behind me to see my nerdy acquaintance, Shinra.

You see, I've known Shinra for a while now, ever since I started really interacting with my humans by going to school. He was one of the first people I met. If I had to say, I guess one could say he is considered my 'friend'. Though we have a pretty dark background that neither of us actually speak of. No soul knows other than us.

Looking at his appearance and his personality, Shinra really hasn't changes since we met in Junior High.

To see him, a nerdy human that was deep in his studies for the medical business, surrendering to a dullahan at a moments met gaze was very amusing. Bet he didn't even guess he would be an underground doctor.

If I had to say a change, it seems that over the years, he just became more of a perverted person. Especially around Celty.

Funny story, I never actually told Shinra that I was a vampire.

When we graduated, at our graduation party you see, they had tons of alcohol and booze.

Sake was also a main factor of destruction. The number of supervisors and chaperones was limited and none of the ones that were there could really stop anyone from drinking.

Not my best feature, not being able to handle alcohol. It's one of those thing I really don't see the point of being created.

If you ask me, I couldn't tell you why there was alcohol there in the first place.


Okay, maybe I could.

But still, I got drunk off my ass and Shinra caught me trying to bite some girl.

I can't help it, I got the urge.

The girl was also drunk, and a little high, and willingly went into the closet, thinking she was getting some.

She was getting something.

In any normal case, dragging a horny girl into a closet is not easy, but it was when everyone person was grinding on each other on the dance floor.

Him, wanting to be a future doctor, checked both of us after finding us.

He did it seperatly when it clicked in his head that I wasn't exactly human.

Shinra never trusts me. So saddening.

I love humans, but they don't love me back. Saddening how I spend my life devoted to them and they don't get on their knees and praise me for it.

But I've gotten used to the feeling of dissatisfaction.

I was forced to go through it when I got envoled with my nameless friend long ago.

That didn't go well and I don't plan on doing it again.

Besides, I like doing what I do: people watch.

That's why my name is 'Izaya', right?

Having to know everything about them, with them knowing almost nothing about me.

Not that they'd understand anyways.

But Shinra's odd personality never made sense to me.

Until I met Celty.

Then it all made sense.

Who knew Shinra was into headless majestic chicks.

:Don't worry. He does that all the time. He's weird.: Celty said once when Shinra ran up to her and hugged her to death.

I still remember him complaining to Celty for five hours on about how he loved her and she was so cruel.

"It's not my fault Shizu-chan has the roar of a beast."


"Like I'd ever follow any rules you set. This is my forest."

Shizu-chan sent me his usual deadly glare and I fire back an amused smirk.

"Hey now, guys, how about you spare the place from destruction and come to my house? You wouldn't want your beautiful forest to fall, right Izaya?"

Good point. But back to Shinra's

"With the flea? Sorry Shinra. I'm not trying to go insane. At least, not today.

I didn't voice it unlike rude Shizu-chan, but disgust ran through my 'blood' at Shinra's suggestion.

"Oh come on Shizuo! Wouldn't it be nice to make amends with Izaya?"

"We can make amends when he's dead."

I'm slightly feeling something towards annoyance, but rather than expressing this feeling, I give my biggest smirk.

I shan't show emotions to unworthy people.

Which is why I hate myself for what I did.

See Shizu-chan is special. Even though he has a temper span the length of a ruler and strength to be the wildest and most powerful werewolf I've seen before my own eyes, he would never see himself like that. He would never purposely use what power he has in an evil sense. He's far too human for that. That's the part of him where I came to hate the most. It's the part that made the war.

Shizu-chan is just like he was.

When you start having a connection with someone you can't, you can expect consequences. I didn't know that, being at such a young age. I'd just met him. How was I supposed to know what he was?

I took the fall, let him be. I wish I didn't. He didn't deserve a freedom.

I know my mistakes now though.

I'll never let myself give into the arms of a monster again.


Have you ever wanted to go outside on a hot day with your friends just to hang out? Like, to listen to music and chill, or go play soccer or anything? But had to go back in because you forever lost your bug resistance spray?

That's how it is with Izaya. A very annoying bug that keeps buzzing in your ear.

But with my temper, I don't run and go back inside.

I start flinging my arms around to kill it. Even though it never works, I still do it.

So you can imagine what it felt like for me when Shinra was dragging me back to his house with the fucking bug on my back.

He was literally walking on the back of my shoes.

I swear, the only thing that stopped me from pushing Shinra away, grabbing Izaya's neck, and doing things I'd regret, is the fact that Celty would be disappointed.

And to make matters worse, he kept doing this weird thing where he switched from being the one walking in the back of the group to being in the front by using his weird vampire powers or some shit.

I say nothing as I make my way. A lot of times, I really wish Shinra was faster with walking. May be it because I'm not human, but it seems the world is so slow sometimes. As if I was the only one that was walking at a normal pace.

"Shizu-chan, you should join me up here sometime, the air's great!"

I look up.

And I feel a vain pop.

There he was, six feet in the air, and you don't know how much I wanted that to be six feet below instead.

It's really annoying to know the some vampires can fly. That's one of the main reasons why I haven't been abnle to kill Izaya yet. As soon as I get close to him, he always flies off like a coward in the middle of our fights.

That and the fact that I've seen something.

I never told anyone.

Back in highschool, we had a lot of the same classes. The teacher put us together and called it a bonding experience. I called it the devil's playhouse.

We had detention together. I threw a table at him and it broke through a window.

But right before I left, I realized I left a textbook in my gym locker.

That's when I saw it.

No one else was there, it being so late in the evening.

By a total coincidence.

I really didn't mean to see-

"Earth to my dearest protozoan! I want you to dir, but not now, I still haven't completed making your life hell yet."

I snap out of it and see the flea standing in front of Mr waving his hand in my face.

Man, did he reek.

"Shut the fuck up."

I didn't notice we even got back to Shinra's. Too busy in my thoughts.

I close the door, push past him, and sit at the table in their dining room. I don't have time for whatever Izaya had to say. I really just wanted to just get whatever Shinra wanted over with. Said man had left me though.

Izaya, knowing what's best for him, started to ignore me and look at some of Shinra and Celty's photos they'd hung up.

Big poof.

My thoughts trail back.

Why was I even thinking about that? I don't see why I even thought that assumption up. Even with what I saw, those two have nothing to do with each other. Izaya's an annoying flea and he was...


I don't know anymore

It's making my head hurt.

Hearing noise, Izaya and I both look at the hallway entrance.

Shinra, the traitor, comes back into the room with Celty.

Good. One chance of me not going crazy.

"Celty, I think it would be a good ides if you spoke with us."

Oh no.

Shinra had the voice as if he was going the bring up the subject of the birds and the bees.

Satan? Is that you?

:What? You actually got them both to sit down in the same room?: Celty typed, sitting down at their dining table.

Izaya ushered and sat down with her.

I'm sure Shinra and Celty knew to seat me and Izaya at different ends of the table.

"Yeah! Crazy right? I'm surprised they're both still holding up! I feel like a proud father!"

I didn't know whether or not it was a good or bad thing that I was also proud of myself? I mean, I haven't thrown anything at him.

Personal record.

"Back to relating topics, what is the reason you sat me and the devil down at one table?" I question.

"Shizu-chan is so rude! If anything, call me Dracula."

"As if I'd give you enough respect for that."

I couldn't help but notice how tight the fist he made was. I smirk and he huffed a breath.

"Like I said, I want you two to become friends!"

"And look how that's going." I heard Izaya say.

I gagged at how the first thought that came to mind was that I agree. If I do anything mutually with Izaya, it's the end for me.

Shinra gave me a weird side glance before speaking again.

"Exactly! Which is why I want to help you guys while we're still in our early twenties!"

"Are you just trying to rub in the fact that I'm younger than you guys?" Izaya challenged.

"Oh, I forgot, sorry."

"So much sarcasm..."

I can't blame Shinra I forget also. He was in the same graduating class as us, how could I remember?

"Anyhow, I want to play a game!"

:A game?:

"Right Celty! Tittle: A Blast in the Past!"

How original.

"Ne, what are we supposed to do in this game of yours? Even though I could take an inference."

He gave me a cocky look saying: "Oh look, a new word.".

Jackass. I know what the word means.

" Well, first, Shizuo, choose a number from one to twenty."

"Why, does it have relation to the game?"

"Just choose one!"

:Yeah, so what is it going to be?:

At this moment in time, I'm thinking to myself:'Why the hell am I still in the same room with the flea playing this stupid game?'

"People say seven is the lucky number, but I could give less of a shit, so eight."

Shinra's face seemed to have lit up a little.

"Great! So who wants to go first?"


"Since Shizu-chan is stupid, I'll go first."

You're the one who's stupid, stupid flea.

"Okay. Using my secret powers, Izaya, here is my question. What was your life like when you were eight?"

"That's the type of game you want to play when you say blast in the past? That is the worst. Didn't I tell you what all happened already once in high school?"

"No, you didn't, and even if you did, you have to tell all of us."

"What if I don't want to do it?"

Shinra made a thinking face and turned to Celty.

"What do you think my love?"

She didn't move, but they could tell she was thinking.

"Why don't you just do the damn thing?!" I snap.

I really don't see why he was being so secretive. Who does the rest of us have to tell it to?

"Unlike Shizu-chan, I actually had a childhood."

"Really, didn't know a fucked up flea like you had people who cared for him."

"At least I don't have everyone afraid of me if I come within a fifty meter space from them in all directions. Oops. Almost everyone."

He had the sickest grin on his face and before I could lung at him, Shinra clapped his hands together.

"I have an idea!"

"Everyone can see that Shinra-sensei~."

The fuck is with that nickname?

"Izaya, if you don't tekk us, Shizuo gets to tell you to do one thing."

I smile.

"Excluding dying, leaving the forest, and answering the question."

I frown.

"You pretty much just got rid of all the things I was planning on. Thanks Shinra "

"I just don't want anything to happen to with of you Shizuo."

A weird look strikes upon myself and I realize something.

"Well, if Shizu-chan can't do any of those things, then there really isn't anything bad that could happen. I deny your challenge Shinra-sensei!"

A smirk comes across my face.

Celty looks at me as if to say: "Not too hard Shizuo."

"So you agree that only those three things are what I can't ask of you, right, Izaya-kun?"

He looks me right in my eyes for a while, then he nods his head.

"Please nothing outrageous thought Shizuo."

"It's okay Shinra, I'm sure this is something Izaya can do perfectly."

A huge burst of confidence rolls over me.

"I feel like Shizu-chan is about to ask me to break my own arm."

I clear my throat.

"So one more time, you'll do exactly what I ask of you right?"

"Yes! I'm a loyal man! Each time you ask, the more I want to say no."

I look at him.

"Never ever let me see you or send someone out for me on purpose for the rest of my life unless you want me to stab you with your own knife until you're dead."

He raises his eyebrow.

"So vulgar-"

"Shizuo, I said nothing outrageous!"

I look behind me to see that Celty dropped the pot she was currently making tea with. Shinra rushed to help her clean it up.

"This is nothing outrageous Shinra. It is something everyone is capable of doing. Especially-" I turn back to Izaya."-if everyone is afraid of me."

"I said almost everyone you protozoan." He said back.

"But it it outragious when it comes to Izaya!" He took a rag and started on the floor."That's like asking Celty to grow another head!"

Why another? She hadn't even found the first one yet.

"Now Shinra, I haven't put my two cents in about it yet, have I?"

"What do you have to say Izaya? Shizuo, can you think of anything else?"

He finishes cleaning and then starts making tea in Celty's stead.

"Nope. I like that best."


Izaya cuts in.

"I can find ways. I accept.'

Shinra sits downs the pot with a flabbergasted look on his face.

Hell, even I was surprised. I didn't expect him to just give in. Thought it might have taken a bone or two.

" I-I-but-you-w-what-I-"

"I accept."

:You do?!:


I furrowed my brows.

"What's the catch flea?"

"Nothing at all, Shizu-chan! I agree to your challenge."

:I have a really bad feeling about this deal.:

"You have absolutely nothing to worry about Celty."

Shinra came to the table with a platter of mugs filled to the brim with hot tea.

"Like he said earlier, he is a loyal man. A distrustful snake, but keeps his word."

Izaya smirked.

"Someone believes me! Thanks Shinra-sensei!"

"Yeah, whatever."

I sigh as he continues to sit there.



"I meant now."

He looks up from the mug.


"Wait, Shizuo. Are you sure? I really want to finish this party!"

"No, Shinra-sensei. I must take my leave."

I stand up from my chair.

"Shake on it louse."

He steps in front of me and grips my hand.

We both try to crush each other with the contact.

"Dealio, Shizu?"

Another sigh.

"It's a deal."

A firm handshake.

He steps away and opens Shinra's front door. A chilly breeze of night lets in.

He walks away in the mist.

And the door shuts close.


I really hope you guys like this chapter! Let's try to get 5 or more reviews please because I worked on this for hours and I really want to know how you like it.

Hibiya: And make sure to do it commoners so I can make another appearance!

Izaya: Wait, Dez... don't you have a three page informational paper to do?


Shizuo:Chase after her!

