Chapter One:

"...Are you here with someone?"

"No, sir"

"...How old are you?"

"...Eleven, sir"

Rick shifted his weight from one leg to the other, scanning the parking lot for anyone else, "What's your name?"

"Elodie Anthony", The young girl answered, holding a beige rucksack in one hand and a bottle of water in the other.

It was hot outside, the hottest day so far, and Rick had turn away from the sun's rays to speak to her, "You're not from around here, Elodie. I know that"

She bowed her head, her long twisted hair falling around her face.

"Do your parents know where you are?"


"...You wanna' tell me where you're coming from then?", Rick tilted his head as he spoke gently to her.


His eyes nearly bulged out of his head, "You came all the way out here? By yourself?"

She nodded, peaking up at him.

"How'd you get here?"

"...I took the bus…"

"You took the bus? ...Did someone get you a ticket?"

"No… I used my dad's credit card and I booked it online…"

Rick's mouth fell open, surprised to learn that a girl so young could do such a thing, when he struggled to even use his own computer, "You know that's not something you're allowed to do, right?"

She nodded a second time, "Yeah… I know"

Rick sighed as he looked towards the benches outside the nearest fast food restaurant, "Why don't we go and have a seat, Elodie"

The girl stood out amongst anyone else in town, not just because of her dark skin, but even her white tank top and white dungarees didn't fit in with the usual dress code of the children of Kings County. However, that wasn't what caught Rick's attention, instead it was the way others had zoomed in on her. He hoped that a parent or guardian would soon retrieve her, but when nobody came, he decided to investigate himself.

"What made you want to come out here?"

Elodie kept her hands on her lap, slumped forward with her gaze low as she answered him, "...A fresh start?"

Rick almost scoffed, "A fresh start? You felt like you needed a fresh start?"

"...I guess so"

"...And how would you have gotten a fresh start? What was your plan?"

She shrugged, "I don't know… get a job?"

"That would have been a good idea if you were old enough…", Rick narrowed his eyes at her, "When did you leave?"

"This morning…"

He was beginning to put the pieces of the puzzle together, "Your dad thought you were going to school?"

"Yeah.", She answered quietly.

He sighed, resting his forearms on the table, "Can tell me what made you leave, Elodie?"

Rick only realised she was crying when he heard her sniff, and a tear fell onto her light blue jeans.

"You won't get in trouble or anythan' like that, but I need to know if you are in trouble?", When he saw that she was reluctant to speak, he carried on talking, "I thought I would get in trouble when I ran away as a kid. I didn't get as far as you, in fact I barely even got down the street but still-"

"Why did you run away?", She queried, looking up at him with wet eyes.

"Well, I had an older brother who got on my nerves a lot. One day he broke my favourite toy tractor and I decided I had enough"

Her lips curled up to make a small smile, "That's funny"

"It was a nice tractor. I had just gotten it for Christmas, and I barely got a chance to play with it", Rick made a mental note to bring the memory up with his brother when he next spoke to him, "My point is, we all have our reasons to want to run away sometimes… so can I know what yours is?"

She whipped her eyes with her sweatshirt sleeve, "My mom and dad divorced…"

He slowly exhaled, "Yeah?"

"...We moved and I miss my mom. I don't get to see her that much anymore… and I started a new school", Her voice broke as she spoke, "And the girls in my class don't like me and the boy's tease me… I hate going there"

Needless to say, Rick felt horrible for the girl, "Why didn't you go to your mom's?"

"My dad said she's always busy with work… I didn't think she'd even be home"

"...Did you talk to your dad about everything?"

"No. I don't think he likes me that much"

His eyes widened, "What makes you say that?"

"...My dad and my sister like the same things...So does his girlfriend… they all like sports, my sister's on the volleyball team, and we always go to her games or… they'll watch TV together… they like the same movies"

"And what do you like?"

Her eyes finally trailed up to meet his, "...I like to read...and I like painting…"

"Well maybe you can ask him about going to the bookstore together? Or maybe some kind of arts and crafts store…"

"I used to do that with my mom. We liked the same stuff"

"...Does your mom live close to you?"

"...Not really."

He gave her a slow understanding nod, "Well It seems that you have a lot on your plate, Elodie. New home, new school… I think it can all be really scary at first, especially when you feel like you don't have anyone to talk to about it… but you can't just leave like that. You're parents and your sister are probably worried sick about you"

"I know", She breathed, dropping her gaze again.

"When thangs get tough, we have to figure out a way to deal with them because then we learn how to handle stuff. If you're having a hard time at school then talk to your teacher, tell her how you're feeling so she can offer her help. Maybe even ask your dad about calling your mom more? I'm sure she'd want to know how you're feeling or how you're coping with thangs?", He peered at her closely for a moment, then sat up straight, reaching in his shirt pocket for an old receipt and a pen, "And you know what, you can also give me a call…"

Her eyebrows sprung up as she watched him begin to jot down his details.

"...If you can't get through to your mom", He handed her the small piece of paper, "My name is officer Rick. You can call me anytime at all, but I need you to promise me that you won't ever do somethan' like this again. If you feel like you wanna' leave, then just give me a call first and we'll see what we can do to help you feel better, alright?"

She glanced at the receipt, "Okay. Thanks"

"That's no problem at all…", He scanned the area around him, "Well it's a good thang I was done for the day. Have you eaten anythan'?"

She shook her head, "Not since breakfast…"

He rose his hand to check the time, "Well then you should be starving by now, right?'

"A little…"

"Well let's get you somethan' to eat then"

It wasn't the standard procedure for such an event, but Rick wanted to do all he could to help the girl, even if that meant sacrificing his early return home.

After purchasing Elodie a burger and fries, with a milkshake, they took seat inside the restaurant, and Rick did his best to get in contact with her father while she ate, but it was proving impossible.

"...Bram Stokers Dracula…"

Rick looked up at the young girl in shock, "That's your favourite book?"

"Yeah", She smiled proudly, "It's really interesting"

"I'm pretty sure you're way too young to have read that", He frowned at her, "In fact, I know that you're too young to have read that"

"I've read everything else, and books aimed for kids my age are all the same. It gets boring after a while"

"I understand that, but maybe you should stay out of the adult section at the bookstore next time…", He exhaled tiredly, "What about artist? You like that Van Gogh's work?"

She shook her head, her brows furrowing, "Nah… I really like Hans Memling"

Rick's face fell blank, "Who?"

Her mouth fell agape, "You haven't seen the "The last judgment"?

"No, Elodie, I'm afraid I haven't"

She turned in her seat and began to rummage through her rucksack beside her in the booth, and soon retrieved a thick book, laying it out on the table as she flicked through the pages.

"...I never known anyone to take an art book with them when they runaway-"

"See?", She held up the book and pointed to the picture that took up two pages in the book, "He was a German painter from the Renaissance period"

Rick learned forward to inspect the image, "Oh?"

"Yeah. His work is amazing, and so detailed", The girl's eyes glowed as she spoke.

"You're definitely not from around here", He smirked, peering down at his phone when he felt his phone vibrate under his hand. He swiftly answered when he recognised it at one of the numbers he had just called, "Hello, Mrs Anthony?"

"Yes? Sorry, who is this?", The woman sounded shaken.

"It's Lieutenant Rick Grimes from the King's Country-"

"Oh god", She gasped, "What happened?"

"I have your daughter here, she's safe-"

"In Kings county?!", She yelled, leading Rick to tilt his head away from the receiver.

"Yes, ma'am. I've tried to give your ex-husband a call but-"

"He's out looking for her, I just spoke to him"

"Oh, well, I'll let you pass on the news, and if you need directions-"

"It's fine, I know where the town is. Where is she?"

"She's here, she's eating at the moment but it you'd like to speak to her-"


Elodie sat up straighter when she took the phone from Rick, as if her mother could see her, "Hi, mom… yes, mom… no, mom… yeah… yeah… I know, I know… I know… I'm fine… Yes… he looks like a real cop...yeah… okay. Bye"

Rick retrieved his phone, not allowing himself to wonder what her mother may have asked about him, "Ma'am?"

"Yes, uh, I'll give her father a call, and I should be there within the hour"

"Alright", He bid her mother goodbye, and set his cell phone back down beside him.

Elodie continued to show him her favourite pieces of art while she ate, and Rick continued to show interest, though he couldn't get as excited as her. He hadn't come across a childlike Elodie before, and he found her oddly fascinating as she touched on topics that he would usually cover with another adult.

"...That's why I don't agree with eating honey. And I really like bees"

Rick slowly nodded at the end of the girl's speech, "Well, I'll be sure to remember that the next time I'm about to buy a jar of honey… So how about I get you to the police department now?"

Elodie huffed quietly, picking up her book from the table, "Alright"

They left the restaurant, and Rick drove them to the police department, where they spent a time in his office; Elodie continued to feed him information about just about anything, while Rick went over a fresh set of papers that had been left on his desk. The contrast between his conversations with Elodie and the ones he had with his own son were like night and day. Carl couldn't be more boyish if he tried, and he had inherited his father's immature sense of humour, whereas Elodie was more mature for their age group, and almost wise beyond her years. He wondered what would happen if he put the two children together in a room, and nearly laughed aloud when he pictured the possibly awkward scenario.

"...And that's why I don't think that you should by a real tree. Plastic ones aren't that bad"

Rick was beginning to see a pattern forming, as Elodie would go off on her little rants, leaving him stumped as he listened, then she'd sit back and smile innocently. He slowly nodded, unclasping his hands, "Well, Elodie, I'll be sure to remember that the next time I buy a Christmas tree"

She began to smile, but stopped, her brows furrowing at him, "Do you have kids?"

"I do, actually. I have a son named Carl. He's eleven, too"

"Oh, really?… So are you married?"

He involuntarily tensed, "No, I'm afraid I'm not anymore"

Her smile returned, "Do you like anyone?"

Rick squinted at her, "Do I like anyone?"

"Yeah, like, do you like like anyone?"

He slowly shook his head, "No? Not since the eighth grade?"

"Then can you take my mom on a date?"

His eyebrows shot up into his forehead, "Can I what-"

"She's thirty-six, she has her own store, she likes lobster, she doesn't like dogs, she likes to go rollerblading sometimes, she-"

"Elodie", He raised his hands to stop her, "That's all very… nice… but I can't make an agreement like that with you-"

"She's beautiful", Elodie insisted with a wider smile, "She runs a lot, and she does yoga"

He stared at her for a moment, wondering how he was going to worm his way out of the discussion, "I'm sure your mother is a very lovely lady, but I'm afraid I can't ask her out for you-"

"Then do it for yourself?", The girl was persistent, "She listens to a lot of country music too so I think she'd like your accent"

Rick shook his head, "That's...I'm flattered, but no-"

"Lieutenant, I have a Mrs Anthony here…", Aaron announced as he stepped through the open door of his office, followed by the woman who didn't even need an introduction, as she and her daughter looked virtually the same.

"Hi mom", The girl chirped, putting her book down in Rick's desk so she could stand up and greet her mother.

"Hey, honey", Her mother beamed at her, taking her in arms when she was close enough.

Rick rose from his seat whilst giving his colleagues a 'Thank you' nod, "Hello Mrs Anthony, I'm the Lieutenant you spoke to earlier on the phone"

"Nice to meet you and thank you so much", She held out a well-manicured hand to him and Rick took it a little to eagerly, "I had no idea that she had even missed school or how she got all the way out here-"

"I took the bus", Elodie informed proudly, but her demeanour changed when her mother peered at her, "...Sorry"

"Uh, Elodie why don't you…", Rick finally let go of her mother's warm, soft hand, so he could find some change in his pocket, "Go to the vending machine and get you and your mom some snacks for the journey back?"

"Oh, no, you don't have to do that", Her mother shook her head, opening her purse, "I have some-"

"Thank you!", Elodie already took the few bills from Rick and scurried out the room.

He mother looked after the door, "Did she just-"

"You'd be surprised how fast kids move when money's involved", He joked, before gestured towards the chair next to her, "Have a seat, please"

She did as she was told, sitting with one lean leg draped over the other, "So do I need to sign anything?"

"Uh, no. Not in this case, I haven't made a report because I don't really think that's necessary", He sat forward in his seat, resting on his forearms on his desk, "Your daughter is a very, very, very smart girl. I don't think I've ever come across a child like her before, and I'm actually very glad I met her because she's changed my stance on a lot of thangs in such a short amount of time"

The woman chuckled, and her smile all but lit up the room, stunning Rick into submission. He had to shake his head to focus again, "And uh… she explained to me what it was that made her come out here and… long story short… she said she missed you a lot, and she's feeling left out everywhere, at home and at school…"

Her smile vanished, her eyes widening, "She told you that?"

"Yes, ma'am"

She glanced back towards the door, "She hasn't said anything to me?"

"Or her father...Your ex-husband has primary custody of your daughters?"

Her eyes darted up to meet his, "He does…"

His eyes never left her face, "Do you and your ex-husband not get along?"

Her full lips coated in gloss pursed, "That's… we… no. We don't"

"I'm a divorced man myself Mrs Anthony", He hoped that the piece of information left his mouth as smoothly as he intended, "I understand it's not easy, especially when there are kids involved, and sometimes they get overlooked because we're too busy fighting with each other, but your daughter obviously wants her mother around to help her with the things she's going through"

"Yeah", She sighed, tucking her long locks behind her ear, "I'm glad she told someone because I don't think I would have known otherwise"

"I can explain that to your husband if you think it will help? Hearing somethan' like that from an officer always seems to have a better effect"

She scoffed whilst she looked elsewhere, "That man can only hear his own voice"

"I think that's the case for most men…"

A little giggle left her as she ran her hands over her hair, "Yeah, maybe you're right about that"

"...She said she came out here to get a fresh start", Rick repeated the girl's words with a grin on his face.

"A fresh start?", Her mother repeated, looking at him with sheer disbelief, "She's eleven years old, she's barely cooked"

Laughter erupted from Rick, "I thought that myself. It reminded me of when my son said he couldn't wait to retire, when he found out what it meant"

"How old is your son?"

"He's eleven, too"

She visibly cringed, "So you know-"

"I'm afraid I do", He sighed, "Sadly for me, my son's too lazy to do just about anything-"

"I think the vending machines broken", Elodie strolled into the room, cradling an abundance of snacks and drinks in her arms, "I put two dollars in and got all this"

"It probably is", Rick's sniggered, "Quickly, put all that in your bag before anyone else sees"

Elodie gasped as she rushed over to her bag, leading Rick to laugh even more, while even her mother rose to her feet, "Well, if there isn't any kind of paperwork to go over then we're free to go?"

"Uh, yeah, you can", Rick mimicked her movements, standing up by his desk.

"I think you have something to say to officer Grimes?", Elodie's mother gave her a knowing look.

"Thank you officer, I won't do it again", She smiled, hoisting her noticeably fuller rucksack on her shoulder. Rick was about so say something when he noticed the girl's eyes darting towards her mother suggestively.

He swiftly ignored her, "I'm very happy to hear that, and you are more than welcome"

"We appreciate that", The mother rested a hand on her daughter's shoulder, "Hopefully you won't be seeing us again under these circumstances"

Elodie's eyebrows sprung up and she began to tip her head towards her mother.

Rick bit the inside of his cheek to stop himself from laughing, "Uh, yeah, yeah definitely not under these circumstances"

"Come on, you little stow away, let's go"

Elodie gave Rick one more pleading look, and as tempting as it was, because the woman was strikingly beautiful, he couldn't bring himself to ask her on a date, despite the little cupid's insistence, so he gave her an apologetic look in return. She huffed, visibly disappointed as she walked out the door, "Bye officer Rick"

"Bye, Elodie", He called back, just as her mother glanced over her shoulder, giving him that smile that made his cheeks flame. He watched them walk down the hall until they turned out of sight, and it was only then that he muttered to himself, "What the hell is wrong with me?"