Sorry this is so short but it was just fighting to get out of my mind! More soon!

"When do you think you will give your notice?" Newt had asked off-handedly. Tina started at the comment.

"What do you mean?" She said, setting down her mug and looking at him curiously.

"At MACUSA as an Auror. You know, once we are married," came his nonchalant reply. She looked up at him eyes flashing and mind reeling at the implications within his simple words.

"You expect me to quit my career?" came her voice, barely masking her growing anger.

"Not quit, but just find something a little less dangerous," came his reply. He was still completely oblivious to her growing anger. Apparently asking her to give up her career upon marriage was perfectly normal to him. Of course it didn't bother him; he was obviously not as different as she had thought. Just like most men he wanted a subordinate wife to cook and clean and have babies. Surprise for him- that was not her idea of the path her life would take. She stood up from the table definitely and looked down at his now startled face.

"News flash Newt Scamander. You proposed to an Auror and that is who you will marry. If you wish for different arrangements, find a trophy wife who likes to cook and clean. I am not giving up my career. I thought you respected me more than to ask such a thing," she spit at him before spinning on her heel and stomping into her bedroom. She slammed the door with all her strength and plopped down onto her bed.

She couldn't believe she had fallen for it. She truly thought her would accept her as she was; a career woman. She did not want to give up her career for a life of homemaking duties. She didn't even think Newt wanted such a wife or he would have answered one of the letters from the bimbos who wrote to him on scented stationary. She wanted to marry Newt and be his equal. In this changing modern world, it seemed fine that she may still work full time and do dangerous things because that is what he did and they were equals. She had thought he agreed but she was mistaken. Her anger still flowing through her veins, she sat fuming and not knowing where to go from here. The wedding was mostly planned. She had already packed most of her things and released the lease on the apartment as Queenie was living with Jacob and she would move to England with Newt and take up a position at the Ministry of Magic. Thoughts racing, she didn't notice Newt Enter until he sat down on the bed beside her. His expression was pained as he looked at her angered face. She refused to look up at him and he sighed heavily before speaking,

"Tina, I do not want a wife simply to take care of my home and to give me children. I want a partner. I want you. You are an Auror and I love you for it. I only suggested such a thing because I figured that once we are married and if you become pregnant, a less dangerous job would be better. But if you want to keep being an Auror and not have children, that is fine with me. I would rather have you and worry about you than not have you at all. I was not trying to tell you what to do; I made a poorly gauged assumption and I am sorry. I know you are strong and smart; whatever you decide to do, I will support you. No matter what."

After his impassioned speech she dared to look up at him. His eyes were pleading. He was being sincere and she had just overreacted completely. She simply reached up to put her arms around him and leaned into his chest. He responded to her actions and brought his tentative arms up around her waist.

"I will step down when I become pregnant. I will not endanger our unborn children. However, I do not want to have children right away. When the time is right, we will start a family," she said quietly. Newts grip around her waist tightened and he leaned down to drop a kiss onto her forehead.

"Sounds like a wonderful plan to me. I was looking forward to having you to myself for a few years anyway," he replied, a smile in his voice.

6 months after they married, Tina passed out in the Auror office after a raid. The nurse at St. Mungo's congratulated her on her pregnancy. Newt laughed and Tina cried; sometimes even the best laid plans are not meant to be. Tina turned in her 2 weeks' notice the next day.