Alex POV

5 years after the Island of Dragons

I threw a handful of scatterclips at a soldier, pinning him to a tree in the distance. My knees quaked as I took a few wobbly steps away from the heat of the battle. I could hear the pounding of my blood in my ears. So much death and destruction. The ground was littered with corpses. The sour stench of them made me scrunch up my nose in disgust. Someone behind me was struck by a heart attack spell and had fallen on top of me, knocking me to the ground. With a struggle, I pushed myself to my knees and looked around.

Why did there have to be another war? I wondered.

I looked around to see any familiar faces. I saw Lani blinding soldiers with a highlighter spell, Samheed was casting bobblehead spells at a circle of soldiers around him. Carina was wiping out her attackers with fire ant spells. I looked around to see anyone else, and to my shock saw Sky.

"Sky!" I yelled. "What are you doing here! I thought I told you to stay inside!"

Her head whipped in my direction to see me. "I want to help!"

"You can't! What about-"

"I'll be fine!"

"We talked about this! It's too-"

"ALEX!" she screamed.

I turned around to see the gleaming point of a dagger rushing towards me and-

Hold it right there. You didn't think I was going to let you read the end, without reading the beginning, did you? Let's go to where this adventure all began…

I stood at the helm of the magical boat, Claire, watching Spike swimming in front of us. I was sailing with Sky, Lani, Samheed, Aaron, Henry, and Kaylee. Ishibashi, Ito, and Sato would have come with us, but we decided there were enough people as it was, and convinced them to stay on the Island. We were trying to find out where Kaylee and the scientists came from: the strange place she called "Earth". Kaylee, Aaron, Ishibashi-san, Ito-san, and Sato-san came back to Artime one year after they left (when we defeated Queen Eagala). They went to look for where they came from, and traveled to all seven islands and around it, but they couldn't figure out how to get out of the Dragon's Triangle. We have been looking for the past few years, but we still couldn't get it. Hopefully it would have results this time.

"What are you thinking?" Sky walked up next to me and laid her soft hand on top of mine.

I glanced at her. "I just hope we actually find something for once. The crew is getting tired of constantly being at sea."

"I know. But you know how much this means to Kaylee and the scientists, and our friends won't give up."

"Yeah, you're right."

"I'm always right." Sky said. I smiled and leaned in to kiss her, but we were rudely interrupted by Lani.

"The lovebirds are at it once again!"

"Haven't you heard of privacy?" I retorted.

Lani pretended to ponder this. "I've heard of it. I just don't believe in it."

Samheed walked up to us. "What's going on?"

"Lani doesn't believe in privacy." I grumbled.

"You should already know that, Stowe."

"Ha ha, very funny."

Just then Kaylee came running towards us, out of breath.

"Guys… I… Aaron… we-" she stopped to catch her breath. "I think we found something."

"WHAT!" the rest of us said in unison.

"Sheesh, you don't have to yell." Kaylee stated.

There was a chorus of 'sorry's from the group as Kaylee took a breath to explain.

"Okay, so you know how we've been sailing around the islands, going over the waterfall, trying to get out of the Triangle?" Kaylee asked.

"Riiiiight, but what else would we do?" Sam asked impatiently.

"I'm getting to that," Kaylee exclaimed, frustrated. "Aaron and I thought, what if the way to get out of the Triangle is how we got in."

"What do you mean?" Alex asked.

"I came here through a storm, so what if we had to go through a storm to get back."

"But how would we get a storm?" Sam asked.

"Alex made one go away for Ishibashi, so maybe he could make a spell to create a storm," Sky offered.

Everyone looked at Alex expectantly.

"I'll work on it," Alex promised. "Let's just hope it works."