Hello, everyone!~ It's been a few months and I'm sorry for the very late update. TT_TT But I do hope you all enjoy this chapter. Also, for those of you who don't know, I changed my name from what it used to be, Infinity 1455 to a few others until I finally decided on Smiley-San.

Edit: I had to re-upload the chapter because I mentioned a few things before in previous chapters. Big thanks to .mochi for telling me so in a review! Natsume's PoV was changed completely and I added a few sentences elsewhere. Also, the events occurring after Mikan got her miscarriage changed quite a bit.

Previously: She looked so weak and was even starting to tremble. I was about to ask her if she was fine but at that moment she fainted. Kaoru's son suddenly catches her and he looked at her with so much love I thought I was dreaming. By now, I'm sure that I have made the wrong choice of providing Mikan of her love life.

But it's too late now all I can do now is just wait for her to wake up and talk things out with her.

True Love

Chapter 12

I do not own Gakuen Alice.


I groggily woke up feeling a bit better than last time and once again, the sound of the IV's were echoing throughout the silent white room. A sigh I'm still—unfortunately—in the hospital.

I was about to get up when I felt something—or more like someone—lying their head on the hospital bed.

I was surprised he was still here, then again, considering how his mother probably works does work here I shouldn't be. After staring at him for awhile, I started playing with his soft raven hair. I just couldn't help myself, he looked so peaceful in his sleep. I continued like this for another 5 minutes or so when he suddenly opened his tantalizing blood red eyes.

"You're awake." His voice was raspy and was filled with disbelief as he soon enveloped me in a warm embrace.

"Since when did you start hugging people?" I asked, slightly amused about his sudden change of attitude, it's not like I was out for that long, right?

"Shut up. I'm just glad you're awake, Polka." He smirked.

"Pervert!" I smacked his hand lightly. Not that I was able to do so otherwise.

"Everyone was worried." He said, a bit more seriously this time.

"I'm sorry." I looked at my lap and played with my hands.

"Don't be. You probably had a reason for running late at night like that, didn't you?" He asked. And this was probably one of those rare moments he ever showed much emotion, especially the concern that was evident in his voice.

"Alright, how long was I out anyways?"

"A few hours." I didn't know what to say but I felt my heart do a small flutter when he said the next few words. "You know, I was really scared. I couldn't imagine what losing you would feel like." Unfortunately, at the time, I didn't know he had trust issues. I didn't know what he was hoping for me to say. I didn't think she would say the same things. I mean, what were the chances?

"It would be the same for me. Honestly, I don't even want to think about it. You matter too much to me." I felt as if after I said those words he was somewhat... Crestfallen, glum, dispirited.

'Did I say something wrong?' But before I had the chance to ask he stood up and approached the door.

"I'll get the others, my mom's been bugging me the whole time you were asleep with questions about you."

"Sure," I responded, giving him a small smile.

"Yeah." Soon after, he closed the door after saying an "I'll be back soon." As he closed the door behind him, I suddenly remember why I left in the first place.

I admit it was dumb of me to leave the house because I wanted more attention from my mother and needed to escape everything even just for a second, and I wasn't planning on getting drunk again. Though she never treated me as a daughter, she wasn't the worst. I'm sure many people are living much, much worse than me. I was being selfish.

During my stay at the hospital, I'm pretty sure the only person who didn't come to visit me was Rei Serio, not that he had too. I know my friends came from the cards and gifts on the nightstand. I remember Yuka before I fainted, and Natsume was here not too long ago. But can you really blame Serio? I'm just the child of the woman he's currently dating, he probably doesn't want anything to do with me. Honestly, though, I'd rather not get involved with him either, he seems like the sort of man that screams 'trouble'.

Izumi—I mean Father is probably still trying to sort things out with Yuka. It must be hard for him. Kissing your daughter then meeting your old love, the one you thought she was or looked like. I wonder if he and Yuka talked while I was asleep?

Suddenly I heard the door open and a raven haired woman wearing a hospital coat came in alongside Natsume.

"You really are awake! I'm glad." She said smiling at me tenderly.

"I'm sorry for all the trouble I caused you." I apologized giving her a smile of my own.

"Don't worry! You weren't any trouble at all!" I glanced at her and back to Natsume. The similarities they have are undeniable, I wonder how his childhood was?

'Oh god, this isn't the time to get jealous, Mikan!' I mentally scolded.

"Oh, I forgot to introduce myself didn't I?" She said sheepishly. "My name is Kaoru Hyuuga, though you can call me Kaoru. I'm Natsume's mother, and I must say, I'm impressed that he actually managed to find a girl he likes. He was so worried about you!~" I giggled at Natsume's flushed reaction as she said that and began introducing myself.

"I'm Mikan Sakura, nice to meet you," I said with a smile.

"Aww, you're so cute! I can see why Natsume likes you." Now it was my turn to blush.

"Mom. Stop it, it's embarrassing." Natsume complained. He was hiding his face under his bangs so I couldn't see his expression, but the slightest hint of red was visible on his cheeks.

"But it's true!" She protested, which only deepened the red color on our cheeks. But, then I remembered something, or more like someone, Natsume's ex, Luna.

I don't know why I started thinking of her, but, sometimes I wonder if... If Natsume had the choice between the two of us, would he choose Luna? The words she said and the stupid things I did because I believed them still lingered in my mind. Thankfully, they were cut short as someone spoke.

"You'll be discharged in a few days, we just need to do a few test," Kaoru explained while looking at a few documents she held in her hands.

"I'll come back to visit you after school, alright?" Natsume said. I nodded not knowing what to say with all the thoughts currently running through my head.

Natsume's mom left the room, probably to give us some privacy and that's when he asked, me something. "What's bothering you?"

"Nothing, you don't need to worry," I assured.

"Liar. Something's bothering you. Do you want to talk about it?" He asked.

"Well, there is something, but, let's talk about it after school." He nodded and gave one last kiss on my forehead.

"I'll be back, alright?"

"Alright." My smile soon disappeared as he closed the door and there I was, left alone for a few hours until school's over.

The last thing on my mind was him not showing up.


In the limo, I couldn't stop thinking about Mikan. I was happy knowing she could leave the hospital in a day or so if everything went well. As much as I would've denied it before, I admit I have feelings for her, although I probably wouldn't say the same if it were to be asked before she got injured.

I sighed before looking outside through the tinted limousine windows. My thoughts shifted from Mikan to Luna. Yes, the bitch who cheated on me with Mouri. I heard rumors saying it wasn't the first time, I decided to stay ignorant but what she did, well, it wasn't to be expected. I knew she was a player just like me but unlike her, I was actually in love.

I can't ignore the heartaches she gave me, I was mad but I was stupid to stay ignorant about those rumors. My friends warned me a few times but I never listened.

However, none of it should matter anymore, so why does it bother me so much? This isn't the first time I've been thinking about her, and, I want to sort this out. Hopefully, today after school would be possible.

God, I remember seeing them make out during lunch. It wasn't a pretty sight to see. When people would ask me about it, I would just say "It's her loss." But it didn't mean I feel all that nonchalant about it. Maybe it's because she was my first love? I wouldn't know.

I made sure not to shed a single tear, to forget every single moment, every memory. Maybe this was karma for all the girls I've played. And if it was, I wouldn't mind.

After all, if it weren't to see the two of them kissing that day and me catching them in the act, I wouldn't have met Mikan.

If I were to choose between Luna or Mikan, I would pick the latter any day. I loved everything about her. Her contagious smile, her soft lips, her cute nose, and the list goes on and on, I know she's different, yet, I still have all these problems trusting her.

Being with Mikan changed me in more ways than I could've imagined. She was also honest, when I asked her about her and Natsuke she told me the truth, unlike what many would have. However, she isn't a very good liar, the girl was like an open book, but it's just one of the many things that make her special. In the end, I don't need to think about it, I love her for who she is.

Then again, I did have the same thoughts about Luna.


I hated this feeling. I hated it so much, and the worst part was, I didn't know how to stop the feeling of knowing something bad's going to happen. I sighed and focused on the more crucial, I was bleeding, guessing it was my period, I shrugged it off and called a nurse who gave me pads and showed to the bathroom.

But my main concern at the moment was the doctor who came in just now with a frown on his face.

"How do you feel, Miss Sakura?" He asked.

"I feel alright," I replied honestly.

"That's good. Now, before I tell you anything, please, promise me to stay calm." I didn't know what to say so I just nodded hoping to wouldn't be too bad.

"You see, we were running some test on you, and we found out that..." He seemed to stop for a second as if contemplating how to say this. "You were four weeks pregnant."

And it suddenly felt as if the weight of the world came down on me.

"W-wait, what you you mean I was four weeks pregnant?"

"I'm sorry to say, you had a miscarriage."

"W-what? Are you sure?"

"Yes." His response made me think, on the bright side, I wasn't a teen mom. But, on the other hand, a baby died, my baby. I sighed, this was probably for the best, but, I should hide it from the others...

"Please don't tell my mom!" I begged him.

"At least one of your parents should be informed of the situation."

"T-Then, tell my father." I sighed, I hope he won't be hating me after this.

"Alright miss, you should get some rest for now."

"Thank you." I waited until he left and as I heard the footsteps at the end of the hall fading, I

cried. I let everything out, from each event that has happened these past few months. It felt like hours had passed when I finally stopped.

It was 7:30 Pm. I guess Natsume had better things planned. Yeah, that was probably all there was to it.

Fine, maybe I'm not the best at convincing myself. As I heaved a sigh, three knocks were heard from the door. I was hoping for it to be Natsume.

It wasn't. Because, in the end, no matter how long I waited, he never came.

It was just a nurse that came to check how I was doing. Physically, I was fine. Mentally, not so much. I was worrying more than I should. It bothers me to no end that someone can have such power over me. I don't even know if I have this effect on him! It's not like I could read minds.

Maybe it was because he promised me. Maybe it's because I believe him. Maybe I'm just overthinking it.

But when visiting hours were over at 8:00 PM he never came.

I was thinking of rewriting the first few chapters but don't worry if I do, you guys don't need to read them all over again :)

Also, sorry that this chapter is shorter than the last one. I still hoped you all liked it! Also, a big thank you to everyone who reviewed, faved and followed! :D

Finally, sorry if anything seems rushed, I hope you all liked it! ^-^

Smiley-San :)