Aue Aue


Manu cast a look over to where their guest crouched on the bow of the ship, bathed in sunlight and crisp sea-spray. Maui was surrounded by a throng of curious children, all vying for his attention as they fought over what story he would tell them that day.

Manu had not expected the demigod to stick around for very long, the man was well known for his restless energy and urge to roam. Manu understood that feeling all too well, it burned inside him even now as he embraced the fresh ocean air. So he was pleasantly surprised when Maui remained with them through the night, entertaining their children well into the following day.

Manu tore his eyes away from the legend sitting on his boat and focused back on the horizon.

He could hear Maui's smooth, deep voice over the cheering of his enraptured audience, over the roaring of the waves and all the way on the other side of the craft. Manu couldn't help but train his ear on the conversation taking place.

Maui was currently telling the story of how he had wrestled the sun into submission, it involved a lot of rope if Maui was to be believed.

Manu's eyes drifted back to the broad expanse of bare painted flesh on display across the way. The Mini Maui tattoo was tossing rope in every possible direction until there was a strange black web tangled up between the man's pecs. Mini Maui then lassoed the painted sun and started dragging it towards the web.

An amused smile twitched Manu's lips as he watched the story taking place. He was pretty sure that wasn't what really happened but the children's enthusiastic reaction told Manu all he needed to know about the man's reasons for exaggerating his feats. Manu had told a tall tale or two in his time.

The chief dragged his eyes from the display up the man's body to find glittering black orbs staring back at him intently. Maui smirked at him before turning his attention to the children once more.

A small smile played across Manu's thin lips. He had been surprised by how well the demigod handled the little mob, but Maui and Mini Maui both seemed to bask in the attention.

While Maui was distracting the children Manu was able to make his rounds fairly quickly. He stopped to check that everyone was still going strong and no one needed a break. He spent a few minutes checking on each of the outlaying boats, making sure they were all alright as well. Then he bent down to check the currents.

Manu was so focused on his people that he was startled to find Maui's face suddenly inches from his own while the demigod lent over the side of the boat to stare down at where Manu had dipped his hand into the water.

Manu completely forgot what he was doing, caught in the rush of having the powerful being so close to him.

"What are you doing?" The man asked, his voice startling Manu back to the present. He jerked, pulling his hand from the water and smiling warmly back at his guest. A brief glance over Maui's broad shoulder revealed his bonded with their child on one hip and a little girl peering at him from around her legs. Inas was watching Manu and Maui with open amusement on her cherubic face.

Manu chose to ignore her and began to explain how the temperature and direction of the currents beneath them helped him to guide the ships in the right direction.

Maui made a face at the explanation, obviously doubting his words. Manu gently wrapping a hand around the bigger man's wrist and pulled it towards the water.

Maui's skin was far warmer than a normal human, but Manu ignored that as he began instructing Maui on how to be a way finder. This was one of the easier tasks, one even the younger children were taught.

It became quickly apparent to the chief that learning something new was an experience that Maui didn't come across very often and he was enthralled with every new thing he encountered.

Behind them little Ulani squirmed in his mother's hold, wriggling, "Dow, Dow!" He squealed, obviously upset. Manu heard the commotion and glanced back in time to see the tiny child wiggle free of his mother's arms.

Inas grunted as the little boy accidentally punched her in the stomach with a flailing fist. It wasn't hard enough to injure her, but it caused her to loose her grip on the child, who slithered down to land on the deck.

The little boy shrieked happily and darted away from the woman, who darted forward to capture the little terror again, only to stop and glance down at her legs.

Manu followed her eyes to see their daughter clutching her leg tightly, refusing to go any closer to the stranger.

Before Manu could intercept the little boy, Ulani flung himself at Maui, who was still bent over the side of the craft not paying any mind to the drama unfolding behind him, or the patter of little feet coming closer.

Ulani landed on Maui's back, catching the demigod off guard and sending them both toppling over the side into the ocean.

"Ulani!" Inas gasped, pulling herself from her daughter's grasp and joining Manu at the edge of the boat. Before she could launch herself into the water Manu caught her arm and held her back.

"He's with Maui, he will come to no harm." He told her faithfully. Inas sent him a disbelieving look but before she could say anything Maui burst from the water. Only he wasn't the Maui that had fallen in moments earlier, now he had a long sleek grey body and thin bottle nose stretched over a wide mischievous grin. On his back sat little Ulani, drenched, but otherwise unharmed.

The little boy giggled and waved at his worried parents and Manu felt Inas sag against him in relief. "He's okay." She sighed. Manu smiled down at her, curling an affectionate arm around her, gently squeezing her shoulder in reassurance.

Maui chattered at them as he came close enough for Manu to pluck his son off the smooth tattooed flesh, promptly depositing the child into the safety of his mother's arms.

Moments later the dolphin was gone and Maui was sitting on the edge of the ship, his feet dangling over the edge as he leaned back to look at the setting sun.

"Thank you, for keeping him safe." Manu said, pulling the demigod's dark eyes to him.

Maui smirked, "What can I say, I'm a natural born hero."

Manu could tell he was blustering again, embarrassed and probably overwhelmed by the show of gratitude. "You are." He agreed, watching Maui's eyes pop before he darted his gaze back to the water. Maui might not believe him, but Manu knew it to be true.

***Aue Aue***

Over the next fortnight Maui split his time between entertaining the children and following Manu around asking all sorts of questions, from what all the ropes (it's called rigging, Maui) was for, to helping stitch up torn sails (without our sails we can't catch the wind and we won't get very far).

It was nice.

Fun, even.

But it couldn't last.

Maui was spending time with the children again, while Manu helped with the day's fishing. Manu's youngest the most enchanted with the demigod's stories as he sat at Maui's feet.

Manu had tried to convince Kohia, his only daughter, to go play with them, but for some odd reason the girl was terrified of Maui and refused to go anywhere near him. She was clinging to her mother even now, not that Inas seemed to mind very much as she guided their daughter through a new dance.

Manu watched them fondly for a few minutes before glancing back at where Ulani was scooting closer to his idle. It was adorable how much the boy adored Maui, toddling after him when he was walking around the raft. More than once he'd seen Maui scoop the boy up right before he toppled into the ocean (again) and set him down on his broad shoulder where the little boy would instantly start playing with his fluffy hair.

At the moment Maui was playing a new game with the children, shape shifting into different animals as they called out names.

"Pig!" One little girl squealed, Maui obediently changed into the requested animal. Only he was much larger than a normal pig and the sudden shift in weight caused the ship to dip forwards alarmingly, causing the little ones to all shriek with joy.

"Bet you can't be a tiny little mouse." One of the older boy's challenged. Again a shift in the weight as Maui seemed to disappear altogether. Manu caught sight of him scurrying up the mast.

"Whale! Whale!" That was Ulani's distinct screech. He had a slight obsession with the large creatures and always got excited when one came up for air.

Before Manu had the time to properly panic about the sudden appearance of a whale in the middle of his ship, the mouse launched itself from the mast and dived off the side of the raft.

Moments later a huge black and white whale arched over the tribe showering everyone with seawater. Screams of shock filled the air echoing from all the closest boats as Maui landed with a splash that sent a wave careening towards the unsuspecting voyagers.

They rode the wave easily, years of practice keeping them all right side up. When the ocean had calmed down Manu glanced up to see Inas giving him an unimpressed look, their daughter was clinging her like her life depended on it, obviously terrified.

Manu felt a stab of regret that was quickly followed up by a rush of warmth when the loud shrieks of pure joy reached his ears. He glanced over to see Ulani cheering and clapping happily, staring out at the now still ocean.

The happy moment was interrupted when the child's laughing choked off into a fit of violent coughing.

Manu's heart stopped and he shared a worried look with Inas as they both darted to Ulani's side. Manu bent down and gathered the tiny shaking, wheezing little boy into his arms.

I am so terribly sorry about the long wait. I explained about the fan x, but what I didn't say, and probably should have, is that I have a severe Panic Disorder. And when I say severe I mean there was a point when I was having panic attacks two or three times a day almost every day. It's kinda hard to write when my brain is completely shut down. I'm getting better but I'm still finding it hard to gather up motivation sometimes. So if I do disappear for a while that's why, I'm not abandoning my story I'm just having problems concentrating.

I hope you enjoyed the chatper.
