FYI "I do not own HP" - I only own the Plot and my OCs

Chapter 1 – New rules in Potions class:

After another major accident in the 3rd years Gryffindors/Slytherins the Potions Master had enough. As nobody of those Dunderheads were willing to listen, he would treat them like the toddler they seems to be.

"Potions is as easy to learn as a toddler learns to walk. As you are neither here nor there, we will start easily, so that I do not have to kiss *any boo-boos*. Everyone gets a safe set for toddler, so that even the most dunderheaded of you will learn the necessary precautions which you need by brewing potions."

"But, we are not toddler." cried Granger embarrassed.

"Really, your behavior disagree with that statement Ms Granger." "But, but."

"Nobody of you seems able to listen to any kind of instructions, nor to focus longer than 10 minutes on a simple potion. All of it indicates, that your mental capacity never outgrow the toddler stadium. Therefore you will be treated as toddler, until a time that all of you can prove, that you are worth to be treated according to your age.

"You can't do that?", complained Ron Weasley." "On the contrary, Mr Weasley, I can and I will. Only infantiles would find it funny to throw random ingredients in other people cauldrons, without a single thought of the consequences. And only imbeciles are not capable of reading instructions."

Fuming, but helpless the class took the advised sets and placed them on their desks. Waiting for further instructions, while Severus watched them smirking. This would keep them on their toes, and he was sure, that some of them would complain to Minerva about his unfair behavior.

He instructed them to brew the first potion at the beginning of the manual. It resulted in color changes of the potion and the mixture tasted at the end like strawberry milk without any unnecessary sugar. Even Neville Longbottom mastered the task and brought a sample to the desk of the Potions Master. "Well done Mr Longbottom, that would be an O for you." Surprised the boy blushed about the first positive accolade from his harshest teacher. "Th- Thank you, Sir." "You can bottle the rest and drink it, when you are thirsty."

"Do we have any homework, Professor?", asked Draco subdued, as the rest of the Slytherins about the unusual behavior of his Godfather.

"Your homework is quite simple, each of you have to take one of the colored books and color the first two potions correctly. It is due to next lesson. Clear your sets and desk, afterward go straight to dinner.""

"Yes, Professor", answered the class, still miffed about his strange treating of them.

"I will talk to Professor McGonnagall about it, we are no toddler and he can't treat us as such.", cried Hermione. "Are you sure, Mione? What can she do?", asked Ron doubtful.

"Do you agree with that treatment, Harry?" "I don't say, that I agree, but Snape is the teacher not McGonnagall." "I will talk to her, you'll see it.", dismissed Hermione the arguments of her friends.

A toddler is defined for this story as someone, who is between 6 months - and 2 years old. Speech and other characteristic development can differ from child to child. Depending on his nature and his upbringing.