Hello everyone! I was going to do a story based off a movie but decided after reading M. Never's book called Claimed that this would be a good fanfiction. It is loosely based on the book and has some twists and turns that Christian and Anastasia will have to overcome. All characters belong to EL James and the inspiration came from some of the ideas from M. Never with my own twists to it. All mistakes are mine. Enjoy!
The Lies He Tells Me
I stare at the stolen picture on my phone and brush my index finger over her plump lips. I never thought that I would end up here. After experiencing everything I did in my teens I thought that I would be dead from an OD on drugs like my whore of a mother or in prison.
My adopted parents gave myself and siblings every opportunity in life. Money, education, life experiences and travel but none could satisfy the monster in me. I began fighting and rebelling against anyone who crossed in my path. I was an angry child with no outlets. Therapists couldn't get a handle on me. Not that I let them get close to me. Who wants to talk about feelings or about your crack-whore mother who died and left you with the fall out?
I started drinking out of Carrick's locked cabinets that held the most expensive liquor. Damn, that was good stuff. Of course, they found out and sent me to a 'camp' for rich kids.
When that didn't work, Grace sent me over to a friend of hers to work on her yard. Manual labor was supposed to cleanse the soul. That was an entirely new experience in itself.
Enter Elena Lincoln.
She whored herself to me and I took every advantage that she gave. I didn't care that she was twice my age or that she was married. She gave me a release that I was looking for. I fucked her on every surface in her house and property that she had. She even suggested that I tie her hands so that she wouldn't touch my chest.
They say boys fall in love with their mothers. Elena was just like that crack whore but without the drugs. Her moral standards weren't any higher.
After about a month she lead me down to the basement of her home. We had to go through a hidden door in her office and when she opened the door and I saw her room of torture I felt like I was in heaven. She took me around the room and introduced me to every item in there. I thought Christmas had come early until she said that I was to be her submissive.
Fuck that. I bow to no one. Or so I thought.
Elena explained how the Dom/Sub relationship worked in BDSM and that since she allowed me to have control over her the last month it was only fair that she take the control now. It sounded fair at the time but as the days went on I realized that maybe this wasn't something I wanted to be a part of but had no way out. Would my parents even believe me if I told them?
Week after week she beat me until I finally broke and gave her my submission. I was hers to do with as she pleased. The marks on my back show a constant reminder of how weak I truly was as a kid. She molded me to be exactly what she wanted and her reward for me was sexual release. I was too afraid to tell anyone and fell in line to everything she said. My parents thought that Elena was the 'second coming' getting me straightened out. I was a good student, respectful teenager like my other siblings and started participating at family functions.
The moment I turned eighteen and graduated I bolted from my life and never looked back. I didn't let anyone know about what I was planning or where I was going. I left a letter for Grace, thanking her for the life she and Carrick gave me but that I wanted to lead my own life and to never return.
That was ten years ago and I kept that promise. I never returned to Seattle or stepped foot in the state of Washington again. I met up with a buddy of mine, Jason Taylor, who I had met a week before graduation and hit the road.
"You ready for this?" Jason says as he approaches me and brings me out of the cloud of thoughts from my childhood.
He sits down in the chair across from me in our jet and buckles his seatbelt.
"I guess I have to be." I sigh as my head starts to pound.
"Look, if it's too much then I will take the lead on this one. I've read up on it and can make it happen." I shake my head knowing that I need to be the one who handles this deal.
"I got it." I say looking out the window as we approach a place that I haven't seen for over ten years.
I pocket my phone and wait for our descend.
"Good. Luke is already there and has been making the arrangements for when the 'Big Boss' arrives. We need this to work Christian. Everything that we have worked for the last nine months is going to finally pay off. We just need this last acquisitions and then we will be at the finish line and sitting pretty for the rest of our lives." Jason says.
I nod. I know how important this is but I can't bring myself to enjoy this moment. I had no clue that she would be a part of all of this. I only met her two months ago in Miami and thought that this could be my more in life. A way to live a happy and fulfilled life. The American Dream. I could do this last business deal and then walk away and then go to her to offer her the world.
I take out my phone again and look over the picture one more time. I want to remember every detail about her; every curve of her body; the smell of strawberries and vanilla. The way her name rolled off my tongue when we made love.
That sweet name for a goddess of a woman. She is still in every dream I have. My nightmares have become less and are filled with my wild nights of those six weeks.
I remember the first time I saw her from across the pool at the Resort in Miami. She was wearing the tiniest bikini that barely covered her beautiful body. She was with a friend laying out by the pool drinking some girly drinks. She had a book in hand and was ignoring all the male attention that was being thrown at her. Her friend was soaking up all the male attention and flirting with anyone who had a dick. But not my girl. No, she kept to herself and had her nose in a book the entire time. She finally fell asleep and I paid the waiter to move the umbrella to cover her sun kissed skin so that it wouldn't burn.
I watched her the rest of the day and when they decided to head back to the room I followed. We shared an elevator ride but I stayed towards the back of the packed ride to just watch her closely. She was perfect and didn't even know it. I listened in on their short conversation and learned their names and that they would be having dinner in the restaurant downstairs at seven.
Good. Me too!
They exited the tenth floor and Anastasia swayed her hips off and made her way to her room. I was disappointed when the doors closed and I couldn't see her. I made my way up to the twentieth floor and pulled out my phone and laptop.
"Barney, I need to get some information on two women in the Resort. They are staying on the tenth floor and their names are Kate and Anastasia." I tell him.
Barney is our IT guy at our company TAG Industries. He is a whiz with computers and can hack anything. In our line of work, you can only supply the best. He has been with us the entire time. Barney doesn't like to get his hands dirty so we leave him in his room full of computers and monitors.
"That's it? That's all you got?"
"Yep." I answer briskly.
"Come on Christian, you have to give me a little more than that. I'm good but that is going to be like finding a needle in a haystack."
"I don't care what you have to do. Find out what I need and have it to me before six-thirty tonight." I hang up the phone and went to have a cold shower.
I was down by the restaurant before seven and went and sat at the bar until I saw them come in. Barney emailed me all the info I needed as they approached the hostess.
Anastasia was wearing a short white tight fitting dress that hugged her curves and sky-high heels. She looked absolutely stunning with her tanned skin and curly brown hair.
Her friend was wearing something that left nothing the imagination and looked as though she should be working the corner later this evening.
I watched from afar and checked the email that Barney sent.
Anastasia Steele was twenty-one years old and had just graduated college at WSU. She is the daughter of Raymond Steele who owns a large shipping company on the west coast in Seattle, Washington.
Great. Just the place I have avoided the last ten years of my life.
She is an only child and doesn't have a history of being in relationships.
I looked over at their table and see that they are almost done with their meal. I quickly pay my tab at the bar and tell the bartender that I want to pick up their table as well. I watch him tell the waitress and see her walk over and let them know that the bill has been settled. She points over in my direction and I lift my bourbon filled tumbler in their direction.
Anastasia gives a shy smile and walks over to me.
"Thank you for the meal." She says in the most angelic voice.
"Your welcome, Angel." I say before thinking.
Angel? Really Christian? Why not just hand your balls over to her now?
She forms the most perfect blush that covers her cheeks and moves down towards her ample chest.
"If you were going to pay for the food you should have joined us so that you could have tasted what you paid for." She says.
I know that she doesn't intend to make that sound seductively but DAMN!
I give her a smirk.
"I would much rather taste your lips instead of food." I say boldly.
And just when I think that she couldn't blush anymore, she proves me wrong and turns scarlet red.
"Ana!" We both turn and see her friend coming over with a guy on her arm and his buddy behind him. "Hey these guys are heading out to the bonfire down by the beach and wanted to escort us there."
No way in hell is Anastasia going with that fucktard. She turns to me looking with pleading eyes for me to speak up and save her. And I am all too happy.
"Well, she and I will meet you there. We are going to have a drink and then we will head over and meet up with you." I offer.
Her friend looks me up and down and her group leaves. What kind of friend leaves her with a stranger? Didn't they learn about 'Stranger Danger' in school? I could be a serial killer or worst a kidnapper who is into human trafficking.
I shake those thoughts from my head and focus back on my Angel.
"Now I have to thank you for the meal and a night with drunken idiots." She chuckles.
"Does she always do that? Leave you alone or goes out with strangers?"
She gives me a one shoulder shrug and gracefully sits down on the empty barstool next to me.
"I'm Anastasia by the way." She offers me her hand.
"Chris" Is all I offer. It's best to give her my work name. Especially if this goes south. I can't afford a stalker or clingy woman right now.
She tells me about why they are here and tries to explain her friend Kate to me.
"So, you are here celebrating graduation the next two months before you become an adult?" I ask.
"Yes. I wanted one last hooray before my Dad puts me back in a cage."
I cringe at her words.
"What about you? What are you doing here?"
I knew this was coming I have been playing out what to tell her.
"Two of my buddies and I own a business. We are into clubs and restaurants. We actually have a finger in a lot of pies at the moment. I just closed a deal for us down here yesterday."
"Oh. So, does that mean you are leaving soon?" I can hear the disappointment in her voice.
"Well, I have some time off coming and thought that I would soak up the sun for a while. Miami is looking like the best place to hangout for a while." I give her a wink. And right on que she starts blushing again.
Over the next few hours we drink and get to know each other. We have small touches throughout the night and hold hands walking around the Resort. We meet up with Kate as she is heading up to the room.
"Can we hangout tomorrow?" I ask as her friend is insisting Anastasia come with her.
"I would like to. Here," She says as she grabs for my pant pocket and retrieves my phone. I take her number even though I already have it from the email Barney sent me. I text her right then to show her my number in return.
She goes to turn away and I grab her wrist and pull her flush to me. I capture her lips to mine and invade her mouth when she gasps as I push her against my harden length. I end the kiss, leave her wanting more and swat her on the ass pushing her towards Kate. I can tell she is dazed and her legs are slightly wobbly.
By the end of the weekend I had taken her virginity. She was the sweetest thing that I have ever come into contact with. I will save every moment that we spent together in my memories. It truly was the best six weeks of my life.
I got a call our last day letting me know that my vacation was over and that it was back to business as usual. We had our biggest deal being laid at our feet and if we did it just right then Jason, Luke and myself would be set for life.
She brought life back into me and now I will have to darken her door step. We only spent a short amount of time together but those were the best of my life. She gave me so much and in return I feel like I am betraying her now. I should have told her who I really was. Maybe then she would be able to forgive me for what I'm about to do.
The jet skids to a stop and the doors open bringing me out of my thoughts. As we disembark a line of black SUVs line up next to the jet.
A man that I have grown to hate with a passion opens one of the back doors and steps out into the wet gloomy weather.
"Jose Rodriguez."
He is the worst kind of thorn in your side. But if I want his boss to make this deal I need to play nice and grit my teeth.
"How was the flight?" The slimy little weasel asks.
"Long." Is all I manage and feel a pinch under my bicep.
I turn and see that Jason is the one who assaulted me. He gives me a stern look and I roll my eyes at him.
Okay, okay I will play nice. My eyes try and relay.
I met Jason right before I graduated High School. He is five years older than me and convinced me to follow him after I graduated. He thought that I needed to get away from my home life and start new and fresh away from Seattle. He took me under his wing and we have been inseparable since that day. He knows all about my past and has helped me open up about what a went through. I can't even imagine where I would be if I hadn't run into to him at Elliot Bay. That day changed my life forever.
I met Luke a few years after and we all became like the three musketeers. Luke is the planner of the group and has everything thought out with every possible scenario. He loves strategy and that is why we put him in charge of setting everything beforehand so that we cover all our bases. The business that we conduct has to have every step organized to precision. At any point, it could implode and we need to be prepared from all sides.
"This weather sucks." I say trying to make conversation when we get into the SUV.
"Welcome to Seattle! It rains like this most days." Rodriguez says.
"Are we meeting up with the 'Boss' now?" Jason questions.
"No, he wants you all to get settled in before we make our decision. He still doesn't think that you all will be able to get the shipping company onboard."
No, he wants to have our names on the shipping forms so that it doesn't tie his name to anything. It's smart business so that we take the fall if we are caught.
We have only been dealing with Rodriguez throughout this whole process. He is the only one who speaks to the 'Big Boss'. We don't even have his name but only what Rodriguez tells us. We know he exists but he stays underground to avoid the law.
"Listen, we have been doing this type of business for over five years and haven't had any problem. We want to have a sit-down meeting and soon." I demand.
"And you will but not until you prove yourself to him. He wants to make sure you guys are the real deal and not going to be a liability in the long run."
"Fine." I look out the window and watch some of the familiar sights I once called home pass me by.
After about an hour's ride outside of the city we are driven down a private drive that is lined with trees. It is very secluded out here and not a neighbor in sight.
"Where are we?"
"The Casa. It is an exclusive mansion on fifty acres. Privacy is very important to us and our clients." Rodriguez states. "This is where your partner Luke has made all the arrangements for the past month. He couldn't have picked a better place. There is no one for miles." I see a sinister look cross his face and it makes me sick.
There are woods all around the estate. I can see security stationed everywhere. As we pull up to the front Luke is there to greet us. We file out of the SUVs and make our way to the front door.
"Luke, you have picked a nice place here." I hear Jason say.
I keep looking around surveying the property. Why did it have to be Seattle?
"What are the specs." Jason asks and brings me out of my thoughts.
"The Casa has twenty bedrooms total on both wings all with attached bathrooms on the second floor. It also has a basement that is set up for all our needs. The top floor is for us and our usage. Two grand ballrooms and a dining room built for a king."
"Wow Luke, you have been a busy little bee in my absences." I jest.
"Come inside. Our first set of guests are about to arrive."